Welcome to my newest story, The Fallen Jedi. I don't know if any other stories of the same name exist, but some might as it does seem like a rather generic name. This story will be following the Fallen Jedi Dionant Janan, a human ex-jedi, and his group of loyal clones. They will face hardships and struggle, but they will also be rewarded with times of great joy and success. I'm not really sure where this story is heading, but I would love feedback and suggestions. I've never done a star wars story before, and the EU is so massive it's more than a bit intimidating to jump into.

Let me know what y'all think of this story with a comment or review, and shoot me a PM if you have any questions about the story. I hope y'all like it.

I'm not sure about any long term pairings. The main character is an OC.

"Supreme Chancellor, I must apologize for calling on such short notice."

"Not a problem, Prime Minister Su. I assume you have news of the clones."

The tall Kaminoan nodded, his black eyes staring directly at the Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic through a pale blue holo-feed. Their holo-meeting had been a surprise for the Chancellor, and he did not particularly like surprises that might alter his plans.

"It is about a batch of clones we recently put out. When reviewing their genetic template and genomes we discovered slight abnormalities that could potentially lead to insurrection or disobedience when given direct commands or orders. We have scoured the genomes and genetic templates of all clones deployed, and it seems that only this one group is affected by this defect."

The Chancellor sighed in relief, but the sigh came across as a sign of upset or anger to the tall Kaminoan at the other end of the holo-feed.

"Which group of clones, Prime Minister?"

"The group titled the 93rd Legion is the only group with the defect. I personally recommend that they either be disposed of or sent back here to Kamino immediately."

"Thank you for making me aware of this. Be sure to come forward if any more defects are unveiled."

Cutting the feed to the Kaminoan Prime Minister the Supreme Chancellor began typing, attempting to open up more holo-feeds.

A tall and sinister figure appeared on the small projector, and the figure spoke in a deep and rough voice.

"Yes, Master?"

"Go to the Tharin System on the Outer Rim. Once there you are to incite war and rebellion on a large scale. I do not care what it costs, just get it done. Leave immediately once you are sure the conflict is large enough to bring the Systems Senators back as diplomats."

"It will be done." And with a final bow the transmission was cut.

Sitting back in the comfortable chair behind his desk, and swivelling it to gaze out of his grand window the Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic paused a moment to think. He had planted the seed of rebellion and warfare in the Tharin System. It would only be a matter of time before the Jedi Council would convene and send some poor Jedi Knight with a contingent of clones and diplomats to secure peace in the System. All that remained was to make sure that the clones were the 93rd Legion and to orchestrate their demise.

While the Tharin System itself was not of very much importance, and would therefore be low on the priority list of the Jedi Council who now found themselves embroiled in a fresh war, the continued stability of it's neighbouring Systems could be jeopardized if the Tharin System fell. This would mean that the Jedi Council would dispatch a Jedi Knight, one that they would not need in the immediate future, along with a clone bodyguard group and a group of diplomats to secure peace in the System once more.

Turning away from the frantic and bustling scene that was outside of his window Chancellor Palpatine grabbed the holo-transmitter once more, and pressed a few buttons. A pale image of the head of the Separatist nation appeared, Count Dooku.

Count Dooku bowed his greying head, and stood tall in the small holographic image.

"Master, what would you have me do?" Dooku was used to getting odd transmissions at odd hours from his master, but had grown to accept it.

"Have General Grevious take his new battleship and prowl the Tharin System. His target will be a group of clones and a group of diplomats, all traveling together."

Count Dooku nodded and spoke again, "It will be an excellent test of his new weapon."

"Yes." And with the final word Darth Sidious cut the transmission, satisfied that his underlings would perform their jobs adequately. All that was left now was to ensure that the 93rd Legion were dispatched to the Tharin System. This would prove a trickier task than simply orchestrating discontent in the System itself and laying a trap there as well.

Once more activating the holo-transmitter and preparing to speak, the Supreme Chancellor had an idea to make sure that the 93rd Legion would walk directly into the waiting trap that would soon be set for them. It would take a few credits, and a bit of Dark Side persuasion, but it would ultimately be successful.

