The 12 BAU Moments of Christmas

Disclaimer: I own nothing but the ideas

So we bring the story to an end. Thank you for your support and encouragement. Starofoberon thank you for an amazing set of prompts.

This final chapter jumps forward to New Year's Eve.

. . .

On the twelfth day of Christmas my true love gave to me

Twelve Drummers Drumming

. . .

Dave stood in his kitchen, topping up the bowls and platters of food. The whole BAU team and associated family, partners and significant others were all gathered at his to bring in the New Year.

Making his way back through with the additional food he placed it all down on the table before refilling his drink. As he did he was aware of the arrival of Aaron by his side. "Want one?" Dave asked, holding up a familiar bottle of malt whisky.

"Yes please," Aaron answered.

"Jack settled?"

Aaron waved his hand back and forth uncertainly, "Not convinced, he is still adamant that he will be awake at midnight."

"Ah, that age already."

"I have told him that if he keeps Henry awake any longer that I am sending JJ up next time!"

"Nice," Dave smiled as he passed the drink.

The two men stood, savouring the amber liquid as they watched the others. The mix and match bunch were busy chatting, dancing, drinking, eating – generally relaxing and having fun. A very different picture to the one that had been them gathered in the conference room for the de-brief yesterday. Their resilience and support for each other was what kept them doing the job they do. Without it they would surely have crumbled a long time ago.

"Bet you and the 'founding fathers' of the BAU never through t this was the future of your precious baby?"

Dave laughed, "No I can honestly say I had never seen this coming."

"Guess the crystal balls weren't working back then either?"

Both men laughed as they made their way back into the group.

. . .

Chris Callahan stood watching the group gather outside with great curiosity. Will came to stand beside him, passing a beer. "I've know law enforcement since I was a babe, we're a strange bunch. We rely on each other in such a way that it is impossible to describe to an outsider. But these guys, the BAU, they are something else. They are their own family unit, distinct and complete. I hope you are ready for the package that is life married to one of them."

"I'm starting to get the idea."

Will clapped his hand down on the other man's shoulder, "Honestly they just need to have their little moments, their shared time. It doesn't replace what you have, it's a supplement. Sharing the experiences they have they can help each other which then leaves us to enjoy the good bits. Trust me in the long run its cheaper then therapy."

Chris laughed, "I'll bear that in mind."

With which both men stood and watched as the elite unit, gathered together to greet the New Year, they were stood huddled together for warmth, drinks in hand.

From where the two men were they couldn't hear the exchanges but glasses clinked and hugs were shared. Even the occasional cheer rose from the group as inside the house those watching the ball drop cheered and exchanged hugs too.

Will turned to Chris "Happy New Year, welcome to life in the BAU extended family." Both men knocked their beer bottles together in a toast before stepping outside to find their wives.

. . .

Dave sat alone in the darkness of his kitchen. It was somewhere in the early hours of New Year's Day, where exactly he wasn't sure. He stared at the empty glass in front him. He hadn't drunk this much in a very long time. As he contemplated getting another he became aware of someone else in the room.

"Checking up on me Aaron?"

"Honestly I was getting a glass of water, but seeing you are here . . ."

"Yeah, right!"

After getting two glasses of water, Aaron took the bar stool next to his mentor, colleague and friend. "Thought your head might appreciate this in the morning," he said as he passed the glass over.

"Oh trust me I can hear the drummers making their way already – thought I might just continue to drink to ward them off."

"Think we both know that's not the answer. Want to talk?"

Dave shrugged, sipping the cool water. "What is there to say other then I am glad to see the back of this year. Here's to 2015."

Aaron raised his glass of water, "Things can only get better, as they say."

"Couldn't get much worse."

Aaron looked at Dave, the slump of his shoulder and the general fatigue he showed. "Dave I have been in your shoes. I know outwardly you are showing the world that you are strong and plough through it all but I know you Dave. I know you are hurting and hiding behind work and cheap dates will not convince me that all is ok."

Dave shook his head; he had trained Aaron well, too well. "I'll be ok. I guess I just needed to reach this point. You know the point where I let it all go and move on."

"Dave it's not that easy, I know."

"Oh trust me Aaron, it is. It's how I work. Draw the line and move on. I have learnt the hard way."

"Look Dave I'm not going to disagree with you over this. Please drink the water, take a couple of Advil and sleep it off. I am more than capable of rustling up a batch of pancakes in the morning."

"Good to hear. I'll be down for my share." With which Dave stood and made his way out of the kitchen, with a slight wobble.

Aaron was quick to follow; glad he wouldn't be inside Dave's head in the morning. It had been a long time since he had seen Dave like this and it was long overdue. Not that alcohol was the answer to the problems. Erin had taught them both that, but there was no doubt that Dave hadn't fully accepted all that had happened over the past year. Maybe he was right; maybe the New Year would be the fresh start he needed. Aaron hoped so. But if not then they would all have his back.