"Wendy, how long has it been since we first got here?"

"Hmm, about 1,820 days."

"What? You keep count?"

"I always do. Each day that pasts is just another day of not getting a family, Chelia."

"Ah, c'mon. We all have family somewhere."

"Yeah, and maybe we'll never see them."

"Ugh, everyday I try to convince you. Everyday! And I never get to you." Chelia sighed, flopping against the bed.

Wendy looked at the pinkette, concern in her eyes. "Angel won't like you slacking off." the bluenette warned as she continued to sweep the bedroom floors.

"Why did we even get bedroom duty anyways? Whenever you clean in here, you want to just lay on the beds instead." the girl argued back, glaring at her friend. Wendy just shrugged. Orphans. These two were orphans. They were both abandoned at the same doorstep here at the orphanage. No one knew when their birthdays were, so they used the date on when they found them. July 7th. They were closer then anyone there in the foster home. It was mostly because they had the weirdest hair color there. Everyone else either had blonde, brown, black, or silver hair similar to Angel's. More like a very bright blonde.

Stomps were heard coming up the stairs towards the bedrooms. Panicking, Wendy sent Chelia a frightened look. Whenever they weren't doing their work, they were punished in some way. Chelia gave off the same scared look as she scrambled off the bed and went for the mop. Half way there, the door slammed open making both of the girls flinch. There stood the woman with silver (or very, very bright blonde hair) that stopped at her waist shortly. Her eyes were a grayish, purplish color that gleamed when they landed on Chelia. She had on a blue dress that stopped at her knees with a white robe covering her up her big bust. Slippers were on her feet to prevent the cold floor to affect her.

"Chelia~" she cooned, giving off a evil look at the two.

"Y-yes Angel?" the said girl stammered, looking everywhere but the woman. Grabbing her chin, Angel brought her face closer to her own.

"Why aren't you working?" she asked, tilting her head to the side.

"I...I was just in the bathroom. I was coming back to work. I swear!" Chelia pleaded, hoping the woman bought the bait.

Licking her lips, the head mistress searched the younger girls eyes before pushing her back making the young girl stumble backwards and onto the hard wood floor. "I hope I won't see it again. Now get to work!" she shouted before slamming the door behind her as she exited the room. Running over to her friend, Wendy helped her up off the floor.

"I hate her," Chelia scowled as she grabbed hold of the mop and started scrubbing the dusty floor. "Why, why do we have to do this? Why did our parents abandon us here? Did...did they hate us?" she murmured. Glancing over to her friend, she saw that the pinkettes bangs were covering her eyes. Walking over to her, Wendy put a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

"I doubt they did. Now, let's get this done before Angel comes back up here and gives us no lunch."

Chelia snorted, "Like it's lunch. It's more like moosh." they laughed.

When done, Chelia tugged Wendy's arm down the stairs to get their lunch. Grabbing a small plate of something that looked up crushed carrots. Walking over to where everyone else sat on the floor. Plopping down in a place farther then anyone else was, they started to eat the thing that wouldn't fill their stomachs for the greater good.

Wendy watched as a woman walked into the building. Why in the world would this nice looking woman be coming to a place like this. Looking closer, she realized the girls skin was pale and her eyes were dull along with her blonde hair. Watching her walk up to Angel, they exchanged a few words before the girl started walking around, greeting and talking to the girls who looked excited that someone came. "Ah, another customer came in." Chelia observed next to Wendy. "She don't look so good. Don't you think?"

"Yeah," the bluenette nodded. She saw her figure looked so small and fragile. She could practically see bones poking out of her skin making Wendy shudder. She did look pretty bad.

"Hello there, and what're your names?" a weak voice asked making the girl snap out of her thoughts. Looking up, she was surprised to see the woman kneeling down in front of the two.

"U-um, I'm W-Wendy."


