This story was originally inspired by a writing challenge for Daria fanfiction titled "A fresh take on Veronica Morgendoffer." Originally created by author Robert Nowall Veronica, was the supposed younger sister of Daria and Quinn. The character proved such a success she's made appearances in various other Daria fanfics.


Jake was rummaging through the fridge when he heard a knock at the door. Putting down his half made sandwich in the fridge he went to answer. "Oh hi Jane come on it Daria's upstairs." He smiled opening the door for Daria's new friend from school.

"Thanks." Jane waved before heading upstairs.

Jake returned to the kitchen and found his sandwich wasn't on the table like he falsely remembered. "Damn those squirrels." He ranted before deciding just to eat some potato chips his half made sandwich lay forgotten in the fridge.

Opening Daria's door Jane's mouth hung open in shock at the sight before her. If she hadn't seen it with our own eyes she'd never have believed it. There was Daria cradling her baby sister Veronica in a carrier sling gently rocking her back and forth and cooing and singing to her. Given how the older Morgendorffer sisters went at one another and how Daria always seemed uncomfortable and standoffish when dealing with other kids. It was a little jarring to see her best friend doting on Veronica like this being all warm and fuzzy even towards family was such a complete one eighty from the Daria she'd come to know. Jane certainly never felt that urge towards her own nieces and nephews.

Jane watched unnoticed until the infant began fussing and pawing at Daria. "Guess you're hungry aren't you?" Daria smiled giving the baby girl a kiss on the forehead. It was then she looked up and all the color drained from her face. "Jane?" she gasped. "How long have you been standing there."

"Long enough to discover your secret." Jane grinned from ear to ear.

"My secret." She gulped.

"That you're a doting big sister!" Daria turned new shades of crimson at those words Jane couldn't help but laugh a little as Daria turned new shades of crimson, she imagined her friend felt like dying of embarrassment. "Don't worry I won't tell anyone your really a big softie"

"Thanks." Daria smiled weakly. "Would you wait here or in the living room while I feed her?" Jane nodded figuring Daria had enough of being on display it tore her up inside that she couldn't tell anyone, she didn't quite understand why Daria was so embarrassed about it. So what if everyone knew Daria was this doting big sister, Jane supposed Daria didn't want anyone to know that deep down she was a big softy.

Daria quickly left down the hall Veronica in her arms and barged right into her sister's room. "HEY!" Quinn yelled looking up from doing her nails.

"Jane dropped by unexpectedly and I…" Daria hated lying to Jane but she couldn't bear to tell anyone the truth they had to leave Highland because of it.

"Say no more." Quinn shrugged putting on a sleep-mask and returning to doing her nails. Daria had to admit it was rather impressive she could do that blindfolded.

"Thanks." She breathed sitting down in a nearby chair. With one deft hand Daria unzipped her jacket and opened her shirt while the other guided Veronica to her breast. She let out a contented sigh once Veronica began to nurse. No matter the circumstances of her conception Veronica was her daughter. But that didn't matter to the kids back in Highland. She was called a slut, a whore and all manner of horrible things after ending up pregnant. It didn't matter to them that she was attacked somehow it was her fault. Because of who he was they couldn't believe it happened against her will. Quinn to her credit was even suspended for decking one of the girls giving Daria a hard time. Finishing high school in Highland would have proven impossible so when Helen was offered a job at a law firm in Lawndale they moved right after the trial concluded. Veronica was born just a couple months before the start of school.

The secret was well kept aside from family (and a few select teachers under threat of lawsuit) everyone else thought Veronica was Daria's little sister.

The original plan had been for Helen and Jake to act both officially and unofficially as Veronica's parents with Daria truly stepping into the role of big sister. But when she was born and Daria looked down at her daughter she knew Veronica was hers and she just couldn't let go.

This series will not be chronological order it's a series of drabbles taking place within the same universe so expect a lot of jumping around in time. There is also no definitive end or final chapter for his story either.