A/N-I know that I am starting a new story. I should finished up with Bound Together, but I wanted to write the chapters and kind of post them with the holidays which is why I am holding onto those posts where you will get to experience their Christmas and New's Years in real life. Don't ask me why I decided to do it that way, but I am. In the meantime I have these stories in my head and I have decided to put them on paper. Not sure how long this story will be. Sorry for any errors and remember that these characters belong to Shonda.

Flashback (Olivia's apartment Six months before Fitz's 50th birthday)

Olivia let Fitz in the door, "What are you doing here?"

Fitz went and sat down, "Well it seems that you are no longer answering my calls so I did the only thing I could and showed up so that we can talk."

"Fitz, there is nothing more for me to say. We can never be together. I need to move on and so do you."

"Is that what you want Olivia? Do you want to move on? If that is what you want then I am willing to walk out and never look back because I love you that much, but I need you to be honest with me."

"Fitz, I love you. I am in love with you, but I can't have you. As much as you want me to hate Jake I can't because at least he is available. I am tired of being hidden. Is it what I want? No, but it is what I have to accept."

Fitz looked at Olivia, "Okay thank you for being honest with me."

Fitz got up to leave. Olivia was confused. He did not put up a fight. He said nothing about her being with Jake. For some reason this bothered her. The fact that he was okay with being done. She couldn't just let him walk out the door like this could she?

Olivia got up, "Fitz wait!"

Fitz stopped and turned around, "Olivia please don't say anything. I get it. Despite what you think I love you. This is real for me. My kids love you. This is not an affair to me. You are not my mistress but the love of my life, but you are having to live like a mistress so it doesn't matter what I feel. I want you to be happy. I want your life to go back to normal and you will never get that with me. The kids know about us. Jerry is 15 and Karen is 13. They wanted to know why I was so happy lately. I chose to be honest with them. I am only telling you this because even though we are not going to be together they love you and you love them. I won't mess that up for you guys. They need it considering how much Mellie & I failed them. I am about to turn 50 and I don't want to mess anything else up if I can help it. I still love you. I am still in love with you. Sometimes though when you love someone you do what is best for them and that is what I am going to do. Maybe in another life it can work out."

Fitz kissed her cheek and left. Olivia dropped to the floor. This hurt. This really hurt. She could only cry. She always knew that Fitz loved her. It was never a doubt but to know that someone loves you enough to let you be with someone else. Someone that was supposed to be his friend did not feel right. Olivia had to think this through. She was no longer sure that she was willing to accept being with Jake so that she was not alone.

Present Day

Fitz woke up this morning filled with mixed emotions. He was sad that he would spend such an important birthday without the love of his life, but today also marked the day for new beginnings for him and the kids and he was excited for that.

The night that he left Olivia's apartment he decided that for once he had to do right by himself and his kids. Whatever else came he would deal with that.

Fitz went down to have breakfast with the kids who were now living in the White House as of three months ago.

Fitz walked in the dining room. The kids had his favorite breakfast made of french toast, bacon, eggs, and fruit.

Fitz smiled, "Good morning guys"

Kids, "Good Morning Dad. Happy Birthday"

Fitz smiled, "Thanks"

They sat down and begin to eat. Once they were done they each bought him a gift and sat it on the table.

Fitz smiled, "Thanks guys."

Jerry smiled, "Well we know that mom forced you to do the gala tonight although we know that you would never want something so big, but it is her last event as First Lady. We should have known she would go out with a bang."

Fitz gave Jerry a look, "Sorry dad"

Fitz opened up the card and gift from Jerry which was six games of tennis with Venus & Serena Williams.

Fitz hugged and thanked him.

Fitz opened up Karen's card and gift which included a very nice Mount Blac Meisterstuck Platimum Line LeGrand Rollerball Pen that she had engraved with his name.

Jerry pulled one more gift and card and handed it to Fitz.

Fitz frowned, "Guys this is too much. I appreciate what you have given me already."

