I would like to thank Bobdog54 for helping with this chapter


Danny sat down as he stared at the water. Everything made him think of Steve, but he knew for this moment in time he had done the right thing. The well-being of their child had to come first. Steve would always be welcome to visit. Danny would never do what Rachel did to him. He laid his hand on his stomach and gently rubbed it. A baby was growing inside of him. He couldn't believe it. A beautiful smile graced his face. Kono walked quietly in case her friend was asleep. As soon as she saw the look on his face, his hand on his belly she had to take a photo. Steve would love it. Kono lifted up her cell and took some photosictures.


Steve glanced down at his cell. 'She's back,' He told the others around the table.

They had discussed it and all agreed that Steve should play along until Catherine arrived here. Doris wanted to have a word privately. He had agreed that his mother could. After everything Catherine had done, he just wanted her out of his life. Steve had made Doris promise not to kill or physically hurt her. ( The length of time it took to secure that promise showed just how upset she was. She had agreed eventually. He sent a text letting her know what was going on. She could join the party as soon as Catherine arrived. They wanted to keep it a surprise.


Catherine arrived back in Hawaii nearly two months later, walked into the office and straight into Steve's arms. Catherine pulled back when he didn't hold her back or kiss her. 'Steve what is it? What's happened?'

'How could you do that to me Catherine?'

'Do what? I haven't done anything to you. Steve I love you?'

'Love; if you truly loved me you'd want me to be happy.' Steve shook his head in disgust.

'Of course I want you to be happy and you can be - with me.'

'It's all about you and what you want. What about what I want?'

'I thought I was what you wanted?' Catherine crossed her arms over her chest.

'No, if you believed that you wouldn't have lied to me.'

'Lied to you about what? I've never lied to you?' She reached out and ran a hand down his chest. 'We're meant to be together.'

'No, we're not.' He grabbed her arms and pulled them away from his body. 'I'm in love with Danny, and he feels the same.'

'So you're happy to be with a man who's with someone else, did Danny tell you that?'

Steve stared at her with utter disbelief. 'You're kidding me. Catherine I've been back for a while. Do you think that Danny and I don't talk? What about Chin and Kono? If anything happened to him or to our child—.'

'Wait, what are you talking about?'

'He's talking about Daniel carrying my future grandchild.' Doris walked in next to Danny; they had heard Catherine had come back. They decide to let Steve deal with her to start with.

'You're pregnant?' Her face paled. 'Why didn't anyone tell me?'

'Tell you, so you could use it to drive a wedge between Steve and the people that love him?' Doris glared at her.

'Doris…what are you doing here?' This was the last thing she expected. Catherine expected Steve wouldn't believe his mother if she came to him about this.

Doris laughed at the look on the other woman's face. 'I have a very smart man who kept an eye on Danny. There were a lot of things that didn't add up, like the being pregnant part. So he came to see me. I briefly talked to Steve, who you would be correct in what you were thinking that he wouldn't believe me—.

'How did you know what I was thinking?'

'It's not too hard sweetheart, but I went to Danny. I explained things, everything including what you had told me. I owed him an apology; I also need to make sure that they were both healthy. I was lucky that he is a forgiving man, to a point.' She heard Danny chuckle. 'I can't believe that I trusted you. The only reason did was because I thought you cared about my son.'

'I love Steve, why do you think I did all this. We're meant to be together.'

Kono stepped forward. 'If that's true why did he always hate it when people called you his girlfriend, or that you were dating?'

'It's because he doesn't want people to know his personal business.' Catherine's posture straightened with confidence.

'Danny, Chin and Kono are not just anyone. I never called you that because I never thought of you that way. Now I want nothing to do with you.'

'Steve you don't mean that, we belong together. We have so much in common.'

Just then four naval personnel walked in.

Doris smirked. 'Catherine, you came to me because you knew I would do anything to protect my son, and those he loves. In this case it means you. I did a little research on you, and it looks like Steve wasn't the only person you helped. In all those other cases you made money and some of that Intel ended up in the hands of enemies of the United States of America. Naval Intelligence would like to talk to you.'

'If I go down, Steve will go down as well.' She snarled.

