The Forgotten Sister

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter

Chapter 5: Second Year Part 2

Violet's return to the school was a little tense. Even with Harry Potter defending her that she couldn't possibly be the heir to Salazar Slytherin there were still whispers. Everyone who knew her and all the Slytherins didn't seem to care so Violet ignored it.

She went back down to the chamber not long after her return to tell Salazar and Sasha that her plan had worked. She loved talking to the two. They both had so much knowledge on history and Salazar on magic. She had brought Hades down to the chamber to meet them and it seemed Hades and Sasha were fast friends.

She worked on her magical redirection there by doing a spell and trying to move them. It worked a little but was tiring.

Then came the day of the quidditch match. Violet found herself sitting in the stands bored until she felt a strange magic around one of the bludgers. She knew it was elf magic and knew who it was from when it started chasing Harry. Despite having a bludder trailing him Harry managed to catch the snitch. He ended up with no bones in his arms thanks to Lockhart.

That night as Violet got ready for bed she heard a pop and turned to see Dobby. "If you told me keeping Harry away from Hogwarts meant killing him I might have been on board," Violet joked.

"Dobby did not mean to try to kill Harry Potter, but Harry Potter very nasty about it," Dobby said and Violet knew Dobby had just been to see Harry.

"Dobby, my brother isn't worth all this effort your putting into him. Trust me I know besides there isn't as much danger here as there seems to be," Violet told the elf knowing she wouldn't say much more. Before Dobby could reply the door opened and he popped out.

"What's going on? Daphne asked.

"Dobby," Violet answered and Daphne laughed. "We got to find who that elf belongs to. Any elf that would send a bludder to attack my brother I want." Daphne laughed.


It was a week later that all second years found themselves in a dueling club hosted by Gilderoy Lockhart. "We might have been better off restarting that fake dueling club from last year," Daphne said as the group stood there with Neville agreeing. The only reason why they were there was that all Slytherin 2nd years were going and Neville came to keep them company.

As Lockhart started the group was relieved to find out that Snape was also there as an assistance. "Make you a bet Snape crushes Lockhart," Violet said as the two were starting a demonstration and Snape took Lockhart out with a simple expelliarmus. "Told you so."

Lockhart tried to make it seem like he let Snape take his wand and then called up Ron and Harry to duel but Snape stopped him. "Weasley wand causes destruction with the simplest of spell. He'll send Potter to the hospital wing in a bag. How about we try someone from my house." Snape looked over the group of Slytherins. Draco seemed to be sure he would be called. "Like Violet Potter." Draco seemed in shock but Violet smiled as she came up on stage.

"Ah, brother vs sister. Just like Romeo and Juliet," Lockhart said making everyone stop and look at him.

"Romeo and Juliet?" Violet asked.

"Yes the brother and sister who fought each other because of god love in the bible," Lockhart said.

"That would be Cain and Abel two brothers," Hermione pointed out. "Abel was the beloved of God…"

'I guess that makes me Abel," Harry said with a smile holing his wand.

"Fine by me. Cain killed Abel," Violet said holding up her wand with a smile. Harry took a step back. The two bowed to each other and took the steps to stand at opposite sides. As they held up their wands to each other Violet noticed a connection between their wands. She remembered the phoenix that gave the tears for her core also gave the feather for Harry's core. She didn't want to find out what would happen if their spells mixed.

Harry sent a stunner at her. Violet had been practicing her magical redirection and sent it right to the side of her. Not enough movement to suggest anything but Harry missed. "You have awful aim brother," Violet said.

The fight went like that with Vioete dodging Harry's spells and sending her own when he didn't. Finally Violet decided she needed a distraction and said "Serpensortia." It is a spell that summons a random snake to the field.

The snake glared at Harry and Violet was about to use the disarming spell when Lockhart got in the way to get rid of it and just made the snake angry. It seemed to be going for a Hufflepuff student. Violet wasn't sure what to do but that was when she heard Harry talking. It sounded English to her but she knew Parselmouth when she heard it. It just sounded different then English.

