I'm sure somebody will be apoplectic when they're done reading this. I'll be honest this is a few things in one, if you read and like it review or favorite, if you don't like it well just don't read it...? It is a long and expansive story. Has Starwars, Naruto, DBZ, Rurouni Kenshn, Goziilla, Yu-Gi-Oh, Pokémon, and a lot, lot more. Everyone will be shown in due time, so be patient and read away.

Of course I don't own the characters of any of the mentioned verse/universes... See my disclaimer?

Putting disclaimers is to ponderous!

The galaxy! One of the billions that existed in the universe. Home to life and a rich history, many great and unfortunate things happened, eons and eons some things forgotten others remembered-some considered legend and myth. Here's the vastness if you are curious.

Total stars: 800 trillion

Total Star Systems: 440 billion

Size: 990,000,000,000,000 light years

The last moments leading to the execution of Order 66 are tense. Anakin informed Mace Windu, the powerful master makes his move. Meanwhile Shaak Ti and a fellow Jedi Master try to keep Anakin in the temple. Elsewhere Palpatine speaks of the future.

Chapter One: No Need For Introductions

She was in a deep meditation. Meditating brought one closer with the force, allowed one to become immersed with it. She spent a great deal of her time in meditation, specially with the turns of events of things recently. There was a rift-she could feel pricking on the back of her mind, the dark side. It was there, lingering, fostering, clouding everything.

This was no run about Jedi. This was Jedi Master Shaak Ti, renowned as a warrior. Protected Kamino when the Separatists launched their string of invasions. She was on the Council Of Reconciliation, and respected by her peers. She felt rifts in the force-losing her first two apprentices-she was grief stricken. She was dedicated to the Jedi Code, and eventually she came to terms. It was somewhat surprising when Mace Windu and Yoda requested her directly to undertake a young man, human.

"It's been twelve years since that day." She said a loud. So much had happened, so much was still happening, The war was reaching its climax, It was a relief, thank the force her apprentice was still alive. She was certain he was off world-in one of the many battles in the outer rim.

She let the thought passed, closing her eyes, and remaining still with her legs crossed on a soft mat. She let herself drift, feeling the ripples in the force nearby, thousands, even millions, each one different and unique. If only everyone could experience what she was right now, it was mind boggling, unbelievable.

"Shaak Ti." A stern voice yanked her from her meditation, slowly she came back, opening her eyes, and turning her head to the side. She kept a composed expression as Mace Windu stood in her door way, that ever stern and present scowl on his face. Strange. She thought idly.

"Master Windu." She acknowledged with a small nod, a ghost of smile adorning her face.

The powerful man inclined his head, stepping forward. "I've received disturbing news..." He hardened his expression, becoming totally emotionless. She could feel a pulse, Mace Windu was unsettled, that much was evident. "Chancellor Palpatine is the Sith Lord we've been looking for this entire time..." He let the statement hang out there, and wasn't shocked at the expression that came onto Shaak Ti's face. "Anakin informed me of this, I've told him to stay put here while I go to deal with this myself." He resisted the urge to sigh, Anakin was adamant about coming with. "I want you to keep him here. Do not let him leave for any reasons."

"Master Windu, then what of the war?" She schooled her own expression, though felt apprehensive. Very, very few had to have known about this, even master Yoda with all his wisdom couldn't find out who this infamous Sith Lord was. He's been under their nose the entire time. "You can count on me!" She gave a small smile, tilting her head to the side.

"We will discuss that at a later time, but first I am going to detain Chancellor Palpatine. If word of this gets out it will cause chaos right here on Coruscant, we have to handle this very carefully." His voice and tone was firm, uncompromising, ordering, Shaak ti nodded in agreement; it was a fragile situation. If news of this got out-the Jedi attempting to overthrow the entire senate basically, and a Sith Lord was overseeing the entire thing. Playing the part, putting up a façade for all of them.

