Summer was approaching and Charles was making sure all was in place with John Bates, while he honeymooned with Elsie in Brighton for a week. Lord Grantham was to be best man while Thomas was to walk Elsie down if he could behave like a proper gentleman for this occasion.

Elsie had jkust finished having her dress fitted for one last time and had finished her payments so the dress could truly be hers. Elsie so wanted her sister present but because of travel from Ayr, Scotland...she was unsure her sister would attend with some friends she shared her home with. Oh how Elsie wanted her part.

Lady Grantham was arranging for caterers to sort the wedding feast for after the big event an amazing, wonderful, match made in heaven. Charles and Elsie truly belonged together. They had always seen the house and members as family and with Lord Grantham being best man she knew only too well that they were brothers in arms.

(Day of the Wedding)

Elsie had stayed with Mrs. Crawley the night before and had enjoyed the quiet that it held, no shouting between late night bell ringing and...oh no she had forgotten to ask on a bridesmaid and page boy surely she should have remembered that fine detail while preparing her own wedding day with Lady Grantham. Elsie was feeling rather silly that this fine detail had been missed out but when the door had went she knew that asking would be too late "Spratte, is Mrs. Hughes around please" Thomas had asked

"Yes right this way, Master George...Miss Sybil...Miss Marigold, how smartly dressed you are" Elsie had heard Isobel say

"Grandma" George said "Mr. Barrow said that Mrs. Hughes had a special duty for us and we were to wear what she had brought us for helping"

Elsie moved and smiled "Thank you Thomas. I just need to complete last touch"

"That is fine" Thomas said "And no my contribution"

"You are a gem Thomas" Elsie said "Thank you, is Charles ok"

"His lordship has his arms full on Charles not escaping" they smiled "He can not wait for you to become Mrs. Carson"

"Neither can we" the children said happily

"I will be out soon"

"Then let us help" Lady Mary said "Cousin Isobel I have full faith the children are fine with Mr. Barrow and Spratt"

"Thank you mi'lady, I am glad someone has full faith" Thomas said "I hope not to break that trust"

"Be rather hard to break Mr. Barrow, Anna sorry are you" Lady Mary asked

"Yes I have my hair items" Anna smiled "Thomas, if needed John is outside"

"Well let him in I can say we will have our work cut out for 3" Spratt and Thomas laughed and let John inside happily