The snake backed away when Harry told it to and Snape got rid of it. All eyes were on Harry at that moment.


That night Violet went down to the chamber. "He's a parselmouth," Violet said walking in confusing the two.

"Who's a parselmouth?" Salazar asked back.

"My brother Harry. How is he a Parselmouth?" Violet asked.

"I have sensed him," Sasha said. "He was around during the first attack on the cat. I heard him speak but I did not respond. He has the gift but I can tell its' not truly his. I don't know how he got it but he is not a real Parselmouth." Violet nodded spent some time with the two and went back up to her dorm.


Harry looked at his two friends. They had decided to make Polyjuice Potion to sneak into the Slytherin common room. They had managed to steal the ingredients from Snape. "Before the potion is finished maybe my sister can help us," Harry said finally deciding and going to find Violet with his two sidekicks by his side.

Violet was with her friends outside. It was a nice day so before the weather got to cold the group had decided to play a game on their day off. It was basically magical hot potato. The ball they were throwing between each other was making a clipping noise that kept getting faster. If you were holding the ball then the nose stopped it opened up and slashed chocolate sauce in your face.

"Violet,' Harry called just as Violet caught the ball. Violet turned around as she heard her. She could tell the ball was about the run out and she did not have the time to throw it to someone playing so she threw it at Harry who caught the ball. The timers ran out and chocolate sauce was released all over Harry. Ron and Hermione were standing close enough to him to get hit as well.

The Slytherins in the group started laughing right away followed by Neville. Cho, Cedric, Susan, and Luna couldn't help it when they saw the groups face. "Well since you already lost a match come join the game," Violet said forcing the words out in as pleasant a tone as possible.

"Like I would play a game with a Slytherin," Ron said looking at the other Slytherins the group.

"Remember your sister is a Slytherin," Cedric said and Ron made a face. The elder Weasley haven't hidden their dislike for their sisters sorting only ones who were halfway decent towards her were the twins and therefore Violet held more respect for those two then any other Weasley.

"I want to talk," Harry said after Hermione had used a spell to get rid of the chocolate sauce on them. He grabbed Violet arm. Violet turned to her friends and shook her head. She wanted to see what her brother wanted this time.

She went with the trio to a more privet place after giving the ball back to her friends so they could continue to play. "So you wanted something?" Violet asked.

"Who is the heir of Salazar Slytherin?" Harry asked.

"Word around the castle is it's you," Violet said and Harry had a sour face. The rumors had changed to Harry was the one who was ordering the attacks and is the heir to Salazar Slytherin. Her disappearance played into the rumor by saying her and Harry had an argument over what to do with the chamber when they found it and fought. Harry won and did something to erase her memories before releasing her. Violet found the whole thing hilarious.

"You know it's not Harry," Ron said. "We think its Malfoy."

Violet raised an eyebrow. "Well good for you, but I have no more information to who the heir is then you do and even if I did I wouldn't tell you. What was your thinking here? That every Slytherin knows who is ordering these attacks? That's just plain stupid of you and while I expect these things from you two." Violet pointed at Ron and Harry and then moved her finger to Hermione. "I'd expect better from you. Good day."

Violet walked back to her friends catching the ball when it was thrown at her and passing it to Cho. "What did smart, dumb, and dumber want?" Daphne asked as they played.

"They think Malfoy is the heir to Slytherin and wanted me to confirm it," Violet said.

"That's stupid. What do they think? All Slytherins know who the heir is?" Blaise asked.

"That's what I said," Violet commented as the ball was thrown to her again and she threw it to Tracey.

"The worst leap of logic here is that it is not possible for Malfoy to be the heir," Cho said. "The Malfoy family came to Britain from France about two hundred years ago. Now if they had said through his mother side that would be possible since the Black family is an old British family, but it was proven long ago that they were not related to Slytherin at all."

"Interesting," Violet said storing that information away in her brain for later use and continued with the game.


