Hey guys, this is it! This is the final chapter of our story and things are about to explode. I would like to take this moment to thank everyone who made this story a favorite, followed, and reviewed. It's you guys that make writing fanfics or just writing period so much fun. Thank you for being apart of my imagination. Please review for this story one last time! Thank you much.



"We need to get Bella home." I said grabbing her hand.

"What about the nomads?" Jasper asked.

"They are not a threat." Alice said with a far off look in her eyes. "Their future becomes foggy, but I don't see them here."

I growled at her, my anger slipping as I began walking in the direction of the jeep. "That's because they aren't a threat to us, Alice."

"If not us, then who?"


"The wolf?" Rose scoffed, "Let him have the mutt!"

I was in front of her before I could stop myself.

"Edward!" Bella shouted, fear and worry in her voice.

"Son!" Carlisle called, "Rosalie, back down."

"We will need to call the elders of the tribe and alert them." Jasper said, always thinking of strategy.

"He's right," I could feel Carlisle's hand on my shoulder. "Take Bella back, and get home as soon as possible.

I nodded, crouching so that she could climb on my back. As soon as she was secure I was racing through the trees, not being as careful as I was an hour before. I didn't wait for her to get strapped in before I pulled out, blindly reaching for my phone to call Leah.

My hands shook as I dialed her number. It had been so long since I had done the act, but it was not something foreign to me. I prayed that she would answer as I listen to the phone ring. As it clicked to voicemail I growled into the phone.

"Dammit Leah, call me back as soon as you get this," I hissed into the phone. "It's an emergency."

I was in panic mode as I recalled his thoughts of her. He was obsessed with her. He craved her, and he was on his way to get her.

I hung up and dialed again. And again, calling her as I broke every traffic law getting Bella home and she still hadn't answered when I pulled up to Bella's house.

"I'm so sorry," I whispered to her as I walked her to the door. "This isn't how I envisioned tonight going."

"Is everything going to be okay?" she asked clutching onto my shirt.

"Yes, everything will be fine" I lied to her. "You are safe."

She leant into me and I bent down to press my lips swiftly against hers.

"I have to go." I said jogging to the truck.

"Be safe," I heard her whisper as I backed out of her driveway.

I didn't look back at her because I was already redialing Leah as I pressed my foot into the gas. I wasn't going home as Carlisle asked me too, I was getting ready to break the treaty.


I swear to Gawd, if he calls me one more time, I'm going-

You aren't going to do shit.

Edward was blowing me up, and filling up my mailbox with his voicemails. What was his deal anyway? Didn't he have a hot date with what's her face?

Oh please, don't act like you don't know her name.

It was official, I was going to sell my conscience on eBay, and hopefully I could find her a new home where someone could actually appreciate the bitch. Conscious aside, I was feeling off ever since I got home. Not off in an, 'I think I'm coming down with something' way, the kind of off when something bad was about to happen.

Tonight was supposed to be a good night too. I didn't have patrol, my parents were out on a date, and Seth was somewhere following Jake around like a lost puppy. I was supposed to be relaxing, giving my self a well-deserved—and needed—pedicure. But no, I was on fucking edge, jumping at every sound since the sun went down. And my phone ringing off the hook wasn't helping in any way. It was just making me more nervous.

I walked into the kitchen hoping that food could take my mind off of things. The cool air of the refrigerator calmed my nerves as I stuck my head inside searching for something to nibble on, but the calm only lasted for a second because the house phone rang.

"Fuck!" I cursed as I jumped causing my head to hit the fridge door.

I reached for the phone, maneuvering around the open door.


"Leah!" Edward shouted.

"What do you-

The hairs on the back of my neck rose as the familiar urge to shift ran through my body. Something was wrong, I thought as all the nerves in my body went haywire.

"Leah!" he called again.

"Edward," I whispered trying to keep the fear from my voice. "Something is wrong."

"I'm on my way, I'm trying to get to you—

The sound of the screen door slamming cut him off.

"I think there is someone in the house," my voice cracked as I slowly made my way to the back door in the kitchen.

Just as my hand touched the knob a figure emerged in front of me. It was a man, the same man from the park weeks ago. He didn't look so clean this time around. There was dirt all over his jeans and he was shirtless, except for the leather jacket he wore. The leather jacket I knew once belonged to Waylon. There was one other thing that was different, today he didn't have on sunglasses, and his red eyes shown brightly as he looked at me.

He took a step towards me and I clutched the doorknob so hard that it crushed in my hands.

"You have no idea how long I have wanted you to notice me."

"Leah!" Edward roared on the phone and I sprang into action throwing the mangled doorknob in his face with every ounce of strength I possessed.

It hit him hard, distracting him for seconds, and it was all I needed and I ran past him. But he was quick as he grabbed onto my leg causing me to fall to the ground. I kicked at his face, knocking him back and I scrambled to get to my feet, grabbing onto the table for leverage.

He was up once again, grabbing onto me, growling fiercely. I fell, still holding onto the table and threw it at him with all my might. His arms went up and as the table hit him, and it burst into pieces. I kept moving, grabbing whatever I could to throw at him, lamps, magazines, whatever I could get my hands on, but he was too fast.

"LEAH!" I heard Edward yell out again.

My arms were pinned to my side as I struggled against his hold. He was dragging me across the room, and I tried to phase but I was too scared. I screamed as he hoisted me up and grabbed my keys from their hook on the wall. He put his hand over my mouth.

"Shut up or I'll kill you." He sneered. "It wouldn't take much, just a flick of my wrist, but I don't want to do that."

Tears poured down my face. He tilted his head.

"Don't cry baby." He whispered, removing his hand from my mouth to wipe my face.

"Who are you?" I croaked feeling fresh tears fall down my face.

He smiled at me, pulling me close to him. "I am everything," He said pressing a kiss to my forehead.

I flinched and tried to move away from him, but his grip on me was too strong.

"Get in the car and drive."

I didn't move.

"NOW!" He yelled, "We don't have much time."

I numbly got into the car and began to drive.

As I drove, I looked at La Push, really looked because I knew that I would never again see this place.

A/N: And that is the conclusion of WANT. I'm sure you realize that there is a sequel it will be called NEED. I have started a lengthy notes document on it and I am trying my best to get it out but with school updates will be slow. Once again, thank you for reading and for one last time, please review.