Disclaimer: I don't own Dan/Phil nor anyone associated with them

Hey Pastries! Surprise, you guys are probably like um didn't you already do something like this with Smosh? Yes, yes I did..but, this story is special, because it is a collab between myself and my friend and fellow fanfic author Strawberry4life. She will write evens, and I will write odds, and this is one of the collabs we are doing. So yeah, enjoy xd

"Drop it Annabelle." Said the shaggy haired boy, as the girl next to him held the black plastic bag over the bridge. She looked at the boy and met his gaze, the two thirteen year olds stood there in the dark of night. Shivering from the cold, and snow that was coming down on them as the water below churned and flowed along. He nodded, as did she before looking at the bag. She let go and both siblings watched as the bag fell with a resounding splash.

"Is it over?" She asked.

"Yeah, its over." He replied, she sighed in relief.

"Hey!" They heard someone call, and immediately the children ran. Dan, went over, and sighed wondering just what it was they thew over the bridge. He turned and saw, that the bag had washed up ashore and immediately the youtuber went to go see what it was. He knelt down to inspect the now incredibly wet plastic bag. It was black, and it felt like there was something hard in it. He opened the bag, and saw a Ouija board. He'd heard of them, and he'd seen pictures on Tumblr or due to the movie but he'd never actually held one before. It felt heavy, and there was...something off. He sighed, and shook his head..maybe he was just being silly. After all, it wasn't like anything would really happen.

After walking along the Thames some more, he headed back to the flat and set it down on the table. Phil entered the lounge with dinner, having finished eating his own some time ago.

" Hey,...where did you get that?" Asked Phil curiously.

"I saw some kids throw it off of the bridge." Said Dan, Phil sat down and picked it up. It felt slightly heavy, even if it was just a board.

"So, you picked it up?" Said Phil turning to his boyfriend who smiled at him, yeah ok it may have been odd that he'd picked up something that someone threw away. But really, the board was in good condition, and it wasn't like it could really do them harm. Phil set it back down, and reached into the bag for the planchette that came with it. Dan took it, and set it on the board. He turned to Phil, and smiled softly.

"I think we should play it." Said Dan, immediately Phil looked at Dan curiously.

" Really?"

"Yeah, I mean nothing is going to happen really." Said Dan, though Phil looked at his boyfriend very unsure.

"Dan I don't know, I mean my grandma always told me that this stuff is really dangerous, people can get really hurt. Not to mention the fact, that you want to play it now, but later when its time to sleep you're not going to be able to." Said Phil, Dan scoffed lightly and rolled his eyes in response.

" No I-" He stopped, when Phil gave him a small look. "Ok you may have a point, but I promise that I won't freak out...too bad."

"Why do you want to play anyway?" Asked Phil.

"Because I am naturally curious...haven't you ever wanted to try it out?" Asked Dan, Phil sighed in response.

"Fine, but you're the one who has to turn the lights off when we go to sleep." Said Phil getting a notepad and pencils, Dan nodded as he and Phil placed their hands on the planchette. Dan cleared his throat.

"Is there anyone there, who wants to speak to us?" Asked Dan, when the planchette began moving spelling 'm-e'

Immediately both youtubers tensed up slightly, they looked at each other and turned to the board which began moving again.


"Ok, I changed my mind, I don't want to do this anymore." Said Dan, when he went to remove his hands from the planchette, but found that he couldn't move them. Phil immediately tried to do the same, when the planchette kept on saying the exact same thing over and over. His blue eyes widened, as he saw a dark shadow standing there and he couldn't move..he couldn't speak...he couldn't even breathe due to this strange dark smoke. His eyes rolled to the back of his head, and the lights flickered on and off. Dan tried to release his hands so that he could help Phil, but he was literally stuck there.

"Phil!" Cried out Dan, as Phil fell to the floor convulsing and trembling. The lights went out, and everything went black.

Phil gasped and woke up on the couch, he looked around as the birds chirped outside and there was a warm duvet over him.

"Hey, morning sleepyhead." Said Dan at the doorway, immediately Phil turned to Dan. The memory of last night fresh in his mind, his blue eys turned to the board..where was it? He and Dan had been using it last night, had he put it away?

" Dan...what happened last night?" He asked curiously.

"I brought this weird Ouija board home and we played it, but then you said your head hurt and dozed off on the couch...are you ok?" Asked Dan in concern, as he sat down and saw how pale Phil's face was. Phil's jaw was left hanging...no..there was no way..then again what had happened did feel like a dream..was it? He placed a hand on his forehead, when Dan placed a hand on his shoulder.

"You ok?" Asked Dan softly.