As months passed Violet ignored the attacks and rumors about her and Harry. She spent as much time in the chamber with Sasha and Salazar as possible learning from them and practicing her spells and magical redirection. She was getting better at it.

Then Christmas came. This year the group exchanged small presents with each other mostly books, candy, and games. Violet was surprised when she realized her brother had chosen to stay the holiday but shrugged it off until Christmas night when she saw Goyle, Crabbie, and Pansy acting weird.

She watched them until she saw a scar appear on Goyle head and red hair on Crabbie. Hades had told Violet that the golden trio was making a potion in Moaning Mrytle bathroom earlier and now Violet knew which one. The three moved out in a hurry and Violet went to follow. "Harry Potter,' she called and the group paused turning around to look at her. "You're looking a lot more Slytherin then usual. Let me guess polyjuice potion made by Granger over there."

"You wouldn't help us so we had to figure out a way to talk to Malfoy ourselves," Harry said.

"I expect something like this from you two but once again you surprise me," Violet said looking at Hermione who was slowly turning back into herself and taking out her wand. "Now I should just bring you right to Snape at this very moment."

"You slimly snake," Ron said with a hiss.

"Ron calm down," Hermione said.

"Yes Hermione right Weasel. Calm down," Violet said pointing her wand at him. "Because I'll let you walk right away." Violet could see the three relax. "If you give me the marauders map."

"I… um… don't know what you're talking about," Harry said.

"I know dad, Uncle Remus, and Uncle Sirius made more. They probably gave each of you one. Now you can continue to play stupid or we can go talk to Professor Snape. Your choice." Harry looked at his friends and then took a piece of paper out of his pocket handing it to Violet. Violet took it. "Thank you. Now you better go before someone sees you."

"You Slytherin," Ron hissed.

"I know you think your name calling but all your doing is stating the obvious," Violet said. "Oh and by the way Draco can't be the heir to Slytherin. His family came over here from France two hundred years ago and his mother sides, the Blacks, was proven not to be related to Slytherin years ago." Violet walked back into the common leaving three dumb founded Gryffindor there.


"She's right," Hermione said the next day in the library holding a big book and dropping it on the table. "It's all here. Malfoy can't be related to Slytherin. It's impossible."

"Does it says there who can be?" Ron asked.

"Unfortunately the Slytherin line was lost years ago. No one knows what happened to it. There are theories but it's a wide variety of people. Even the Potters are listed as possible heirs," Hermione said.

"I thought the Potters were the heir to Gryffindor," Ron said.

'It's never been proven," Harry stated before Hermione could. "My family never wanted to prove it one way or the other either."

"Well your sister is one piece of work. Blackmailing us," Ron said.

"Just forget it. She's a Slytherin. She saw an opportunity and she took it," Harry said. "Besides we didn't lose much. We still have our own maps anyway." The group nodded.


As time passed Violet had a pretty good year. Sasha always warned her about attacks letting her keep away and direct her friends away too. Her circle of friends expanded to include Daphne little sister and surprisingly the Weasley twins seemed interested in the group.

Violet spent as much time as possible in the chamber with Sasha and Salazar. She even showed them the map. She also started to put a plan in action about the stone and her best friend parents but the necessary potion wouldn't be ready until the summer. She had to sneak out of the castle to buy potion supplies for it.

Hermione was attacked outside the library holding a mirror, which led Violet to believe she found out what was going on.

It was May 29th that thing got crazy and the writing on the wall about Ginny being taken down to the chamber was written. Violet knew Sasha would never hurt Ginny and this would probably be it. Sasha would free Ginny and put her back up. Everything would be fine, but they were told the school was closing.

Snape gave orders to the Slytherins to get packed and that was what were the Slytherin's were doing when Violet mirror rang. "Neville, what's up?" Violet asked.

"I'm outside. Come out into the hallway now. Everyone," Neville said.

Violet looked over the others and the group went outside where Neville and Apollo were waiting. "Okay Neville, what's going on?" Violet asked.

