And here's the last *gulp* chapter of Black: Victini and Reshiram. You guys have been awesome, sticking with me even though I made you wait almost a whole year before updating this story again.

What I'm saying is, you're the best, and I love each and every one of you. Now, enjoy the chapter!

10 - Saying Goodbye

With Iris and Cilan at my side, I stare out into the sunset horizon, feeling the salty waves of the ocean lap up against my ankles and crash against the rocks. Tears form in my eyes as I stare at the blue waves longer, so I look down at my boots.

"We're at the ocean, Victini," I murmur. Pikachu sniffles from my shoulder. "You have us every bit..." I swallow. "...every bit of power you had... Even though...I didn't give you anything!"

I force down a sob, and that's when Iris lays her hand on my shoulder. "Oh, Alice."

I pull away from her and step closer to the ocean, so the water hits my thighs. "Victini, I'm sorry."

I broke my promise. I didn't keep my word. I betrayed a friend... And a friend I loved dearly.

Why wasn't I enough to save Victini?! I could've broken him out of the Pillars myself! It's my fault he's gone...

I reach into my jacket pocket and pull out a macaron. I had taken one before we came here—to honor Victini's memory. But just looking at the little snack makes me lose it.

Tears stream uncontrollably down my cheeks. "Victini! You love macarons! Well, here you go! Take it!"

With all my strength, I throw it towards the ocean, but to my surprise, it stops in midair. It turns and some invisible force begins to devour it.


My two friends reach my side once more, happy expressions upon their faces. "This has a strangely familiar flavor," Cilan chuckles.

"Sure does," Iris says, smiling.

Mannes, Damon, Juanita and Carlita, who've been standing behind us, run over to us. As Victini—who's still invisible—finishes off the macaron, Cilan opens up the case and hands it out to me. "Here's the rest."

Nodding, I take one, and step deeper into the ocean, so the water sprays on my knees. When Victini doesn't show himself, I inch the snack closer to my mouth.

"I guess I'm just gonna have to eat all of these!"

Victini suddenly appears in front of me, a pleading expression on his face. Seeing the small creature alive and healthy makes my heart burst with joy and happiness. I hand him the macaron, and watch him eat it.

"Oh, Victini!"

I wrap him up in a tight hug, burying my face in his V-shape, but he squirms and struggles to get out. I let go of him instantly, feeling sheepish.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Are you okay?" He nods and finishes up the macaron, flapping his wings ferociously as he squeals in delight.

My vision suddenly cuts out, and I see an image of the dry land where the Kingdom of the Vale once proudly called their home. Victini flies around it, turning the dry and rugged terrain into a great green valley and healthy-looking lake.

I give him a smile and reach up to pet him. "I understand. You're gonna go out and revive the Vale, aren't you?" He nods and coos as I pet him. More tears leak from my eyes as I look at him longer. "Go make everyone happy, okay?"

He nods and squeals again, winking at me. I giggle and pull him closer, giving him a kiss on his forehead.

"I've still got some macarons," Cilan tells him, handing out the case to him. Victini coos and takes another, munching it down.

Two loud roars fill my ears, and I turn around to see both Reshiram and Zekrom standing on top of the castle. They both fly down and soar towards the ocean.

Their massive tails touch the salty water, giving off clear beams of smoke. Reshiram's tail glows red for fire, and Zekrom's tail glows blue for electricity. Both of them fly up into the sky and into the distance, leaving behind a beautiful rainbow across the setting sun.

You can reach for the stars
And know that in your heart
You have the strength deep inside.
Let it be your guide.
You can fly past the moon
And race all afternoon.
Don't be afraid to make a choice.
Raise your voice.

Just follow your star.
Spread your wings and be free.
Wherever you are
Is right where you should be.
So listen to your heart
And believe in what you dream.
And follow, follow your star.

There's a time when you know
How to find your destiny.
And with each turn in the road
It's clear for you to see.
So push through the days;
Don't let your spirit fade.
Throw away all your doubts.
Oh, sing out loud.

Just follow your star.
Spread your wings and be free.
Wherever you are
Is right where you should be.
So listen to your heart
And believe in what you dream.
And follow, follow your star.

Just follow your star.
Spread your wings and be free.
Wherever you are
Is right where you should be.
So listen to your heart
And believe in what you dream.
And follow, follow your star.

Follow your star.
Follow your star.
Follow your star.
Follow your star.

Follow your star.
Follow your star.
Follow your star.
Follow your star.
Follow your star.
Just follow your star.

And that's it! I had to include the ending song, even though I'm not a fan of it (I prefer the ending song to Movie 17 much more), and I think I'm gonna include every ending song to the movies, along with the full openings.

Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed!

P.S. Keep an eye out for Kyurem vs. the Sword of Justice, coming soon!