'Actually no, the task force has a lot of leeway; both the Governor and your commanding officer have both given sworn statements that it was above board. You should have thought ahead.'

'Steve, you have to help me?' Catherine begged.

'No I don't, you tried to ruin Danny's life. You could've killed him and our child. You also used my mother. With everything you've done you must be insane to think I would help you.'

'This isn't the end Steve. You'll see, and we'll end up together. I know you love me.'

Steve looked up at her escort. 'Make sure she's given a psych eval.'

'Yes sir, I think that would be a good idea.' He stared down at once highly thought of Naval Intelligence officer.

They all watched as she was marched out.

'Danny.' Steve turned to look at his partner.

'Not now Steve, not with all this.' Danny waved his arms around and then indicated the door in which Catherine had just walked through.

'Danny, are you ready?' Jake called out as he walked in.

'Yeah, let' go, oh and Steve you can come visit me and the bun anytime you know that right?'

'Thanks Danny.' Steve smiled at him. It fell as soon as the man he loved is no longer in sight. 'Who is that?'

'That's Jake; he was the one keeping an eye on Danny. He was also the one that realised there was more going on. I want him to protect Danny and my grandchild. I don't trust Catherine; until this is all sorted out he's been watched.'

'Danny said yes to this?' Kono asked.

'I explained to him my worries and he agreed.' Doris explained. 'I know I go about things in the wrong way, but I hope I am doing something right?'

'You are mom; Danny and the baby do need to be protected. I can't do that as he doesn't want me with him all the time.'

'Give him time brah, a lot has happened. He needs to concentrate on that little bundle inside of him. You'll end up together I have no doubt.' Chin patted him on the shoulder.

'You really think so?'

'Yeah, I really think so Steve, you two are absolutely crazy about each other. If Catherine hadn't been involved you and he would be with each other.'

'Thanks Chin, I can't believe she did that.'


It had been a couple of month and Steve had come to visit Danny every day.

'Morning Danno, how are you both.' Steve came over and gave Danny a quick kiss, and placed one on his protruding belly.

'Had another argument with Rachel because I was kidnapped she is on her, being a cop is too dangerous, kick. I haven't seen Grace since it happened.'

'Is there anything I can do? Does she know that you're pregnant?' Steve glared as Jake walked in with juice and a healthy snack for Danny.

'No, not yet. It's happy news, but with how Rachel is at the moment she's going to spoil it.'

'I'm sorry Danno.' He reached out and took the other man's hand. 'How about we go for a little walk after you've eaten just the two of us.' Steve sent a glare Jake's way. 'I can keep you safe.'

'It sounds like a wonderful idea.'

'As Commander McGarrett is here Danny, I'll go and make a list of what we need. Will you be okay to stay with them while I'm out?' Jake asked.

'Of course I'll stay with Danny and our child.'

Jake forced a smile and headed towards the kitchen.

'Steve,' Danny warned.

'What, I haven't done anything.' He held up his hands.


Jake watched them as they laughed and joked. He saw how Steve helped Danny as much as he could. After the food had been eaten the two men headed outside. The more time he spent with Danny, the more his feelings grew. He knew nothing would come of it; it was so clear how they felt about each other. It never stopped him having those little dreams of him, Danny and the little one as a family. No matter what he felt, they were still only friends and Jake would do everything he could to make sure that they were safe.


As they walked slowly down the beach that was near the house where Danny was living, Steve reached out and took hold of his partner's hand. He was going to prove that he would be a good father and that he did listen.

Danny smiled over at him and squeezed his hand gently.

'So everything is still okay with you and the baby?'

'Steven you saw me yesterday, and if anything had happened you would have received a phone call.'

'I'm just checking, I want to make sure you're both safe as you can be.'

Danny stopped and looked at Steve. 'You've been brilliant, and kept the stress practically non-existent. I do appreciate it babe. I miss working though.'

'We miss you too, and when the baby is born you can come back when you're ready.'

'I know we have a lot to talk about. I'm just not up to dealing with it at the moment. No matter what does or doesn't happen between us you will be a part of this child's life. I won't put you through what Rachel did to me.'

'I know and you never know we might get married and have some more. It's easier for males to get pregnant after the first time.'

