Authors Note: Hey everyone, this is Le Fleur Rouge, or in English; The Red Flower. It is a Tangled inspired story, and I hope you enjoy.

This chapter has been beta'd, so special thanks to MikasaAckerman104 for doing that.

In a kingdom, far away, there lived a king and queen loved by all. The king was a brilliant yet gentle man, and was always happy to work with the common people. His wife the queen, wanted them all to feel loved and to know that they were loved. On the day that their first daughter was born, the kingdom rejoiced. She had her mothers face they said, or more specifically, had her eyebrows, a playful jab. But, a year later with her second child, the queen fell ill. All the best doctors tried to cure her, yet nothing worked. When they were running short on time, the king sent out the order.

Find the red flower, he told them. Find the rare red flower that only grew once in a hundred years. Its healing properties were said to be unmatched, capable of healing anything and everything. It was a long and hard search, but they managed to find the flower. As expected, when they ground the flower up into a medicine and gave it to the queen, she began to get better. Healthier. The flower and its magical properties had infused into the queens very being. In short, she could not be hurt, any and every injury she got was healed almost instantly.

Shortly after, she gave birth to a baby girl with beautiful blonde hair. And because of the flower inside of the queen, the girl was born with the same abilities from the flower that her mother had.

Before long, the power the flower gave her began to change the queen. No longer was she the kind and loving woman the kingdom knew her as. In her place was a manipulative, cruel woman who lusted for power. Her own growing ambition was mirrored by her young daughter. The king, well, he was heartbroken and horrified by what his wife, the love of his life, had become. It wasn't until the eldest had turned twelve and the third child was born that he could not bear to see his beloved wife and daughters like that any longer. He vowed to find a way to destroy the flowers effects on his wife and two daughters and to make them human once more. So he locked himself in his lab to work.

To say that his wife was not happy about it would have been an understatement. She was livid, betrayed even, when she heard about his plans. But through the endless nights of arguing and attempts to convince him otherwise proved fruitless; she could not change his mind. The growing dangers the flower had bestowed on her life had not helped her stop him. The people had grown more and more anxious, whispers of her being inhuman being told in the dark corners of the streets where no eyes looked. A few brave souls had even attempted to kill her. Enough was enough and nothing would change the mind of either.

Then before any knew it, in the silence and cold of night, everything changed.

The castle was attacked, another attempt to end the queen and the two younger daughters lives. But unlike the other attempts, this one was different. There were more people, more chaos. In the midst of that chaos, the queen vanished along with her the two young girls.

Terrified at losing them, the king sent his men out to try and find them, but could find no trace. He knew not if they were kidnapped, or if his wife took them and ran. In his sorrow, he buried himself in his work, trying to complete making something to return them to their lost humanity when, if, they were found. The eldest and heir to his throne could do nothing as he worked himself to death, becoming cold and distant herself in response, blaming her mother for all of this. She hoped, in thought, that her mother was dead elsewhere.