The darkness swept over the room, and yet she could see perfectly - every swell and dip in the covers, every strand of hair that seemed to belong in the night, every time a finger twitched and an ear flicked. No, the darkness swept over the room save for the sleeping form beside her. Here, the darkness knew better than to veil her gaze from the beauty before her.

Yang was never outwardly emotional, preferring to keep that to herself. The world didn't need to see that side of her, it wasn't the world's to indulge in. But, for the Faunus beside her, that side was a gift that the blonde would freely give. Blake knew that, of course, so Yang knew she treasured every soft word, every gentle touch, every light press of lips against skin. It was always in private, though, and both preferred it that way. Again, that side of Yang was never for the world to see, only for bright amber eyes.

There's a shift in the body next to her, snapping Yang from her thoughts for a moment. She can't fight the urge to reach out and run her calloused fingers through soft locks that almost feel like fur. The touch soon becomes petting, making the taller girl chuckle as she swears she can hear quiet purring.

Of course, Yang was still the loud and brash party girl with a sweet ride and an even sweeter grin. She just had a place deep inside her that thrived in the silence, a place that was usually nurtured alone. It was something she didn't think anyone would understand, save for her sister, and it was something that she didn't want to share - until her quiet lover came into her life.

Quiet - that's how she loved to describe her Faunus. Whenever someone would ask her what she saw in the moody girl, she'd just say one thing: "I love her because of the quiet." At first, when she told Blake that, the raven haired girl had been offended. It was the first real fight they had, and the first time Yang slowly opened up to her and let her know the stillness she kept inside. She let her know, Blake let her nurture that place with someone, and it was an amazing feeling. No, not just amazing - special.

Oddly enough, as Yang was loud on the outside and silent on the inside, Blake was silent on the outside and loud on the inside. With Yang, she wasn't afraid to smile or twitter away about anything and everything, and Yang loved that. In a way, it only helped her revel in her small place she only shared with her partner. In a way, she really was the yin to Yang's... well, yang.

She snorted in amusement with herself. Even in her quietness, she was still making puns.

"It's quiet, isn't it, Sunshine?"

Sunshine, Blake's little nickname for her. Her eyes, having been staring at nothing, suddenly flicked to meet glowing orbs of light. Sometime during her thoughts, the girl had awaken and turned over to stare at her, much like what Yang was doing not so long ago.

"Yes, Kitten, it's quiet." The blonde smiled in the dark, knowing the raven could see it. They both scooted closer to one another, until their bodies touched from hip to breast. Yang begins petting the Faunus again as her partner gives a slow, sly grin that would put the Cheshire Cat to shame.

"Then let's make it loud, shall we?"

A/N: It's been a very long time since I wrote, hasn't it? I know this isn't very long, but it isn't meant to be. I suppose most might find this a bit OOC, but is it really? I feel like this is how Yang would really be on the inside, so I dunno. Either way, I hope you enjoyed :)