I do not own these characters. I am simply creating my own version of their back story. For the song below I have used Katey Segal's originals.


"I can't believe we're going to be seniors bitches!" Wendy exclaimed as she held a bottle of tequila up in the air

Tara, Jax and Donna laughed as they joined Wendy in a celebratory shot.

"Tara I can't believe you still have a FULL schedule" Donna shook her head in amazement

"Well it's half my day at the school and the other half is the medical program. It'll all be worth it once this year is up. Soon we have to start sending in applications and letters to colleges" Tara was full of excitement of the road she had ahead of her

Jax watched her with amazement. But if he had to be honest he was a bit worried. Worried if she decided to go to school somewhere that wasn't in Charming or California all together. He didn't want his relationship to end up like Opie and Donna. He wouldn't be able to carry on without his right hand.

"Soooo we all set for this rager tonight at TM?" Wendy questioned excitedly. Shortly after she realized the gaping eyes shot at her from Tara and Jax. "Shit..."

"It's cool you guys" Donna waved her hand and smiled like it was nothing

"You know you're always more than welcome to come tonight or any night Donna" Jax reached over and draped his arm over Donna

Donna shown her best smile she can over "Yes of course"

Tara and Wendy exchanges concerned looks. Donna has been handling the break up quite well. But they never saw how she was when she was alone. She could be a wreck for all they knew.

Donna began to gather her things. "Ah shit, I totally forgot I was supposed to meet my mom in like a half hour to go shopping for school. I'll see you guys later, have fun tonight!"

"See ya!" Tara shouted as she watched Donna rush out of her house quicker than she ever has. To be honest, she admired Donna for being able to still come over despite that her ex boyfriend lived two houses down. Tara thought maybe she was hoping to bump into Opie.


"How you kids feelin bout your last year of high school tomorrow?" Gemma questioned Tara and Jax as she poured herself a hot cup of jo'

"Pretty fuckin excited. Finally gonna be done with school" Jax leaned back in his seat wearing his infamous boyish grin

"Yeah like your ass ever goes to school" Gemma shot back sarcastically

"Well it's exciting but sad at the same time. Everything is about to change for all of us"

Gemma and Jax both turned to Tara. Clearly noting she is one serious bookworm. Gemma grabbed her seat where she was able to perfectly view Jax and Tara. Gemma rested her hand on top of Tara's. "Your mom would be so proud of you baby. We all are. You're too smart for your own good. She'd be happy as hell to know you're followin in her footsteps."

Tara's eyes gleamed with moisture. She gave a half smile. Tara felt so much love but she missed her mother everyday. She wrapped her hand tighter around Gemma. Jax leaned forward and rubbed Tara's back.

"You're gonna be so amazing babe" Jax kissed Tara's temple.

Gemma watched the way her son was with Tara. She always loved the way he supported Tara. The way he adored her. Protected her. And most importantly loved her. Sometimes, it would scare the living shit out of her. To have these two kids so wrapped up in each other at such a young age could be a dangerous game. But they reminded her of JT and her after she ran away from her home life. Gemma relished JT. He always made her feel beautiful. JT always supported Gemma's talent as a singer. She would always remanence about the night they met.


John and Piney entered this shithole of a bar up in Oregon as they prepared to lay out their new source of income for his newly founded motorcycle club.

"Kellan Ashby made some calls to the Irish today. He'll get back to us if they've voted for us to black market their weapons." JT took a shot of scotch

"The deal will go through brother. We have a good relationship with the Irish. Good thing we stationed out there for a bit. Coming back home to this shit is not the way to allow your Vets to live" Piney shot his annoyance back with the burning sensation of whiskey.

JT nodded in agreement. He was going to say something when he was caught off girl by the sound of a woman singing on stage. He turned his position to get a view of who the woman was attached the voice that distracted him like sirens call

"Like a bird on the wireLike a drunk in a midnight choirI have tried in my way to be free"

The long black haired woman sang full of broken emotions. JT could see the pain in her eyes.

"Like a worm on a hookLike a knight from some old-fashioned bookI have saved all my ribbons for theeIf I, if I have been unkindI hope that you can just let it go byIf I, if I have been untrueI hope you know it was never to you"

Gemma took a deep breath in between. Allowing her musicians to take over a bit as the chorus rocked out. She looked back at her crew and smiled. She turned her attention back to the crowd and took a deep breath before she began.

"For like a baby, stillbornLike a beast with his hornI have torn everyone who reached out for meBut I swear by this songAnd by all that I have done wrongI will make it all up to thee"

"She's got some voice on her huh?" Piney asked with a knowing look.

JT turned his attention back to Piney. As much as he didn't want his attention to be taken away from this black haired beauty. He skin was so porcelain. She looked tough. Tougher than most men he's come across. "Yeah she does" JT turned his attention back to this vixen. Just in time to hear the ending of such a song.

" I saw a beggar leaning on his wooden crutch

He said to me, 'you must not ask for so much'And a pretty woman leaning in her darkened doorShe cried to me, 'hey, why not ask for more?'Oh, like a bird on the wireLike a drunk in a midnight choirI have tried in my way to be free"

She held her last note as powerful, loud and as long as she possible could. The crowd stood up and roared with applause. JT was hypnotized by her. He needed to speak to her. Get her name. He watched as she shown her biggest smile at the crowd. "Thank you everyone! I'm here every night!" She waved to everyone as she prepared to get herself off stage.

JT watched as she headed behind the bar and grab her apron. He loved that in a matter of a few minutes he knew so much about her. She had an amazing voice, he knew where she was every night and he knew where she worked for living. With all that knowledge she still seemed to be so much of a mystery. Not to mention how a woman of her age sung such a broken song. He wondered what she has been through. And he wanted so much to fix it.

Lenny hopped into a seat at the table to join his brothers. "Just got word the Irish want to meet tomorrow morning. Seven in the morning sharp by the docks"

JT and Piney exchanged looks. "It's happening brother" Piney stated reassuringly to John.

"Anything else I can you boys?"

JT turned to her voice. His heart sank but began to beat at a much faster speed. "What's your name darlin?"

She smiled with a knowingly look. She wasn't oblivious to how good looking this man was. She observed his kutte and the crew he was with tonight. She took a look at his tattoos and his ruggedness. "Gemma"

"How old are you Gemma?" JT turned his entire frame towards her. Mesmerized by her beauty.

She smirked at him and batted her lashes at him "Whatever she makes you feel comfortable sweetheart" And with that she turned away. She strutted down the bar and went to service another table.

JT's mind was blown away. Just before she turned her heel the other way he did take notice of a massive scar that ran from the top of her chest to what he presumed to run further down. JT hopped out of his seat and did his own strut down the bar. Down to his target..


"What are you smilin at so hard there ma?" Jax smirked never seeing that kind of look on his mom

"Your father." She smiled wider at the memory. "You two remind me of us"

Jax and Tara both exchanged eye contact. Warming and loving looks. They took it as a compliment their love reminded Gemma of her and JT. Jax pulled Tara In closer into him.

"We miss him too Gem" Tara reached over to place her hand back onto Gemma's as she rubbed her thumb over

Gemma smiled slightly faded. Of course Gemma missed him. The memory of who her and John were together nearly ate her up alive at times. The guilt of his death always weighing down on her. But she had a certain persona to keep up when it came to this topic.

No one could ever know.