2 weeks later, Jedi Temple on Coruscant

Blaster bolts bounced in every direction as the young Jedi Knight Dionant Janan practiced his lightsaber techniques. He was excited, and was brimming with energy. He was a human, tall with dark brown hair, but with bluish green eyes that seemed to shimmer and change in the light, sometimes appearing to be a steely grey color and other times appearing to be a shimmering aquamarine.

He had only recently been Knighted a few weeks ago, almost directly after proving himself at the Battle of Geonosis. It still hurt him to think about that Battle, as he had lost many friends there that day, but he used the emotions he felt when he thought of Geonosis. He would push his anger and grief and sadness into his technique and skill with the lightsaber, which he knew was technically against the Jedi Code, but he could see little harm in it. He knew that the Council was reluctant to make him a full fledged Jedi Knight due to his disagreements and sometimes dismissal of the more strict teachings of the Jedi Code. But when his Master had fallen at Geonosis, killed after taking dozens of Geonosians and Battle Droids with him, Dionant had been left without a Master, and at the end of his training. He had been within a few months of completing his training with his master, and the Jedi Council had decided to go ahead and Knight him. It would be a waste of resources to reassign him to a new Master for only a few months, especially when Dionant was still in grieving for his old Master.

Twirling his yellow bladed light saber as he deflected another bolt Dionant ducked low, sensing an incoming attack from the corner of the room. Another combat training droid had joined in, as per the training program Dionant had selected. Over the course of the training exercise more and more combat droids would be added, all shooting blaster bolts that would singe clothing and leave slight burns, but nothing more. The droids would keep coming, one more every few minutes, until the trainee was overwhelmed and ceased the exercise. Dionant was attempting to best his record of nine droids at once, and it seemed that he might be able to this time. Seven droids were currently hovering around him, and he could only sense them with the Force. The room was pitch black and Dionant wore a blindfold to ensure he could not see the droids.

"It's not fair." Dionant thought as he ducked and dodged blaster bolts, deflecting some back to the droids firing them at him. "Why can't I use my emotions? I feel they make me stronger. Isn't being strong what being a Jedi is about?"

The training session was going well, and seemed easy enough that Dionant allowed his mind to wander back to the sandy killing fields of Geonosis. His master, and now Dionant himself, had been placed in command of the 93rd Legion. The 93rd Legion, from what Dionant could tell so far after only serving with them in one battle, were a loyal group of clones, as all clones were. They were competent and brave, and they had stood firm with Dionant after his Master had fallen. Dionant had become somewhat attached to them, as Captain Dagger, who went by Captain Dag, of the 93rd Legion had been the one trooper brave enough to approach their new commander after their former commander's death, and calm him down. Dionant had been nearly lost in a rage, and had butchered a dozen Geonosian's before being calmed down and had some sense talked into him by the Captain.

That was another thing that Dionant did not understand about the Jedi Order and the Jedi Code. They were not allowed to form any meaningful or lasting attachments. This might prove a problem for the young Jedi Knight, who could already feel a sense of camaraderie and fraternity growing between himself and the clones he was now commander of.

A blaster bolt slipped past Dionant's defenses, and slammed home into his shoulder. Giving the droid a slightly harder than necessary Force Push, Dionant sent the droid careening off into a wall, smashing into small bits. Dionant kept up with dodging and deflecting bolts as he gauged his shoulder, determining just a small burn to be there. Two more droids came floating down from above, the Force giving Dionant a subtle warning before a blaster bolt came down nearly directly on top of his head, or would have had he not deflected it. With the one droid destroyed and two more entering the fray Dionant was now facing off against eight droids during the training exercise.

Suddenly Dionant felt a strong presence in the Force watching him, a steady and calm presence that was powerful, but serene at the moment. Dionant immediately recognized the presence as belonging to Jedi Master Mace Windu, of the Jedi Council.

Dodging blaster bolts until he waved his arm Dionant used the Force to remotely shut off the training exercise, and also to turn on the lights of the training room. Deactivating his golden colored lightsaber and clipping it to his belt Dionant used the Force to clean up the remaining droids and the bits of the smashed droid on the floor. Removing his blindfold, and exiting the room Dionant made his way to the next door observation room that allowed observers to look into the training room. While it had been pitch black dark inside the room Dionant held no doubts that Master Windu had been able to follow every movement and every droid through the Force. That sort of task was simply child's play for a Master of the Jedi Council.

