Here we go…Part III…



"Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome aboard Flight 5057, non-stop service from Washington Dulles Airport to Athens International Airport. Current time and temperature is 5:27 p.m. and we're holding steady at a drizzly 63° F. Our flight time this evening is eleven hours and three minutes with cabin service providing an evening dinner once we've reached our cruising altitude of 35,000 feet, and then our crew will be serving a light continental breakfast just before landing. The captain has turned on the fasten seatbelt sign. If you haven't done so already…" The flight attendant continued her spiel.

"Oh, my God, Liv…I'm so excited!" Alex beamed.

It had been one month since their big day and Alex and Olivia finally had the case load or lack thereof, to take a two-week vacation to Greece. They agreed to take their island vacation in the warmer months and save Montana for February, perhaps Valentine's Day…their first Valentine's Day together. Alex had promised her family that their first Christmas together they would come to the beach house and celebrate along with a completely clean and out of rehab Jonathan.

"Me, too, Baby…but I'm not looking forward to eleven hours cooped up in this metal cage…" Olivia looked around, her eyes going to the emergency exits, looking up for the oxygen mask locations, checking the tightness of her seatbelt.

Alex smiled at her wife, "I never thought the big bad detective was afraid to fly."

Olivia's eyes flashed to the blonde's, her expression softening upon seeing the attorney's smirk. "Maybe a little. I just…by the time this flight is over, I may or may not be a little stir-crazy…eleven hours is a long time, Babe. Our last flight from La Guardia to DC was only two hours. This…this just might kill me…"

Alex leaned in to the brunette from her seat next to the window, an empty seat to the right of the brunette, "There are ways we can relax, Baby…"

Olivia smiled and allowed the blonde to lean in further, her lips hovering close to hers. Olivia smiled, moving her mouth closer still.

"I can't wait to see that ass island-tanned again…private beach twenty feet from the water, we could swim nude, Babe…just the two of us in that little, primitive, shack…only the essentials…God, I'm so horny just thinking about it…" Alex nuzzled the brunette's neck, kissing softly.

Chills ran from Alex's kiss, down her arm, and straight to her core. "Oh, Babe…it's perfect…we've been working non-stop since the wedding…we need a break…"

Alex nodded millimeters from Olivia lips, "We do…"

Finally, the blonde pressed her lips to Olivia's, softly, gently, surely.

Casually, the blonde leaned back, picking up her magazine from her lap and scanning it. Eyes still on the glossy page in front of her, she said, "Let me know when you'd like to release some stress," she smirked.

Olivia laughed and put her hand on the attorney's thigh. "Don't worry, Babe…I will definitely let you know."

The flight attendant continued, "If you are seated at an emergency exit, please read the special instructions card carefully, located by your seat…"

Olivia reached into the pocket in front of her, frantically rifling through the laminated pages for the special instructions.

"At this time, we request all mobile phones…"

Olivia reached into her pocket, shuffling the instruction card in one hand and her iPhone in the other. She felt blue eyes on her and she turned. Sure enough, the blonde was smirking at her.

"Oh, yeah…someone needs some tension released…"

Olivia felt her body relax, just upon seeing those cerulean eyes. Alex had put her newly trimmed hair—just below her shoulders now—in a loose braid and was wearing baggy, comfy, black and white striped linen pants, a simple white tank and a beige cardigan over it and slip-on espadrilles, to be as comfortable as possible for the long flight. Olivia had chosen the mostly black route—loose, black linen pants, a black tank, and a white linen blazer, simple black flip-flops, hair down, but clip waiting by. Each brought comfy socks for the trip.

"You set my mind at ease, Babe…" Olivia took Alex's hand into her own and brought it to her lips, kissing it softly. "…you relax me with just your eyes, Al…" Olivia closed her eyes and leaned her head back. "Oh, and I will probably take you up on your offer of a tension releasing activity later…" She smiled, eyes still closed, feeling Alex squeezing her hand firmly.

"I'll hold you to it…"

… … … … … …

Four hours into the flight, after a rubbery chicken dinner was picked at by both women, Olivia sighed deeply and looked to her left, the blonde casually reading from her new Nicci French novel. Olivia sighed again, still watching the blonde.

Alex calmly took her bookmark from her lap and slipped it inside the book to mark her place, closing it and gently placing it on her lap before turning to Olivia, blue eyes meeting her own. She leaned her head back, facing her wife. "Olivia Benson…Olivia Cabot-Benson…"

"That…will never be settled…I don't care what I'm called, though…maybe we should both change our last name to something completely different." Olivia took Alex's right hand into her lap and leaned back, looking at the ceiling. "Like…Scheinerbacher…or, Jackson…"

Alex laughed, "Alex and Olivia Jackson? I like it…Hey…we love Italian food…how about something Italian like Bertollucci?"

"Alex and Olivia Bertollucci?" Olivia cackled and then quickly brought it down a notch, seeing others sleeping around her. "I also love Mexican food…Alex and Olivia Martinez?"

Alex giggled, "Alex and Olivia Kampong? You love Thai, too…"

The two women were now shaking uncontrollably.

"We could be Greek in Greece and I love Mediterranean food…" Olivia tried in between laughter. "Alex and Olivia Papadopoulos…"

Alex doubled over, not able to breathe, the two trying desperately to be quiet.

