This is the last chapter of this story! I've loved writing it, but it took a turn that I didn't expect in the end. It was one of those moments where what I'd planned didn't work right, it didn't fit Eric and Rhys like I wanted it to.

That being said, a lot of you might not like how I ended this chapter and that's okay. There isn't a designated ending, it's a lot of how you interpret it. I hope that doesn't ruin the story for all of you, but I took the creative freedom -ha ha- to do what I thought was best.

Thank you so much for reading and sticking with this even though I never updated.

My fearscapes were progressively easier to work through once I got through the orchard one. I was in no means over it, but it didn't take over my life anymore. I still had the fear, but it was one of the only ones that stayed present along with dying, drowning, and birds. I was proud that I had weeded my twelve fears down to four of them.

"You're still ranked number one and no one's questioning why too seriously," I said to T as we laid on the train tracks. "I'm still impressed that you only had four fears, I had three times that many."

"You worked through eight of those fears and got over them," he reminded me. "I'm still stuck on my same four fears with no overcoming them in the foreseeable future."

"How can you be so Dauntless yet so Abnegation at the same time? It was a compliment, take it," I told him.

"I don't just want to be Dauntless or Abnegation, I want to be a little bit of all of them. I want to be smart and kind, and I want to be brave, selfless, and honest. I don't understand why it's better for us to just be one," he told me, pushing to sit up and pulling his knees up to his chest.

I scrambled up quickly and took his shoulders in my hands. "Do you know how dangerous it is to say that? You're questioning the system that holds our factions together. Do you want all of them to know you're different?"

"Why are the two of you lying on the train tracks? That's insanely dangerous, even for Dauntless," Kadence shouted as she jogged up to us. "It's time for dinner, tonight's the last night before we go up in front of everyone."

"Tonight's the last night that we're initiates," I remembered, forcing myself to let go of T's shoulders. "We're going to officially be Dauntless by this time tomorrow."

"Well, that or Factionless," Kadence said after we'd jumped to our feet and jogged with her back to the Compound. I punched her so she said, "What? It's true, don't be a little bitch about it!"

The Pit was alive with jovial laughter and what looked like fights. That was something that took me by surprise about the Faction, they had fights for fun. They weren't the fights like we did in training, they weren't as harsh, but they still ended in blood sometimes.

I'd seen Leo and an actual Dauntless fighting, and I'd seen Leo come out the winner. Instead of being pissed off about it, the Dauntless wiped the blood off his mouth and clapped Leo on the back. That gave me hope for all of our futures in the Faction, that we could all fit in despite where we came from.

"I'm about to eat my entire weight in burgers," Lisle announced as he fell into step with the three of us. "I'm starving, being scared shitless is hungry work."

"Are you sure you're not tired from running your mouth so damn much?" I asked, slapping palms with Zeke when he sat down across from us.

We were halfway through our dinner when I saw Eric to the right of me. He wasn't eating, he was talking to Max with a bowed head. They must've been talking about something very important for them to look so stern.

"Oh look, the assholes have found each other," Zeke replied, following my line of vision.

"They make such a darling couple!" Lisle added in around a bite of burger.

If it was a week ago, I would've jumped to defend Eric. I would've said he wasn't an asshole, he was just really intense. The entire group knew that the two of us had a brief thing, but it ended. I didn't give any details to anyone other than T for fear of sounding weak or stupid.

"What ever happened to the two of you?" Fiona asked from her spot on the other side of Lisle.

"He couldn't handle that I was doing better than him," I said before I thought about it. "Eric's one of those people who has to be the best at everything, but he's not even close to that here."

"Your words burn me, Amity," he said from behind me, making everyone's eyes flash between us. "At least I didn't sleep my way to my rank."

"That's because none of the trainers want to sleep with you," I replied without turning away from my food. "It's pretty pathetic that the only insult you can use on me is my sex life. If it was easy to sleep with me, you would've gotten further than you did. Or would you?"

I looked at him for the last part, raising my eyebrow defiantly. I wasn't scared or timid anymore, I was Dauntless and tired of Eric's shit. I hadn't slept my way to the top, I'd pulled myself to my fourth rank. I worked hard and made it through my fears, conquering them just like everyone else.