'Whoa there cowboy. Let's get this one born, and then see how thing go between us.'

'I know and I'm sorry. I just want a family like I never had.'

'And you will.' Danny went up onto his toes and kissed Steve softly. 'Aren't we supposed to be walking? Don't make me tell the Kelly's and the Kalakaua's?'

'I wouldn't want that. It's nice that they made you a part of their family.'

'Yes it is, but there are so many off them. I can't turn around without bumping into one of them.' Danny and Steve both chuckled.


The man reached into the container, and helped the woman out.

'Thank you, Billy, for everything. Once this mistake has been sorted out we can be together. I can't believe Steve set me up. I thought he was better than that.'

'I'm glad I could help Cath, when the mess is behind us we can move on together. With all the false clues we left they should only be finding out now that you're gone. How could they not believe you?'

'No one knows me like you. I love Billy you know that right?'

'Of course I do.' He pulled the brunette into his arms and held her tightly.

As soon as he couldn't see her face, the smile vanished. Steve McGarrett was hers, and they were going to be family. She would be a wonderful mother to that child. It would be their child. Danny would be gone from their lives for good; after he gave birth of course Danny would die tragically in childbirth. It happened all the time. Catherine would be the one to comfort Steve.

She slipped the needle from inside her sleeve. 'I'm sorry Billy, but it's not going to work between us.' Before he could say anything she jabbed him in the neck and pressed the syringe down. He did mean a lot to her, so she made sure that he wouldn't suffer. His life was over so quickly.

The one thing about being locked up for so long was that she could plan everything. It was also four weeks to the birth of her baby. Danny wasn't the surrogate she would have picked, but as long as Steve was happy, so was she.


'She what, how the hell did that happen?' Steve yelled down the phone.

'We've got a body.' Chin called out.

'When I find out who dropped the ball on this one, they are going to regret it.' He slammed his office phone down.

'What's going on boss?' Kono asked.

'Catherine managed to escape, they have no idea how or where she's gone. I'll give you a chance to guess where I think she's gone?'

'Catherine Rollins is on her way back to Hawaii. Are you going to tell Danny?' Chin wanted to know.

'I think it might be better in person. I sent a text to Jake telling him there could be trouble. He'll keep Danny safe.'


'Ahhh I am glad that you all have finally made it. We have an unknown male—.' Max looked up at them as he spoke.

'That's Billy, fuck Catherine's already here.' Steve turned back towards his truck, and he pulled out his cell.

'Do you understand this Chin?'

'No cuz, I don't. Steve how do you know Catherine did this?'

McGarrett stopped and turned to them. 'Billy and Cath used to date. He never got over her. She said it use to make her uncomfortable, because he was always trying to win her back. She used his feelings for her to help her escape. Billy would believe anything Cath would have told him. Once his part was done, she got rid of him.'

'Okay let's get an APB out.' Chin called out as he and Kono rushed to their cars.

'I'm calling Danny. I want him and Jake to be careful.'


Danny only had two weeks left before the due date. He rarely left the house, cameras had been put everywhere but the bedrooms and bathrooms. McGarrett had even given him a panic button that went to Five-0 and HPD. His baby's daddy was nuts, but he fell in love with the nutball so what did that say about him.

Rachel had also been giving him all kinds of stress. He hadn't seen Grace since near the start of his pregnancy. He hadn't been showing then. Someone got involved and he finally gets to see his beloved daughter. Which also meant he was going to have to tell them both that he was pregnant with super SEALs offspring.


'In here Gracie.'

He watched as his daughter ran in and suddenly stopped, Rachel was right on her heels.

'Daniel, you're…' She waved her arm up and down at his bulge.

'I'm pregnant, yes.'

'Who's the…other parent?'

'It's Uncle Steve isn't it?'

'Yes sweetie it is.' Danny smiled at his daughter as she beamed at him.

'I'm going to have a little brother or sister'

'You certainly are.' He pulled her into a hug.

'You're not keeping it, are you?'

'Of course I am Rachel. Gracie why don't you go and take your bag to your room. It's up the stairs first room on the right.'

'Okay Danno.'

