Part 1

"Christmas? What's Christmas?"

Asami paused as they walked arm-in-arm down a strip of stores whose fronts were decorated with sparkling lights, fluffy garlands, and green wreaths.

"You've never heard of Christmas, Korra?"

Korra shook her head and shrugged. "Not at all. Is it a Republic City thing?"

The engineer held her chin and contemplated. "I guess so. I'm not really sure what other Nations celebrate nowadays. Do you have any holidays in the winter?"

The Water Tribe girl kicked a dirty clump of snow at her feet. "Well, we did have the Glacier Spirits Festival around the time of the Winter Solstice. It was originally a gathering to bring the Water Tribes together so we could celebrate the connection between us and the Spirits. It turned more into a carnival as time went on." Korra stopped and looked at the fine plates displayed in a window to her right. One with swirls of different shades of blue caught her attention. There had been small Spirits drawn between the waves. She felt emerald eyes watching her and continued onwards down the sidewalk. "Someday, I'd like to try and bring back some of the more Spiritual activities. The carnival was great and all, but I don't see why we can't have both, especially since so many different Nations attend." She tightened her grip around Asami's arm. After their trip to the Spirit World, they both understood the importance of Spirits and the balance between the Mortal and Spirit Worlds.

"I think that's a great idea, Korra." She sent a smile to the shorter girl as they turned the corner. Snow had started to fall in fat flakes. The engineer pulled the Avatar a bit closer, receiving a grin in response.

"Tell me about Christmas, Asami." She wrapped her half-gloved fingers around the raven-haired girl's black mitten.

"It came about from a combination of Fire Nation and Earth Kingdom traditions after the Fire Nation made colonies on Earth Kingdom land. They both had holidays around the winter time that encouraged selflessness, bonding amongst friends and family, feasts, and gift giving. Even the decorations are a mixture of the torches and candles the Fire Nation homes lit and the statues and colored orbs the Earth Kingdom households made." Asami gestured to some of the embellishments that were hanging on along the street lamps. "Just like how Republic City came together and began to industrialize, the trimmings evolved too, into what you see today."

"Did you ever get to see the traditional stuff?"

The engineer swallowed a small lump in her throat. "My mother had a few ornaments that had been passed down to her, but I haven't seen them in a long time. I'm pretty sure they got destroyed when I was younger." She bit her lip and held back her tears. Even now, thinking of her mother had been difficult. It wasn't hard for Korra to pick up on this.

"What about the tree?" She pointed, looking for a way to distract the taller woman beside her.

"The tree actually started around the beginning of the 100 Year War and the colonization of the Earth Kingdom coast. It had a double meaning. Originally, it was meant to embody the hope that the Kingdom had towards reaching the end of winter, since the celebrations were around the beginning of winter but the middle of the cold season. Many of the families in the Earth Kingdom were agricultural based. A lot of them still are. But they weren't able to farm the land when the cold hit. So they brought a tree into their homes to remind them that they were halfway through enduring the non-growing season."

Korra eyed the tree with wonder. "What was the other meaning?"

Asami halted and gazed up at the giant centerpiece. "It symbolized hope for the end of the war, when things would turn beautiful and full of life again. Everything had grown dark around the colonies, especially during the initial conquering. There were some Fire Nation and Earth Kingdom families that began to merge together. Eventually, after the end of the Hundred Year War, once Avatar Aang and Lord Zuko established the United Republic of Nations, there was more and more mixing of families. That's how my family came about."

The Water Tribe girl pulled the pale woman into a hug. Asami rested her head on Korra's shoulder and never stopped staring at that glowing tree before her.


Okay, so I have to get Asami a gift. That's part of this whole Christmas thing. Korra paced around the little shop, aware of the very few yuans clanging in her pocket. This had been the fifth store she had visited in her attempts to find something to give her girlfriend. What does she even need? What could I possibly get her? She fumbled with a small metal trinket and placed it down with a sigh. All of this stuff is too expensive and she wouldn't want any of this anyways. She shuffled to the next boutique. And the next. And the next. She perused multiple stands and dove into the crowded markets.


She trudged out of the Downtown Square towards the more scenic area of Republic City. She leaned against a rock and stared off into the distance. This had been her third week of trying to find something for the engineer. Korra had asked many people, and even tried prying Asami herself. They either hadn't had any ideas or neglected to tell her anything (in the case of the latter). The Southerner was sure that there would be plenty of presents for her under the tree and felt a pang of guilt. Even if she did know everything Asami wanted, there was no way she could afford the same number of gifts that she would be receiving.

Korra sighed again and kicked herself off of the rock. From her vantage point, she could see the bright yellow light of the Spirit Portal. Maybe…she started walking towards the old Spirit Wilds, which had been destroyed many months ago from the battle with Kuvira. An idea so groundbreaking stopped her in her tracks. Of course!

With that, she scurried back towards the western outskirts of Republic City where she shared an apartment with Asami. She had a lot of meditating to do.


