I know I was supposed to put chapters for my other stories up weeks ago and I apologize for not doing so. Finals were coming up and I didn't have time to write the stories like I promised. Thankfully, today is the last day before a two week break and I plan to get a lot done over that time. Thank you all for supporting me and I truly apologize for my lack of activity.

Getting back on why I am putting this up instead of my other planned out stories, I got a very positive feedback on Making a Movie, in which the Love Live girls parodied Frozen. So I decided to do a second parody, following the new Disney superhero movie, Big Hero 6. Hopefully, you readers will enjoy it. In addition, there are now too many characters that I have made to all be commentating at the same time. So you will get an opportunity after each chapter + blooper scene to vote on who will be commentating the next two chapter and bloopers.

Disclaimer: I own nothing of Love Live and/or Big Hero Six.

Downtown Tokyo was not the safest place to hang out, what with all the robot fights that took place in the dark alleyways that no sane person would go into. Except for nineteen year old Toujou Nozomi, that is. She ran eagerly into the alleyway, her long twin tails flowing behind her as she ran.

Up ahead were some bot fighters, two of which were currently locked in a match. Nozomi held her own robot in her right hand, a small insignificant thing compared to the two that were currently engaged in combat. As she neared, one of the fighters had her robot destroy the other fighters. Nozomi went up to the referee for the fight.

"What do you want, kid?" The woman said snottily, though she couldn't have been much older than Nozomi herself, if not younger.

"I want to enter my robot in a fight, ma'am." Nozomi said respectfully, though she was boiling with anger on the inside.

"Ya gotta pay to fight." The woman informed her.

"Yeah! And I don't think ya got the money!" The winning fighter sneered.

"Oh, but I do." Nozomi said, reaching into her jacket pocket and pulling out a wad of yen notes. "Is this enough?" The snotty woman counted the money and gave Nozomi a curt nod. Nozomi knelt down next to the fighting ring and placed her small robot inside. It was at least two times smaller than her opponent's.

"Let the fight…begin!" The woman said, clapping her hands. Immediately the two robots launched into battle.

"Come on, come on!" Nozomi cried, seeming in anguish when the opposing robot tore her robot neatly in half.

"The money goes to-" The woman was cut off as Nozomi raised her hand.

"Can I give it another go?" Nozomi asked sweetly. She pulled out another wad of cash. The referee looked at the other fighter, who gave a cocky grin and shrugged. The woman sighed and took Nozomi's money.

"Want ta lose a second time, do ya?" The other fighter asked.

"Begin!" The woman shouted.

"Merciless mode." Nozomi whispered. The face on her robot swapped and it reassembled itself, rolling towards the other robot. As stunned fighters watched, her little robot split into three sections to avoid the other robot's hits and climbed up the robot to take it apart, piece by piece.

"My win!~" Nozomi chirped, taking the money from a dumbfounded referee. However, the fighters and the referee soon recovered from their shock and turned on Nozomi. She was used to this, so she grabbed her robot and ran. Unfortunately, this was the first time she had entered this alleyway and she took a wrong turn, running down into a dead end. She turned and faced her pursuers.

"Got ya now, kiddo." The fighter whose robot she destroyed snarled. But before they could do anything, the revving of a motorcycle was heard and the crowd scattered to the sides, letting a motorcyclist through.

"Get on, Nozomi!" The cyclist yelled, swinging the cycle so that it was positioned for Nozomi just to hop on. Nozomi nodded and climbed on the bike, wrapping her arms around the cyclist. The fighters moved to block their exit so the cyclist aimed for a makeshift ramp made of several crates. They flew over the fighters and away back into the alleys.

"Thanks for picking me up, Eri-chi!" Nozomi said cheerfully, turning to make a face at their chasers.

"Thank me after we get home!" Eri shouted back, then stopped the cycle. Nozomi leaned around Eri to see why she had stopped. Police cars blocked their way as the policemen pointed their guns at them.

The two of them were released from their cells when their legal guardian came to pick them up. As she drove them home, she lectured them on why they shouldn't have done what they did.

"You don't know how angry I am at you two!" Their guardian said.

"We know, Aunt Nishikino." Eri muttered. She nudged Nozomi.

"Yeah! I'm sorry." Nozomi said, sending a glare back at Eri, which only earned her another nudge. Nozomi chose to ignore the second one as she addressed her aunt. "What's for dinner?"

"Oh! I made your favorite dishes tonight!" She said cheerfully. They pulled up at a corner café with a second story that would house the café's owners. Aunt Nishikino grabbed a pastry as they walked in.

"You keep pulling stunts like that and I'll get fat again, Nozomi!" The aunt threatened. Nozomi rolled her eyes and went upstairs to her half of the shared bedroom. She flopped down on her chair, dropping the robot on the desk. She scrolled down her previous searches, looking for another fight.

"You have to stop doing that, Nozomi. She's going to eat all the stuff we have for sale at this rate." Eri said, walking up the stairs behind her.

"Yeah, whatever." Nozomi said, her eyes focused on the screen in front of her. Eri walked behind her.