They waited until she had left the room before they started again.

'I won't allow you to keep it.' Rachel crossed her arms over her chest.

'You won't allow it? It has nothing to do with you.'

'Listen, you followed Grace and I all the way here. You're supposed to wait around for me in case I want you back.' Rachel was filled with jealousy she was taking any notice of what she was saying.

'I'm supposed to wait around for you and not have a life of my own?' He couldn't believe what she was saying.

'I'm sorry Daniel, but if you won't give up the Commander and this child then I can't let Grace see you anymore.'

'You're trying to blackmail me into being your back up guy? You have to be kidding, please tell me this is a joke. I have enough on my plate as it is.'

'It's no joke. Gracie,' Rachel called out. 'We have to go.'

Grace walked in and glared at her mother. Danny could see himself in her; it was the Williams' glare.

'I'm not going anywhere with you.'

'We're going NOW.'

'You want Danno to get rid of Uncle Steve and their baby. I want them to be happy, and you should too. You found Stan, it's not daddy's fault if you're having problems. I'm not going anywhere with you. What you're doing is wrong?'

Danny couldn't believe it. She was expecting him to wait around and if it didn't work with Stan, she would come running back to him. When he first moved here it might have worked. Now things were different

'I'm not forcing her to leave Rachel.'

'Fine, my lawyer will hear about this.' She swung around and stormed out.

Grace wrapped her arms around as much of him as she could manage. 'I love you Danno.'

'I love you to. I guess I'd better call Uncle Steve and let him know what's going on.'

'Yeah you really should.'

'Are you okay Danny?' Jake waited for him to nod. 'Hi, you must be Grace.'

'Who are you?'

'Honey this is Jake he's keeping an eye on me and the baby for Steve.'

'Oh okay.'

'I bet your glad that McGarrett insisted on having camera's around.'


'Well everything she said has been recorded.'

'I totally forgot about them.' Danny now had evidence that his ex-wife used their daughter as a bargaining chip. What kind of parent did that?


Danny couldn't believe that everything had been done so quickly. What kind of money had Stan thrown around to get it sorted out in a week? He was also glad; he was about ready to pop. There was a psycho woman after him, and his ex-wife did not like the fact he moved on and wanted to take his daughter away.

He didn't understand how Stan stayed with her after this. That was until he overheard a conversation and realised Stan had no idea what had happened. Rachel's lawyers had tried to get the video footage kicked out, but Doris had come through again with a great lawyer for him. It had been refused as there were no grounds. There was no way she could explain away what she had said.


Stan had never understood why Rachel didn't want him at any of the meetings. She didn't even want him here supporting her during the case. Now he understood why. She kept them both around so she had a man with her and one in reserve. He turned and looked at her, but Rachel wouldn't look at him. He pulled his hand out of hers. Stan was doing everything he could to save their marriage, but she didn't care. She was ready to run back to Danny, or she would have but he'd moved on and that was the problem. Rachel was jealous.


The judge took off his glasses and turned to her. 'What kind of mother uses their child like that?' It was clear that he wanted some kind of answer.

'It's not just that your honour. Daniel is a police officer and works for the Governor's task force. I cannot allow my daughter to be in danger. He was kidnapped months ago.' Rachel smiled sweetly at him.

'I've dealt with a lot of police officers in this courtroom, and we're very lucky that we have Five-0. Hawaii is a safer place because of it.'


'I haven't finished yet.' The judge glared at her. 'Here we have a mother who uses her child for her own gains, and there is her father who protects Hawaii and all its inhabitants. I am not one to go for the what if's, yes he may get hurt, or he might not. I think that it's clear what should happen here. Detective Williams you have full custody of your daughter.'

'Thank you your honour.' Danny turned and hugged his daughter, followed by Steve, Chin, and Kono.

They all turned and watched as Stan left without her.

'What going on there?' Kono asked.

'Stan didn't know what she said on the tape about keeping me as backup in case things didn't work out with him.' Danny answered and watched as the other's wince.

'That has to be hard on him.' Chin sighed.

'So why don't we let Chin and Kono take Grace to celebrate and the two of us can do that on our own, like a date.' Steve just grinned at him.