"Understood." Shaak Ti nodded, Windu left the room just as swiftly as he entered, she listened to his footsteps thud away. His ripple in the force getting further but still as potent as if he was near. With her mission now assigned she uncrossed her legs standing up with a certain grace that spoke of elegance. She ventured down a corridor, the aged stone and marble of the temple glinting in the sunlight, she turned her head to the side staring into the bright orb, she put the image away in the back of her mind as a reminder and quickened her strides, dozens of corridors later she strode into the hangar.

Several starships were docked several meters of away; all sleek and agile. She saw a new model just the other month in one of those space magazines, and it was on the latest advertisement on the Republic Network. She waved a hand at two Jedi Knights looking over a ship for any damage, with her presence known she ventured through the hangar. It was vast and spacious-of course to house the huge starships but it was still impressive.

She found a spot, on a small pad overseeing the entire hangar. It was perfect, she could feel the rays of the warm sun caressing her skin, the warmth breathing on her tentacles. Crossing her legs she took steady breaths, blocking out the noise around her of machines whirring and ships landing-and drifted. Her focus on the force, each wave, each ripple she felt as if she was near-thousands of miles away it was in relation to her. Her mind focused on Windu's revelation. A Sith Lord was controlling the senate... They were all fooled, their legs have been pulled all this time. Did this mean the Clone Army that she protected time and time again was just a product of his manipulations. It was a dreadful thought.

She personally oversaw the training of each individual Clone. That went for Special Units such as the Commandos, ARC, and what would later be known as the 5O1st. She didn't call them clones however, each was unique and their own person as she fondly put it at times, some believed they were just clones. Tools that were used. But she didn't believe that, she was indebted to them just as they were indebted her. It was a hard pill to swallow thinking that the children, who were still developing at this moment were just part of a scheme.

That meant that she-her brethren were also a part of the scheme. Pawns in a greater game. To be disposed of once their duties are complete, it could happen at anytime. Calming her racing thoughts she focused back on the force, immersing her in its ever presence rippling around her, weaving around her body. It made sense, not a whole lot of it, many of her Jedi brethren would probably scoff at her or question her motives-mind set if she ever came up with such a thing. She trusted Master Windu's abilities to deal with this threat, but this was something so much more.

She felt another rift in the force-it was overwhelming. Emotion so much emotion-it was raw and untamed. She could feel anger, dread, and a hot flash of fear. Her heart tensed, and she brought a hand to her chest taking a slow breath, and opened her eyes as she looked to the side. She spotted the cause of the divergence. With a terrifying look in his eyes Anakin stride through the entrance dressed in a dark brown cloak keeping his hood down. "Master Windu..." She muttered to herself, uncrossing her legs and jumping from her perch walking to intercept the young and brash Jedi Knight.

"Anakin." She said, voice emotionless as she stepped in his path, locking eyes with him.

"Master Shaak Ti." He sounded breathless, on edge. Edgy. She subtly let the force flow her, she could feel a lot of things coming from Anakin right now. He was unpredictable, a million different feelings flowing of his being.

He meant with the legendary master several times during the war. Her efforts were nothing to scoff at, even himself who pulled off crazy things couldn't help but admire Shaak Ti. She was fearless even in the most dire situation, took on Grevious more than once, and took on dozens of MagnaGuards who were trained to slay Jedi with practical ease. They weren't very close in that regard-not like Obi Wan and he were. Anakin took a deep breath, gulping down the lump in his throat.

He vaguely wondered why. Why was she here of all places? Didn't she need to go and quell some petty dispute on another planet, why was she here at the same time he was and stepped in his path. Windu... Anakin's face darkened, eyes narrowing dangerously, he focused his full attention on Shaak Ti. "I am leaving." He stated, tone cold and firm.

"I cannot allow that." Shaak Ti with no emotion on her face.

"Why not!?" Anakin grated, forcing himself not to reach out with the force and shove her back. Shaak Ti wasn't flippant or clueless, even now he knew she was watching his every move, feeling every emotion that was rippling from his being. Attacking her wouldn't do any good and lashing out would only raise attention to them. "Please..." His voice strained. "I am leaving."