Smiling, the blonde patted Wendy and Chelia's heads. "I like your hair. They remind me of how funny my friends hair is." she giggled softly. They blushed. That was the first time they actually got a complement on their hair color. "I'm Lucy by the way. Nice to meet you Wendy, Chelia."

"It was nice to meet you too Lucy-san." Wendy replied softly. Chelia just nodded. Getting back up, they watched the woman go back to Angel and started talking to her again.

"Well, she was something wasn't she, Wendy?" Chelia laughed, picking her nails bored.

"I-I actually like her." the said girl mumbled. Chelia rose a brow at her best friend.


Wendy nodded, not looking up at her friends eyes.

"What have I told you? Never get close to one of these people, you could get your hopes up but in the end, they won't get you." her friend scolded. Just then a loud screech was heard across the room.

"What?! You want to adopt her?" Angel screeched making everyone in the room wince. Her voice was always too loud for any of them. "Why? Don't...don't you see how different she is from everyone else? I recommend someone else for your own good."

"No, I'm positive I want her. And is there a problem of being different?" Lucy asked, putting her hands on her hips. Growling in defeat, the silver haired went to the microphone that could be heard all over the foster home place.

"Can Wendy please gather all her things and meet me at the front door?" Angel's growled in the device before slamming slamming it down and walking back over to the smiling blonde. Wendy's eyes widened, she...she was getting adopted? She felt Chelia nudge her, looking over to her friend she saw excitement in her eyes.

"What are you waiting for? Go!" she squealed, pushing her forward towards the stairs. Snapping out of her paralyzed state, the bluenette ran up the stairs with her heart beating out of her chest. She was being adopted! Running in the bedroom, she pulled out the very few clothes she owned into a beat up backpack with a stuffed white dragon that she was found with that one day. Pulling on the bag, she ran downstairs to the front door.

Stopping in the lobby, she was surprised to Chelia standing there. "What are you doing here?" Wendy asked.

Her friend frowned, "You think you're going to leave without saying goodbye to me?" gasping, tears sprung the girls eyes as they ran to hug each other. "What did I tell you? We all have family out there. And yours is standing right out there. Make sure to write okay?" Chelia sniffled, pulling away from the other girl.

Nodding, she grabbed her bag again and ran outside before she could break down in front of everyone who was watching. Coming outside, she saw Lucy and Angel standing in front of a white car. Spotting the girl, the blonde waved for her to come over. Walking over to her slowly, Wendy blushed slightly. So this was going to be her new mother? Bending down to the bluenettes height, Lucy smiled. "You ready to come home with me?" The girl nodded. Opening the door that lead to the back seat, she gestured for the girl to enter. Obeying, she threw her bag in before going in herself. Closing the door behind Wendy, the woman made her way to the drivers seat and started the car. Pulling away from the curb, they started their way to the blondes house.

"Um, Lucy was it?" Wendy asked, trying to start up a conversation. The said girl hummed a yes in response. "Are you married?"

The car went silent. Wendy started to panic, did she say something wrong? "No, I'm not married. And I broke up with my boyfriend a month ago. Sorry if you were expecting a father." the blonde quietly said.

Wendy shook her head. "No, it's okay. I'm sorry I asked you in the first place."

"It's okay sweetie. How old are you by the way?"


"Well, I'm twenty two. Oh! We're here~" she sang as she pulled in the driveway. Looking out of the drive way, she gasped at the house. It looked two stories high and was covered in light brown bricks. Opening the door for Wendy, Lucy waited until the little girl gathered her things and jumped out of the car. Unlocking the front door, she swung it open and yelled inside. "Carla! Plue! I'm home!"

Wendy's ear perked when barks and meow were heard down a hallway. Then out came a white dog with an orange nose and a pure white cat with a bow tied on the tail. Kneeling down to the noisy animals, she shushed them then gestured to Wendy. "Plue, Carla, this is Wendy, our new family member. Wendy, this is Plue and Carla, my pets." Carla nudged the girls leg before purring, rubbing her head against the small leg. Plue jumped up and down, yapping in excitement. Giggling at the pets, she bent down to pet them.

