Day 1: A man with a Santa suit

Felicity walked into the Foundry after work, and started talking before she even reached the bottom of the stairs.

"You guys will never guess who came by Applied Sciences today."

"Was it Oliver?" Roy yelled from somewhere in the back. A second later Felicity heard someone hit the mat; probably Roy. Felicity sat down and booted up her computers.

Minutes later, just as Felicity was about to start talking again, Oliver and Roy wandered over to where she was sitting in her desk chair.

"Who?" They were both staring expectantly, hoping to an interesting answer.

"Some guy came up and was wandering around asking if we had seen a Santa suit. Followed by a guard a minute later asking we had seen a guy with a Santa suit." She paused. "To be honest that's about all I know, but I mean come on, it's Applied Sciences; not the lost and found." Both men kept staring at her.

"Really Felicity? That's the story?" Roy spoke grumpily.

"Well it was certainly the funniest thing that happened all day. Well, at least that you would be able to understand." Roy stuck out his tongue at her, and she responded in kind.

"Really guys?" Oliver spoke up. "Are we four year olds?"

"Well I certainly wonder that from time to time." A voice rang out from the stairwell, the trio turning to find Diggle heading towards them. He was carrying a couple of bags and Felicity could already smell the food that was inside them.

"Oooo. What kind of food?" Roy looked at her.

"Isn't that way off topic?"

"I'm hungry!" Without another word, Digg handed her a bag that had several little boxes of Chinese food.

With a smile and a squeal she spun around in her chair, moving to the side just a little, so that she could pull out all of her food. She was so heavily engrossed in her food and the programs running on the computer screens that she didn't even realize that nearly an hour had passed and the boys were getting ready to head out for a patrol. It took Oliver tapping her on the shoulder and saying her name multiple times before she realized what was happening.

"What?" She turned around quickly. Oliver opened his mouth, but before he could speak, Felicity started laughing. The guys just looked at each other before looking back at her.

"What the hell Felicity?" Roy asked her, not amused by her laughter.

"Did you guys ever notice that you are practically Christmas?" All three men looked confused. "Guys! Seriously?" Felicity couldn't believe that didn't see it. A snicker from her right confirmed that Digg had figured out what she had laughed at.

"You two are red and green. I don't know about you guys, but that makes me think of Christmas." She paused for a moment. "And I don't even celebrate it!" Roy and Oliver looked at each other, at themselves, and back at the other. Roy groaned.

"Aww, come on!"