"Anakin, I can't allow this." Shaak Ti said with a steady tone, dark eyes narrowing subtly. She understood Anakin's plight, she had been there many times herself growing up and honing her abilities, sharpening her discipline. Emotions, feelings, impulses, she had to keep them all tamed and in control. Never flaring out of control. Anakin was a special case, his very passage into becoming a Padawan was a special case-she always respected him for his bravery. But... Now, as she stood with dark eyes analyzing him she could feel raw emotion. "You will stay put in the temple." Orders were orders.

"I will not!" Anakin struggled to keep his voice in check, reigning in his emotions before they too began to filter out around him. Of course. he could use Padme as a reason, but that was all a tight lipped secret just between him and Padme. If he pulled that out it'd lead to a million more questions that he had no desire to answer-he was Jedi and Padme was a senator, the two simply didn't mix. But, he didn't care, he loved her, married her, and lived with her. "Master Shaak Ti." Anakin's voice dropped. "I must leave. Please, allow me to leave the temple! I spent my entire life in this place, I will not be kept in any longer."

"Anakin..." She felt herself sighing, a headache on the verge of making itself known. Force why did she get stuck with reigning in Anakin, her apprentice was a handful enough always running around or training. As he got older he'd just run off into the heat of battle ignore everything she had to say, she should be used to this behavior, but there was something different about then and now. "You force my hand." Her voice was incredibly soft, like a tender whisper. "Should your focus not be here in the temple? Not elsewhere?"

"Let me leave..." Anakin was set. He wasn't going to be held back, wasn't going to let Shaak Ti regardless of how famed and heroic she was. She wasn't his mother, and wasn't his master-his superior yes, but not master. He grunted softly, pursing his lips to a thin line as he watched her step back half an inch, face void of any emotion.

She could repeat her earlier statements and stay in his way. Not let him have his way. But, he would continue to demand her to let him leave, her feelings screamed yes, but her mind shouted no. Windu ordered her to make sure Anakin didn't leave the temple and she followed every order she was ever given to a T, never questioned it. But, her fellow jedi, her brethren Anakin was most sincere-his emotions raw almost consuming her. If it wasn't for her decades of training she would have been overwhelmed from the sheer force of it, but this presented something as well. Anakin had no control.

Her stomach pulled. Force. What was that? She never felt something to subtle yet powerful before, her mind tingled. A soft voice whispering, keep Anakin here. One would normally just ignore the gut feeling, the instinct. Perhaps she had to be less emotional and more stern-she was considered unorthodox by her peers for many reasons; that was just one. "I can't let you go." She held his gaze, watching at least a dozen emotions flash over his face and eyes.

"He needs my help!" Anakin snapped, voice straining. "He can't defeat the Chancellor alone!"

"I..." She paused. Anakin was sincere, he wanted to help Windu. He wanted to come to his aid, destroy the Sith Lord. How could she possibly hold him back? Was it right to even do so, he was the chosen one after all.

Just as she was about to let him pass despite her better thought, another man was stepping towards them. Both turned, Anakin first to see who else was going to come and try to stop him. "Master Cadus?" Shaak Ti asked, slightly shocked to see the young master so soon. He was on Kashyyk last she knew aiding the Wookies against the Separatists who continuously invaded the lush and vibrant world. Cadus was tall and lean built, had a slight tan and long-messy black hair that hung to the middle of his back. He wore the typical jedi attire of the era a brown tunic, and a dark brown robe keeping his hood up.

Cadus was unorthodox himself. Passionate and determined were words to describe him, his suicide missions were well known like those of Anakin and Obi Wan. It was rumored he was able to defeat Windu in saber combat-which was unheard of. The master and creator of Vaapad, arguably completed Juyo. Direct and ferocious attacks were his forte, but Cadus studied and studied, honing his saber combat to a fine point. Many Jedi were versed in at least three styles of saber combat-some would focus on one style exclusively it wasn't uncommon, but Yoda mastered all seven in his centuries reign of the order.

"What's going on here, Anakin..." Cadus removed his hood, revealing his well proportioned face, sharp jaw, and piercing brown eyes. Like any Jedi his face wasn't showing a hint of emotion, though there was displeasure radiating from his aura.

