"I am speaking to my wife."

"I am speaking to my wife."

"I am speaking to my wife."

This line, this one sentence was ruining whatever foundation that Olivia Pope had left. It would not leave her mind, her head...because she didn't have a brain. If she did, she would have listened to every instinct that told her that Fitz wouldn't leave his wife. Men never left their wives. They were okay with normal, the repetition, the sense of familiarity. Men always chose the wife. After all, they always loved their wives, even if they built houses in Vermont that were meant for their mistresses.

"Don't you ever call yourself a mistress. We both know better."

She was his mistress, nothing more. As Olivia opened the newest bordeaux, her second bottle tonight, she no longer cared if Fitz had told her that she was the love of his life, or that he couldn't exist without her, or that he belonged to her. Because she wasn't the love of his life, he did exist without her, and he belonged to his wife, not Olivia. She wasn't going to make jam, he wasn't going to be mayor, they weren't going to live in Vermont, and they weren't going to have two kids. The more sips of wine, Olivia took, the less she cared.

"Fuck you, Fitz." She whispered in the dark, not turning on her television to see Fitz and his wife, and their three perfect kids.

Olivia stood up from her couch, grabbing her wine glass and the wine bottle, as she walked back to her room. As she placed the wine on her dresser, she swayed and stepped back, losing her balance, but only hitting the door. "Fuck you too, door." She said, pushing away.

Olivia doesn't remember ever being this drunk. She hadn't drank this much when Amanda Tanner told her that she was having Fitzgerald Thomas Grant III's baby. Olivia took a gulp of wine. She hadn't drank this much when she thought Fitz was dead. Olivia took another gulp of wine. She hadn't drank anything when she was the headline of all the newspapers, and went into the bunker with Fitz and Mellie. She didn't drink when she was going to lie about only being a fling with Fitz...

Olivia took another gulp of wine and stopped. She looked at herself in the mirror. If she had told all the reporters and news people that she was only a play thing, a fuck toy, a fling, she wouldn't be lying. It would have been the truth. Olivia put too much of her heart into this fling thing with Fitz, while he was just toying with her. Olivia walked over to the dresser and grabbed the bottle, drinking straight from it instead of wasting time pouring it into her wine glass. What was the point, if she was going to finish her second bottle of wine. There was no point.

There was no point to any of this.

Olivia sat down on her bed, reaching over to her nightstand and looked for her cellphone. She needed to call somebody. Someone that could tell her, what the fuck was wrong with her. She rolled her eyes, as she realized she had left her phone in her purse, and her purse was, of course, in the living room.

She staggered to the front room, running only into one wall because she wanted another drink of her bottle of wine. As she got to her purse, she reached in to grab her cellphone, noticing four missed calls from the White House, one from Jake Ballard, and one from Edison Davis.

"Ooh." Olivia smiled as she saw the last name. He would tell her what the fuck was wrong with her. Maybe she could convince him to come over as well.

"It's worth a shot," She whispered as she clicked his name, waiting for him to pick up the call.

Olivia swayed back and forth, shaking her hips slightly to the song in her head.

You were the boat that bridged, in the tale of Conrad. We will never be the change to the weather and the sea and you knew that.

"Hel...hello?" Edison answered, and Olivia realized that she had woken him up. She giggled.

"Senate Majority Leaders don't sleep." She grinned into the phone, as she took another sip from her wine bottle.


"Senate Majority Leaders also check who is calling them, before answering the phone." She giggled again, and she heard him groan on the other end.

"Olivia, why are you calling me?"

"Because you called me, Edison, Eddy, Ed, Ed, Ed, Ed." She mumbled on, saying his name in different variations, but Edison interrupted.

"Are you drunk?" She could hear him ruffle the bed covers, probably to sit up and talk to her.

"And if I was? What's the big deal? Girls can get drunk too. We can get drunk whenever we feel like it, because we deal with crap too. And a nice bottle of wine, or two, helps to take the edge off the annoyance of the shit we have to deal with." Olivia's anger was rising.


"Eddy." Olivia giggled, forgetting her anger from men not realizing that women were equal.

"Why are you drunk? In the eight years, I have known you, I have never seen or heard you drunk. Don't get me wrong, I've thought about it several times, but I have never had the pleasure of experiencing it." Olivia could hear his smile on the other end of the phone. She could also feel the betrayal and happiness she felt in talking to him again.

"Say you'll wait for me. We love each other. We belong together. Say it, you'll wait for me."

"I'm drunk because men are stupid, and they have penises that just fuck up the world, and they have wives."

"I hope you realize, that you are speaking to one of those men that have a penis. However, sadly, I don't have a wife. I've tried twice, but hey you gave the ring back both times."

"Eddy," Olivia says, taking another sip of her wine, almost reaching the bottom. "You do have a penis, and no wife. You're a good man. So I have a question for you."

"Okay," Edison responds, waiting a minute for her to ask the question, before getting annoyed, "what is your question Olivia?"

"What's..." Olivia paused, deciding against asking him what was wrong with her. "How do you make jam?"

"Jam?" Edison asks and Olivia giggles, again.

"Yeah, jam...you know that delicious yummy sticky stuff." Olivia takes a sip of her wine, again, before emptying the bottle, then realizing what she said.

They both end up busting up laughing, enjoying the sound of each other's laugh. Nothing else mattering.

"Go on." Edison requests, but Olivia shakes her head no.

"Goodbye Eddy, Ed, Ed, Ed."

"We will talk soon, Livvy."

Olivia hangs up, and shakes her head, needing more wine to erase the memory of Fitz.




That nickname only belonged to one person, and one person alone. However, Olivia was going to find her own person. One that she could yell at Fitz, when he wanted to help her solve a problem.

"I'm speaking to my husband."

Olivia thinks about how it would feel to say that to Fitz, but her heart breaks again. Olivia was not the jealous type. She did not live to spite her exes, not that Fitz was her ex. They never belonged to each other. He always belonged to his wife.

"I'm speaking to my wife."

"I'm speaking to my wife."

"I'm speaking to my wife."

"Fuck you, Fitz."