Chapter Fifty: The Return.

It was time for the final jump, in less than one day. Harry returned after his godly encounter and could see the gathering. He was greeted by both Kara and Gwen, both of the girls had smiles on her face.

"And here I thought that the man of the hour wouldn't be able to get here on time," Kara said. She flipped her hair out from in front of her face and hovered half of an inch off of the ground when she stared Harry in the eye. "But, I suppose that you had other pressing business to attend to."

"Yes," Harry agreed. He grabbed one of his Alphas around the waist and pulled her in close. Gwen stood close as well. "And you had to admit, that was a long time coming."

"A very long time coming," Gwen agreed. She sighed. There were more women hovering around as far as the eye could see. There were too many to really account for, so Gwen didn't try. "Overall, when you throw out the initial destruction of the universe thing, this had been a pretty productive time travel adventure."

"I don't know," Harry said, his grin shifting into a cheekier version yet. "I would have to say that saving the entire universe from full scale destruction is a pretty productive encounter."

Gwen sighed and she looked towards Harry. She shook her head a couple of times and frowned. "You know what I mean."

"Do I?" Harry asked. He walked about two steps and nearly ran into Chloe.

"So, you have Hera on your belt, quite literally," Chloe remarked. She couldn't get drunk thanks to her genetics, but she was in pretty good spirits never the less. "That's one that you've been chasing for a long time. Took her to the 31st century to get the hint, but I suppose that little show we gave her really did get the ball rolling in the right direction, didn't it?"

"That was obvious, wasn't it?" Harry asked her.

Chloe shook her head. "Yeah, duh, of course it was obvious. Someone was watching and you knew it. Not that your game is bad when someone isn't watching, but you're going to step up that game a little bit more when you have an audience."

"She does have you there," Imra said with a smile. She looked towards Harry and Harry looked over his shoulder, raising his eyebrow at her.

Harry smiled and he had about both blondes on either side of him. He thought that there was going to be an orgy breaking out at any second knowing his luck. Another one, but if Harry hadn't spent too much time with Hera and Aphrodite; he might have had time to do justice to an orgy.

"Still, people watching and getting ensnared is the best way to add women to the collective," Alia said. She stepped over. "And the two of you better cool it, because there are children present here."

"Yes, I know, but there will be other parties," Chloe said. She sighed. It was a shame though. She hated that Alia had to be the responsible one, but she was pretty sure that she didn't hate it about as much as Alia did.

"Yes, there will be over parties, trust me," Harry said.

"You have your ring, don't you?" Chloe asked him.

Harry held the Legion Ring, the new and improved model that Chloe gifted to him. Chloe looked at him with an appraising eye and she nodded.

"Hopefully I'll see you before too long, but any time you want to pop into the future to get away from it all, feel free," Chloe said. "And if you want to bring my past self along, it will be like twins, only better."

"You do have a high opinion of yourself," Harry said. "And if I brought Claire along next time….."

"It would be the biggest simultaneous orgasm in history," Chloe said. She stopped and smiled at the thought of it. That might not be the worst idea come to think of it.

"I'm sure she'd love to see the monument to her," Imra said. Of course, if she knew Claire, and she did thanks to a past trip into the past, she might be just a tiny bit disturbed at such a grandiose monument.

"I'm sure she'd be interesting in taking a look at that, but Lois would be more interested in taking a look at the monument," Harry said.

Chloe laughed in amusement. She inclined her head, shaking it. "Oh god, Lois getting a look at that monument. She would really never let us live that one down, you know that?"

"Oh yes, I'm well aware of that," Harry replied with a smile on his face. Chloe could barely keep a straight face. Her laughter was almost at a point where she was biting down on her lip extremely hard to keep herself calm.

"Well, that might be one of the reasons why you might want to show her, simply for her reaction," Chloe commented. She leaned against the wall, trying to keep herself from falling over.

Harry could see Audrey and Barda both trying to catch his eyes. The two of them were trying to get his attention about something.

He decided to go over and meet the two women. Barda decided to cut to the point, the type of woman that she was like that. "There are more of them out there, you realize that."

"Yes," Harry said, nodding in response. "I realize that there are more out there. Granny's handiwork will live on even if she doesn't live on."

"Thankfully," Barda said. Her only regret about Granny's death would be that the witch didn't suffer any more.

"And the two of you, you are going to make sure that all of the girls get rounded up," Harry said. "Some of them will be lost and roaming the universe without a purpose."

"That leaves them susceptible," Audrey remarked. "We need to make sure that they get into the right hands, and not the wrong hands."

Harry knew that the right hands meant the Church and not any of the other dozens of unsavory figures that were hovering around in space, wanting to do people harm.

"I'm going to task you on rounding up the girls and making sure they are brought to a proper home," Harry said to Audrey and Barda. "Do you think that you can do that?"

"I know that we'll have plenty of help," Audrey said with a smile. She looked at him. "So, you're leaving?"

"Yes, in about six hours," Harry said.

"I didn't notice how much time passed," Audrey said. She looked into the eyes of her alternate universe grandson. She sighed when she pressed herself against the wall. "All good things must come to an end."

"I'll be back, there will be other adventures," Harry said. "Eventually."

"But, don't hold my breath in them happening any time soon," Audrey told him.

"That sounds pretty cynical," Rosalina said. She had been passing by and couldn't help but casually slid into the conversation.

"Cynical, maybe," Audrey replied grudgingly. "But it's accurate."

"Don't fret, I'll be back again someday," Harry said. He cupped her face and smiled, leaning towards her. He gave her another kiss right to the lips.

He could hear a pair of giggling and he saw Lily and Rose duck around the corner. Loki ambled past, her hair turned green. It appeared that the trickster had been out-gambitted and the war was on.