"She won't allow me to leave!" He snapped. "I have to help him!"

"Master Windu is more than capable." Cadus said with no hesitation. There wasn't doubt in his tone, nor was their quiver in his voice. He locked eyes with Anakin, his dark eyes boring into the younger knight's. "You're riling yourself up, I understand. However, orders are orders Anakin." He narrowed his eyes, Anakin's face twisting and grimacing with anger-frustration. "Even the chosen one has to follow orders and the rules. Now, I will take you to your chambers in the temple and you can-"

"I need him!" Anakin already made up his mind. If he'd have to push through-force push through Cadus and Shaak Ti he was going to. They couldn't understand, how could they? They weren't in love, Jedi didn't love it was forbidden. Considered to be an attachment and a path to the Dark Side, in his mind a load of total crap. "I demand you both to let me leave!"

"Master Cadus..." Shaak Ti looked towards him.

"You may go..." Cadus stepped out of Anakin's path, the shorter man striding passed with brisk strides. Anakin's presence slowly distanced itself a few footsteps to a few hundred miles. Cadus shook his head, a twisting feeling taking a firm hold of him; letting Anakin go went against an order. One thing he never did was disobey. And, now this entire decision could bring utter doom to them all! "Shaak Ti. Stay aware.

"Of course."

Cadus grunted, turning away to hide his scowl. He had come to see what that ripple in the force was-there was constant pulses and ripples in the force. What he felt was raw emotions, every Jedi was taught not to show emotion or to rely on it. That included things such as love, relationships, compassion. He had compassion, his willingness to help the Wookies despite how vastly outnumbered they were spoke volumes, it was his duty, yes. But, he was always driven more by his urge to see to it those species-out in the outer rim had some semblance of peace.

"You felt that too." Cadus asked, though it sounded more like a statement. his blunt way of speaking always fascinated her for some reason.

Shaak Ti gave the barest of a nod, gazing at the spot where Anakin was standing prior. "I shouldn't have let him go." She muttered softly, almost kicking herself at how foolish she had been, Emotions were never supposed to come into play, not in conversation, not in battle, and definitely not when one was following through with an order. "He's in a dangerous state of mind right now... I could feel his emotions-they're all over the place. Unchecked. Unfiltered."

"It's my fault as well, I shouldn't have let him leave either." Cadus spoke a loud, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. "Yoda denied Anakin training...Back then I had my own suspicions why he was so hesitant with Anakin-why Qui Gon was so adamant about the young boy being trained in the ways of the force." Everything back then was falling out of order, the rise of another Sith Lord after one thousand years, the battle of Naboo. Things were in nonstop motion since that day-it's been over nearly two decades since that faithful day. When he was ranked a master, when Anakin become a Padawan, and when his comrade died in the heat of battle. "However, I understand fully now. We would have been better off killing him somewhere in the outer rims where he'd fade away..."

"Cadus!" Shaak Ti couldn't believe what she was hearing. "Anakin... I admit he's brash and headstrong, but he has dedicated himself to the Jedi Order. He is most zealous in his tasks to further our cause. His bravery is widely spoke of-even among our peers. I could see where you're coming from if he hadn't shown such devotion and bravery in the war. He along with Master Kenobi and yourself are known for going on suicide missions." She took a breath, saying that all at once sure took a lot of oxygen out of her. She turned her eyes on Cadus waiting for a reaction, but she only received a dry expression. Emotionless

"And, you believe Anakin can do no wrong if he is left to his own devices?" Cadus asked, eyes narrowing as he locked them with her own. "He has been around the Chancellor since he was a boy-the man befriended him. They've spent hours if not days together, and they do still to this very day. Knowing what we know of Palpatine now and his true identity, you still believe that Anakin has good in him?" He turned to face her fully, holding back a sigh. He couldn't blame her Shaak Ti was more compassionate than most Jedi, and was willing to give people the benefit of the doubt.

"I..." Shaak Ti paused, struggling to come up with words. "He is our brethren I think we should trust him..."