Jerry whispered, "It's not from us dad."

Fitz looked at both of them. He opened the card and gasped. He opened the box and his eyes welled with tears.

It was a Fendi Crazy Carats Precious Pave Diamond Watch. One of the last times he and Olivia were together they were looking at watches. He told her that he wanted the watch but every time he went to order the watch was not available. The watch cost $35,000 so he knew they would have them lying around.

He just looked at the watch. He turned it over and noticed that it was engraved. It said, "You are worth every minute. Love Livvie"

Fitz smiled. He was overwhelmed. Maybe one day they could get it right.

Flashback (Next Morning after Leaving Olivia)

Fitz had slept very little during the night. He knew that he made the right decision, but that didn't mean that he did and would not miss Olivia.

He had sent an email to his best friend Andrew Nichols who was his private attorney. He told him that he was ready to put his plan in action.

The next morning Lauren notified him that Andrew had arrived. Fitz thanked her and told her to let Andrew know he would be down shortly and make sure that she got him some breakfast.

Lauren woke up this morning with the feeling that things were about to change around the White House. She loved working for the President. He always treated her with respect unlike his wife. She could tell that he was getting tired. While the public may not like him getting rid of Mellie she would welcome it.

Fitz came downstairs and headed to the Oval office. He walked in and seen his best friend. He was relieved. He was tired of acting.

Andrew stood up and hugged him, "You okay man."

Fitz nodded, "Yeah I just want to get this over."

Andrew nodded, "I know and we will. I have everything."

Fitz smiled, "Good"

Andrew asked, "Does Olivia know?"

Fitz shook his head, "No. I let her go last night. I am making her life hell. I need her to get her normal back and that is without me. I am doing this for me and the kids. She is with Jake."

Andrew looked at him, "I've seen you together. It will work out. Just give her time. At least you will be free if she wants you back."

Fitz nodded, "He got up and called Cyrus to come to his office. Time to get this show on the road."

They sat there and made small talk until Cyrus came in the room. When Cyrus seen Andrew he knew that something was up. Whatever Fitz was up to he would have to stop him.

Cyrus sat down.

Fitz looked at Cyrus, "Let me be clear that you get no say in what I am about to tell you. You will not get a chance to talk me out of it. You choose whatever side you want to be on when this is over. I won't hold it against you, but make no mistake if you cross me I will bury you like I am about to bury her."

Cyrus was confused by what Fitz said. Before he could question him Mellie came through the door. Cyrus felt sick. Something was up. He had been left out of the loop on purpose.

Mellie came over, "Fitz what is so important that you demanded that I be in your office at ten this morning."

Mellie sat down and realized that Andrew was sitting beside Fitz. She was shocked. What was his attorney doing here.

Fitz nodded and Andrew pulled out some folders. Fitz took it and handed it over to Mellie. Mellie opened it and jumped up.

Mellie yelled, "I told you. I am never going to give you a divorce so you can move me out and move your whore in."

Fitz started laughing. "That is an interesting choice of words because you love to call Olivia a whore. A woman who has slept with a total of six men in 35 years and it was five before me since I know you vetted her behind my back. Yet you love laying on your back with everyone but me."

Fitz took the next folder and passed it over to Mellie. She opened it and looked up in shock. Fitz had hired a private investigator. What Olivia didn't know was that he had hired Huck. Huck found out about all of Mellie's affairs which did not shock him until he came across pictures of her with his dad. Oh they had been with each other since college. She only married Fitz because Big Jerry would never be able to become President with his background. The part that made Fitz really mad was there was a chance that Jerry and Karen were his dad's kids and not his. They had test performed and thank God they were his children.

Fitz wasn't done yet. Just in case you think you can turn that around here is the icing on the cake. He passed her the next folder. She was not sure what else he could have found, but when she opened the folder she knew it was checkmate.

