The 12 BAU Moments of Christmas

Disclaimer: I own nothing but the ideas

This is my Christmas gift exchange story for Starofoberon. She requested a Hotch/Rossi friendship (team orientated/team bonding). My prompts were: "Twelve Days of Christmas" - NOT one of the parody versions, wrapping paper and ribbon, ice skating, and an enormous inflatable Santa.

I will admit the song is being used but may be not always in the traditional way (though I will slip in a reference to it too).

A little side note, SPOILER ALERT, we didn't get the ep with Rossi's daughter in it over here in the UK until I had finished writing 7 chapters. I will try and work that storyline in too and would have done things slightly differently had I have seen that before I started writing. I have also managed to add a reference to Hotch being single (that fitted in a lot easier).

Starofoberon I hope you enjoy this and anyone else they decides to give it a go I hope you do too.

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On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me

A partridge in a pear tree

. . .

"OH . . . WOW! . . . Dad, look at that!" Jack exclaimed as they drove towards the rather grand looking Rossi mansion. Though it wasn't the familiar building that had Jack Hotchner agog, no it was the enormous inflatable Santa that was bobbing about in the cold Christmas breeze that had the young man wide eyed in amazement. "That is sooooo cool!"

"I'll be sure to tell your Uncle Dave that he has just won himself extra bonus points in the annual Super Cool Agent stakes. Gosh he must be getting close to catching Miss Penelope up for this year's title."

Jack's eyes narrowed, in the typical Hotchner way, as he glared at his father. "Are you being serious? You guys keep a point score?"

Pulling up alongside the monstrosity Hotch put the car in park and reached over to ruffle his son's hair. "Nope, there is no need. Everyone knows I'm the coolest, so what's the point."

"You!" Jack scoffed, a wicked grin on his face as he rapidly unbuckled and exited before his father had chance to respond.

Aaron had to laugh, guess his son had inherited his sense of humour too. Catching up with Jack at the back of the vehicle, Aaron lifted the tailgate and handed Jack a box of brightly wrapped gifts.

"So why are we spending Christmas at Uncle Dave's this year?" Jack asked. A question he had asked several times since his Dad had originally suggested the idea a month ago.

Hotch resisted rolling his eyes, as he answered with great patience. "As I told you no-one likes to be alone at Christmas and when I couldn't spend Christmas with you and Mom, Uncle Dave made sure I was not alone and it's time I returned the favour."

"Oh, so we're keeping him company?" Jack clarified as they headed towards the front door.

Aaron smiled, as he carried their bags up the steps, "Something like that".

Jack went quiet, before he looked up at his father; "And you're sure Santa will find me here?"

With a nod over his shoulder in direction of the giant inflatable, Aaron laughed, "With that larger than life chap floating about he is sure to find you."

. . .

Having had a day full of festive cheer, including baking cookies for Santa and stringing garlands, Jack had his new Christmas PJs on ready for bed. Dave was with him in the lounge. Jack reached up to the few undecorated branches of the giant tree as Dave passed him the last few ornaments to add to on. He had started decorating it himself a week ago, but the sudden call out to a case in Philadelphia had left the whole team wondering if Christmas would happen on time this year. However luck was on their side and they had managed to wrap the case up with enough time to get them all back and off to their various Christmas retreats.

"What's this?" Jack asked at the small golden bird ornament Dave had absentmindedly passed him.

Dave looked up at the gilt bird and smiled, "That is a partridge."

Jack's brow furrowed.

"As in a partridge in a pear tree . . ." Dave noticed the confused look remained on Jack's face, "12 Days of Christmas . . ." still no sign that he knew what Dave was talking about. "On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me, a partridge in a pear tree," Dave sung loudly as he made his way to his stereo, readying himself to educate the youngster.

Jack giggled.

"What's so funny?" Dave asked innocently.

"You mean other than your singing," Aaron chipped in as he entered the room with a tray of steaming mugs of hot chocolate for them all, plus a plate of the cookie they had made earlier in the day.

"Gee thanks, nice to know you two will be ganging up on me. I was just trying to teach your son a classic Christmas carol. In fact I am trying to find my Bing Crosby version, just to get us in the mood."

So while Aaron and Jack continued to dress the tree, Bing Crosby, in duet with David Rossi, serenaded them with the '12 Days of Christmas' and other Christmas classics.

. . .

Having put Jack to bed, Aaron re-entered the lounge to find David standing at the tree, whisky tumbler in hand. There was a matching tumbler on the coffee table which Aaron scooped up as he went to stand by his friend; "A penny for your thoughts?"

"That little partridge," he pointed at the ornament as it swung from the branch, "I brought it for Carolyn the first year that we were married. I decided to go the whole hog and recreate the 12 days of Christmas for her. It has been on my tree every year since, even after we separated I still put it up, silly isn't it?"

"No. There are decorations on our tree that represent every stage of the Hotchner family. Mine and Haley's first Christmas, Jack's first Christmas, bits and pieces Jack made at Kindergarten. You can't ignore the past and pretend it didn't happen."

David sighed deeply, raising his glass in a toast; "To memories of the good times."

Aaron chinked glassed with him before taking a satisfying sip. Both men turned to the coach and took a seat. The Christmas themed tunes continued but now it was Frank Sinatra's turn to entertain them. The two men sat in silence, staring at the tree. Its lights softly glowing through the thick fir branches, both lost in their own thoughts. Recounting memories of Christmases past – a mix of good, and not so good, memories as they savoured their malts together.

"You never forget your true love," Dave lamented.

"Here, here."

"Or your last."

Aaron just nodded, a little raw from his recently ended relationship – though nothing that compared to Dave losing Erin earlier this year.

Finishing their drink both men stood without another word on the matter, "Best get Santa's sack in place for a certain young man," Dave said, "After all I'd hate him to think that the jolly fat fella couldn't find him."

With which they prepared the scene for Jack and made their way off to bed, ready for an early start on Christmas morning.