Eric's eyes were narrowed into slits. "You and I both know that you're putting on an act for your little friends. You're not this brave warrior, you're a scare little broken doll. You're weak and that's all you're ever going to be. Weak and ruined."

I knew he was running out of things to say so he pulled the last card that he had. "That's not what you were saying the other night when you wanted me the other night…"

I grabbed my empty tray and made my way over to the trashcans. I wasn't weak nor was I broken, I was strong and Dauntless. My body knew where I was going before I realized it, I was going to beat the hell out of a punching bag.

I tugged the hair elastic off of my wrist and piled my hair on top of my head. I couldn't be bothered with dealing with my hair right now. I'd put thought into getting it chopped off, but I wouldn't be me without it.

"What the hell was that about, blaze?" Eric's annoyed voice asked, but I wasn't going to answer him. He grabbed my waist and pulled me to face him before he said, "I asked you a question and expect an answer."

I grabbed his wrist and tugged it over my shoulder, pinning him to the ground with a foot at his throat. "I don't know who told you that you could talk to be like that, but they were wrong."

"You're pretty full of yourself lately, Amity. It's hot," he wheezed out before he grabbed my ankle and used it to pull me to the ground with him.

"You've called me a slut twice, I don't appreciate it," I told him, forcing myself up to stand. "My ability to be a successful Dauntless has nothing to do with my promiscuity, whether I have it or not.

"Also, whether you believe it or not, I was raped. The decision of who to give my virginity to was taken from me along with my innocence and my sense of safety. I don't understand why you think I'd lie about that or why you'd talk about things like that in front of my friends, the people who don't know about my rape," I told him, telling him everything on my mind. "I shouldn't have trusted you and I get that now, but I'm asking you to stop trying to tear me down by using it against me. If you're going to do it, do it based on my skill like I deserve. Treat me like the equal that we both know I am."

I knew he expected me to fight him because that's how I reacted before. I've learned that fists don't always solve problems, sometimes you just had to talk it out. I also figured out that some people just couldn't be in your life no matter how much you wanted them to be.

"I know it was wrong, I just miss you. I don't want you to be with other guys, I just want you to be mine," he told me, still lying on the ground. "I'm sorry for calling you a slut, you had no say in what happened to you."

"You don't get to act one way in public and a completely different way when it's just us. I deserve better than that, I deserve better than how you treat me," I told him. "I'm sorry, but whatever we had before is done now."

"You're choosing the stiff over me again, aren't you?" he asked, getting to his feet.

"He has a name and that's not it. I know you feel inferior to him and that scares you, but you don't have to be an ass. Using demeaning nicknames just makes you look like you're jealous," I said, placing my hands on my hips. "All you're doing is pushing everyone away from you. I know that because I did it for so long, but I'm tired of running from everything. I want friends and I want a life with people in it that care about me; I want to be happy. I would love if you were in it one day, but you can't be right now."

I didn't give him time to respond, I just turned on my heel and walked out.

I didn't think that there was anything worse than the fearscapes, but going through all four of mine at once was terrifying. To make it even scarier, I had to go through them with a bunch of people watching. The only thing that made it a little okay was that the other initiates wouldn't see my fears, just my reactions to them.

There were four people before me, four people that I had to watch face their worst fears. Zeke, Elijah, Ty, and Eric. I tried to watch all of them, but it made my stomach clench painfully to watch them all suffer so much. I clutched Lisle's arm when I saw tears rolling down Zeke's face as he fought his invisible attackers.

"I can't do this, I can't handle going through these again," he whispered, moving to sit in one of the chairs at the end of the hallway. "I have ten of them, I only got over one. One fucking fear! How am I going to make it into Dauntless?"

I'd never seen this side of Lisle before. He was always so confident and goofy about everything, he never showed any weaknesses. I knew we all had our silent fears, but this one seemed to take him over.

"No, you're going to be Dauntless because you're brave and smart. Ten fears is nothing to be ashamed of, as long as you can work through them," I reassured him. "Don't ever think that you're less than any of the others, you're just as amazing as all of us."