"The rest of the school doesn't want your house to know this. In fact I had to have Cedric cover for me as I ran here. Harry and Ron went down to the chamber. They found it and they are going to save Ginny and slay Slytherin beast. We're good," Neville said.

Violet believed her brother would brag about that before heading down. She also knew since Hermione must have figured it out before that Harry must know what was down there now. "Sasha," She said interrupting Blaise commenting about Harry probably getting himself killed.

She completely confused her friends as she ran down a hallway with the following. She hissed open to the wall and when it opened she ran in not noticing her friends were following.

"Where are we going?" Tracey asked.

"It has to be," Daphne said.

"The chamber," Theo said almost not believing it.

Violet ran into the main hall. "Sasha," she called seeing the giant snake lying on the floor. She ran up to her knowing she was too late. She could see a sharp object had gone through the roof of her mouth and into her brain. There was blood on the floor. Even the sorcerer's stone wouldn't help now. Violet fell to her knees tears in her eyes in front of her friend. "I am sorry."

"You have nothing to be sorry for," Violet heard a voice and turned to see her familiar coming up. "I was here visiting when it happened. I saw everything. Before Sasha could refuse to follow the boys orders the headmaster phoenix showed up and blinded her and brought a hat in front of your brother which he pulled a sword out of. Your brother stabbed Sasha with the sword while she was in pain."

"They will pay. Both of them will pay," Violet said as she stood up and then she felt pure magic around her. A ring appeared on her finger and then she felt something on her arm. She was wearing muggle clothes, a t-shirt so she looked down at her arm and saw black appearing and making shape. After a minute it looked like a black snake tattoo with the word Slytherin underneath it.

She turned to look at her friends who were just staring at her. "Salazar," she yelled running into Salazar's mouth and into the room where his portrait was.

"Did she just say Salazar?" Theo asked and the rest nodded before running after her.

"Salazar what's going on?" Violet asked looking at the portrait.

"Your brother and a phoenix killed my familiar and the you became my heiress. My true heiress. The one of the prophecy," Salazar said.

"But we did the test. I'm not related to you at all," Violet said.

"My heir showed himself to be unworthy when he led my familiar to death. You showed yourself worthy by trying to save her and swearing revenge so magic herself stepped in and disowned my heir and made you the rightful heiress to the house of Slytherin."

"Um, Violet. What's going on?" Neville asked and Violet turned to look at them.

"Who are they?" Salazar asked.

"My friends. I didn't realize they followed me. I am sorry Salazar," Violet said.

"The chamber belongs to you now anyway," Salazar said.

Violet then explained everything to her friends about that year including what happened tonight. "And now Harry gets to claim Sasha body as right of conquest," Violet said with a sour look on her face.

"One question when did Harry get a phoenix?" Neville asked.

"She spent the entire year hanging out with a giant snake and the founder of our house and that's the one question you have?" Blaise asked.

Violet ignored his comment turning to Neville. "He doesn't. The phoenix is Dumbledore's familiar," Violet said.

"Then right of conquest doesn't apply," Neville said making everyone look at him. "The rights of conquest law states a witch or wizard have to take out the beast by him or her self without any third party help. A phoenix not belonging to Harry helping him by blinding Sasha and giving him the sword he used to kill her means the law doesn't apply."

"Neville you're the best,' Violet said hugging her friend. "Salazar will the goblins at Gringotts know I am the heir to Slytherin now?"

"Yes but all you must do is put the ring on any letter you write and it will mark the letter with Slyhterin crest which only you may use," Salazar said.

"Good who has a owl here?" Violet asked and Blaise raised his hand. "I need to borrow him or her." Blaise nodded. "And I kind of need an oath from you never to reveal what was said here."

The group looked at each other and Daphne stepped up. "I Daphne Greengrass, heiress to the house of Greengrass, swear on my life and magic to never reveal the secrets of Violet Potter, heiress to the house of Slytherin, and hereby swear my loyalty and support to her. So mote it be."

"You just swore loyalty to me?" Violet said confused.

"You're my friend and I want to be on the winning side," Daphne said and then Neville followed her example along with everyone else.

