Isis: Sorry for the long wait! Had a huge writers block during the summer. I actually wasn't gonna do this one shot but several of my readers wanted to know what happened after Grimmjow and Ichigo slept together. So, I made a sequel! Turned out to be very inspiring for many of my other one shots. Anyway, during the summer I found a Beta and she went through this one shot betaing. So, everyone give Kalypso Fox a hand!

*Everyone claps*

Wolfy: *pops in and looks around* Okay, what did I miss?

Isis: I was just informing everyone about Kalypso Fox being my awesome Beta.

Wolfy: Oh...Your still writing stories for fanfiction?

Isis: Yessss.

Wolfy: Hm, well that's surprising.

Isis: What is that supposed to mean?

Wolfy: That means, you never stick to something very long. Like learning Japanese, finishing your story on Quotev, and- Ahhhh! Don't hurt me! *Runs out of room with Isis close behind her*

Grimmjow: *Walks into room* Yes finally! *Turns to the gagged Ichigo* It's just you an-*Stares wide eyed at the knife embedded into the wall nearby*

Isis: *Walks back in* No kitty, that's a very bad kitty. *Grimmjow growls* We aren't done with the introduction. I'm not gonna bother with the summary. Gives too much away. I'll just tell you it's the aftermath of what happened in the first part. Warnings are; crude language and mentions of nakedness.

Grimmjow: Wait! You didn't mention sex.

Isis: There isn't any in this one shot.

Grimmjow: What?! Why not?!

Isis: It's a secret.

Grimmjow: *growls* But-

Wolfy: *poof* Start the one shot!

Isis: *Grins evilly as she tears knife out of wall* Finally stopped hiding in the bathroom?

Wolfy: *Swiftly exits*


Ichigo groaned as he tried to sit up, key word 'tried', but found himself unable to. He tensed before slowly opening his eyes to find Grimmjow holding him against his naked body. He stared for a few moments before he shoved Grimmjow off while glaring at his now groaning form.

"What the hell was that for?!" Grimmjow growled out as he glared back up at the orangette. Then he grinned perversely at the poor, clueless strawberry causing said strawberry to raise an eyebrow before looking down at himself. His eyes widened in horror and quickly covered himself, a heavy blush painting his cheeks.

"Y-you p-pervert," Ichigo stuttered embarrassingly which earned him a small chuckle from the Sexta. "Wait a minute, why am I naked? A-and why……" Ichigo slowly trailed off as his eyes slowly widened in realization and a blush formed from humiliation.

"I guess you figured it out. So, why don't we do an encore?" Grimmjow purred as he closed in on the orangette. Ichigo glared before squeaking and jumping over the bluenette with a whimper from the pain coming from his lower back. No way in hell was he going for an encore; with that thought in mind he swiftly fled from the room with a horny Espada chasing after him.

"Ulquiorra," Aizen called as he sat in his throne patiently waiting. Ulquiorra soon appeared before the ex-captain on his knees waiting to hear what Aizen wanted. "How are the Espada holding up?"

"They are fine, Aizen-sama. Mating season passed by with no incidents. They should return in three days' time." Ulquiorra answered emotionlessly as he gracefully stood.

"Oh? Is there perhaps something you are keeping from me?" Aizen asked pleasantly. Ulquiorra stared blankly at the ex-Shinigami for a few minutes before answering.

"I don't believe I am, Aizen-sama," Ulquiorra wondered briefly if Aizen knew about Ichigo and deduced that he most likely did.

"Hm, is that so? Then what about a certain Substitute Shinigami's reiatsu suddenly appearing in Hueco Mundo? Was that just my imagination, Ulquiorra? Or that it was blocked off by the Sexta's reiatsu moments later?" Aizen commented, more like interrogated, the emo Espada. "I believe you are keeping something from me."

"I wouldn't even think of keeping something from you, Aizen-sama. If you wish, I could investigate Grimmjow's temporary residence," Ulquiorra said. Aizen stared intently at the fourth Espada for a few moments before giving him a wave as a sign to go ahead. Ulquiorra quickly disappeared and left Aizen to sit on his throne alone. Aizen nodded toward the darkness where Gin stood before he too took off to do as Aizen ordered.

