
Rain pounded heavily against the ground. The rush hour crowd ran through carrying umbrellas and shielding their heads with their jackets. The people all seemed to be able to safely guard their bodies from the rain. Young Makoto wasn't as lucky.

As he looked outside the bookstore, Makoto held out his hand. He wanted to test if the rain was actually as bad as it was. And with his luck it felt even worse. Makoto looked down at his white shirt which he so brilliantly decided to wear. He sighed, holding the door open for a customer.

"Tachibana," Makoto turned around to his name being called, "if you stick around I can give you a lift home." His manager, an older man with a receding hairline, reassured him.

Makoto looked back out to the rain. Even if he did wait it probably wouldn't let up until later that night. And he lived an hour away by train from the bookstore.

"No thank you," Makoto smiled sweetly at the man, "I don't want to be a burden."

After insisting that he was fine the manager smiled and waved Makoto off.

Makoto ran out to the rain and rushed to the station. The rain weighed his backpack down and left his clothes soaked. Uncomfortable, Makoto felt exposed having the clothes cling to the bulky muscle which he tried to hide. Shivering as he boarded the crowded train, he stood close to the door.

After an hour of being pushed by various people, Makoto was happy to be at his destination. Once he exited the station he saw that the rain was even worse now. The dark clouds thundered. Makoto hurried home. He was already freezing and the wind was starting to pick up. With his arms held high, shielding his face, he ran through the puddles.

That was when a loud bang was heard. Almost as if somebody hit metal against metal, and wobbled a sheet a paper to cause a rumbling aftereffect. Makoto looked to the sky and watched in awe as a spark seemed to reach down about a block away from where he stood. The light was almost blinding. As if he was staring directly into a burning light bulb.

Makoto had read about people who were struck by lightning. And in that moment, being so close to the strike, he felt as if he was one of those people. His arms were still raised high in an attempt to block the rain from his eyes. And the hairs on his arms stood at end all the while his body stood frozen in the street. He was absolutely petrified. It felt as if a million little pins pierced through his body all at once. Slowly working their way in and out of his body. The light passed as quickly as it appeared. And it left Makoto feeling literally shocked. His skin tingled.

He dropped his arms to his sides and looked back up to the sky. After a moment Makoto had realized that the rain was only a drizzle now. The sky looked even darker than before, clouds swirling peacefully in a circle. The middle of the circle was pitch black and seemed to hover where the lightning had hit.

Realizing that he was standing alone in the middle of the street, Makoto ran back home. His legs felt like lead as they splashed through the puddles on the empty road. Sighing as he made it to his apartment, he looked back up to the sky.

The pitch black circle had cleared up. Grey clouds dropping rain replaced the gaping hole as if it wasn't there before. Confused, Makoto turned to his apartment building ready to go inside.

When he heard something move the trash bin that stood next to the wall. Makoto jumped at the sudden noise. His mind was still wary after the flash of lightning. Careful to do so, Makoto peeked over to the pile of trash. The bins and bags were piled up and nothing seemed out of the ordinary.

One of the bags shook. Makoto slowly walked closer, looking around him to see if anyone was there. He prayed that it was just an animal trying to find shelter from the storm. Makoto saw toes peeking out from the mess.

Suddenly realizing that it wasn't an animal but a human, Makoto began to panic. He looked around again seeing the same empty streets. Bending down, he was able to see a man curled up between various trash bags and the wall. He took up almost no space at all with his legs carelessly using the bags in front as a foot rest.

The rain was still pouring and the wind was making it chilly. Makoto hesitantly nudged the man's foot. It felt cold and almost slimy. The thought made Makoto shudder.

The man groaned, his soft voice barely heard over the thunder in the distance. Makoto felt relieved to know the man was responsive to his touch. He watched the man curl into his body. His black hair stuck to his forehead. And as Makoto looked over the now shivering man, he saw that the man only wore an over-sized shirt.

Makoto pushed on his foot harder almost knocking it off of the trash bag it was propped on. That shook the man awake.

Makoto's soft green eyes were met with piercing electric blue ones. Taken aback, Makoto paused for a moment. This man was incredibly handsome. Makoto found himself stuck in a state of awe for the second time that day. He stared into the blue eyes, which were wide and frightened.

The man gasped for air. His hands clawed at his neck as he panted. He looked around them and his eyes fell onto his legs. Hands drifted to his knees and dragged their way up to his groin.

Makoto averted his eyes. He realized he hadn't taken into consideration that this man might be injured, or drunk, or on some illegal substance. He heard a soft whine come out from the man that made his eyes turn back to him.

"Are you okay?" Makoto asked.

The man stared up at him with his wide blue eyes. His lower lip quivered, and it looked as though he was struggling to breathe. His chest heaved as he gasped for air. The action looked as though he were asthmatic. Searching for the air in his lungs.

Makoto bent down to eye level with the stranger, "Hey, it's okay." He tried to put on a genuine smile, but he was scared. His eyes drifted to various parts of the man's body to check for injury. But he found none.

"I'm Makoto." His voice seemed to calm the boy. Makoto extended his hand out and the man took hold of it.

"Yeah," Makoto pulled the man up.

His legs shook and shivered. The man stumbled over the bulky trash bag and fell right into Makoto's arms.

"I got you," Makoto chuckled.

The man looked up at him with shiny tears forming at the corners of his eyes. Makoto felt his heart sink. This man looked so fragile in the freezing rain.

Maybe it was the rain or maybe it was Makoto's kind character. Maybe it was some after effect of the lightning. Or maybe Makoto was just stupid. Whatever it was, it made Makoto lift the man up bridal style.

"You're okay," He reassure the man.

Makoto watched as blue eyes glistened with tears. On closer inspection the man's skin looked iridescent. It was a light array of colors that were only seen where water ran down his skin. Makoto feared the man was sick or getting sick from the cold rain showers.

The man wrapped his arms tightly around Makoto's neck as he was given reassurance. The man still struggled for air. He nuzzled his face into Makoto's shoulder. Tears finally fell from his eyes. A trail of small pearls dropped behind Makoto as he carried the man upstairs to his apartment.

4am drunken thing that might have more chapters in the future.

thanks for reading!