It was not uncommon in the Fire Nation for a couple to get married at a young age, most married citizens were married at the age of sixteen. But no one got married got married before puberty, at the tender age of eleven. Prince Zuko was about to get married, the reasoning for this is still unknown. All everyone knew was that Zuko and his betrothed were getting married next fall, a rumor going around said that Fire Lord Ozai had become deathly ill. He arranged for his son to become the Fire Lord after his apparent death, he arranged his wedding as well.

Girls from around the Fire Nation were taken to the palace, all hailing from wealthy families. Fire Sages along with General Iroh helped narrow down the candidates, a long and agonizingly slow process. It took a month to figure out who would be the future Fire Lady, they finally came across a girl named Erzulie. She was the young daughter of Captain Zhao, no one was aware of that he had a daughter until now. They're heard of his sons who were killed during the siege of Ba Sing Se, eighteen and sixteen-year-old Ryu and Seita were brutally murdered. The existence of his daughter was unknown until recently, Zhao presented her to Iroh and the Sages. He showed off her abilities and praised her accomplishments, she was the perfect match for the young Prince.

Erzulie wasn't the prettiest girl in the Fire Nation, she is very plain and boyish. One Sage thought Zhao dressed up a little boy and brought him when they were checking for deformities they saw that the child in front of them was, in fact, a girl. Once the humiliating tests were over, Iroh took her to meet the Fire Lord and her future husband. Erzulie rode in the carriage with her Father, he told her how to behave while in the present of royalty. "Don't embarrass me, girl." He warmed "And don't fail me like your weak brothers." Zhao sent an icy stare in her direction. Erzulie nodded, her trembling hands played with the sash on her robes. She didn't want to marry the Prince, she didn't want to live in the palace. Her Mother thought she was foolish for not wanting to be living in the palace. And she thought she was crazy for not wanting to be the Fire Lady, Erzulie would be happy to just be a normal girl. But instead, she was being forced to marry Zuko, all for her Father's personal gain. Her freedom was being taken from her and what was left of her childhood was destroyed, nothing was left and she hated it. She was sure the Prince felt the same way, becoming the Fie Lord is a huge life changing experience.

When they arrived at the palace Erzulie was immediately sick, she wanted to jump out of the carriage and run home. A guard opened the door, he extended a hand to her and she took it. She was taken to the throne room, she walked inside nervously. Erzulie came face to face with Prince Zuko, she wondered where the Fire Lord was. Remembering her manners, she bowed deeply to him. She waited patiently for permission to stand, "Rise." Zuko commanded.

She stood up and looked at him "I am honored to finally meet you." Erzulie said politely "I hope I am everything you wished for." Her entire dialogue was rehearsed, her Mother coached her in say to say to the Prince once she met.

"You don't have to pretend, no one is here," Zuko said, he approached her and stood a foot away from her. She could see that he was a few inches taller than her, Erzulie looked away for a moment. She stared at the Fire Nation flag, "This is all so weird and scary." She said quietly.

"Yeah, I don't want to get married to you." He immediately regretted saying that "I didn't mean it like that...I meant to say was-"

"It's fine, I understand how you feel." Erzulie let him know she wasn't offended "To be honest, I am not prepared to get married either."

"Come, I'll show you around the palace." He grabbed her hand "You may like it here."

He guided her through the halls pointing out every detail, some of the maids gushed about how adorable they looked walking together. Both children noticed that they were holding hands, they looked like a young happy couple. Walking around holding hands, laughing, and talking. Despite them not wanting to get married, they enjoyed each other's company. The whole situation didn't seem so bad after all, they liked each other and they could relate on some levels.

Now the only thing they had to do was survive, once the other Nations find out about Ozai's death they'll be flooding the streets of the Fire Nation. Erzulie and Zuko are not ready for the dangers that lay ahead, after the wedding the fight for survival will begin.

"Zuko, I'm scared." Erzulie whispered, "What if...what if people try to kill us." Her grip on his hand tightened.

"Don't worry, I'll protect you." He told her "I'll stop the war if I have to."

She nodded, Erzulie still doesn't feel safe. But if Zuko said he will protect her then she must have faith that he will.