"Don't tell me. You're going to another bot fight?!" Eri shouted.

"It's only across town! I'll make it if I went right now!" Nozomi said, shrugging. She grabbed her robot and headed past Eri, only to be stopped by Eri grabbing her collar.

"You are not going to another fight." Eri said sternly.

"Or what? You're going to ground me?" Nozomi said nocholantly.

"Unbelivable. You've got all that intelligence and you're not even going to use it?" Eri said.

"What? I don't want to become a nerd like you. See you later." Nozomi said, pulling away from Eri.

"What about Aunt Nishikino?" Eri called after her.

"She's not even our real aunt. She just adopted both of us." Nozomi said.

"Ugh! Fine, if you insist on going to the fight, I'll let you go." Eri said.

"Really?" Nozomi asked, turning around to face Eri.

"Really. But I'm taking you there." Eri said, grabbing her own jacket.

"Let's go!" Nozomi said, racing down the stairs.

They were driving on an empty street.

"Where are you going? The fight's that way!" Nozomi said, pointing.

"Shut up. I just want to show you something first." Eri said. They drove up to a large school, where Eri parked her motorcycle.

"Oh. It's your nerd school." Nozomi muttered. "Woop-de-doo." She said, twirling her finger in the air in mock happiness.

"Don't complain." Eri scolded, leading the way into the school. The first place they went was to the laboratory, where there were many students, all working on projects of their own design. Nozomi was immediately attracted to a cycle with wheels held in place by magnetism. She reached out to touch the wheels when she was interrupted.

"Hey! Who're you?!" Nozomi turned around to see a girl shorter than her with black hair and red eyes. The other girl chewed and blew a bubble.

"Relax, Nico. This is my sister, Nozomi." Nico popped her gum bubble and looked Nozomi up and down.

"Welcome to the nerd school." She said, walking around her. Nozomi laughed nervously.

"I-I've never seen electro-mag suspension on a bike before!" Nozomi exclaimed, trying to get on Nico's good side.

"Zero resistance, faster bike." Nico responded. "But! Not fast enough." She continued, ripping the front wheel off and throwing it onto a pile of previously discarded wheels. "Yet." She walked off.

They went to another area next, where a girl with long blue hair wearing goggles over her brown eyes was working on another experiment. Nozomi stepped closer to take a look.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Do not move! Behind the line please!" The girl said, pointing down to a line that Nozomi hadn't noticed previously. She stepped behind it and stood there.

"Hey, Umi. This is my sister, Nozomi." Eri said, walking up behind Nozomi to introduce her. Umi raised her goggles onto her forehead.

"Hello, Nozomi." Umi greeted politely. "Prepared to be amazed." She walked behind the machine and grabbed an apple. "Catch." She said, tossing the apple towards Nozomi. In mid-air, the apple was sliced into many thin pieces. Nozomi plucked one out of the air, marveling at how thin it was. "Wow…" Umi smiled and flipped a switch, revealing that there were actually many glowing lines flowing between the two pillars that made up the machine.

"Laser-induced plasma?" Nozomi asked, following Umi over to where she kept her tools.

"Oh yeah." Umi said, moving a piece of metal right to where it belonged on the cart. "With a little magnetic confinement for, uh, ultra-precision." Nozomi looked at the cart, where even keys were confined to a certain area.

She grabbed a magnifying glass of the cart. "Wow, it's a wonder how you find anything in this mess." She said jokingly. Umi snatched the equipment away from Nozomi and put it back down.

"I've got a system. There's a place for everything, everything in its place." Umi said, making sure that everything was where it was supposed to be.

"Need this!" Nico shouted, leaning over the cart and grabbing something, knocking most of the things on there out of place as she did so.

"You can't do that!" Umi complained as she chased after Nico. Shrugging, Eri led Nozomi to yet another part of the lab, where a girl with ash-brown hair was working with what looked like a giant black ball.

"This is Kotori. Kotori, this is my sister, Nozomi." Eri said, introducing the two. Nozomi walked up to the experiment.

"That's a whole lot of tungsten-carbite." Nozomi remarked.

"Four hundred pounds of it!" Kotori said cheerfully. "Come here, come here, come here!" She said, grabbing hold of Nozomi's arm and pulling her to a table where a bunch of glass containers and chemical holders sat.

"You're gonna love this." She claimed, letting go of Nozomi. She went behind the table.

"A dash of precloric acid; a smidge of colbalt; a hint of hydrogen peroxide!" She paused, grabbing a blowtorch. "Superheated to 500 Kelvin and-" She went back over to the black ball and Nozomi had no choice but to follow. She sprayed the chemical compound she had just made all over the ball, covering it with pink smoke. When the container was empty, she put it down and reached for a switch, which sent an electrical current running through the ball that made it absorb all the pink smoke. "Ta-da!" Kotori said proudly, gesturing at the pink ball. "It's pretty great, huh?"

"So…pink." Nozomi said, with a lack of any other words to use.

"Here's the best part!~" Kotori sang, skipping lightly over to the ball. She placed one finger on it and it sent the pink smoke billowing out in a wide circle around it.