"That's just like you." Cadus muttered, turning away from her, as he put his hood up covering his long mane. "Very well, I respect your opinion on the matter. But you've disobeyed a direct order from Mace Windu to keep Anakin in the temple... I'll be keeping an eye on things, sharply in the next hour. Yoda is on Kashyyk, so I'm in charge until he comes back." This still isn't good though... Yoda not being here is a tremendous blow and opening. Cadus frowned slightly as he left the room briskly, keeping his thoughts in order.

If it wasn't for his years of training and discipline he would have let his emotions get the better of him. But, he didn't let them get the better of him, he had to keep a cool head and look normal. Few Jedi knew of this development save for him, Anakin, Shaak Ti, and Mace Windu-hell the entire senate which was composed of thousands even millions of beings didn't know of this. The Jedi always went on and on about balance, warning of the Dark Side and its temptation-growing up he found it annoying and just plainly ridiculous to put such an emphasis on it. He was more inquisitive than the average Jedi Padawan that was brought to the temple, he wanted to know the history. Why the Dark Side was so repulsed by his peers besides the obvious reasons. Of course he knew it twisted the individual's mind, warping their perception of reality and turning them into monsters, they felt no remorse or pity. They'd kill defenseless children, women, elders, it didn't matter. Just as their red sabers signified their devotion to the Dark Side it signified their insatiable blood thirst as well.

Palpatine looked out a large window, the planet alive with activity and noise. Unlike some worlds, Coruscant was an entire city, from the bottom to the top. It was hectic, but also a main point in every conference-where the senators meant daily for the tense talkings. The Clone Wars was leaving a scar on everyone. Except for himself, it was a means to an end. He slowly turned his head, staring into a pair of white pupil-less eyes. "The time has come Darth Sidious, things have been in good order long enough-we will begin to explore the wild regions. However, first we have to take care of things here..." The gruff, deep voice permeated through the room shaking him to his core.

"Everything has been according to plan..." Palpatine rasped. "Except, Dooku and Grevious are still alive... They were supposed to be dead. Why did you..."

"I don't need to explain my reasons to you, after all I could have the Clone Army turn on you and throw you in the deepest pit no one would ever think to find you." The hooded man responded in a deep snarl, if one could see his face they could see the rage literally contorting on his face. "However, Dooku and Grevious still have their uses and both are exceptionally powerful." It was a simple and quaint explanation. Dooku was considered the best saber duelist in the entire Jedi Order when he was a Jedi and Grevious was trained extensively by Dooku, and had slain hundreds of Jedi. "You may think they have no use, because you've always been deluded and narrow minded in your schemes, but I know for certain those two are valuable."

"There can only be one apprentice." Palaptine said. Being sure to keep his tone in check as to not aggravate the hooded figure any further.

"Your dark side philosophy doesn't pertain to me nor interest me." The figure snapped. "Do not use sophistry with me you old man. I am not as blind and deluded as the Jedi and the senate to not see your true intentions..." He jerked his head to the side, sensing a powerful force heading right for them. It was bold, brazen, definitely a Jed, but there was a hint of the dark side as if this individual was teetering on the edge of slipping to its temptation. These Jedi are as pompous as they are arrogant and stupid... Preaching so much of the light side and yet here is one standing on a razor's edge.

"I wasn't expecting Master Windu..." Palpatine furrowed his brows, concern swimming over his features for a moment. "It seems he's caught on, but it is far too late to now..." He laughed in delight.

"Too late for you..." The hooded figure muttered striding forward. "I need to prepare the starships for travel, the wild regions is filled with untamed worlds..."

Palpatine nodded in agreement. "I will handle things here. The Jedi will be but a mere after thought." He laughed in delight, he'd love to see the look on Yoda's face when he's on his last legs with his brethren. It would all be delightful. "Once every last Jedi is exterminated I will send a vassal and meet with you. Then we can begin the exploration of the wild regions, planets beyond the outer rim.

In a million other timelines or scenarios you'd be correct. However, I am the one to make the final decision. The hooded being thought, slipping away silently blending with the shadows.