X.A.N.A.'s Release

For a months now since Anja came to France, she's been helping her new friends, the Lyoko Warriors, fend off X.A.N.A. and his new monster only she can defeat, the Replikator. Everything goes well, until one mission in particular goes horribly wrong.

I don't own Code Lyoko or any of the characters except for Anja and the Replikator.

Chapter 1: The Cortex

On Lyoko

Anja, Odd, Ulrich, Aelita and William were racing their way to the activated tower in the forest sector. Yumi had already been devirtualized by a tarantula a while ago. Odd was on his Overboard, William was using super smoke, Aelita was riding the Overwing, Ulrich was on the Overbike, and Anja had finally learned how to use her dragon wings to fly. They made their way to the activated tower and stopped once they saw who were guarding it. Two megatank, two tarantulas, and the Replikator stood in their way of deactivating the tower.

"Alright then," Ulrich started, "the megatanks and the Replikator are going to be tricky. Odd and William will take the megatanks, me and Aelita got the tarantulas, and Anja you take care of the Replikator." Everyone nodded to this plan and were waiting for Jeremie and Laura to give the go ahead.

At the lab

Laura and Jeremie had been working on the Clone Killer program for weeks trying to stay one step ahead of X.A.N.A so it could work every time. Once they heard Ulrich's strategy, Laura began updating and launching Anja the Clone Killer program. When Laura finished, she looked at Jeremie and nodded.

"Okay guys," he started over the comms, "Anja has the program. Get going and hurry."

Back in Lyoko

The others heard Jeremie giving the go ahead and they raced forward toward the monsters. Ulrich and Aelita made short work of the two tarantulas and began to help William and Odd with the megatanks. Anja was being tailed by the Replikators Aelita form. Every time she would try to use her chain whip on the clone, it would dodge it and continue firing arrows, energy fields, and fans at her.

"Guys, I'm kinda in a jam here." Anja shouted at her friends.

It didn't take long for the others to try and slow the Replikator down a little. Aelita was the one though to throw the clone off by using her Creativity to summon a tree in front of it. Once it collided with the tree, Anja wrapped her chain whip around it and went over to make contact with it. The Replikator exploded and Aelita went into the tower and deactivated it.

Anja was about to hover down to her friends in success, but something caught her attention at the edge of the forest. She didn't know what to make of it, and she didn't even know what it was.

"Hey guys." she called to the others on the ground. They looked at her and she pointed toward what she saw. "What exactly is that supposed to be?"

The others saw the transportation orb at the edge of the sector, but there was something different about it. Instead of having the blue eye on it, it was purple and glowing.

Jeremie didn't call it in and was trying to figure out what was going on, but he was cut off from his search once the orb hovered toward Anja.

"Guys," she started while slowly hovering backwards, "what's going on with this thing?"

The others didn't know what was happening or what the transportation orb wanted Anja for. "Anja," Aelita started, "just stay away from it until Jeremie and Laura figure out what's wrong." Anja nodded and began to move more sporadically.

"Hey no offense Einstein," Odd started, "but why is the orb after my girlfriend?"

"I have no idea Odd, but something isn't making any sense here." Jeremie said trying to figure out what was happening.

Anja was still flying slowly but then found herself over the digital sea. "Careful Anja." Jeremie said over the comms.

"Don't worry Jeremie. I've got the hang of my dragon wings, so you don't have to worry." She reassured him.

But suddenly, the orb stopped at the edge of the forest and floated there. The rest of the Lyoko Warriors ran over to it but didn't get anywhere near the orb. Anja was still over the digital sea, but decided to land next to Odd once she got over solid ground. When the group was together though, the orb stopped glowing and fell to the ground.

"What the heck was that all about Jeremie?" Ulrich asked him.

"I have no idea you guys, but I'm bringing you all in starting with Anja."

As Jeremie was beginning the devirtualizing sequence, the orb suddenly glowed again and swallowed Anja whole. It left for the other part of the forest sector.

"JEREMIE," Odd shouted, "the orbs got Anja. We need to get her." The vehicles summoned in front of all of them and Odd wasted no time chasing the orb to the other edge of the sector.

The lab

"I don't understand any of this." Jeremie said to Laura.

"I thought the orb could only be summoned by the code. "Laura stated. "You don't think," she stopped to think for a second, "Tyron could be a part of this, do you?"

Jeremie shuddered at that fact. For a few months now, Tyron and X.A.N.A. have teamed up to take out the Lyoko Warriors and their supercomputer. If he is involved in all this, then Jeremie knew they had to get Anja back quickly.


The orb was far out of everyone's reach, but that didn't stop Odd from trying to get his girlfriend back. He only stopped when the orb was too far out sight to keep up.

"ANJA!" Odd shouted.

Jeremie had already informed the others where it was headed and didn't take long for Odd to join them at one of the other edges to take the Skid from sector 5. While they were in the digital sea, the other Warriors tried to calm Odd down, but he wasn't having it.

The Cortex

Anja woke up in some sort of core chamber. She had no idea what was going on or where she was, and she couldn't reach Jeremie and Laura over the comms.

"No need to call anyone girl," a strange female voice said to her.

Anja turned around and saw a women dressed in a black robe with a hood on and red clothes underneath it. She raised her head and revealed that she had the red eyes of X.A.N.A.

"Your friends won't be able to see or hear you as long as I'm here." The woman started moving toward Anja slowly. "I need your help girl."

Anja may not have known who this woman was, but she knew she had to get out of here and get to the others. "Who are you anyway?"

The woman smiled an evil-like smile and said to Anja, "I'm X.A.N.A. little girl."

That's it for this chapter. I really hope you guys like this and I will definitely continue making more chapters. The next one will be a little dark. Until next time review and I will see y'all later. PEACE.