Crystal Tokyo, five years later

"Hmmm." Minako twisted and turned in front of the mirror, her blue eyes narrowed in concentration as she studied her reflection. Behind her, Kunzite's reflection appeared as he walked over and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"What are you looking at, my goddess?" He asked with a little smile on his lips. Minako frowned.

"Kunzite, do you think I'm fat?" She asked, poking at her stomach. Kunzite raised an eyebrow as he rested his chin on Minako's shoulder.

"Why are you asking that?" He queried curiously. Minako shrugged.

"It just seems like I never lost all the weight I gained from carrying Astraea." She mumbled, looking gloomy. Kunzite chuckled.

"Did Rei tease you today?" He asked. Minako stayed silent, but the look on her face told Kunzite all he needed to know. He laughed and gave Minako a kiss on the cheek.

"Honestly, you two have known each other for forever, and you still butt heads all the time." He teased.

"It's the way friendship with Rei-chan works." Minako muttered, her cheeks flushing in embarrassment, "Besides, I'm the goddess of love and beauty. I can't be fat!" Kunzite grinned and turned Minako around to give her a proper kiss.

"I think you're the perfect size right now, Mina-chan. Astraea is already over a year old. How could you not have lost the weight from carrying her?" He said with a little smile, "So don't go on some crazy diet like last time, okay?" Minako grinned innocently.

"What makes you think I was contemplating that?" She asked casually. Kunzite crossed his arms and leveled his gaze at her, making Minako squirm.

"Oh alright, I was!" She admitted, "But I'm not going to do it anymore, okay?" Kunzite chuckled and pulled her into a hug.

"Well, if you get really fat then I could just roll you down the hall." He offered playfully. Minako squealed and smacked him on the chest.

"Kunzite!" She protested, "That's not funny!" Kunzite burst out laughing, and Minako huffed as she pulled away from his arms.

"I'm going on a diet!" She declared, stomping towards the scale in the corner of the room. Minako shrieked as Kunzite suddenly lifted her up into his arms and placed on her the bed instead.

"Kunzite!" She yelped.

"No diets." He murmured, planting each hand on either side of her, "I don't want you to faint in the middle of a battle because of a lack of nutrition. We all remember how that turned out last time." Minako blushed as she remembered the exact event happening not too long ago. She leaned up and pressed a light kiss against Kunzite's lips.

"Oh alright, I give in." She said with a little smile.

"Don't look, Astra-chan! Mama and Papa are kissing!" A child's voice squealed from the doorway, and the couple turned to see Aeolus standing there, his hand covering his little sister's eyes. Astraea pushed at her brother's hand in confusion, her little mouth dropped slightly open.

"Aeolus!" Minako scolded as she blushed again, "I told you to knock before you come in!" Aeolus stared at her as he led Astraea in, his eyes wide and innocent.

"I did, Mama!" He protested, "I don't think you heard me!" Kunzite laughed and ruffled his son's hair before sweeping his daughter into his arms.

"It is not like we were doing anything we shouldn't be, Minako." He said, his eyes twinkling, "The children know that we love each other very, very much, right Aeolus?" The little boy grinned and nodded. Minako huffed and crossed her arms.

"I swear Aeolus must get his sharp tongue from you." She muttered, "He reacts faster than me when I see my favorite idol on the street." Kunzite grinned, the mirror image of his son's cheeky smile.

"I see nothing wrong with that." He replied smoothly. Minako smirked and rolled up her dress sleeves.

"Kunzite dear, put Aeolus down for a moment." She ordered. Kunzite looked at her curiously as he placed his son on the bed.

"Why do I need to do that, darling?" He asked cautiously. Minako grinned and rushed towards him.

"Because I'm going to punish you for all you've said today, in the name of Venus!" She declared. Kunzite yelped and ran away from her.

"Have mercy on me, dear wife!" He cried, although his eyes sparkled with amusement.

"Never!" Minako exclaimed, "Now come here and receive your punishment!" Kunzite laughed and suddenly ran forward, sweeping Minako off her feet and half over his shoulder.

"Got you." He teased. Minako shrieked and hit him on the back.

"Put me down!" She ordered, "The kids are still watching!" Kunzite grinned as their children giggled from the bed.

"Not a chance." He replied. Just then, Minako's communicator beeped, and Kunzite sighed in playful disappointment as he put Minako down to answer it. Minako stuck her tongue out and hurried to pick up her communicator.

"Rei-chan, your timing is perfect!" She chirped as she saw her friend's face appear on the screen.

"Whatever you're doing, put it down right now." Rei ordered, and Minako sighed as she looked at her friend's serious face. It was Rei's turn to sweep the city for demons, so her sudden call could only mean one thing.

"Can you get to Juban Shopping District in five minutes?" Rei asked. Minako nodded.

"I'll be there in three." She replied before shutting the communicator and hurrying for the door. Pausing to give her husband a quick kiss, Minako gave him a stern look.

"Don't think you're off the hook!" She warned. Kunzite grinned and mock saluted her.

"Yes, my goddess." He answered. Minako giggled and ruffled her children's hair before rushing out the door. Kunzite watched her go with a smile. The sunlight from the wide windows in the hall caught onto Minako's hair as she opened the room door, lighting her blonde hair aflame.

My princess of golden fire, all that I am and all I have is yours, forever and into eternity.

Author's note: This is the end of Minako and Kunzite's story! Thank you to all of you who have read this story all the way through! After I take a little break, Ami-chan and Zoisite's story will be next!