Olivia looked at the blonde, "God, Baby…I love you…I don't know what I'd do if you weren't in my life…"

"Something you never have to think about, Liv. Ever…" Alex leaned in and kissed the detective softly.

Alex gripped the armrests and raised her torso to look around, "It looks like everyone is sleeping, Babe…now would be a good time to meet in the bathroom…" Alex grabbed Olivia's thigh and squeezed it possessively.

Olivia craned her head to the right just as a man was walking down the aisle, her head almost colliding with his thigh.

Alex laughed.

"You're right…most people are sleeping…why aren't we?" Olivia questioned.

"Because someone needs a nice, relaxing end to their evening before they go nighty-night…You get up…you'll go to the rear of the plane and go in the lavatory to the right. From the moment you stand, I'll count to thirty and come back. Leave it unlocked. OK?"

"Jesus, Alex…have you done this before?"

Alex shook her head, biting her lower lip and smiling. "You'll be my first. Let's do double duty…"

Olivia knew exactly what that meant—both women would be pleased simultaneously. "If you can figure out the positions, I'm all for double duty, Al."

"OK…go…" she coaxed.

Olivia unclasped her seat belt and looked around once more before standing. She began walking away but looked at Alex briefly, the blonde's eyes on her backside. Olivia shook her head, smiling, and started towards the back of the plane.


Alex began counting in her head…fifteen, sixteen…she unclasped her seatbelt and smiled…twenty…she took her glasses off and folded them, placing them in the seat back pocket and then put some lip balm on…thirty.

She stood, pulling her tank down and pulling her cardigan back on her shoulders and entered the aisle, striding back toward the restrooms. Upon arrival at the door, the sliding lock read VACANT, signaling it was either empty or her wife was waiting for her. She pushed the lever down and casually walked inside, Olivia grabbing her by the waist so the door would close quickly.

It was a tight squeeze to be sure. Alex smiled at the brunette who was straddling the toilet. Olivia reached behind Alex and locked the door.

"How are we gonna manage this, Babe? There's blue water under my crotch and Lord knows what else just five feet below—"

Alex's mouth found Olivia's quickly to shut her up—tongues probing, lips searching as the blonde reached underneath her shirt and began fondling her breasts, gently tweaking her nipples, cupping their fullness and moaning into her mouth at their warmth and feel against her fingertips.

Olivia grabbed Alex's backside, pulling her closer, hips slamming into hips.

Olivia hands were all over Alex's hair, pulling it from the braid, blonde hair flying as Alex's hands did the same in the brunette's soft locks.

"Alex…" Olivia whispered, "…we have to be quick…"

Alex reached into Olivia's loose pants and slipped her hand beneath the waistband of her panties, her finger slipping inside her wet warmth.

"Uhhhh….." Olivia breathed. The detective reciprocated the action to the blonde, reaching into her silk panties and beginning her stimulation.

They looked into each other's eyes, pressing their foreheads together and they pumped in and out of each other quickly, breathing heavily, Olivia whimpering her pleasure.

Alex smiled, "Shhhhh…."

"Oh, God, Alex…I can't help—"

Alex brushed her clit with her thumb, the brunette jumping.

"Wait, Baby…let's come together…" Olivia almost begged.

Their breathing was ragged, Olivia's fingers curling just so and then slipping another digit in, Alex almost screaming from the feeling. "Oh, Liv…I'm almost there, Baby…"

Their panting became quick, hurried, frantic, a release pending. Alex's forehead was now resting on Olivia's shoulder, focused on her pleasure and giving pleasure, the back of the brunette's head against the wall.

Together they panted, moaning in unison, thrusting in unison as they both peaked and then crashed, quietly moaning their release. Olivia undulated her hips around the blonde's fingers, facilitating her own aftershocks as the brunette continued pumping until the blonde's spasms ceased.

Alex's head still against Olivia's shoulder, she breathed, "My God, Liv Goldstein…that was amazing…"

The women laughed quietly, recovering from their explosion.

Once cleaned up, water splashed on faces, hair fixed, clothing straightened the two women exited the lavatory, spacing it out once again.

When Alex got back to the row where they were assigned, Olivia was already seated, seatbelt on—they didn't plan that well but really weren't thinking after their climaxes—and the attorney climbed over the brunette, her ass in the detective's face.

She felt teeth on her backside and yelped.

"Shhh…." Olivia tried, laughing. You're like a Chihuahua…"

"Well, Mrs. Martinez…buy me a leash and call me yours…because I am…" Alex leaned in for a kiss. "Do you think you could fall asleep now, Babe?"

Olivia lifted the arm rest separating them and leaned against the attorney. "Oh, I think I could probably sleep a little while as good as I feel right now." Olivia looked up at Alex and kissed her softly. "Next stop, paradise."

"Next stop absolute paradise, Babe. I can hardly wait."

… … … … … …

OK. That's it for Chapter 1 of Part III. I added some more. I just couldn't wait to get the first part out early this morning but knew I wanted to add to it. I am so excited about writing them in Greece because I have actually been many times (my family is Greek) and I will write from experience.

Thanks for reading!