I stared up at the sky, watching, waiting for that magical man to come. I got bored after a while, and started making snowflakes on the window.

"Elsa?" I turned around, and my little sister Anna was sitting up, watching me from her bed. "What are you doing?"

I hopped off of my stool at the window, and walked towards her. "I'm waiting for Father Christmas to come!" I said, my voice full of excitement.

Anna gasped and clapped her hands. "Oh, goodie, goodie, goodie! Can I watch? Please, Elsa! PLEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAASE!" She looked up at me with her big, adorable puppy-eyes, and I felt myself melting. (AN: Pun intended!)

"Oh, alright!" I sighed. "But shhh! We don't want Mama and Papa to find out we're up, do we?"

Anna shook her head fervently, and wrapped her blanket around herself to keep warm. "Aren't you cold, Elsa?" She shivered deeply as her bare feet made contact with the floor. Despite the carpet, it was still freezing.

"Nope. Remember? 'The cold never bothered me anyway', right?" I sang.

There was a jingle of bells, and Anna looked up quickly. She gasped and giggled. "Ohhhh, woooowwwww…."

All of a sudden, her eyes widened in horror, and she screamed. There was a crash, and everything went black.

I jerk up, gasping. Sweat trickles down my face, and I feel tears in there, too. I look over to Anna's bed, where her tiny form is curled up against the cold. I jump down from my bed, and patter over to her. I see her chest rise and fall with each breath, and heave one myself. It's OK, you're alive. I look over to the window, cringing, and sigh with relief when I see no sleigh hurtling towards our window.

I shake my head. "Stupid," I tell myself, "stupid. You're an idiot, Elsa, you know that? Of course everything's fine, it's Christmas, for goodness' sake!"

I hear a soft tinkling, and look up. "Mama? Papa? Is that you?" No answer. "Hello?"

CRASH! I squeal, and roll my hands over and over until a dagger forms. I creep towards the door, down the corridor, and into the living room where the overly large Christmas tree stands. I tiptoe towards a dark figure, quivering. He turns, and I raise my dagger.

"Augh!" I yell, and he jumps back in surprise. I drop the dagger as I realise who it is. "Father Christmas? Oh, I'm so sorry! What must you think of me!"

"That's quite alright, child. Now, run along to bed, or I'll leave you with a stocking full of coal!" he says, smiling down at me.

There's something about that smile that I don't like. I cringe, noticing his eyes. Black, empty, disturbing… "Father Christmas…? Are you alright?" I say uncertainly.

"Go to bed, please!" I can almost hear him grinding his teeth in frustration.

"Are you sure? Because you look ill…" I'm cut off by his harsh yell.

"I said, go to bed!" The man advances on me, pressing me into a corner.

I feel the temperature drop as my hands frantically paw at the wall, trying to find something – anything – to grab. Nothing. My feet slide on the wooden floor, and I look down. Ice has formed below my slippers, and it's spreading slowly but surely. I look back up into Father Christmas' eyes, my own wild and searching. Seeing no compassion, I make a decision in a split-second.

" 'Scuse me!" I say, and dart around the old man.

I take off running, sliding around the corner. I stop in bewilderment. "Anna?"

"Elsa!" She skips towards me, her eyes full of excitement.

"No, no! Anna! You can't go in there!" I try to stop her, but she's too fast. She sees the horrible man dressed as Father Christmas, and all sensibility flies out the window.

"Father Christmas!" she squeals.

"Anna, no!" I yell, just as the man turns.

His lips curl upwards in a sly grin, and he opens his arms. I try to run to her, but slip. I fall backwards, and look on with horror as my sister sprints to the man.

"Anna!" I reach out my hand, and ice shoots out from it. I gasp as it strikes Anna's head, and she falls with a pained "oof".