One would think he'd be used to it by now.

Every couple hours, maybe even every couple days if he's having a good run, Link will show up back on their doorstep, tired and knocked out either from exhaustion or injury.

It was a mystery to Ravio how he wasn't torn to pieces by now, such little pieces the worry wort wouldn't be able to find him again. It was a mystery that truly terrified him.

Yes, he was a coward. He was terrified of battle and, in general, his own home by default - monsters, enemies and creeps around every corner. It was enough to make anyone jump at the sound of a pin drop. But he wasn't terrified for himself, he was scared for his landlord - and, in moments of weakness, his best friend.

In better moments, Link would bust through the door, slamming it against his wall without a care before asking for a new weapon or to have one back. Ravio was all too happy to dance around for him then and give it to him, only asking for a fraction of the rupees he would charge others.

Ravio scooped up the boy into his arms once more, letting Sheerow grab the Master Sword from where it lay abandoned on the ground. He dropped him into the bed and sighed as he looked over the beaten skin that would heal in the blink of an eye, and the small bloodstains that would seem to vanish in thin air when he came back to wash it off.

He couldn't help sitting next to the boy and petting his hair while he took a well deserved rest, wanting to keep him calm and away from nightmares while he had the chance.

"Poor kid... Ya got all this responsibility on your shoulders, and had no one to warn ya.." he murmured, glancing at Sheerow as it gave small peeps that really only Ravio could understand, besides the bird's own species. "Yeah, I know Shree. But I can't fight! This is the best I can do for him. I'll keep giving him everything he needs until Yuga is finally 6 feet under, every single thing he asks for, I swear on it!"

Sheerow let out a peep to let him know he was being too loud again, both of them glancing at Link on the bed, who shifted onto his side and let out a small, content sigh. Yup, still asleep. "Good.." Ravio grumbled, standing up and going over to the items he still had out for sale, polishing them to take his mind off of the blond not too far away. "Please stay safe."

No.. Where is he? What could he be doing?

Ravio paced in the middle of him and Link's home, hands knotting together and eyes glancing constantly at the door as he waited for Link to burst in asking for a new tool or to plop down against it to let Ravio know he needed a rest after such a long time fighting. He'd been gone for days, even longer than usual, and the merchant awaiting him felt like going through every dungeon himself to find him.

"He's fine, he's fine.. Mr. Hero could never die, he's got too much to live for.." Ravio muttered to himself, looking up and passed his hood as Sheerow flew in his face, peeping worriedly. "What is it?" he coughed, not having been paying attention. Another few peeps made him lift his hands to his eyes. "Oh, uh.. Sorry Shree, I know it's not like me to cry." he apologized, glancing at the door again and hoping that this time Link would show up, grumbling about a puzzle being much too difficult for him and asking Ravio if he had any idea how to get through it. Whether Ravio would know the answer or not was a mystery to even him, but he kept waiting until he finally couldn't stand it anymore.

"He's never been gone a whole week, never..." Ravio said to himself, tightening his scarf and grabbing all of the tools he usually kept out for sale. Sheerow peeped beside him. "Being a coward isn't going to stop me from looking for him, Shree! I can at least try.. If I'm careful then I can just avoid all of the baddies and get through the puzzles Link already told me about." he planned, taking a deep breath as he stared at the door.

He knew that beyond it was a nice, cheerful world that was slowly being scared to death of what could be happening to their Princess - but even farther than that, to find his best friend he'd have to travel to a place he almost vowed never to see again. Lorule... I guess it's time to come home.

And with that, he took a big step out the door.

"Mr. Hero! ... Mr. Hero!?" Ravio called out, searching high and low for his friend. He'd first asked Sheerow to fly over Hyrule and let him know if he saw head or tail of the boy, but no such luck had been found. So, he'd gone off to Lorule with the spare bracelet he'd kept. When he first received the one Link currently possessed, he'd demanded another one, not wanting to be disproportional at the time. Now, he could never be more glad that he was persistent.

He trekked passed the town village, asking if anyone had seen a boy with blonde hair, sea-foam green eyes and a big, long sword in his hand before heading down towards the more monster-populated area. He sighed every time he hit a dead end and had to return to Hyrule only to run around randomly and find another rip in Space-Time so he could get passed a huge gap in the world.

After an hour searching, he returned to Hyrule on another search for a new gap in the world. As he passed by their home and kept walking, he found the gates to Hyrule Castle opened, making Ravio pale. "Don't tell me.. I just missed him." he cursed to himself under his breath, wanting to turn back now that he knew Link was alive and well, the only one that would be able to get passed the barrier.

But.. If he came back to see me after being gone for so long, I wouldn't have been there to give him what he needs. Ravio thought to himself, mulling it over in his head before taking another deep breath and scampering into the castle, looking around for any bad guys before continuing and avoiding their path before getting into the castle itself.

It took him a while to reach the top level all on his own, his only help being Sheerow telling him when it's bird-senses kicked in and didn't want to go in a room. That made the journey quicker, he supposed, seeing as they got to their destination either way without having to do too many puzzles. Ravio finally found himself walking along a long stretch of cobble, wondering if he was going the right way before there was a 90 degree turn to his left, leading to a tall battlement.

Ravio glanced at his loyal bird, sharing an unsteady look before they turned to it again. "It's the last place we need to check.. If he isn't there, then.." the merchant couldn't finish, preparing himself as he slowly walked towards the open door. Everything seemed too calm, too quiet. He hated it, and this is why he stuck to selling, buying and trading weapons, instead of using them himself.

He got through the doorway and stopped cold, letting out a gasp at the mass he saw across the room. Link was laying there, pale, broken and looking like he was even having a rough time breathing on his own. Ravio stopped his cautious nature as soon as he could think, running to Link's side and dropping to his knees, looking over the various wounds that looked a lot harder to handle than the ones the hero usually came home with.

These looked fresh and old, bruises being various stages of purple to yellow and some cuts still bleeding while others were trying to patch themselves up like a body was born to do. Worst of all, it looked like Link's legs had been broken, one at the knee and other one in the middle of his femur, making Ravio cringe at the sight and need to look away for a moment to focus on caring for him instead of throwing up.

"Link.. Who did this to you..?" he sobbed, not realizing he was crying again, wiping it away quickly before clutching the blonde's hand when the room suddenly felt colder.

"If you'd like to know so badly, then why don't you turn around? You could join your little boyfriend in the afterlife once we tire of him."

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