"No! Let go of me! I don't want to do an encore! My back is fucking killing me! You'll just make it worse!" Ichigo shouted as he struggled in Grimmjow arms.

"Oh? Then if your back didn't hurt, then we could have a sex?" Grimmjow purred out. Ichigo froze with his eyes widening dramatically at his implication.

"No way in hell," He answered after a moment continuing his struggles. There was no chance of it happening ever again, if he has anything to about it that is.

"Too bad. You're mine now, and I'm the Alpha in this relationship. Whatever I say goes." Grimmjow replied smoothly with a grin on his face. Ichigo growled at him and tried harder to escape the bastard's clutches but was failing miserably. Grimmjow chuckled at his antics as he continued to contain the struggling youth on the floor of their living room.

"What are you two idiots doing?" A calm voice asked from the door. Ichigo squeaked at the sudden tightening of Grimmjow's arms around him and a dangerous growl that left his lips. Ichigo scowled at the stupid Alpha that glared the direction of the entrance; Ichigo's gaze soon followed his and caught sight of Ulquiorra standing there with a raised eyebrow.

"Grimmjow! Stop growling! It's just Ulquiorra," Ichigo scolded him. When Grimmjow continued to growl Ichigo decided to whack him on the head, hard.

"Hey!" Grimmjow responded clutching his injured head. Ichigo took the chance to scramble out of his lap and sit a little ways from him. "What was that for?"

"You wouldn't stop growling at Ulquiorra-"

"That's not a good reason for-"

"-when he wasn't even doing anything wrong! And-"

"-hitting me upside the head! He was intruding-"

"-you were being very-"

"-on my territory without permission-"


"Fucking Damnit!" Grimmjow cursed loudly as he clutched his aching forehead. Ichigo doing the exact same motions across from him.

"Are you morons done with your senseless arguing?" Ulquiorra stated calmly as he crossed arms and took a few steps back. Both of the injured men scowled at him as they continued to clutch their wounded heads. "Good. Now, we need to discuss something quickly before Gin finally finds me."

"What's going on Ulquiorra?" Ichigo questioned as he moved his hands away from his head.

"Why's Gin following ya, emo boy?" Grimmjow asked as he glared at the ravenette suspiciously.

"He knows Grimmjow. Possibly since he got here," Ulquiorra answered.

"Shit! That explains you being followed. He's suspicious of ya, and most definitely me." Grimmjow responded grimly. Ichigo stared at them confused before realization flashed through his eyes.

"Aizen. Aizen knows I'm here?" Ichigo questioned Ulquiorra to make sure. The fourth Espada nodded, "Then he must know you guys are keeping me hidden."

"If him being followed is any indication, then ya." Grimmjow responded, "So we have to make sure he doesn't try anything 'til the end of mating season. We can't get ya outta here until then."

"What about you two?" Ichigo questioned.

"We'll be fine. Or dead." Grimmjow answered with a grin that didn't help Ichigo's worry.

'Hey, King. Why don't ya take 'em with ya? Dat perverted shopkeeper could disguise 'em with dose fake body dings. What de called again? Ah, Gigai! Dat's what d's called.' Shiro commented from Ichigo's mind.

'But how am I gonna make sure they behave?' Ichigo asked with a thoughtful glare.

'Easy, King. All ya halfta do is threaten the blue 'aired panther with no sex. The emo brat over dere will just go along with it 'cause he'd know t's the smart thing ta do.' Shiro smugly responded. Ichigo sat there a little to find any flaws in it. The only ones being that Kisuke may refuse, or his friends finding out.

"Are you going to continue glaring at the floor?" Ulquiorra asked him. Ichigo looked up to find both of them staring at him questionably. He blushed at the attention he was getting and quickly looked down. Grimmjow chuckled at him and Ichigo threw a glare his way before finding his voice.

"You guys should come with me once the season ends," Ichigo said decisively. Both looked at him like he was an idiot.