Bowing deeply as he entered the room, Dionant now wished that he had taken a moment to switch his sweaty and worn robes for a fresher set, but figured that nothing could be done about it now.

"Master Windu, what may I do for you today?"

"Jedi Dionant, the Council will be meeting in two hours time, and we request your presence there. We have a mission for you and your clones." The deep and calm baritone of the Master Jedi conveyed his message to Dionant, and the Master Jedi strode confidently out of the observation room.

That message left Dionant wondering what his mission could be, and why he was chosen for it. He had above average light saber skills, and was also an above average pilot. His Force manipulation skills were somewhat lacking, but Dionant was working hard to develop them more. He was a Jedi Knight after all, a stalwart bulwark of power that stood against the dark, and that was exactly how he saw himself.

Mace Windu

As Master Windu left the observation room, leaving Jedi Knight Dionant behind, he pondered the question of what to do with the Jedi. The newly appointed Jedi Knight semi-regularly went against the teachings of the Jedi Code and the Jedi Council. This had not been too bad when his Master had been alive, his Master had kept him in check and had been teaching Dionant the Jedi Way. But with his Master now dead, and the Jedi Order in need of more full fledged Knights and Masters, it had been decided that the Council could take the risk and have Dionant Knighted.

It could turn out to be a good decision, as Qui-Gon Jinn had regularly gone against the Council when he had been alive, but Dionant seemed different than Qui-Gon.

Anyway, the Jedi Council had a rather simple mission that needed a Jedi Knight, and Dionant was in the Temple at the time. He and his clones would be soon dispatched to the Tharin System, escorting a group of diplomats that would be on a peacekeeping mission to return the System to stability. The Jedi Council had convened earlier that day, and it had been decided that the Tharin System must not fall to internal violence, as a disruption of the delicate status quo that existed in the Outer Rim was the last thing that the Jedi Order or the Galactic Republic needed to deal with currently.

They both had enough on their plates, so to speak, with the Clone Wars having just begun about a month before with the Battle of Geonosis. Master Windu retired to his private chambers until the time for the Council to reconvene with Jedi Dionant, and meditated on the Force. Many things were being hidden from the Jedi, and many more things were shrouded in mystery and the Dark Side. It certainly seemed as if the Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic were both heading into troubling times.

Jedi Council Chambers

"Have a mission for you and your clones, we do." The old Master Jedi Yoda spoke, addressing Dionant, who stood at the center of the chamber, in the middle of the twelve chairs. Not all, indeed few of the chairs actually contained their Master, but a few more had holographic projections of their masters, who all sat quietly and listened to Yoda speak. They all knew what he was going to be saying, after all.

"Yes, Master. What is it this mission?" Dionant spoke with slight reverence and much deference in his voice. He respected the Council for their power, if not their rules and dogma. Dionant was excited. This would be his first mission as a Jedi Knight, his first mission without his Master at his side. It pained him to think of his old Master, but Dionant was too excited with barely held in check enthusiasm that he would be able to show his power, skill, and strength to the Jedi Council on this mission.

Master Windu spoke up, "You and your clones will be safe guarding a diplomatic mission to the Outer Rim. The Tharin System specifically."

Dionant almost seemed to visibly deflate at this news. He was not being chosen for something daring or brave, as he had hoped. This was disappointing news, but he perked up as the thought of the possibilities. "The Outer Rim is full of pirates, thieves, and smugglers. There's a good chance we'll see some action!" The thought was heavily censored, even as it came to him, as it would not do for the Jedi Council to pick up at all that Dionant was excited too much at the prospect of fighting. Jedi were supposed to be humble peacekeepers after all.

Realizing that he had not yet responded to Master Windu, Dionant spoke, "Yes, Master. When do we depart?"

"Tomorrow at 0600 hours standard. That is not all, Young Knight. You will be entrusted with a prototype ship, a new class of Starfighters meant specifically for Jedi. The latest model, the Eta-2 Actis Light Interceptor will be yours for this mission. This is a prototype, but is the functioning production model as of right now. Depending on your performance and review the model will see action as a Jedi Starfighter."

