Disclaimer! don't own anything! I'm a bit behind with Ben 10 Alien Force and Ultimate Alien but I will ignore omniverse [I just don't like the art style :( ]

Edit: I'm fixing up the old chapters before writing anything new.

"DOC! I'm going in after the kid!" screamed Bobo as he jumped up to grab onto Rex's leg, flailing as the portal pulled them trough.

"BOBO! REX!" she watched helplessly as the unconscious Rex fell through with Bobo the chimpanzee dangling on his foot, "NO!" The portal closed before she could free herself.

"Doctor Holiday!" She heard Six's voice ring as the area fell silent, only a wreck remained.

"Six..." her reply was meek, it's all my fault.

As he lifted her up and checked for any injuries the question slipped of her tong, "Rex?"


As he opened his eyes there was a familiar stench; this was an Evo or Bobo... after a midnight taco platter. The sky above was pitch black and everything that was around him was made of rock with no sign of vegetation.

"UGH! Great, in what mess am I now?" Rex could practically hear White Knight lecturing him once again.

"You mean we!" as Rex lifted himself up and turned towards the voice he saw Bobo handing by his shirt, held by a weird four-armed red human-like... guy?

"I TOLD you the chimp could talk!" A blue... girl... dashed in out of nowhere.

"Yeah yeah, big deal!" the guy replied passing Bobo from one arm to the next.

"You never listen to me, do you?" exclaimed the girl, dashing from side to side.

As Bobo began struggling his way out of the Dude's grip "Hey! Can you two help the kid up? He was head-butted by a crate!"

"WAS NOT" Rex glanced up, furious at the accusation.

"You remember ya we got here?"

Rex paused, then shook his head.

"So you have no idea how you got here?" asked the girl, offering her hand.

"Bobo might know" Rex groaned, he may have healed but it made him woozy.


Rex pointed at the Chimpanzee.

"I thought a talking Chimpanze would have a more creative name" the girl curiously chimed in.

"Trust me, it's better this way."

The four arms dropped Bobo, "I'm Manny and this is Helen" he stretched out an arm offering a handshake while pointing to the blue one with another.

"Rex, Rex Salazar" He glanced around, "Um... Where exactly are we?"

"This dump is the Null Void dimension, basically a prison."

Bobo Jumped on Rex's back, "Isn't it something that Ben kid mentioned?"

The Hellen and Manny stared at Rex, "So you know Ben? Like on a personal level?"

"Well, he crashlanded in my dimension once?"