'A date?' Danny repeated.

'Yes, a date. You have heard of them right?'

'Yes Steven I have and no.'

'What do you mean no?'

'I think you understand the word no right McGarrett?'

'Please Danno?' He begged.

'Say yes Danno.' Gracie joined.

'You've corrupted my daughter.' He sighed as he looked at the two pitiful faces of the people he loved most. 'Fine, okay.'

Steve grabbed hold of Danny's hand and started to pull him out of the courthouse. 'We'll see you later'

'Have fun.' Chin chuckled at how excited Steve was.

'Woah, Rambo where are we going?'

'Trust me.'

'Trust you? You do remember I am with child so we can't do the normal thing you like. No hiking up mountains, swimming around the islands that kind of thing.'

'We are just going to have a nice meal, and some conversation nothing more.'

'Just food and talking?' Danny waited for his partner to nod. 'Okay, I can do that.'

'Good.' Steve grinned stupidly at him, and Danny fell a little more in love with him.


It had been a lovely meal. Danny smiled at Steve; they had been closer and closer since he had told the other man that they couldn't be together. McGarrett had calmed down on the shootouts. The two of them talked about anything and everything, they still had their usual arguments some things didn't change. Danny knew that Steve loved his rants.

'I hope you enjoyed the meal?' Steve smiled as he looked over at Danny. The blonde was even more attractive carrying his child.

'It's wonderful, I've really enjoyed tonight—'

'What is it Danny?'

'My water just broke.'

'Why didn't you tell me you were having contractions?' He leaned forward, his gaze roaming over his body.

'I'm not having any contractions?' Danny looked worried.

'I'm just going to call your doctor.' Steve grabbed his cell; he had made sure that he had all the contacts the other man needed.

'Okay.' The blonde whispered he hoped that there was nothing wrong. The waiter stood at their side waiting to help them after overhearing what had happened.

'Danny we need to get you to the hospital. Many people have had their water break before the contractions start. All they want to do is to make sure everything is okay. An ambulance is on its way.'


It had felt like forever since they had taken Danny in for surgery. There was nothing wrong, but that thought it would be safer now to do it. Chin and Kono had not arrived long after Steve had phoned them that they arrived with Grace. Here they sat as ohana and awaited the newest member to join them. There was still a lot of security around the place and Danny; it would remain there until Catherine was caught. She had already murdered one person, supposedly someone she once loved. No one had any idea what she would do next. Would everything end with the death of the diminutive detective, or would McGarrett soon follow. All heads shot up as the door opened and out walked a nurse.

'Uhhh Mr McGarrett,' the nurse looked around, and walked over to the tall good-looking brunette.

'Yes, I'm Steve McGarrett is everything okay?' He asked and then bit at his lip will he waited.

'Everything is fine; Mr Williams and your daughter are both doing well. Would you like to see your daughter? You can then go and sit with your…'


She smiled at him. 'Sit with your partner until he wakes up. We can't have anyone else in there though.'

'Can his daughter come with me?' Steve asked as Grace came to stand by him.

'I think we can allow that.'

Kono rushed to his side. 'I want to see the munchkin; Auntie Kono needs to see her new nephew.'

Steve laughed at her and they all head to see the newest member of the family.


Danny slowly forced his eyes open, and licked at his dry lips.

'Here have a sip of this.' Steve used the controller on the bad so he was sitting and gently fed him some water.

'How is our baby?'

'She's fine Danny; she's the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. Grace is over the moon to have a little sister.'

'Where is Grace?' Danny suddenly asked.

Steve moved across slightly so he could see the girl curled up asleep on the chair.

'Danny, I, uhhh…'

'What is it super SEAL?' He'd never seen is partner look so nervous.

'I wondered if you, would you marry me? I love you Danny and I want the four of us to be a family.'

'Steve.' Danny sighed.

'Please just think about it. I've calmed down, there hasn't been as many shoot outs, or explosives. I'm not taking as many risks. I also resigned from the Navy.' Steve held up his hand to stop the interruption that was coming. 'I didn't do it to guilt you into marrying me. I released with what Cath has been doing, and with our baby coming I want to be here for you and our family. I was going to do it even if you say no. Everything has changed, I want to move forward.'