Fitz smiled, "See the problem with you and Cyrus is that you think that I am stupid because for years I have let you control me. That is what really bothers both of you about my relationship with Olivia. It was never about control. She loved and respected me for who I was. She remembered that I was educated, I was a Rhoades Scholar, I graduated at the top of my class at Harvard. You forced Olivia to leave me when the tape was leaked. You made me get you pregnant for you to turn around and go get an abortion and tell me you lost the baby while you were out on your Literacy Tour. Good luck spinning that. Think about it on your own time."

Fitz sat up and grinned, "You are signing the papers now. You will take the 5 million I am offering you because the pre-nup says you get zero with your multiple affairs. The only reason I am giving you that is because technically I had an affair. You get to keep two cars. You will get the house in Cape Cod and the house in Malibu. You are also signing over your parental rights, because I would hate to release that tape where you say you hate those bastard kids of yours are back. You want nothing to do with them and wished you could make them disappear. Considering that they feel the same about you no one is crying over spilled milk. You have ten seconds to start signing before Andrew places a call to Huck to release everything. Yeah if you thought I wasn't smart enough to have copies of everything you are wrong. I use to practice law and dealing with a conniving bitches like you reminds me to watch my back."

Mellie could not believe that she always thought she had the upper hand. She had to admit that while she did not think that her husband was stupid by any means. She never thought he would play dirty. Technically he wasn't. He was just playing her game and he had won. She signed the papers.

Since you and Cyrus are forcing me to have a gala for my birthday it will be your last event as First Lady. You have 24 hours to be gone after the gala so I would suggest you get your affairs in order, because you will not prolong your stay. Also you are now staying in Blair House. Your stuff is being moved there now. I had your Chief of Staff book you several tours to keep you away from me and the kids as much as possible. When you are here I would suggest you use discretion or we can spill the beans earlier.

Fitz sat up and looked at Mellie and Cyrus, "Fuck with me if you want and I promise you that you will get burned. We are done. Get the fuck out of my face."

Mellie jumped up and left. Cyrus was in shock. Fitz had been working on this for sometime behind his back.

Cyrus looked at Fitz, "Sir"

Fitz looked at Cyrus, "Don't say anything now, because you are about to say something that could either get you punched in your mouth or fired or both. Leave and think about where your loyalties lie. Oh and if I find out that you go and tell Olivia about this I will make sure that you won't even be able to work at McDonald's when I am done with you. You can leave now too."

Cyrus was really shocked now as he realized that Fitz did this and Olivia had no idea. He really did this on his own.

Cyrus left. Andrew picked up the folders to make sure that Mellie signed everything.

Andrew looked over everything, "Everything is in order. Your divorce will be final within six months. The day after your birthday I will call Kimberly Mitchell and give her the exclusive to show that you are divorced and have custody of the kids. Do you want them to know about her having an affair?"

Fitz nodded, "Yes, but leave my dad out. Not because I feel for him, but I don't want to do that to the kids."

Andrew nodded, "I'll take care of everything. I am glad that you are getting your life back. Let me know if you need anything. Do you think Mellie understands that we are filing the papers now?"

"It doesn't matter what she thinks; it just matters that we get it done.


Fitz had spent the day working in the Oval. Since he had filed for divorce from Mellie he trusted no one but Andrew, Lauren, his kids, Huck, Tom, and Hal. Hal was watching over Olivia for him. It was not 24/7. Olivia knew and she let it go. She knew it was for Fitz piece of mind. Olivia was not aware of the divorce. She talked to the kids weekly and seen them several times a month. Fitz for some reason could no longer trust Cyrus. He didn't fire him but kept him on a tight leash. He went to Lauren for a lot of things. He told her about the divorce and she had stepped up and been a big help to him.

Fitz wrapped up things in the office so he could get ready. Mellie was going to meet him in the Residence at 7:00 and they would leave from there.

Meanwhile Olivia had just finished talking to the kids. She enjoyed their weekly chat. They often talked more than once a week. The other times typically had to do with school related issues.