"How are you always so positive about things? This is the scariest thing that I've ever been through, but you're always smiling," he asked me.

"Life is never fair, people have to go through things before they're ready to deal with them. Life makes you hard," I replied. "Just keep fighting, you're almost to the top. It'd be a shame for you to give up already."

"Amity, you're up next," Tatum announced.

I squeezed Lisle's hand before heading to the glass room. Tatum smiled at me reassuringly as she placed the syringe in my neck and pushed the plunger down. The familiar cold feeling took over my body.

I inhaled deeply only for my lungs to fill up with water. I started coughing and struggled to come back to the top of the water. Then I remembered that struggling only made me sink deeper so I forced myself to calm down and take note of everything around me.

There was a buoy about sixteen feet from me, I just had to swim to it. I expected the seaweed to wrap around my ankles and didn't fight it. I knew that I wasn't going to make it to the buoy, I never did. I always tried and ended up drowning violently, it was easier to just let the water take me.

I opened my eyes and saw that I was in a different place now. I was standing on an empty street by myself. I could hear footsteps in the background, but they weren't close enough to me to distinguish how many people were there. I remember this fear as the one of dying, I had to find a place to hide and a weapon to defend myself with.

I ducked into an empty sliver between two walls and grabbed the pipe lying beside of it. I stopped breathing momentarily to gain my bearings. I could hear the footsteps getting closer, there was only one person. I could do this, I could survive this.

I waited until he passed by me to step out of the sliver. My heart was racing as I raised my arm and the pipe. I closed my eyes as I brought the pipe down on his head, trying to ignore the sickening crunching sound. I could never do it with my eyes open, I could only kill him if I didn't look. I'm sure some people that that was cowardly, but I didn't find bravery in murder.

I didn't even open my eyes when I felt the claws cut my cheek. I knew this was the one with the birds trying to kill me. I knew that was one of the dumbest fears to have, birds attacking me, but it was one of the ones that I couldn't seem to shake no matter how hard I tried. It was also the one that took me the longest to beat.

I heard their wings flapping right beside my ear, making my hair flutter. I wanted to scream, but I bit my tongue so harshly that it bleed a little. I needed to open my eyes and find the big stick lying on the ground. I had to hit the birds with it until they were all gone, I'd done it before and I could do it again.

I forced my eyes open and felt my heart in my throat. There was nothing but black everywhere moving together. The birds' wings were so close to me that they were the only thing I could see, but I couldn't give up.

I dropped to the ground and felt blindly for the stick that I knew was somewhere close to me. My fingers finally wrapped around the rough object so I started swinging. I swung until I couldn't hear anything and finally opened my eyes.

This was my last one, the last fearscape I had to go through. That was the only thing that kept me from sobbing when Wyatt's hand wrapped around my wrist. Every time I went through this one, it changed a little bit. The end result was always the same, but the way it happened was different.

He tried to push me to the ground, but I shrugged out of his grip and rounded on him. I wasn't going to lose this time, I was strong and I knew that I could beat him. That was until his face changed to Eric's and everything in my body turned to stone.

This had never happened before, the person had always looked like Wyatt. The lull in my movements gave him time to grab my arm and use it to push me to the ground. I groaned when my head hit a rock that I didn't remember being there originally.

I avoided looking at his face as much as I could because I really didn't want to think about why the fearscape had changed. I wasn't afraid of Eric, not even in the slightest bit. Then I remembered him calling me a slut and saying I wanted this and realized what was happening.

I was scared, somewhere deep down, that he was right.

Instead of focusing on that, I pulled my knee up into his groin and pushed his body off of mine. I saw the stick and swung as soon as it was in my grasp. It hit him in the face, making blood explode across it, but he fell and the fearscape ended.

I took a gasping breath and realized I was back in the glass room. I'd finished my fearscapes and never had to go through them again. The thought should have made me ecstatic, but there was no way I could be right now. I needed to talk to Eric and fix all of this as soon as possible.

"Congratulations, Am- Rhys, you've complete your final evaluation successfully," Tatum said, coming up to me as the others scribbled notes about me. "You took thirty minutes, that's amazing! I'm so impressed, but that was different than usual. Do you need to talk about anything? I can kick his ass and make his death look like an accident if need be."