This had Dionant very excited. He had gone from a state of slightly resigned disappointment to optimism. It was not everyday that a newly Knighted Jedi was given such an opportunity as to field test a prototype starfighter.

One of the other Jedi Master's on the Council spoke to Dionant, "The Council recognizes your skill as a pilot. You will meet with your clones and your ship tomorrow morning at 0430 hours standard for a briefing at Republic Navy Docking Bay 7."

"Yes, Master." Dionant nodded and bowed to the Master's, and stood still, awaiting his dismissal.

"That is all, Knight. You are to report back regularly during the mission. It should not be a long mission, two to three weeks at most. I trust that we do not have to outline for you the importance of the continued stability of the Outer Rim Systems." Master Windu spoke, dismissing Dionant with a respectful nod.

As Dionant left the Jedi Council chambers he could hear the soft buzz of conversation pick up behind him, and also the slight sound of holographic projections fizzing out of existence.

Meditation Room, Jedi Temple, Coruscant.

Dionant sat cross legged, inhaling deep breaths as he meditated. He had been unable to sleep that night at all, and instead had left his personal quarters and found an empty meditation room.

All night Dionant had been unable to escape a buzzing sensation, and Dionant was just now realizing what it was. It was his own pride, and it refused to go away. The Jedi Council was entrusting him with a valuable prototype model of a starfighter designed specifically for Jedi, and they were doing this because they knew of his skill as a Jedi and as a pilot. Dionant suspected that they could sense it through the Force.

Chest swelling as he realized this Dionant remembered the teachings of his old Master and of the Jedi Code in humility. Trying to chastise and rebuke himself for his over pridefulness and prideful feelings Dionant found it impossible. He was simply too happy and satisfied with himself that the Council had specifically picked out him for the job.

"They finally recognized what an asset I can be! This is great!... Wait." Taking a deep breath Dionant continued his meditation. "I need to calm down. It's not likely that the Jedi Council picked me because they know me. They probably just saw my name on the Temple roster and assigned me the mission. They never seemed to like me much."

"But maybe that's changing! Maybe they recognize my strength!" Dionant seemed to be having a conversation between himself, as he regularly did when he meditated. It helped him work through inner issues and conflicts. It usually was quite beneficial.

"Why would it change now? Just because I'm a Jedi Knight? The only reason they Knighted me now is because they need more Knights and Master died at Geonosis. I wouldn't have been Knighted for months at least, maybe even another year."

"Being a Knight means nothing! You've seen it for yourself, being a Jedi means nothing! The whole Order is blind. You know it's true. Master told you that the Jedi Council didn't even know of this clone army a month ago. And now we're using it in a full scale Galactic civil war. How could the Jedi Council miss their own army being created, and then be so willing to accept it without question?"

"We need the clones and the clone army. Without them we'd all be wiped out by the Separatists."

Dionant's wrist chronometer beeped it's alarm, set for 0400 hours standard time. In half an hour he was expected at Republic Docking Bay 7 to undergo a briefing and a quick tutorial in piloting the prototype starfighter. Banishing all thoughts of the mock conversation/ argument that he had been having with himself Dionant set out. He had prepared a small rucksack for his journey, and had packed it with his meager belongings. He knew that Jedi were not strictly supposed to have material possessions, but he had accumulated a small collection. In his small collection were a few personal data pads, a small crystal that he carried for good luck, and a spare set of robes or two.

Leaving the Jedi Temple and boarding a Republic speeder Dionant politely asked to be taken to Navy Docking Bay 7, on important business. He was there within minutes, and was glad to see the troopers of the 93rd Legion already gathering. They were there a few hours early, but Dionant was sure that they had their own briefing to go through.

Dionant looked out across the deck of the bustling space port, and saw a man in a grey uniform with the correct lapel pins and rank designations. As Dionant drew closer he could see that it was indeed Admiral Jerjerrod, the commanding Admiral for the Coruscant fleet of the Galactic Navy. It appeared that he would be giving Dionant his briefing personally, a fact which denoted the importance and significance of this mission. His presence made Dionant's pride once again swell, only being calmed by repeating Jedi mantras of humility until Dionant drew close enough to greet Admiral Jerjerrod.

"Greetings, Jedi Knight. I assume you wish to see the prototype."