"They're really cute Lucy-san." Wendy murmured softly.

Giggling, Lucy gestured to the stairs. "Want to see your new room?" Nodding, they both made their ways up the stairs and up to a narrow hallway. Going to the second door on the left, the blonde pushed it open slightly letting them see the room fully. Wendy gasped at the sight. The carpet was nice and white and looked soft, not like the hard wood floor at the foster home. The walls were a light blue. Looking up, the girl smiled at the ceiling, it was a blue sky with clouds on it. A window was at the side, letting her see the small town. A bed with blue sheets sat under it. A dresser was not to far off with a desk beside it. "I love it!" Wendy cheered, running around the room in excitement.

Returning the smile, Lucy started explaining, "The bathroom is right across the hallway and the first door to the right is my room. How 'bout you get settled in then come down stairs to have a snack?" the blonde suggested. Nodding, the girl grinned. Closing the door behind her, the older woman left the girl by herself. Sighing, the bluenette started to unpack her bag. She put the clothes in the dresser and the dragon on the pillow of her bed. Nodding in satisfaction, Wendy made her ways downstairs.

Seeing her mother in the small kitchen, she made her way to the island to sit on a stool. Looking up to the girl, Lucy smiled. "Do you want a fruit salad?"

"Yes please!" Wendy cheered. This was going to be her first meal that wasn't something mushed up in an odd way. Giggling at the little girl, the blonde started to prepare her meal. Humming, she started to kick her legs side to side, waiting for her meal to be ready. Just then, a buzzing sound was heard making her snap out of her thoughts.

"Wendy, sweetie? Can you answer the phone?" Lucy asked. Obliging, she pressed the green button and pressed the machine to her ear.

"Hello?" she asked sweetly.

"Um, who are you?" a husky voice from the other line asked.

"I'm Wendy, sir."

"Oh, is Lucy there?"

"Uh huh."

"Can you please put her on the phone? Tell her it's Natsu."

"Okay," pulling the phone away, she called for her mother. Walking over to her, Lucy put a bowl of freshly cut fruit in front of her before looking up at her questioningly. "A man named Natsu wants to talk to you." Wendy said, handing over the phone to the blonde. Eyes widening, she quickly pressed the phone against her ear before walking back in the kitchen. The bluenette started to eat her fruit as she watched the blonde talk on the phone.

"Natsu? Yeah it's Lucy. Um...that's kinda hard to explain. Sure, we can talk about it at Fairy Tail. Okay, see you then. Bye." she said before pressing the red button. Turing to the little girl, she sent her a smile. "You want to meet my friend?"

Wendy nodded. "Okay, when are we leaving?"

Lucy checked the clock. "Um, about twenty minutes."

Nodding again, the bluenette gobbled the rest of her food before jumping off the stool with her bowl in her hands. Grabbing it from her hands, Lucy put in the sink before grabbing the little girls hand and led her to the front door. "Ready to meet him?" the blonde asked, grabbing her car keys.

"Is he the one with the weird hair?"

Lucy smiled to herself, "Yeah, now let's go."

Luvviez: Oh, hurray! I got the first chapter done! I'm so happy. I've been wanting to do this one for so long, and since I finished 'A Nightmares Kiss', I could finally start another story for all of you!

I've been having to most greatest weeks this month. I got an A+ on a story I wrote for class and my teacher said it was way beyond my grade level to be written for. Then later, I was told that he wanted to sign me up for a writing competition for my talent. And I got a note in my locker the other day saying that someone like me, so now I have a secret admirer, he's going to reveal himself this Friday. My friend already knows who it is and hasn't gave me any hints on who it is -_-

Sorry, I kinda got off topic there ^^' so 'Wendy' is based off 'Annie'. Their releasing a new Annie movie here and I just wanted to celebrate it. So, did you like it?

Review to tell me!