A/N: Hi! This is my first attempt at a Bruce/Clark mpreg, so please be nice. Enjoy!

Bruce stood in front of the overly large mirror that was placed in the corner of his master bedroom, repeatedly rubbing at his stomach, which had a slightly visible bump. He stood there deep into his thoughts, just wondering;

What would Clark say? Would he accept it? I don't know if he'll be happy or not..

Bruce lost his sense of distraction and immediately pulled his black t-shirt down when Clark barged in the room causing Bruce to slightly flinch at the sudden disturbance. "Bruce is everything okay?" Clark cried in a manly manner. "I heard two heart beats in here, one extremely faster than the other- I thought you were in trouble-" He panicked.

"Clark, what are you talking about? There's no one else here but me, and my heart's beating just fine, here come see for yourself." He walked over to Clark, gently grabbing his and and putting onto his chest, allowing his lover to feel the calmness of his heart beat gently under his hand.

"But- I could have sworn there was someone else in here..." Clark said, confused. "Maybe there's something wrong with my powers, I think I have to back to the Crystal Fort-"

"Clark!" Bruce calmly shouted, "There's nothing wrong with your powers..just..listen harder, listen to where the other heartbeat is coming from." He smirked. Bruce knew where this was going, and Clark is going to find out any minute now.

Clark frowned in concentration, leaning his head to the side a little. He then froze and that's when he finally figured it out.

"Bruce.." He stuttered, looking at Bruce who was now giving a side smirk. "You're-you're-"

"Pregnant? Yes Clark and it's yours." Bruce finished with a chuckle.

Clark cried and yelped with happiness and hugged Bruce in a tight embrace, "Oh my God, Bruce! I can't believe it, I'm going to be a Dad!" He cried some more. "And..you're going to be a Mommy." He teased, letting go of him.

Bruce gave him a serious glare, "I swear to god, if you call me Mommy one more time, you won't hear the last of it Clark." Clark obviously didn't take him seriously, so he just laughed it off. He was too overwhelmed and happy to feel any sort of negative emotion right now.

Clark knelt down so that he was facing Bruce's stomach and placed his left hand over the ever so visible bump. "How far along are you?"

"I'm almost 3 months." He smiled, resting his hand above the bump as Clark continued to touch and rub Bruce's stomach. "She's growing pretty fast too." Bruce smiled heartedly. He had a brief vision of the future. Thinking how much he and Clark are going to spoil this baby.

"She?" Clark said in awe.

Bruce's hear skipped a beat, "Well-I-I'm just assuming it's a girl, I don't know.." He mumbled sheepishly.

"Aww, I didn't know Mommy had a soft side for girls." Clark cooed.

"Can it Supes, or I swear to god I'll shove some Kryptonite up your ass." Bruce threatened, causing Clark to snort softly, returning his gaze to Bruce's stomach.

"Hey little one." Clark whispered to the bump and kissed it, "I love you so much."

Clark got back up so that he was face to face with Bruce, holding his hands. "And I love you as well Mommy." He smiled playfully, kissing his nose.

Bruce rolled his eyes with a frustrated sigh, then suddenly finding himself in Clark's embrace with a passionate kiss. He couldn't stay mad at Clark, he loved him too much. The kiss broke and Clark couldn't resist, so he knelt down to the bump again, rubbing it lovingly and gently once more.

"I can't wait until you join us."