"Whoa!" Nozomi said, glad she was out of the smoke range. Kotori turned around, her entire front covered with pink. She removed her safety glasses.

"I know right?!" She said excitedly. "Chemical-metal embrittlement!"

"Not bad, Kotori." Eri said, coming up behind them. "But I guess we should go check on Rin."

"Who's Rin?" Nozomi asked as Eri led her away from Kotori.

"This girl, right here nya!" A voice said, prompting Nozomi to turn around. She came face-to-face with a huge lizard that was walking upright on its hind legs. She gasped in shock.

"Ah, ah. Don't be alarmed, this is just a suit nya!" Rin said, flipping the head of the lizard outfit back so that her face was visible.. "Not my real face and body!" She pulled her arm out of the suit and held it out for Nozomi to shake. After shaking hands, Rin pulled her arm back into the suit and pulled the head back over her face.. "The name's Rin! School mascot by day, but by night-" She paused in mid-sentence to do a series of acrobatics with the sign she had been carrying. She posed and said, "-I'm also the school mascot nya!"

"So…what's your major?" Nozomi asked, following Rin to where there was a recliner that looked weirdly out of place in the nice and clean laboratory.

"No, no, no, no. I'm not a student nya." Rin said, flipping the head off her own again. "But I am, a major science enthusiast nya!" She finished, flopping back on the chair, still wearing her mascot outfit. She reached down on the side and pulled up a comic book, featuring a human turning into a fire-breathing lizard. "I've been trying to get Kotori-chan to develop a formula that could turn me into a fire-breathing lizard…at will." As Rin said this, Kotori walked over, looking for something. "But she says that's not science nya." Rin complained, making air quotations around 'not science'.

"I-It's really not." Kotori said, shrugging. Umi and Nico both also made their way over to Rin's chair, their chase apparently finished.

"Yeah, and I guess the shrink ray I asked Umi-chan for isn't science either." Rin said, putting more air quotations around 'science'. "Is it nya?"

"Nope." Umi responded.

"Well then!" Rin sat up in her chair, like she had just gotten a great idea. "What about…invisible sandwich nya?" Umi groaned.

"Nozomi!" Eri called, motioning for Nozomi to follow her. As she did, she could still hear Rin talking in the background.

"Imagine eating a sandwich, but everybody just thinks you're crazy nya." Rin said, mimicking holding a sandwich and biting into it.

"Just stop." Umi said.

"Your friends are…interesting." Nozomi remarked as she followed Eri down a hallway. "Where are we going now?"

"My area." Eri responded. They saw a woman walking towards them and stopped to the side respectfully.

"I like your robot." The woman said, nodding at the device that Nozomi had almost forgotten she had been holding.

"Uh, thanks!" Nozomi said. "It's held together by magnetism and-" Eri cut her off by whispering in her ear.

"That's Professor Kousaka! She invented the science that you used for your robot!" Eri hissed. Nozomi's jaw dropped as the professor smiled.

"Well, then. I'd best be on my way." The professor said, shaking hands with Nozomi. She then continued walking past them.

"In here." Eri said, inputting a code and opening the door. She clapped and the lights came on, shining everywhere in the room. Nozomi stepped inside past Eri, looking around. "Excuse me." Eri mumbled, but before Nozomi could even ask what Eri was talking about, she felt a sharp stab in her hand.

"Ow!" Nozomi cried in shock and pain. She glared at Eri, who shrugged and pointed toward the wall by the window. Nozomi was still upset but followed what Eri was pointing at with her gaze as she continued to hold her injured hand in her other hand. Something was moving. A girl wearing a headset that covered her ears which looked like something an anime mecha controller would wear stood up from where she had been apparently crouching behind several boxes. The glass part of her headset that covered her eyes lit up with unfamiliar symbols and shapes as she opened her eyes, revealing a deep violet color.

"I am Maki, your personal healthcare companion. How may I assist you?" The girl asked.

"This is my creation." Eri boasted, walking over to Maki and placing a hand on the girl's shoulder. "A medical robot."

"You made a robot…modeled after our adoptive aunt?" Nozomi asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Shut up." Eri said.

"I heard a cry of pain and started up." Maki said, walking over to Nozomi. "Starting scan." Nozomi was confused until a strange light shone from Maki's headset glass and scanned her from top to bottom.

"Wha-?" Nozomi said, confused.

"Scan complete. Injury not life-threatening." Maki concluded. She reached into her jacket and pulled out a lollipop. "Would you like a lollipop?"

"Thanks…" Nozomi said, taking the candy from the robot.

"Are you satisfied with your care?" Maki asked.

"She will only shut down if you say you are." Eri informed Nozomi.

"Oh, I get it. I am satisfied with my care." Nozomi said, directing the words to Maki. Maki nodded and headed back to where she came from. The glass became blank as she closed her eyes.

"That's so cool!" Nozomi gasped. "I've gotta get in here!" Eri smiled to herself, her plan a success.

And that's all for the first chapter. The other characters will be introduced as the story progresses. Look forward to the blooper chapter that should be following this one soon. As always, review please!