A/N: Hello! I am back.

Here's the next chapter. Hope you like it!

*Roxanne's POV*

If I had to put the reaction of the nations to my declaration into words, I think I'd go with...

Chaos, basically.

Chaos reigned in the conference room as nations shouted at each other, at me and Hugo, and sometimes at nothing. There was a lot of shouting. Meanwhile, I sat back and watched the fireworks, my mischievous side coming out as the possibility of fun outweighed my laziness for the first time in a while. Hugo, sat beside me, was also a mess, though a quieter one. I could hear him mumbling beside me, and I tuned in briefly to listen.

"-but then why did we live as normal humans who aged normally in a world without nations - it doesn't make sense, was that world even real maybe it was a simulation so that our unconscious minds wouldn't have to deal with the several millennia of sleep since Atlantis was sunk - but then why weren't we on Atlantis when it sunk, were we the representatives then too or are we the new ones sent to replace the one or ones from before Atlantis sank? Why would Atlantis come back to the surface now of all times? And why are there two? That guy who claimed to send us here said I was a mistake and wasn't meant to come along, so Roxy was supposed to be the only one, thank god I came along she doesn't do well alone and-"

I turned my attention away as his rambling became him ranting about his irritation at our "friend" for bringing us here. He had come up with some points I hadn't considered. Well, time to ask the ones who might actually have answers.

(I wasn't sure if my confidence came from some kind of emotional-overload caused apathy, from my ability to repress my worries, or the thought that as the representative of a nation often said to be incredibly advanced, I wasn't likely to be in much danger. Either way, I was going to embrace it until it went away, it was doing wonders for my motivation.)

"Excuse me." There was no response. I huffed in irritation, admitting that I was being too optimistic that I'd be able to get their attention that calmly. So I turned to my secret weapon. (One of many.)

I shot a smirk at Hugo, who quickly slapped his hand over his ears, and drew in a deep breath. I arranged my fingers at my mouth and blew.


My whistle, the one way I had managed to find that got my family's attention on me, also managed to get the attention of the world (literally) on me. Most of them were rubbing their ears from the pain of the loud sound, and I felt no sympathy. Serves them right for acting like such children in front of those considerably younger! No manners, these nations. No manners.

(Gosh, I thought, fighting the urge to shake my head disapprovingly. I have no idea where that came from. I feel like I was channeling a prim old lady there.)

Once I had everyone's attention, I spoke. "As ze ones with ze most information and wisdom, I feel it would be best if you told us as much as you can about ze situation. You see, Hugo and I have memories of being human, and living a human life. I don't zink this is normal among your kind, so I imagine we'd all like to figure zat out. Additionally, I would like to know what you know about Atlantis. See it as an information exchange, considering we are actually in touch with it."

"We are?" Hugo's quiet question turned my attention from the nations, and I rolled my eyes.

"Oui, Hugo. Can you not feel zem in your mind? Whispering? I have felt both thought and emotion, though the emotion is stronger."

"Oh." Hugo frowned and closed his eyes. I let him have his moment, and glared the nations into silence. "Huh. I cannot feel much emotion, but if I focus I can hear very loud thoughts. That's...weird. Mostly that it doesn't feel weird."

I nodded. I understood that. That was one of the weirder parts of the day, how not out-of-place I felt and such. That finished, it was time to deal with the nations.

This time, it wasn't Germany who stepped forward. Instead, it was a brunette with a curl on the top of his head and closed eyes. He had a smile on his face.

"Ve~ Bambino, are-a you sure? My-a Grandpa Rome never mentioned any Atlantis, and he was very close with most of the other Ancients. There was-a never a representative.~"

Despite my expectations, I found myself liking this nation. He wasn't as strict as Germany, but he also wasn't as loud and obnoxious as America. I let myself smile at him. "I'm sure, sir. I can feel them, and they're all...Atlantis. That's just what I feel. It's like it's instinct."

"Ve~ I-a know what you mean! I remember I knew I-a was Italy before Grandpa Rome ever found me.~" Ah, I see. Italy. I've always liked Italy.

Hugo spoke up now. "I was wondering - has anyone made contact with the Atlantians? Asking where they came from and why they're showing up now? Because while I've only been getting snippets and such, they all sound super intent on something."

"Oui, I agree. Zey all feel extremely determined. I think-" I stopped. There was...something. In the back of my brain, something felt like it was tickling me. It was almost a voice. It-It-

Next to me, I could vaguely see Hugo's face contort into confusion, and I know my face must look similar. We looked at each other, and I knew he felt the same.

It felt like someone was trying to...communicate with us? But who?

*? POV*

They could all feel it. It had been millennia since any of them had felt anything, though to them it had only been a few hours. Regardless of time, however, they could all feel the difference in the back of their minds. Dual pulsing rhythms, like two hearts in sync, that hadn't been there before. Yet, as though they were one hive mind, every one of them accepted the pulsing with joy.

The one who, once upon a time, was advisor to the greatest monarch in the land, made a decree - the first in several millennia. These beings connected to them - they were theirs, part of Atlantis, and they would be coming home, no matter what. Whatever the citizens of Atlantis had to do to get what was theirs, they would do. The world would just have to deal.

First - to get in contact.

A/N: Hope you guys liked that! I have plans, but getting to a point where I can implement them is kinda tricky. I'm having trouble getting everyone out of the meeting room.

See you next time!