Merry Christmas!

So I meant to have this done hours ago, but it's Christmas, so you drama got in the way and that always puts a damper on the creativity. But things calmed down and I found a new version of the song that I was using, this one sung by Keith Urban (and if you know me at all you know I LOVE him!) and that helped to get the juices flowing again.

So without further ado...

"Well that was fun." Bass said as Charlie closed the door behind them. They had made it all the way thought dinner and were all sitting around the living room; enjoying the warm fire and some eggnog that Rachel had thrown together; before he and Rachel had gotten into what would later be called a "spirited debate" and Charlie offered to walk him home on her way back to her own place.

Charlie looked at him, wondering if he was being sarcastic, but she smiled when she saw what looked like genuine happiness on his face. A look that she had noticed more and more on him over the last few months.

Charlie nodded as they walked side by side, their hands hanging at their sides, almost touching but not quite, the easy they had used to wrap their arms around each other before gone. "Yeah it was, and we got out of there just in the nick of time to avoid a real fight." she said with a chuckle.

Bass smirked. "I'm curious about something though." he said and Charlie raised her brows as she kicked at a rock visible though the snow.

"When Miles was dragging your mom out of the room, Rachel said something that got me thinking." he said

Charlie looked up at him, her brows still raised. "I hope you didn't hurt yourself."

"Haha." he said. "Really though, she said something about how she didn't really want me to come over anyway, and at first I figured it was Miles idea for me to come, but then I thought," he stopped walking and placed a hand on her arm to stop her as well. "if that were the case why wouldn't you just tell me that?" he asked. "What was with the made up story?"

Charlie sighed and rolled her eyes. "Alright, it was my idea, I just figured you wouldn't come if you thought mom didn't want you there."

Bass cocked his head slightly to the side. "Why was it so important that I come over? I never make a big deal out of Christmas anyway." he told her.

Charlie nodded and looked away for a moment. "My dad," she said, her gaze still averted from his. "he always made Christmas this huge event. Everyone around would come over for his Christmas Eve party." she smiled at the memories. "Even Old Man Abernathy that ran the market, he would show up at our house and bring me and Danny each a piece of candy; it was the one day out of the whole year he wasn't a complete grouch."

she turned back to him now. "My dad always said that it was because Christmas is when you put the past away, even if it's only for a little while, and you focus on now; a memo my mother obviously didn't get; but you try so you can have fun with your friends and family." she said. "And for me, that includes you now."

Charlie shrugged. "I care about you; as crazy as that probably is; and I just wanted you to have a new Christmas memory with the family you have now that could make you happy." she finished in rush, feeling like a stupid kid all of the sudden.

Bass wasn't sure what to say. He was almost afraid of the feeling of hope her words gave him. Hope that just maybe there was a small chance that she returned even a little of the feelings he had.

"Charlie." he said as he reached out a hand and laid it on her cheek, his thumb stroking the soft skin he found there while his fingers twined through her hair.

He smiled softly when she leaned into his hand slightly. "That's the best gift anyone has given me in a really long time." Going out of her way to include him was something that nobody had done for him since he was a kid, and something that he had never expected to get again.

At some point while they were standing on the snow covered street; just the two of them lost in their own little world; they had moved closer together so there was now only an inch of space between them.

"That's what I was going for." Charlie said with a little smirk.

Bass continued to smile softly, not letting her make light of the moment. "What can I give you?" he asked causing Charlie to raise her brows. "To make you happy? What can I give to you?"

Charlie searched his gaze for a moment before; feeling bold like the Charlie that had ruthlessly slain her enemies; she reached up and grabbed his jacked and pulled him down, standing up on her toes she met him half way. Her mouth opening for him as she finally went after the one thing she really wanted for Christmas. Him.

Bass still had one hand in her hair and as she pressed herself to him, his free hand wound around her waist to rest on the small of her back, pressing her that much closer.

Forget what he said before. This, right here, was the best present he had ever gotten.

When the need for air became to great, Charlie pulled her mouth from his, her eyes still closed as she tried to catch her breath.

Bass leaned his forehead against hers and waited for her to speak.

"That." she said. "That's what will make me happy." she said as she opened her eyes and leaned away slightly; not enough to break the connection between her body and his but enough to look at him.

It was his turn to close his eyes as he shook his head slightly and took a half step back, just enough to put that inch of space back between them.

"It shouldn't." he said as he opened his eyes again. "You shouldn't want this, you shouldn't want me." he said, hating the way the smile faded from her face and the pain his own words were causing him, but knowing that he was right. As much as he longed for her, she shouldn't want him.

Now that she had finally made it known what she wanted, she wasn't going to back down so easily. "Why shouldn't I want you?" she asked.

Bass dropped his hands from her and shook his head again. "Because the one thing you're mom and I agree on, is the fact that I'm not a good man Charlie." he said. "I know just how much blood I have on my hands, I know who's blood I have on my hands." he said and she knew he meant Ben and Danny. Maybe even Nora.

Charlie narrowed her eyes at him. "Don't think for one minute that I have forgotten about that blood." she said. "But it's not just on your hands, it's on Miles' and Rachel's." she said, getting angry that he would try to use this as an excuse. "Hell it's even on mine."

She reached out and placed a hand on his face and softened her tone and her eyes as she looked at him. "You might not think you're a good man," she said. "but you're no worse than the rest of us."

And just like that, that hope he had feared before returned, giving him a second chance. One that; as long as she realized what she was getting herself into; he was willing to take.

Charlie dropped her hand and cleared her throat. "Now I'm pretty confident I know the answer to this but I'm going to ask it anyway and get to the point since it's freezing out here." she said and in spite of himself, Bass smiled.

"I think it's pretty clear that I want you." she said and his smile widened. "Now I need to know, do you want me too?"

"Yeah." he said simply. "I do."

Charlie smiled again. "See? Now was that really so hard?" she asked as she grabbed his hand and headed down the street once again.

Bass threw his head back and laughed; a genuinely happy laugh; as he let go of her hand and wrapped his arm around her shoulders, pulling her into his side as they headed for her apartment.


Later; as they lay together on the bed in her room, the blankets pulled up around them to keep out the chilly night air that came in through the drafty old window; Bass pulled her close to his chest, his nose nuzzling into her hair, breathing her in.

Charlie turned over so she could see him and smiled, knowing there was just enough light shining in from the bright moon outside her window for him to see. "What are you thinking?" she asked as she trapped her hands between them, using his body heat to keep her fingers warm.

Bass brushed some hair from her face and smiled. "That tonight turned out a lot different; better; than I thought it would." he said. "Maybe Christmas isn't so bad after all."

Charlie snuggled in closer and laid her head on his arm and closed her eyes.

Things were going to be different come morning. They both knew it wasn't going to be all hearts and flowers from here on out, things were going to be hard. But Charlie also knew that the best things never came easily.

And for tonight, there wasn't anything they could do about it anyway, so there was only one thing left to say.

"Merry Christmas Bass."

"Merry Christmas Charlie"

You guys have all been amazing with your response to this little story. I'm so glad that you have all enjoyed it since I had such a great time writing it.

I sincerely wish you all A Merry Little Christmas.

And once again, Remember...

Reviews make you AWESOME!