"And with that kiss, I'm more reluctant than ever to see you go," Audrey informed him. She looked into his blazing green eyes. "The fact that I will see you again someday only heals the wounds slightly."

"Yes, I agree, but I will be back, that much you can count on," Harry said. "Petunia couldn't make it to the party?"

"No, she said that she wasn't feeling well," Audrey said. She wasn't really that pleased about her oldest daughter's attitude. She thought that she did a good job at raising Petunia, even though she wasn't like her only two daughters.

Still, Petunia's attitude left a lot to be desired and Audrey hoped that would be corrected some time soon.

Harry made his way over to the Alpha Group. Kat was returning home with the group that was going to be back home. Harry had a feeling that she would fit in nicely with the group in the year 2006.

He nearly bumped into Ravonna on his way out. She stepped back and grinned at him.

"So, what do you have to say about the future right now?" Harry asked her.

"Much brighter," Ravonna said. "I know this got lost in the shuffle but….."

"There's an alternate universe version of you currently in stasis at the Fortress, I know," Harry informed her. "And if you want to come back with me, we'll see what we can do about that."

"Seems like there's a fair bit to do when you come back," Ravonna said. She smiled when Harry raised an eyebrow. "It wouldn't be your life if there wasn't a fair bit to do, wasn't there?"

" No, Ravonna, there wasn't, and thank you," Harry said. He leaned towards her, and kissed her.

She closed her eyes. After all coming to this, Ravonna was glad that she redeemed herself, in more ways that Harry would ever know. It was hard to be the one that felt that you were responsible for all of the atrocities.

Kang had justified a lot of his actions and Ravonna felt that she could find justifications in them, if it preserved her timeline. However, the more Kang fought for his conquest through time, the more things became unraveled.

Harry decided to make his way over to the Alpha Council. He caught Isobel's eye, as she was laughing in amusement at the plight of Loki. She had really had been given the runaround by the Evans sisters.

"And that's going to be an image that I'm going to ingraine in my mind for some time," Sif said. Sonja and Shayera both nodded. The trio watched as Loki plotted her revenge, but it was obvious who was going to win that battle. "You know, it will do her some good to get taken down a peg or two."

"Yes, it would," Harry agreed.

He enjoyed the company of the party, for the time he was here. It was going to be time to return back home through the time stream, but not yet. Harry cherished those moments that he had with the people around him.

From his point of view, he would see them sooner rather than later. From there's, it would be a wait. How long of the wait, he didn't know.

Selene stood in the central worship chamber of the Church. Overall, her future self would have to agree that things were doing really well. She waited for Harry to arrive. The time jump would happen in less than five minutes. The celebration finally wound down.

That allowed Harry, Kara, Jean, Kitty, Kat, and Gwen all to make their way into the room.

"So, we get to go home," Gwen said.

"I wouldn't be so sad, there will be another adventures, in the past, in the present, and in the future," Harry answered.

"It's almost like we never left at all," Gwen answered. She was pretty much okay with this to be honest.

"No, it's almost like we never left at all," Harry agreed. He placed his hand on the top of hers and pulled her in close. "So, are you ready to go home?"

"We're all ready to go home I think," Jean said. She was not going to lie, this trip had been extremely enlightening for a number of reasons. There was honestly no time like the present however.

There was a blip of light with Jean, Gwen, Kat, Kara, Kitty, and Harry all standing around. It was an extremely familiar warning for all of them. It was about time to conclude this adventure through time.

There would be many more adventures to come in another time, because quite frankly, time was an interesting thing.

"I'll be seeing you in a few seconds," Selene said. She smiled.

"Yes," Harry commented. He leaned towards her and kissed her on the lips.

Selene closed her eyes and accepted the kiss. That was the last thing that she felt before the time stream gave way and the group made their way back through time.

Kitty yelped when she fell onto the ground of the church. The others gracefully landed on the ground.

"It's not the falling part that fucking gets me, it's the sudden stop," Kitty grumbled. She shook her head, very gingerly pulling herself to her feet.

The group spotted Selene standing there in the center of the circle. Her eyes were closed.

Ravonna made her way through the doors of the Church as well, and Harry greeted her with a smile. They all knew that it was best to remain as silent as possible, at least until Selene came out of her trance.

Which she did, right now. Selene waited for a few seconds before everything started to come back to her.

"And we're going to need a more constructive way to send you through time next time," Selene replied. She shook her head, looking a bit water logged in the process, but she was in mostly good spirits. "And considering my memories just got unblocked, I take it that it's gone well."

"Yes, I say that it's gone rather well," Harry informed her with a smile. He turned to Ravonna, who looked back at him. "And I'm sure that the Fortress awaits for us both."

"Yes, I can't wait to meet myself," Ravonna said.

Harry wanted to step back into the city. The RAO building with a built in portal to the Fortress was a few blocks away.

'Well, some things have changed for the better,' Gwen thought. The city was oddly peaceful.

"And crime has gone up in the city, and you know why? It was because of Spider-Girl and her menacing antics. She has been a bad influence on the youth of America and if you ask me, she should be tarred, feathered, and run out of town on a rail."

Gwen was greeted to the charming tones of J. Jonah Jameson. She shook her head.

'And some things just never fucking change no matter what,' Gwen thought to herself. She inclined her head and gave a nice sigh.

There was a nearby explosion that set off her Spider Sense. Gwen's head whipped out and she could see a group of six of her villains moving.

"And there's the Sinister Six," Kara remarked dryly.

Ravonna shook her head. "The Fortress can wait…"

"Yes, we need to teach these idiots a lesson, again," Kitty said.

Even though their adventures through time had concluded, there were plenty more Adventures to go on.