"Are you stupid or some shit? We'd be massacred if we went with you." Grimmjow so politely pointed out.

"You'd be massacred if you stayed here." was Ichigo's easy response.

"Then what is your plan on getting us safely to Karakura and keeping us from being killed by your Shinigami friends?" Ulquiorra asked him.

"Simple; we sneak to Karakura and go find Kisuke so he'll make you Gigais. Then we just need to keep you either out of sight or come up with a story that may explain how I know you without them finding out you're the fourth and sixth Espadas." Ichigo explained to both of them.

"That won't fucking wo-!"

"I'm surprised you actually thought up a plan that actually might work," Ulquiorra interrupted Grimmjow. Ichigo and Grimmjow both stared at him in shock.

"You're actually agreeing with his plan?" Grimmjow asked to make sure he heard the bat Espada correctly.

"Yes. It shows promise if you think about. The only issue I have is with Kisuke," Ulquiorra's gaze flickered toward Ichigo. "He's an ex-Shinigami captain. How should we trust him if he could cut us down at any moment while we're there? Or that he may betray us to the Soul Society?"

"He wouldn't turn you in. He kept me a secret. He helped me when I needed it. He's a good guy. And I know he'll help us. Mostly because he always wanted to get up and personal with one of you to see how you tick." Ichigo explained earning twin looks of weariness. "What?"

"No offense but I don't feel like being experimented on," Grimmjow answered. Ichigo just snorted at his response.

"He's not gonna 'experiment' on you. He'll just study what you do and stuff like that. The only time or times that he might do something close to experimenting on you is when he needs your Reiatsu level measured. And that is only when he needs to make your Gigai." Ichigo interpreted but both still looked weary.

"What can you tell us about Gigais?" Ulquiorra inquired after a moment. He never encountered a Gigai before so he would like to know what a Gigai does.

"Well," Ichigo scratched the back of his head as he tried to remember everything he knew about the false human body. "Gigais are false human bodies that can harbor a specific soul. Kisuke had told me once that each Gigai must be made for a certain soul. In other words, no one else can use that body except a mod soul. Gigais can conceal your Reiatsu and make you more human. So, no walking on air and stuff. When Rukia was in one, her Zanpakuto wasn't visible but she could still use Kidou while she was occupying the body. When you guys get your own gigai your hollow mask pieces and your holes shouldn't be visible, along with your Zanpakutos." Ichigo finished with his explanation about Gigais.

"Hm, so we would basically be a wolf in sheep's clothing." Ichigo nodded to Ulquiorra's response as Grimmjow snorted at his choice in wording.

"So, we got a plan. Now we have to make sure that this plan actually works out," Grimmjow commented after a few moments of complete silence. "Number one thing that must happen is that no one else is to find out. Especially Aizen. Number two, no one is to know that Ichigo is in Hueco Mundo or with me. Again, mainly Aizen isn't supposed to find out. Number three, we half to keep Gin off our tails. If-"

"Sorry, to interrupt but it seems Gin has figured out where we are," Ulquiorra interrupted. Grimmjow cursed before turning his gaze to Ichigo.

"Okay, you hide and try to keep your Reiatsu concealed. If you can," Grimmjow ordered. Ichigo nodded before getting up to leave the room.

"Before you go," Ichigo paused as Ulquiorra continued. "I think it would be wise to put some clothes on."

"W-why didn't you say anything?!" Ichigo questioned with a huge blush on his face as he quickly left the room to go find clothes. Grimmjow lay on the floor clutching his sides laughing.

"Y-you," Grimmjow couldn't continue his sentence as he laughed. Ulquiorra stared at him blankly for a few moments before kicking him.

"Get up and get dressed, trash." Ulquiorra ordered as his walked away from the groaning and cursing bluenette.

"Gin, what a pleasant surprise," Ulquiorra greeted the foxlike Shinigami with his usual blank gaze.

"Aw, why don't you smile every once in awhile, Ulquiorra? If you don't smile, people won't like you," Gin teased. Ulquiorra continued to stare emotionlessly at him. "That's too bad. So, where's the kitty cat?"