"Yes, please, sir." While Dionant was a Jedi Knight, he was still very young and would have to show deference and respect to his elders. "He's not a Jedi Master. You are better than him. You do not have to show him any respect."

"The Jedi are humble Peacekeepers! I will fulfill my duty as such!"

Walking a short distance, and entering a good sized storage container that seemed very much out of place, the Admiral turned a light switch on, and revealed the star fighter.

"The eta-2 Actis Class Light Interceptor. Designed for use by Jedi's when a nimble and speedy starfighter is necessary. It is just under 5 and a half meters long, and has a just over 4 meter wingspan. It is propelled with twin ion engines, and is armed with two laser cannons as it's primary weapons with two light ion cannons as secondary weapons. It comes with an astromech unit, R4. It has supplies to last 2 days, with room for 60 kilograms more supplies or cargo. It is outfitted with a hyperdrive. It has no shielding, so it is best to take out your foes quickly, or dodge them using your superior speed."

Dionant nodded to all of this, taking in the information as he looked over the starfighter itself. It was painted a sleek black, all except the cockpit in the center, where the two wings joined. The barrels of the two laser cannons stuck out just parallel with the tips of the wings, and Dionant was sure that it was a formidable fighter.

"Keep in mind, Jedi Janan, that this is one of very few of these in existence. This is the final model of the craft, and pending on your review and it's performance in this mission and in several others it will be produced on a larger scale. You are to bring it back in one piece after your mission is completed. If you would follow me I will take you to the 93rd Legion, they should be done with their briefing by now."

Exiting the storage container that concealed the starfighter the two men walked towards where Dionant could see a smaller Republic light cruiser had landed, an Arquitens Class cruiser. It was similar to the massive Venator- Class Star Destroyers, but was much smaller and had a much lighter armament. Beside the Arquitens Class Cruiser was a CSS-1 Corellian Star Shuttle. The cruiser would be carrying the clone contingent made up of the surviving clones of the 93rd Legion, who had taken many casualties during the fighting on Geonosis, and the Star Shuttle would be carrying the fifty or so diplomats that Dionant and the clones would be escorting to the Tharin System.

The Admiral and Dionant went up and greeted the Clone Captain, Captain Dagger who preferred to be called 'Dag', and the lead diplomat for the mission, a Duro male named Kupt. A small Senate Committee had appointed him and several other diplomats, about fifty in total, to bring an end to the escalating tensions in the Tharin System.

"Nice to have you with us, gentleman." Admiral Jerjerrod spoke, addressing the whole group. "As you know," He nodded towards the Captain and the Jedi Knight, "You will be bringing the prototype starfighter along. The container it is in will be maglocked to the hull of the cruiser, and you will proceed to your destination. Once you leave hyperspace you are to detach the container and test the star fighter. Two ARC starfighters, the remnants of the 93rd Legion pilot corps, will be accompanying you. Their ships will also be maglocked to the hull in order to save fuel during the journey. The container and ships will not be affected nor will they affect the cruiser during hyperspace travel."

It was now 0500 hours according to Dionant's wrist chronometer, which meant that they had about an hour before departure. The Admiral left them with a parting suggestion, "I suggest you board! Departure is in one hour, and if the schedule is not met the next departure slot available is in two days."

The clones, assisted by several porters and droids, began loading up supplies onto the cruiser. The mission would only take a couple of weeks, but it would be best to be prepared, besides the cruiser was due for resupply before it's redeployment after this mission.

Within half an hour all of the diplomats were boarded onto their Star Shuttle, after Dionant and Kupt having a brief meeting with each other. The clones were all on board the cruiser, and the two ARC starfighters and the shipping container with the Jedi starfighter inside of it had all been securely maglocked to the hull of the cruiser. Dionant was on board the cruiser, and would be until they left hyperspace travel.

Arquitens Class Light Cruiser, Outer Rim

"Departing from hyperspace travel! Hold on!"

The light cruiser, and the Star Shuttle beside it, came out of hyperspace travel deep inside the Outer Rim. They had had no trouble reaching their target, and they were now about six hours travel from the border of the Tharin System. It was here that the two ARC starfighters would be deployed, and also the Jedi starfighter. It had been decided that the easiest method of deploying these would be to have the ARC pilots and co-pilots already in their starfighters when they left Coruscant, and the same with Dionant in his prototype starfighter.