"I can, too," I replied, smiling at her and trying to hide how freaked out I was. "I think it was just a thing my head did, there's no basis for it. I promise, Tatum."

I had an hour before our ranks were announced and the celebration dinner started. I needed to find Eric and talk about everything because the last thing I needed was another fear, especially one that had him in it. My rape story was mine, he had no right to be in it. I don't care how weird that sounds, it just needed to stay that way.

It wasn't hard to find Eric, he was talking with Max again. Normally, I would've just let him be, but I wasn't in the mood for that right now. They both looked over at me with glares that should've sent me shrinking, but I held my head high with my shoulders squared. I wasn't an initiate anymore, I was Dauntless.

"I've heard you did very well," Max finally said. "I'm impressed by your times, if I didn't know any better, I would think you were Divergent."

That sent a chill down my spine, but I didn't let it show. "Trust me, if I was a Divergent, I would've gone through them faster and gotten a better ranking. I also wouldn't be obvious enough for you to catch me."

Eric chuckled and I saw Max's lips pull up in a small smile. He hadn't respected me to reply quite like I did, he expected me to be afraid. I was terrified of that word, but not for myself. I was scared for Tobias, I didn't want anything to happen to him.

"Can we talk, Rhys?" Eric asked after Max excused himself to go take his shift watching the fearscapes.

"That's why I'm here," I told him. "I need to ask you something because it's messing me up. I need to know why you said it was my fault, why you think I'm a slut."

"I don't, Rhys. God, I should have never said any of those things!" he said, taking my hand and pulling me into a tunnel away from prying eyes. "You were right, I push people away because I don't want them to get hurt. I said those things to you because I was tired of you always choosing Four over me."

"I'm sorry that you thought making me feel like shit about myself was the only way you thought I could love you. Because I think I was starting to love you, but then I realized that that wasn't what love was," I told him everything that I was thinking. "Love being there for someone even when they push you away, it's helping someone back up when they fall down.

"I can't be with someone who tears me down to make themselves feel better. Someone who talks shit about my best friend because he's jealous of him. Even if I love you, Eric, I can't be with you until you grow up," I told him.

His face was completely heartbreaking. I expected him to be beyond pissed at me, to be glaring and getting ready to scream. Yet there he was with a frown and glassy eyes, staring at me like I'd broken his heart. As much as I knew I shouldn't, I wrapped my arms around him.

"I'm so sorry that I ever made you feel like that. You're right, you do deserve someone who treats you better than I do," he whispered, holding onto me for dear life. "I'm sorry that I ever made you feel insignificant, that wasn't what I wanted. I was just too scared to love you because you were so fragile and all I do is break things."

I took a breath before stepping out of his embrace and looking up at him. "That's where you're wrong. I'm not fragile, not anymore, I'm over what happened to me. I was raped and it was awful, but that doesn't define who I am, not anymore. I'm Dauntless, I'm free, and I'm going to work on being happy."

"How do you do that? Break my heart and then make me fall in love with you all over again?" he asked, but I knew he wasn't trying to get me back.

"It's a skill, you should try it. It's called being a nice person," I smirked before turning around and walking back into The Pit.

I made my way over to stand with my friends. Lisle immediately lifted me up onto his shoulders without my consent, but I didn't really mind. They were getting ready to announce the ranking and I couldn't see over the others.

"Today is the last day of initiation and it's time to announce the final ranks," a woman with a lot of metal in her face announce. "Here they are."

A board appeared out of thin air in the middle of the Pit. I saw "Four" at the very top and looked around for him. He was standing beside Lisle, his jaw hanging open as he saw what I saw. I twisted out of Lisle's grip and landed on my feet before wrapping my arms around T's body.

"You're ranked number one! I'm so proud of you!" I shouted, rocking us back and forth and jumping up and down at the same time.

"Yeah, well you're number four!" he shouted in return.

I hadn't even looked for my name, I was too concerned about him. I pulled away long enough to look at the final ranks.















I am Dauntless. I am free.

I hope this ending didn't ruin the story for you guys. I'm sorry if it did.