Violet blinked not sure what just happened. Salazar smiled seeing his heiress had loyal friends and the beginning of an army. She would need it. "Now go, save my Sasha body from your brother and Violet we have a lot to talk about. It can wait though until you come back for your third year."

Violet nodded and the group ran of the chamber going to write a letter.


The next day Violet pulled Ginny aside. "Hey Gin, need to talk to you," Violet said bringing her over. The ring was not able to be taken off but could be disguised so no one knew what it was. The tattoo she just had to hide until she could make it look like she had really gotten a tattoo, which would be that summer. "Has anyone asked about what happened to me when I disappeared yet?" Ginny shook her head. "Good, if they do I need you to make up a story."

"That would be lying," Ginny said.

"True, but you know everyone in Slytherin sort of knows now you were possessed and that's how you ended up here. You're not a true Slytherin but unfortunately there are no resorting. It's not possible. Now if you haven't noticed I've gotten myself a little power. I have my group, I have respect of the older Slytherins, the younger Slytherins also respect me, and even Draco group and me are on good terms. I can make your life in Slytherin very easy."

"If I help you," Ginny said and Violet smiled putting a hand on Ginny's shoulder

"So we understand each other," Violet said and Ginny nodded. "Good let's go to the Great Hall for breakfast shall we?"

The two walked to the Great Hall where Harry and Ron were waiting for them. "There you two are," Harry said. He had a diary in his hand that Violet recognized as the one Ginny used. The dark magic from it was gone now. "You heard what happened?" The question was directed at Violet who smiled and nodded. "Well remember that house elf that was causing me so much trouble. He belongs to Malfoy, so I bet Malfoy slipped this to Ginny."

"When he took a book out of her cauldron," Violet said remembering she thought he put two books in.

"Yeah I told Dumbledore, but he said there's no proof. We can't do anything to him with the power he has," Harry mumbled.

"Not legally," Violet said making the two look at her.

"What do you mean?" Ron asked.

"I'm a Slytherin. There are ways to use information against people. You remember that," Violet said bringing up her blackmailing them.

'You could do something to Malfoy," Harry said.

"Let's just say there are certain people who Malfoy would not like this information coming to. People who don't need the law, but…" Violet paused. "I'd need the book"

Harry looked at the book and then threw it at Violet. "Have fun," Harry said and Violet smiled.

"One thing, Ginny what did happen to Violet?" Ron asked and Violet looked at Ginny.

"Not much, she must have fallen into the chamber when I opened it one time. I saw her the next time I opened it and Tom told me to put her into some hallways," Ginny said and Violet smiled as she headed to the Slytherin table.


The next week, after everyone was cured of the basilisk stare, Harry was doing a big retelling of what happened in the chamber of secret. Afterward he was going to bring people down to claim the body. He didn't know that wouldn't be happening.

It was also the first opportunity that Violet saw Lucius Malfoy. He was standing at the back of the Great Hall and Violet excused herself from her friends and went to him. "Lord Malfoy," Violet said making him look at her.

"Ms. Potter. Is there something I can help you with?" Lucius said.

"I have the book," Violet said and then took it out of her bag to show him. "I know you gave this to Ginny."

"I don't know what you're talking about," Lucius said.

"Your right you can deny it and there is nothing I can do legally, but don't forget I am a Slytheirn. I know people. How would others of his followers feel about you playing around with something important to him? What would he think? As we both know he is alive somewhere," Violet said.

"What do you want?" Lucius asked figuring it would be better to get rid of this now.

"Dobby," Violet said making Lucius looked at her. "Transfer Dobby to me as my personal house elf and this all goes away."

"That's all?" Lucius asked.

"I swear," Violet said and Lucius nodded and called Dobby. It was very easy to transfer Dobby to be a personal house elf. All Lucius had to say was I release Dobby to Violet Potter to be her personal house elf. Violet said I accept Dobby as my personal house elf.