"I'm not a fucking kitty cat!" Grimmjow roared as he angrily entered the room. "And what the hell are ya doin' here? It's still mating season. Aizen usually doesn't bother us in our off time. Except that puppet over there." Grimmjow indicating toward the ravenette with his head.

"Always so blunt, pussy cat." Grimmjow growled at the man, "Aizen thought it best that someone checked on ya."

"Then why are there two of you?" Grimmjow questioned with a scowl.

"Ah, I believe that is none of your business. Do you mind if I have a look around?" Gin asked as started heading out of the room to investigate the building.

"Why should I let ya look around? This is my place and this is breaking my privacy," Grimmjow said as he stepped in front of the ex-Shinigami.

"Aizen-sama's orders," Ulquiorra finally spoke.

"And why would he want my privacy broken?" Grimmjow continued to question.

"We're here to look for Ichigo Kurosaki. He believes you have him somewhere in Hueco Mundo. Your Reiatsu was the last to be sensed around the exact spot Ichigo had appeared and he hasn't been seen since." Gin explained as he stared at Grimmjow.

"Well, he's not here. When I got there, he passed out after fighting two Vasto Lordes. Left him there to die. Not worth my time. I think Aizen overestimated his skills as a fighter. Poor excuse for a warrior. If ya ask me," Grimmjow commented, not meaning a single word of it.

"Then you won't mind us searching your home?" Gin baited, Grimmjow just shrugged before stepping out of his way.

"Go ahead. Not like you'll find anything," Grimmjow said before Gin began exploring the temporary residence.

Three days went by quickly, Gin periodically returned for investigations of Grimmjow's temporary home. Ichigo nearly getting caught two times but other than that there had been no incident. Grimmjow and Ichigo sat in the living room, one yelling and the other seducing.

"Oh, come on! He won't be here for another hour. We have plenty of time-"

"Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez! If you don't stop right now-"

"It's not gonna take too long. Ulquiorra won't be here for-"

"Keep those hands to yourself!"

"I don't want to~ I want them on you~"

"Stupid, perverted Bastard! You're worse than Kisuke! And I thought he was bad!"

"Someone else groped you? Where is this guy?! I'm gonna kill him!"

"Stupid, perverted, possessive bastard!"

"But you love me anyways~"

"W-what? W-who said anything about love?" Ichigo stuttered nervously. Grimmjow grinned slyly back at him as he got closer.

"No one really. But I don't expect ya to love me, yet. Now back to more important matters," Grimmjow answered as he grabbed Ichigo.

"Let go of me, asshole! Hey! Don't you dare rip my Shihakusho! It took-"


Both of them froze, Ichigo in mid struggle and Grimmjow about to rip Ichigo's Shinigami Uniform off. They slowly turned toward the entrance where the fourth Espada stood with crossed arms, a raised eyebrow, and his usual blank expression. Ichigo squeaked before he jumped away from Grimmjow and his grabby hands. Grimmjow scowled at the emo Espada after the surprise wore off.

"You couldn't have waited to come for another hour?" Grimmjow asked with a pout. "I was about to have some hot, wild sex." Ichigo blushed darkly and spluttered curses at the sixth Espada.

"Enough, trash. We need to head out now. Before they send another to come investigate why you are later than usual." Ulquiorra said before sweeping out of the room. Grimmjow and Ichigo glanced at each other before heading after him.

Isis: And there you have it. I'll update as soon as I can. And all of you who asked for certain pairing or prompts. I'll get to you soon. Just give me a couples updates. And I'll make sure there is a lemon next time. But I think Ichigo is starting to hate me.

Ichigo: *Glares at Isis exhaustively*

Isis: Hm, maybe I should stop leaving him alone with the other male characters.

Wolfy: No! Leave him to suffer!

Ichigo: *shakes head*

Isis: Your evil, wolfy.

Wolfy: I know.

Isis: Anyway, favorite/follow and review! Stay being awesome!