hey guys, so guess who has a snow day? :D but honestly, it's actually kinda bad so I want to get this out before my power goes out... if it does anyways.

But yeah, here we are at the finale... wow, that was fast.

Redphan and I really appreciate you guys sticking around and reading. This was one of my favorite stories to write, and it made it even better to write it with one of my great friends :)

But without further or do, let's get on to the finale of 'Alone in the Dark'.

~~~~~5 Years Later~~~~~

"Daddy!" Five year old Thomas Howell-Lester cried.

Dan came running into his son's room at lightning speed.

"Thomas, what's wrong?" Dan asked urgently.

Dan's urgency died down though when he noticed he wasn't in any real danger.

The little boy frowned at his dad. "Tessa!" He said, pointing to his closet.

Dan sighed, chuckling slightly as his daughter's antics. "Tessa, come out from the closet. What have Pa and I told you about playing tricks on your brother?"

A little girl opened the closet door with a mask on her face. She pulled it off her face and looked at her father, a grin on her face.

"Tessa Howell-Lester, leave your brother alone. You know he doesn't do well with his closet." Dan said, taking the mask from the little girl's hand.

She giggled and shrugged. "Sorry daddy." She said, before running off into her own room.

Dan sighed and looked at the mask before looking at his son. He looked so scared...

"Don't worry son, it's just a mask. It can't hurt you." Dan said, bending down to his level.

Thomas pouted and looked at his dad. "It's not fair. She always scares me."

"She's your sister Thomas, even more so your twin. She's supposed to. My brother and I growing up, gosh you should of seen us." Dan said, trying to cheer Thomas up.

The little boy cracked a small smile, looking at his dad.

"Why don't you play with your toys? Pa should be home soon with dinner, okay?" Dan asked.

He nodded and turned away, walking over to one of hos toy sets.

Dan stood up and walked out of the room and into the room he shared with Phil.

He threw the mask into the wardrobe and sat down.

Thomas and Tessa may have been twins, but they were nothing alike.

Ever since the day they were born... Dan and Phil both knew they weren't alike.

As they got older, their personalities started to come into play.

Thomas is more like Phil but looks almost identical to Dan. I guess the pregnancy came into play with that one as well.

Yes, Tessa and Thomas were conceived by Dan and Phil. Dan's a carrier, which means that he can get pregnant. Only a few months after Andrew disappeared, Dan fell pregnant... and that's where they are today.

But back to before.

Thomas is exactly like Phil, shy, quiet, prefers to do things on his own but has the most chocolate brown eye color, tan completion, and brown hair.

Tessa is exactly like Dan, adventurous, curious, more of an extrovert. However, she looks exactly like Phil. Sky blue eyes, pale with ebony hair that goes just past her shoulders. She's basically a female version of Phil... just way shorter and younger.

But they were absolutely perfect... Dan and Phil couldn't of asked for better kids.

"Pa's home! Pa's home!" Tore Dan from his daydream,=.

He chuckled and got up, walking out of the bedroom and into the kitchen where his husband now was.

Phil looked up from hugging his daughter and saw Dan. He smiled. "Hey bear." Phil said, standing up now.

Dan smiled back, pecking Phil's lips. "Hi."

"Daddy! I'm hungry!" Tessa complained.

The two men chuckled. "Okay, go sit down with your brother and we'll be right in, okay?" Phil said.

Her blue eyes lit up as she nodded furiously. She then ran out as fast as her little legs could take her.

They laughed. "She is just like you." Phil said, turning toward the counter.

"I'd hope that would be a good thing." Dan pointed out.

"Of course bear." Phil said, chuckling.

The two men spoke as they put plates together for their little ones. They walked together into the lounge where the two kids were sitting, waiting for their fathers.

They placed the plates down and turned on their favorite show...

A few hours went by and it was around 8. It was they kids bedtimes.

Phil put Thomas down and Dan put Tessa down. They kind of had this system that they would do every night, finding that it was the easiest way to get them to sleep at night. During this, they would switch every couple nights.

When the both met back in the bedroom, Phil noticed something wrong with Dan... He seemed distant slightly.

"Bear?" Phil asked softly.

"Hmm?" Dan mumbled.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

"Honestly, no." Dan answered.

And that sent Phil into a frenzy if worries.

Phil sat down next to him and took his hands. "Dan, what's the matter?"

Dan remained silent before speaking. "Today's the anniversary, Phil." He whispered.

It took Phil a moment before he put two and two together.

"Oh bear... I'm so sorry that happened. You didn't deserve it."

Dan looked at Phil. He smiled slightly. "You saved me though... and I'll always be grateful. I love you." Dan whispered, kissing his cheek.

Phil smiled. "I love you too bear."

"Let's spend the rest of our lives together." Dan said.

Phil's smile grew. "It would be an honor."

And with those last words, Dan and Phil crawled into bed, awaiting for the next day to come...

and there it is.

I hope you guys enjoyed the story and I want to say thank you again for reading :)

bye guys :)

~Strawberry4life and Redphanqueen