Korra had returned to Republic City from an expedition to the Earth Republic on Christmas Eve. There was an uprising in one of the Northern Regions that required her attention. Threats of Civil War and several bandit raids of nearby colonies had occupied her days, and trips into the Spirit World had taken over most of her nights. Although she wanted everything to be perfect for Asami, she was, without a doubt, exhausted. The dark circles under her eyes confirmed this. She tried to hide the bouquet of flowers she had just spent most of her day picking as she struggled to unlock the door.

She entered to find most of the apartment dark, with the exception of the lights on the tree and a small flame in the fireplace. A smile crossed her face when she noticed a sleeping Asami curled up on the couch. Korra took this opportunity to hide the flowers. She crept up next to the engineer and tousled a loose strand of raven-hair that had drifted onto her cheek. I'm glad I made it, she thought to herself, although she wished she had been here sooner; the snow-lilies proved to be a lot harder to find than she planned. She glanced around the room, taking in the different decorations and the rather large pile of wrapped boxes under the tree. I hope this works. She sighed, trying to push her guilt down.

"Korra?" Asami whispered in a half-asleep voice, her right hand rubbing one eye while the other fluttered open to see the Avatar beside her.

The Water Tribe girl simply smiled and planted a soft kiss on Asami's lips. Pale hands pulled her closer and her tan body melted into the engineer beneath her.

"I was worried you were going to miss Christmas."

She gave a groggy peck on the pale cheek next to her. Sleep was setting in quicker than she had expected. "I couldn't let that happen, now could I?" She felt her fatigue in every part of her, to the point that her words began slurring.

Asami read Korra like an open book. She wrapped her arms around her muscular back and played with her dark brown hair. The Avatar snuggled into her and was out before the engineer could even wish her good night.


"Good morning Korra! And Merry Christmas!" She was woken with a deep kiss from Asami, who had crawled on top of her. A small amount of sunlight came through the window and burned her blue eyes.

"Merry Christmas Asami." She smiled back, burying her fingers into raven-hair. She invoked another kiss that was answered without hesitation.

"Ready to exchange gifts?"

Korra couldn't help but appreciate the child-like smile on the pale woman's face. Her amusement turned to horror when she realized she had nothing for Asami to unwrap.

Before she could stall, the woman had brought the stack of boxes to the couch. The presents looked so elegant, Korra felt bad for even opening them. She felt emerald eyes watching her in anticipation. Then it hit her. How long had it been since Asami got to celebrate Christmas with someone? It had to have been three, if not four years. Four years of being alone on the holiday that was supposed to bring everyone together. Korra immediately felt insufficient.

She started pulling the ribbons off of the packages. Now that she thought about it, she never did receive many gifts as a child. Suppose that's White Lotus Compound life for you. She shrugged it off as she revealed the first item in the pile. It was a beautiful Water Tribe gown, the most elegant she had ever seen in her life. She received more casual clothing from her home as well. She noticed her shirts and pants kept getting torn from battles, including the outfit she currently wore. Asami must have noticed too. After the second present, that childish wonder had infected the Avatar, and before she realized it, she had ripped through all of her gifts. She felt an overwhelming gratitude for her girlfriend and gave her a tight hug.

"Thank-you so much Asami." Korra pulled away and took another look at the spread before her: clothing, food, a picture of them together, and countless other things. Guilt returned to her and amplified when she met hopeful green eyes.

"I'm glad you liked everything Korra." The engineer smiled and placed a hand on her tan shoulder.

"I have something for you too." She rushed up and left the room to grab her bouquet. Okay Korra. It's show time. You can do this.

"They're beautiful." Asami brought them right up to her nose and inhaled the pleasant aroma of the almost-translucent snow-lilies.

"I picked them myself." The Avatar replied, her hand on the back of her tan neck and a hint of red on her cheeks. "I – um, well…" she trailed. Come on Korra. Now's not the time to be shy. "I didn't get you anything that could be wrapped." Did that come out right? "But I did get you something! Well, a few things. Well, I didn't really get them, like, I didn't buy them, well I sort of bought one of the things, just not quite yet…" She mentally smacked her palm to her face. Why am I having so much trouble with this?

While Korra was panic-stricken, Asami felt amusement. She placed her free forearm on Korra's collarbone and smiled. Her fingers played with a piece of dark brown hair. "Relax Korra." She placed a slow peck on her tan lips.

The Water Tribe girl had to fight through her blushing haze for a moment before reality kicked back in. She looked into her girlfriend's eyes and smiled. "Okay, so I hope you don't have any plans for today, because this is going to be you-and-me day." That started off well, she thought with sarcasm. Relax. Be yourself. You're the Avatar for Raava's sake, this shouldn't be tripping you up.

"Sounds perfect." Asami smiled and kissed Korra deeper than she had all morning.

The Southerner fought for strength, particularly in her knees. She didn't want to stop the embrace, so she waited for the engineer to withdraw. She struggled through another fluster and gained composure.

"I need you to find your prettiest outfit. Your most formal, stylish, fanciest outfit you've got. And get all dressed up. I'm going to run into the shower because, as you can probably tell, I stink." Before the taller woman could respond, Korra darted away into the bathroom.