Dobby looked ready to jump for joy when it was done and Violet told him to wait for her in her room. She then handed the dairy to Lucius. "Do with that what you wish," Violet said. "Oh and I would stay until the end of the story. You'll like what happens." Violet walked away at that moment to rejoin her friends

Lucius was planning on staying anyway but found Violet words interesting. At the end of the extremely long story, right before Harry was going to take people down to the chamber a goblin walked into the Great Hall.

"I am Gornuk and I am here representing the Slytherin family," The goblin said.

"You're representing Voldemort?" Harry asked making the entire hall flinch besides the ones who didn't care or were not afraid.

"No," Gornuk said. "A week ago Tom Marvelo Riddle was disowned as the Slytherin heir by magic herself after doing something that disgraced Slytherin legacy. Since he was the last Slytherin by blood a new more appropriate heiress was chosen and she challenges your right to the body of Sasha."

"Sasha?" Harry asked confused.

"The name of the basilisk you killed," Gornuk said.

"She has no right to challenge," James Potter said standing up. He had come to hear his little hero story along with Lilly. "Right of conquest. It belongs to Harry now."

"According to the right of conquest laws a witch or wizard must kill the monster by themselves with no help. By Mr. Potter's own account the phoenix known has Fawkes blinded the basilisk and delivered the weapon to Mr. Potter that was used to kill said basilisk. Right of conquest does not apply," Gornuk told them.

"There have been many people who have had helped killing dragons and others creatures and claimed the body on right of conquest," Lilly said standing up to defend her son.

"In those cases there was no greater claim to the body the creature as you call it being wild. In this case the basilisk was the familiar to one Salazar Slytherin and after his death was bonded to the Slytherin line. The body therefore belongs to the new heiress of the house of Slytheirn," Gorunk said.

"This is ridicules," James was yelling as Amelia Bones walked in. "Amelia, please tell me you're here to help."

"Sorry, but the heiress to the house of Slytherin contacted me too and the law is the law. Harry does not have right of conquest. The body belongs to the house of Slytherin and any attempt to remove it by anyone other then her will be arrested," Amelia said.

"The body will be out of the chamber by morning," Gorunk said. "Oh and Mr. Potter the new heiress wanted me to tell you that while you are a Parselmouth you have no right to enter the Chamber of Secrets and that he knows how to control the secrets within a lot better then Tom did. If you try to venture into it again she will take action. Good day."

Lucius smiled as the Potters were taking down a peg by this unknown heiress. He wondered who it was and then remembered Violet telling him to stay to the end. That he would like what happened. His eyes widen as he realized and looked over at Violet who was smirking and thinking from her goblet. He knew then this was a girl to fear and be watchful of.


Violet had let a small army of Goblins into the chamber through the opening in the Forbidden Forest. She had paid them to take apart the body for her. She had also come to another agreement with them. They would make armor out of Sasha skin and use some of the venom for to make deadly swords and daggers. Normally when goblins made weapons and things for humans they expected it to be rented and returned when the buyer died but since she was providing most of the materials they would give them to her to own in exchange for some venom and the basilisk meat. Even with everything she had a lot of stuff left including extra skin and a lot of extra venom. She was thinking of taking the venom to a wand maker and making herself a spear wand with it as its core.

It was finally the day for her and her friends to board the Hogwarts express for summer. Her brother was still moaning about what happened. "It must be Malfoy. He can be the new heir now that its someone not related to Slytherin," Violet overheard her brother complaining as she and her friends were bypassing his compartment.

She could have butt out but she couldn't take it when she heard Ron agree that it must be him. She walked in. 'Once again I expect these things from you two, but Granger if want any respect at all for your brains explain to these two why it cannot be Malfoy?"

"The goblin said heiress and she meaning it's a girl," Hermione said.

"Thank you, some sense," Violet said walking out and going to her friends.

"Should you have really done that?" Theo asked.

"Probably not but they annoy me," Violet said thinking to herself not for long. She would get revenge on Harry and Tom. Someday, somehow.

AN: Okay that's its for 2nd year. 3rd year might be short since Sirius is a free man in this story. REVIEW.