So this is my first story and I decided to give it a try. This is basically an Arrow/Olicity AU in the walking dead universe and time line. I thought this was something new so here you go...

If there are any mistakes, I'm sorry, English isn't my first language.

I don't own anything.

I will write down what the characters are wearing before I start the chapter because it's technically not important for the story, but it's always easier for me to imagine the story in my head when I know what the characters are wearing.

Felicity: a black top, purple jacket, blue jeans, combat boots, a ponytail

Laurel: a black coat, a white sweater, black jeans and boots

Oliver: a green hood, jeans, a black shirt, combat boots


„RUN! I'm right behind you!" Laurel looked back once more before she grabbed the two bags from the ground and started running back to their "camp". It wasn't a camp, they lived in Sara's jeep and drove around searching for food and other stuff like guns that other people left behind when they fled.

Felicity was surrounded by five walkers. They were closing in on her and she needed to think fast. She only had a hunting knife they found while they were scavenging and the gun Sara gave her. She wouldn't use the gun because that would attract more walkers, so she choose the knife. Quickly she moved forward and jammed it into the nearest walkers forehead. As the next one came closer she put the knife right through his eye.

Since all this had started she had gotten quite good at killing the dead. „Two down three to go" she thought. She ran towards the next one, threw him to the ground and stepped on its head, repeatedly, until it stopped making those disgusting noises she hated so much.

When she looked back up she saw that the last two were closer than she thought they would be. They were too close for her to ram the knife into either of their heads. Before she could do anything she heard something cutting through the air. She didn't turn her head to were the sound came from because she needed to keep her attention on the walkers. The arrow stuck in the right walkers eye and the "thing" dropped down on the floor. She refused to call it anything other than that, "thing", "walker" or "biter" she couldn't see them as people anymore. In the beginning she did, it almost cost her her life once, that's when she realized that no matter what she did she couldn't save them, they were already dead and if she would hold back, she would be too. She reacted quickly and rammed her knife into the remaining walkers head. It stopped reaching for her and sank down to the ground. She looked at the dead body for a bit longer and then gathered herself to look at the person who saved her.

She slowly turned around. In front of her was a man holding a bow and arrow pointed at her. She dropped the knife and put her hands up. „Don't shoot." The guy lowered his bow and pulled back the hood he was wearing. She pushed her glasses back in place. He was handsome his blonde hair was a little longer and he had a stubble, his eyes were ocean blue. Okay, he was pretty hot. She swallowed hard, he was looking right into her eyes. He walked towards her.

„Are you alone out here?"

She cleared her throat. „No, I'm with three other women."

„Do you have a place to stay?", he looked at her with a blank expression.

„No we're still searching. At the moment we live my friend's jeep. Our last camp got overrun. We barely made it out. We lost two", she replied looking to the ground. One week ago they were in an abandoned highschool, Sara, Laurel, Nyssa, Jenna, Lisa and her. Then a hoard came, smashing in doors and windows. They were surrounded. The dead got Lisa first. They were trying to escape through the library when two biters knocked over a bookshelf and she got stuck under it. Laurel was trying to pull her out but Nyssa grabbed her hand and ran. This might seem cruel but it really wasn't, it was necessary. One of the things Felicity had to learn after all started. Lisa was unconscious, maybe even dead. Laurel was about to be jumped by a walker so she would have been bitten if Nyssa hadn't saved her. They kept running down a hallway, Jenna ahead of everyone she turned around a corner and ran right into a group of walkers who attacked her, Felicity could still hear her screams in her head sometimes. The rest of them had no other option than to jump out of the shattered window. A few walkers where out side on the street. The others went apparently all in the building when the doors broke down. So they ran, killing every single on they saw and jumped into the jeep. When she looked up again she saw the man looking down on her in worry.

"Are you okay?", he asked.

"Yeah, sorry I must have drifted of a bit. What where you saying?"

„I said that we had an old factory building and it's big enough for all of us", he repeated patiently. "So if you want in...",

„Who is we?", she interrupted him.

„My sister, her boyfriend and my friend John."

„Oh, okay. I'm with my best friend Sara, her sister Laurel and her girlfriend Nyssa."

He bowed down an picked up her knife, „I think you should keep that."

„Thanks" she smiled.

He looked at her for a few seconds. „So you really are just women than?"

„Yes, why are you so surprised?", she arched her left eyebrow.

„No reason", he smiled and looked away.

„You're wondering how we made it so far don't you?", she said surprised. So he was one of those guys who thought girls needed protection and can't take care of themselves, great. She was no damsel in distress and if he thought she was they would definitely have a problem with each other.

„Maybe", he said looking down.

„Okay look, Sara and Laurel's father is a cop, he taught them a lot of self defense stuff and they know how to shoot. Nyssa's father taught her how to use a katana and she's pretty good at krav maga. I took a course by her and I can shoot pretty good too. So you see we can take care of ourselves." her voice had gotten a little loud.

He looked at her amused. „Okay, okay sorry."

"It's okay... just don't think that I can't take care of my self, because I can. It pisses me of when people do that", she smiled apologetic. He returned her smile.

"So do you want in?", he asked after a short pause.

„I don't know. A. I haven't talked to the others yet, B. I don't know you and to be honest some people are worse than the dead. What if you are one of them? I mean you don't look like an evil person you're actually pretty attractive but then again that doesn't mean... oh god I'm going to stop talking right now." she lowered her head to hide her red cheeks.

He looked at her and smiled. A real genuine smile he hadn't used for a long time. When she looked up again she looked right into his eyes. They looked at each other a little too long. When she turned away walking into the direction Laurel went he followed her without a word.

„What's your name anyway? I'm Felicity. Felicity Smoak", she turned her head into his direction and held out her hand.

„Oliver Queen nice to meet you Felicity", he took her hand and shook it.

"Nice to meet you too Oliver", she let go of his hand.

She smiled at him and he smiled back at her.

Is this good or bad? Should I continue or do I have no talent at all? Please tell me.