A/N: A short little NaLu Christmas fluff. Enjoy and please R&R.

If any of you happen to follow my stories from before, I'll probably be going on a posting spree during the holidays.


The carolers ran around the town, asking for hot chocolate and cookies and so. Christmas was just a few hours away and everyone was in a festive mood. The local guilds were all having parties, the grandest one obviously held by Fairy Tail. One house though, was just a bit quieter than the others. This house belonged to Lucy Heartfilia.


Natsu offered Lucy the tissue-box.

"Jeez, Luce," he grumbled, "Why'd you have to catch a cold right now?"

Lucy had caught a cold from an earlier mission. Wendy tried to heal her but, it would take a day for her to heal completely, of course. Since, Natsu already pulled off the tree incident during Hanabi, the only thing he could do to make her feel better was to keep her company during Christmas.

"It's not like I wanted to!" Lucy cried, "Besides, whose fault was it for getting me all wet in the snow?"

"Not my fault if you wear such skimpy outfits."

"I was wearing a sweater!"

"You were wearing a really short skirt. If you need long bottoms, you should ask, I'll lend you some."

"Shut up!"

Natsu sighed, surprising Lucy. It felt weird to be alone with him. Every time they hung out, at least Happy was with them but, the Exceed decided to spend Christmas with his girlfriend. So, she was left in a pool of awkwardness with her partner; who she might or might not have feelings for.

"Ne, Natsu," Lucy called, "Why don't you just go to the guild, it is Christmas eve."

"I don't want to," Natsu grinned, "I want to spend it with you, Luce."

Lucy smiled, blushing a bit. They stared at each other for a while. The moment would have been perfect, if she hadn't sneezed again. Natsu offered her a tissue again.

"Should I get you something?"

"Can you," Lucy sniffed, "make chicken soup?"

"Chicken fire soup?"

"I can't eat that!"

"Sheesh, I'm just joking," he said, "I can get some from Mira from the guild, if you want."

Lucy thought for a while.

"Fine. But be quick and don't pester her too much. It is Christmas eve."

"You already said that," Natsu mumbled, "I'll be back soon."

"Luce, I'm back!" Natsu called.

He went inside and saw her fast asleep. She looks kind of cute, he thought. He put the soup on the stove to warm up and went back to her room. Seeing the coast clear, he tied the gift Erza and Mira so enthusiastically offered. This ought to be fun.

The Church bell rang, signalling midnight. It was Christmas. Lucy woke up from the sound.

"Natsu," she mumbled, "What are you doing?"

Natsu grinned a bright smile. "Look up, you weirdo."

From the bedpost, a beautiful cluster of green leaves and red fruits hung. Mistletoe.

"Merry Christmas, Luce."

He smiled and kissed her softly. Well, that was his intention. After a few startled moments, Lucy pulled Natsu closer by his scarf and kissed him deeply. It was a while before they parted.

"Natsu," Lucy sniffed the air, "Is something burning?"

"Shit, I left the soup on the stove!"

The End