Disclaimer: Nothing you recognise belongs to me it all belongs to J.K Rowling and S. Meyer I'm just using them in a way they didn't.

Story requested by Accalia Silvermoon

Notes about the story:

* Jacob is 16 and has just phased for the first time a month before they arrive.

* Harry is fifteen.

* Sirius, Remus and Harry move on to the Res as they are friends with Billy.

* Sirius/Remus pairing.

*Eventually Jacob/Harry pairing.

Chapter One,

"Jacob!" Billy called from the kitchen. "Jacob!" Jacob came running into the kitchen afraid that his dad had hurt himself with the way he was calling him. "What's the matter dad?" Jacob asked confused as he could see nothing that was wrong with his dad and he didn't understand why he was calling him like that. "Sit down Jake." Billy said instead. Frowning in confusion Jacob slowly sat down at the kitchen table.

"As I told you a few weeks ago my distant cousin Sirius, his husband Remus and their adoptive son Harry were moving to the reservation to get away from the Wizarding war in England," Billy started and when he saw Jacob nod in understanding he continued. "Now they moved in three nearly four days ago and the young boy Harry has gone missing. Sirius phoned me asking if anyone has seen him as he went for a walk around three yesterday and he hasn't returned.

Now the reason Sirius has only just informed me is because he and Remus have been looking for him all night with no success. They understandably worried about him as am I as he is only fifteen and he has left his wand in their house so he has no means to defend himself, but what they are more worried about is that they haven't been able to find him which is worrying in itself as Sirius is an Animagus and Remus is a werewolf so they should've been able to find him.

But we fear that someone has taken him or he is seriously injured. I want you to inform the pack and help look for him, it will be hard as the rain would have washed away most of his scent last night. But Jake it's imperative that you find Harry before anyone else does as there is people who wouldn't think twice about killing him." Billy explained, looking out at the forest worriedly as he wondered what could have happened to the boy.

"Don't worry dad we'll find him." Jacob promised as he got out his phone and text every member of the pack that there was a lost and possibly injured boy in the forest and to form a search party for him as he'd just moved in four days ago and has been missing since yesterday afternoon. Putting his phone away Jacob jumps up from the table ready to go find the small boy. "Jake," Billy called stopping him from leaving the kitchen. "This is what he looks like." Billy said as he handed over a photo of two men and a rather small boy who seemed mire like twelve than fifteen.

The first man had medium long curly black hair with silvery blue eyes was no doubt Sirius his dad's cousin; the other man had sandy blonde hair with light brown eyes with amber flecks in them. And in between the two men was the most beautiful boy Jacob had ever seen, just looking at him even if it was a picture made the whole world stops round him. 'Mate!' The wolf inside Jacob shouted in joy and Jacob had to agree that he wouldn't mind this beautiful boy, Harry his mind supplied, to be his imprint once he got to know him. For the first time in a month since he transformed into a wolf, since finding out he was meant to be leader if a whole pack he felt calm, calm and relaxed more so than he had done in what seemed like ages to him. He no longer cared for what Bella did. Yes he cared for as a friend but nothing more as he knew now that she was only playing him and that leech off of each other.

And he didn't want to play her childish games anymore he had his imprint and that was all that mattered to him right now. His lost and injured mate his wolf supplied and Jacob couldn't have stopped the growl that left his lips even if he wanted to. His mate was out in the woods lost and injured, if any of those blood suckers dared to lay a finger on his Harry he wouldn't be responsible for his actions the treaty be damned.

Looking closer at the picture so he had the image fully burned into his mind so he would be able to find him, Jacob noticed that he had raven black unruly hair that lay in tight curls on his head, bright emerald green eyes lay enclosed in long eyelashes and round glasses, what made him look beautiful to Jacob was not the hair or the eyes but his feminine features and his slightly wider hips and his ivory white skin, though Jacob had to admit to himself that his hair and eyes only added and enhanced his beauty.

Jacob was brought back to earth with an unceremonious bump as he felt his dad hit him on the arm with this mornings paper.

"What was that for?" Jacob asked indignantly ripping his arm even though it didn't hurt.

"I will not have you transforming in my house Jake." Billy told his son sternly. "Now what has you so uptight?" He asked concerned.

"That boy; Harry he's my mate, my imprint and he's lost." Jacob growled.

"Well how about instead of standing there and growling and losing control of the wolf you get out there and help his parents find him." Billy said raising an eyebrow at his son. Jacob froze as it dawned on him that his dad was right. He hurriedly said goodbye to his dad before leaving the house and stripping and tying his close to his ankles before he shifted into his wolf form and took off into the forest sniffing around frantically trying to find a new scent in all of the other scents that seemed to cling to the very fibres of the forest.

Jacob didn't know how long he'd been searching the forest for and he knew anyone body else would have given up ages ago but it didn't sit right with him to leave a young and no doubt injured boy out in the forest by himself for another night never mind that he was his mate. It seemed like two or three hours since he started his search but was probably only an hour and half after he started when he finally caught scent of a sweet scent.

A scent that smelt of honey, cut grass and vanilla all rolled into one which caused Jacob's heart to start beating erratically as he knew he'd finally picked up the scent of his mate which led into the deep part of the forest near to the edge of their borders.

'The poor boys probably been stumbling around trying to find a way out.' Jacob thought before he took of in the direction the scent went while sending a mental message to the rest of the pack so they could let Harry's fathers know they'd picked up his scent.