Receiving the all clear signal over the comm channel Dionant flicked focused the Force, and pushed the door of the shipping container open, and fired his engines slightly. Leaving behind a good sized scorch mark as he throttled out of the shipping container Dionant became acclimatized to using the Jedi starfighter controls. As a skilled pilot this was easy, the controls were simple and not too numerous.

The ARC starfighters deployed, and hailed Dionant on the comm.

"Black leader this is ARC 1. Come in Black leader."

Black leader had been Dionant's designated call signal, as his Jedi starfighter was colored black and he was the leader of this mission.

"ARC 1, this is Black leader. Proceed with mission. Guard the Star Shuttle."

"Roger that, sir."

A new voice, identical to the voice of ARC 1 crackled over the comm, "Black leader, this is Justice." That was the light cruiser, the Justice chiming in. "How is the flight?"

"Flight is fine. Condition of ship is good, all readings appear normal. Proceeding with mission. Over"

Dionant took his blacked out prototype starfighter ahead of the rest of the group, and was scouting as he tested the machine's limits and capabilities. It was a crisp and functional ship, if a bit small, but it made up for that in maneuverability. It was a good ship, in Dionant's opinion, and he would really enjoy to have one of his own. "But you can't have one of your own. You're a Jedi Knight now. No owning anything!"

All was fine for over two hours, as Dionant did his scouting and the group made their way through space.

Suddenly the comm sprang to life, even as Dionant's astromech droid and warning systems began to blare warnings to him.

"Black Leader! Get back to Justice! Massive battleship approaching! Size yet undetermined! Get back to the Justice!"

"I read you loud and clear, Justice. I'm coming back now." But by then it was too late.

A truly massive battleship, bearing Separatist colors, was approaching. It kept going on and going on, never stopping. It grew until it was all that Dionant could see in the fighter's cockpit viewport. On the side was a massive circle, hundreds and hundreds of meters in length, crackling with energy as it powered up.

"Black Leader, approaching ship's signal is read as the Malevolence. No ship of that name nor that size has ever been seen under Separatist control. It must be an experimental ship."

"I'm almost back to the ship. I'll be there in 2 minutes." But Dionant would not make it to the ship in time, and even if he had it would have been an ordeal to re-dock inside the shipping container.

A massive ring of crackling energy shot out of the circle on the side of the ship, and quickly crossed the distance between Dionant's group and the humongous battleship. It washed over both of the ships and the three starfighters, engulfing them in shrieking power.

Immediately the Star Shuttle went dark, as did one of the ARC starfighters. The other remained flying with about half power, but shuddered and bucked violently. The same was true for Dionant's own starfighter. The astromech droid had very nearly been scrambled completely, but was beeping frantically coordinates of a nearby moon that the group could crash land on. The light cruiser was in similar shape, as half of it's engines had disengaged, and it struggled along.

The massive battleship shot out of real space and into hyperspace, leaving the Republic forces behind to die in the icy grips of space itself. But it was not to happen that day, as Dionant managed to send out a broken and fragmented signal on the comm.

"All units to Coordinates 453985.2, 989253.5. All units rendezvous at those coordinates!"

The transmission went out, stuttering and halting, but eventually Dionant received back confirmation from the remaining ARC starfighter and the light cruiser. All scans indicated that no one was left alive in either the Star Shuttle or the other ARC starfighter. Dionant could sense from the Force that there were no survivors, and could even sense a few casualties aboard the Justice.

Relaying this to the clones, and all the time guiding his prototype fighter to the moon below them, a small moon covered in rather thick forests, with some mountains. The scans indicated that it had a breathable atmosphere, and would not be too difficult to land on.

The three remaining starcraft hurtled and plummeted their way through the moon's atmosphere, all in a tight cluster. The three craft came down, hitting the surface of the moon harshly all within a kilometer of each other.

Well that was the first chapter. I enjoyed writing it, and I hope y'all enjoy reading it. This is my first star wars fic, but I have five Harry Potter fics. Y'all should check them out sometime, and give them a read. Let me know what you think about this story, and leave a comment. Hope y'all liked it.