What the Spirits does she have planned? Asami looked on, shrugged, and left for her bedroom to follow the instructions.


"Okay Naga, it's just like we planned." A now-clean and ceremonially dressed Avatar stood in front of her polar-bear dog, removing the harness from her back.

"How do I look?"

Korra turned and felt her jaw drop at the sight before her. Asami had put on a flowing red and black dress that exposed her shoulders. The soft, silk looking material hugged her hips and torso. She had a shawl wrapped around her back and forearms. She couldn't help but notice the way the cut of the fabric accentuated her bust. Her hair cascaded just as much as her gown did.

Heat rose to the Avatar's cheeks. "Beautiful…" was all she could mutter. The engineer closed the distance, heels clicking against the hardwood floor, and pecked her, leaving a bit of red lipstick on her tan skin. "You're missing one thing though."

The inventor raised an incredulous eyebrow before Korra presented her with a rectangular piece of fabric. "What is this for?"

The side-grin that emerged on the Water Tribe girl's face implied nothing but trouble. "Glad you asked." She stepped forward and placed the blindfold over Asami's eyes, tying it in place.


"It's a secret Asami! You can't see where we are going because it's a surprise."

The engineer shook her head and placed a hand on her hip. The Southerner could feel the look she was giving her, despite the blindfold covering half of her face.

"Trust me, it'll be fun!" Korra opened her arms in excitement, only to realize the taller woman couldn't see them. Oh yeah. "Anyways," she placed a hand on Asami's hip and led her to the doorway. "There are two parts to today! Well, maybe three. Two main things though. Our first stop is not too far from here."

The Water Tribe girl felt the inventor shiver and placed her spare pelt around her exposed shoulders. Guess I should have mentioned a jacket. She slid her hands across the taller woman's waist. "Hang on," she whispered into her ear.

Asami squeezed Korra's forearms as they flew upwards, propelled by the Avatar's Air Bending. It had to have only been a few feet until they landed onto warm fur. The engineer's back pressed against the Southerner as she instructed the polar-bear dog they were straddling.

"Nice and slow Naga." Korra's wrists were against the CEO's hips as she steered her animal companion. While she didn't care for this feeling of sightlessness, genuine curiosity circumvented her discomfort and filled her with excitement.

I can't wait to see where she's taking me. She paused. Where could she possibly be taking me? She tried to recall all of the places they had been together. Maybe it's to see a mover? We're a bit overdressed for that. Pro-bending match? Eh, the same. Maybe to get food? That could work.

They came to a gentle stop half an hour later and the polar-bear dog bent forward. Another gust of wind pushed the couple off onto the ground.

"Can I take this off now?" She was more thrilled than impatient. The only response she received was tan fingers undoing the tie. The sudden brightness stung her emerald eyes and she had to blink several times to adjust. Standing before her was her favorite restaurant in all of Republic City.

"May I?" Korra offered her arm to escort her girlfriend to the entrance.

Heat rose to her pale cheeks. "You may, Miss Avatar." It was Korra's turn to blush back.

"Get whatever you want, Asami. It's my treat." The Water Tribe girl double-checked her pocket under the table to ensure she brought her yuans. She had been saving up for weeks to afford a lunch for the two of them.

"Are you sure Korra? This place is expensive."

The Southerner nodded. Another child-like smile crossed the red lips in front of her. The Avatar could do nothing but return the favor.

Just you wait, Asami. I've got more planned for today.


"That was delicious, Korra." She laced her fingers between tan ones as they walked out of the restaurant. "It's been a while since we've had the chance to sit down and eat together. It was nice." Asami turned to kiss her girlfriend's cheek. She stopped midway to see the Avatar dangling the blindfold in her free hand.

"We aren't done yet." She slipped the fabric over her painted eyes and pecked her cheek before the engineer could even react. The pelt returned to her torso and a sharp whistled signaled the polar-bear dog to their spot.

The inventor grabbed onto Korra, this time expecting the inevitable poof of air at their feet. Asami was thankful for the heat radiating off of the Avatar behind her and her animal companion beneath her.

"Where are we going?"

The younger woman scoffed. "If I told you where we were going, then you wouldn't need a blindfold, now would you?" She took a mouthful of her girlfriend's neck and squeezed her hips.

The taller woman bit her lip. I shouldn't have had that wine, she thought to herself, wishing for nothing more than to be wrapped up in the warmth of the body against her back.

"I almost forgot!" Korra left a hand on the CEO's waist as she fidgeted for something in her pocket. "You need to put these on too."

The Avatar secured the woman to Naga with her legs and placed something soft into Asami's ears. Not only was her sight taken away, but her hearing was now blocked as well.

What could possibly give away the surprise by sound? The engineer pouted. The Water Tribe girl picked up on this and laughed. Although she couldn't hear it, she felt the chest behind her convulse and gave her a playful elbow. Ha. She smiled at her victory and enjoyed the tan hands at her sides.

"Nice and slow girl. We don't want to fall off." Korra directed Naga. After a while, she felt Asami ease into her. A smile stretched onto her face. I could stay like this forever, she thought as they made their way to the old Spirit Wilds.