Disclaimer: Paramount clearly owns all the characters. Copyright: Paramount

AN: I'm guessing you could probably paper your living room with fanfic re-writes of 'Workforce' – even a fanfic newbie like me has read a fair few – but I just can't help myself. So, indulge me (if you want to). My only excuse is that I'm a very late arrival to the party.

For anyone who hasn't watched Season Seven recently, the episode 'Workforce' takes place after Chakotay had thrown Janeway in the brig and played games with her life while being controlled by Teero in 'Repression'. Then comes 'Shattered' where he tells her there are some barriers they never cross. And after that it's 'Workforce'. So maybe it's the final nail in the JC coffin, since it shows Chakotay that Janeway can fall in love and be happy with another man – and all in 3 weeks.

So, what if events on Quarra taught them a different lesson? All I've done is switch a couple of key players...

Big thank you to northernexposure for giving up her precious time to beta read this when she should've been doing her real work. Comments/reviews obviously welcome.


Chapter One

B'Elanna sits at the table, reading a PADD. It's something to do. Others around are sitting and chatting over their drinks and their food. She picks up her fork and begins to eat.

An unfamiliar waiter appears at her table.

"Well hello there! I haven't seen you in here before. Have you just arrived?" He smiles encouragingly. His whiskers and the leopard-like spots on the side of his face catch her attention. She's never seen a member of his species before.

"No. I've been coming in here the same time every day for the past two weeks."

"Well, that explains it. I usually work nights."

"Me too."

"At the Power Distribution Facility?"

"Neelix!" a woman calls to him from behind the bar, "I need you – or rather this… needs you." She gesticulates towards the back kitchen area.

"I'll be right there!" he calls. "Well, may I say how glad I am that you've decided to make this bar one of your regular haunts – it's definitely the best place around here to unwind."

"Well given it's the only place I've been in so far around here, I guess I'll just have to take your word for it."

"You won't get to try my cooking anywhere else," he winks. "Just let me know when you're ready for another drink – or for some dessert maybe – you might want to try the special. And you're in luck - there's still plenty left."

"Thanks, I'll be sure to let you know."

She picks at the spicy casserole again with her fork. The furry little waiter-come-chef bustles behind the bar and disappears.

A few minutes later he can be seen talking to a man who has just walked in and is waiting at the bar. B'Elanna recognises him immediately as one of the men who started work on the nightshift at the same time she did. He must be on the same shift-cycle too. He turns and catches her eye. She holds his gaze for a split second before looking away.

That first time she saw him there was something about him that made her stare a little despite herself. Two weeks on and she's still not sure what it was exactly. It wasn't the tattoo over his left eye – although he wears it well. He said hello on the first shift, introduced himself. Cha- something. He seemed friendly and he has kind eyes. And this isn't the first time she's felt them on her.

He must have a skills level of at least five or six and some managerial experience as someone mentioned he's being trained up to be deputy shift supervisor. He seems to have fitted in well enough, but she noticed him because he doesn't join the group of men who go off to the bars after work. The only man he can often be seen with outside the plant is another even taller man of the same race, with similarly dark colouring. More than once she's found herself walking behind this Cha-something when he leaves and heads straight for the employee housing as soon as the nightshift is over, just as she does.

Guess he must have finally felt the need for company on his evenings off, too. She looks away and focuses on her meal again.

A few minutes pass, and then suddenly she looks up to find him standing by her table.

"I hope I'm not disturbing you, but I've been instructed to tell you that this 'treat' is on the house and it comes with the compliments of the chef." He holds out a small bowl. "He's a little busy at the moment, or he'd have brought it over himself." He motions towards the bar area where only the waiter's back is visible as he leans over his hotplates.

"Thanks," B'Elanna replies cautiously.

He looks down at the bowl, a quirk of his mouth betraying a little mischievous amusement. "You might want to try it first before you thank me."

The bowl is full of a gooey looking substance. "Is it more first course, or is it dessert?"

"Mmm… let's see," his mouth twitches to one side again slightly as he assesses the offering in his hand. "My guess is that it's dessert." His eyes flick back up to meet hers and he adds quietly, "He said he'd noticed you were eating for two so you should make sure you have a hearty meal every evening."

"He did, did he?" B'Elanna almost succeeds in suppressing her snort of annoyance. It really is time to make more of an effort to give people a chance. "Maybe I'll give it a try." He sets the bowl down next to her plate and she looks more closely and pulls a face. "Or not."

He chuckles and she looks up to see two dimples she'd not seen before appear as his face breaks into a warm smile.

"Do you want me to take it back?"

"No. It's kind of him. Just leave it."

He nods acknowledgement and looks as if he's about to turn away, then he hesitates. "We work the same shifts, don't we?" he continues. "How are you finding it?"

"Good. Work's easy, and it pays a damn sight more than my last job."

"Yes, I'd have to say the same. And it's good to be somewhere where you know what's going to happen each day and there aren't too many surprises."

Usually, she can't wait for people to leave her in peace, but there's something surprisingly intriguing about this man, and she finds herself asking him a question. "You arrived with the group from Earth, didn't you?"

"Yes. My ancestors lived there. I'm from one of the border colonies – quite a way from Earth. I haven't been there in years. You?"

"I left that sector a while ago too."

"This planet seems like a good place to be right now. I hope you're happy here."

"Why wouldn't I be?" As soon as the question has snapped she asks kicks herself internally when she registers just how defensive it sounds. It's high time she loosened up and she knows it, or she'll never make any friends here.

Her less than cordial question doesn't seem to phase him, he just continues to watch her, his eyes still holding the warmth she noticed before. He's probably going to ask about the baby. People usually do about now. But he just smiles and adds, "Well, enjoy your 'treat'. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Thanks," she says, managing a small smile of her own.

He turns and heads back to the bar.

His broad shoulders shift as he settles himself onto a stool with his back to her.

She'd already noticed at work that the angles of his facial features are striking - he has a strong nose and jaw. He also has powerful looking shoulders. There's no denying he's a solid looking man, probably strong enough to withstand... Damn those pregnancy hormones. That's the last thing she wants to be thinking about right now. She smoothes the fingers of one hand over the material of the tunic that is stretched over the curve of her pregnant form.

The waiter leaves the hotplates at the back of the bar and comes to talk to him. The little man cranes his neck round her co-worker so he can catch her eye and he shoots her a wide grin.

She does her best to appear grateful for the complimentary dish and nods back. The smile actually comes a little more easily than usual. It was nice of him, even if the dessert is inedible. And it was actually good to talk to someone – to both of them – even though it was only a few minutes.

A short while later, when she's ready to head home, she stands and makes her way towards the bar. The man from work is still sitting there, alone, and the little waiter is serving someone.

"Thanks," she says, and the man twists round and catches her eye. The waiter doesn't hear her.

"I'll be sure to pass it on," her co-worker tells her.

She nods to him in acknowledgement.

He watches as she turns towards the exit and as she passes directly behind him he asks quietly, "You all right walking to the transport on your own?"

"I'll be fine," she replies automatically. This is a safe planet and she can look after herself anyway.

He holds her gaze with a small smile and says simply, "Good night."

Yeah, he has a warm smile, she thinks as she walks out into the cool night air.