'Yes.' He whispered.

Steve squinted at him suspiciously. 'Yes, what?'

'Yes I'll marry you. You idiot.'

Steve leant forward and kissed him softly on the lips. 'Soon people will be right... .' He saw confusion on the other man's face. 'Well, we will soon be arguing like a married couple.'


A few weeks had past Danny, Steve and Jessica were all asleep on the hammock. Doris just stood there and watched them for a little bit. There was going to be a family barbeque the next day, and she had been invited. She had eyes all over the islands looking for Catherine. No one was going to get to her two sons, or her grandchild. She had come by and talked the two of them. Doris promised to no longer drag Steve into any of her schemes. She should have done this at the very start, but now she had a grandchild. She didn't want this one to group up without one or both her parents. She had seen how it had changed both of hers. It was amazing how a new baby could change your life.


Catherine managed to get comfortable on the boat as she stared through the scope of her gun. She relaxed and went with the movements of the waves, understanding how they felt, and when the best time to shoot would be. She had hoped to get this all sorted out sooner, but Doris had her spies all searching for her, and now was the only chance she got. She had been on this boat day after day waiting for the perfect opportunity. She would take Danny out and then Steve and their daughter would be hers. What she couldn't understand was why he proposed, the two of them were meant to be together. It was still clear that he was confused, but Catherine would help him with that and then they would be a family. She would also have to get rid of Grace, that little girl would always be a reminder and if she was around Steve would remain there. That was a problem for another day.

She watched as Danny climbed of the recliner and stretched his arms up. She cleared her mind of everything, but what she needed to do. Catherine concentrated on her breathing, the movement of the gun, and then slowly her finger squeezed the trigger.


Jake stands at guard and looks around. He hates how the back of McGarrett's home is so unsecure. He wished they'd chosen a different venue because Catherine was still out there and dangerous. He slowly swivelled is head around when he suddenly notice something blink.

'Danny!' He yelled as he ran for the other man.


Steve turned at Jake's yell and both men fall to the ground, blood seeping out from under their bodies. He stood their frozen, fear of losing Danny made his training useless.

'Jake, someone help.' Danny called out.

They rolled Jake off him and Chin checked for a pulse, he shook his head when he couldn't feel anything. Doris was on her cell as she stared out at the water. Catherine would not get away with this for first for hurting her son, and Danny, then for using her and now for killing an honourable man. It wouldn't take long before they caught up with her boat. It was only a small one, all her concentration had been on Steve's reaction if Danny died, she had forgotten the rest of them. Soon it would finally be over.


It didn't take them long to find Catherine, and with all the evidence they had on her for the death of Billy and Jake she was found guilty of both murders. They never had to worry about her again.


Danny watched out over the ocean, Jessica lay in his arms.

'How are you doing?' Steve asked as he walked out and wrapped his arms around both of them.

'Doing well, so the wedding planners are too much for you as well?'

'Don't take this the wrong way, but as long as we get married I don't care where it is. I love you and want the world to know that you're mine.'

'You're a possessive bastard aren't you? I feel the same you know, but Gracie and Kono are having so much fun with it.'

They both turned as the heard feminine laughter from within the house.

'So maybe the next time a boy.' Steve turned Danny's head and kissed him.

The William's were a large family and it was something he'd always wanted. 'If we have anymore I don't care what sex they are, as long as they're healthy'

'Neither do I, but we should get some practice in soon to make sure conception goes smoothly.' Steve tried to make his face look as innocent as he could, but burst out laughing.

'You're just horny McGarrett.'

'I always am for you Danno.'

'Please don't call me Danno when we talk about sex it really puts me off sex when it makes me think of Grace.' Danny laughed at the disgusted face the man he loved pulled. 'Do you think Kono and Grace would like to take Jessica out for a little while?'

'I'm sure they can be persuaded. Why don't we go and find out.' With their arms wrapped around each other they walked into the house to join some of their ohana.

Danny couldn't believe how happy he was, the last thing he expected when he arrived on this pineapple infested hellhole was to find the love of his life, to have Grace full time, a family and a new baby. Things do happen in mysterious ways.

The end