Olivia thought about what Jerry had said to her before they hung up, "Liv something is up with Dad. We are used to seeing him quiet these days, but its like someone died. He no longer drinks. I know he doesn't want to go to that gala but mom and Uncle Cyrus forced him to have it. When he opened up your gift he cried. We had never seen dad cry before. I know that you both have been busy, but can you make sure he is okay."

Olivia promised the kids she would check on their dad. He had invited her and Jake to come to the gala, but she was not going to put him through that on his birthday. Beside she was over Jake. She tried, but it was clear that this man was not Fitz. Never was and never will be. The part that made her mad is he tried to be him. The harder he worked to try to be better than Fitz made her hate him more and more.

Olivia walked into her living room. Someone knocked on her door and she knew it was Jake. She went over and let him in.

He had two dress bags in his hands.

Olivia asked, "What are those?"

Jake smiled, "They are a dress for you and a tux for me so that we can go to the gala."

Olivia looked up at him, "No"

Jake went over to her, "What do you mean no?"

"I mean no which is the opposite of yes. I am not going to Fitz's birthday party to throw you in his face. The fact that you want to do that let's me know what I need to do."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean we are done. We are over. Fitz left me and allowed us a fair chance to be together. He gave me the chance to get some normal with you. Despite the fact that I was and I am still in love with Fitz I decided to give us a fair shot. I have had no communication with Fitz. The problem is that you have been so busy trying to make me forget about Fitz and to one up him that you let me know that being with you is worse that having an affair with Fitz. At least he saw me for me. I was not a prize to him."

"Come on Olivia. I am sorry. I will do better. You are right. Let's just go out to dinner."

"No Jake. We are done. You had your fair chance. I chose you. That night Fitz asked me what I wanted. I knew I couldn't have him the way I wanted. The things I wanted I thought I could get them with you. Clearly I was wrong. Get your shit. Anything that you have here get it now because anything I find tomorrow I throw away."

"I am not just going to give you up."

"Oh but you will. See I know that you are a murderer. I would hate for some files to make their way to David Rosen. You also know my friend Huck. I would hate to let him loose. Oh, and I have a SSA agent that has been assigned to me so I don't think you want the President to think that you are causing me any problems. Now that you made the mistake of threatening me get your shit and get out now."

Jake thought about trying again, but he knew that he had messed up and it was over. He tried to go over to give her a hug, but she stepped back.

Jake nodded and left. He decided to pack up and head out the country. There was nothing left for him here.

Olivia was glad that chapter in her life was over. She grabbed a bottle of wine and her popcorn.

She decided that she would watch the red carpet arrival of everyone to the gala. She only sees Fitz on TV now. He had honestly left her alone when he left that night other than having Hal watch out for her.

Obviously it was killing him emotionally from what Jerry was telling her. It made her sad that he was in so much pain. It also made her fall in love all over with him even more because he put her first. Most of the time he did and she never appreciated it, but she wouldn't make that mistake again. She needed him and he needed her.

Olivia picked up her phone and sent a text to someone for their help. They responded they would gladly help her. They told her the timing could not be more perfect.

Olivia was not sure what they meant but let it go.

Olivia turned to the television as the reporter announced that the President and the First Lady were about to get out. Fitz got out and he helped Mellie get out. She felt bad that Mellie had lost their baby. Maybe it was God's way of telling them that making a baby to cover themselves is not what you do. Nevertheless she would not wish a miscarriage on her worst enemy.

Fitz got Mellie out the limo. He turned around and was waving at everyone. Mellie had stepped aside which seemed odd to her. Then it happened.

Olivia jumped up. No that did not just happen. She flipped to another channel. The same thing. She had just saw the President of the United States and the love of her life shot on his birthday like an animal.

A/N-In this story Jerry does not die. I just wanted to put that out there. Fitz has been shot and Olivia has no idea that today Fitz became a single man. Who do you think did it?