Chapter Fourteen: Moving Towards the Future:

The world at large did not know anything about Voldemort falling. Given that the vast majority of the magical world suspected that he fell at the hands of Harry when he was one, Harry felt like there was pretty much no need to correct that assumption.

There would be quite a few Death Eaters who would be reduced to powerless squibs because of the ritual that Harry did. He figured that it was a fate worth then death. There would be no way to restore their power, even if they tried.

Harry wondered if they would even come forward to St. Mungos when that happened. He would really have to just wait and see for a couple of months.

He was on his way to the Wizengamot for a meeting. Kara stood next to him and Daphne followed him.

"Well, we're going to have a new Minister," Daphne said. "A lot of people aren't too happy about this."

"But a lot of people who could do something about this have vanished out of public eye, haven't they?" Kara asked. She grinned in response. Astoria tagged along behind them. Just because she didn't hit her magical maturity, it didn't mean that she couldn't take a nice look around the Ministry.

"Yeah, I wonder how that happened," Astoria said. Her tone was pointed and a bit sharp. They were waiting for Ana, Andromeda, and Alura to join them.

"I don't envy Amelia for stepping into the Ministry and dealing with the shit storm that she has to deal with," Kara said. Harry pulled his arm around her and pulled her in tight towards him. "But, I think that she's pretty much the only person who is able to do it."

"Yes," Harry replied. He nodded in agreement and leaned in with a kiss.

"Well, a magical school is being started up," Alura said. She joined the group at the hallway, greeting her daughter and her mate with a smile. Harry raised his eyebrow when he looked at her.

"I could have sworn that they were just going to start Hogwarts back up," Harry said.

"They thought about it," Alura admitted. "And they will in a way. Hogwarts will be the remedial school, and this new magical school will be the more advanced school for the gifted."

"Well, that's a real kick in the mouth for Hogwarts," Harry said. "Do you have any idea what the new magical school is going to be called?"

Alura shrugged in response. "I don't know, but I'd imagine that it's going to be a stereotypically magical sounding school."

"Figured about as much," Harry answered with a sigh. The thing about the magical world was that they just had to name things that made them such walking stereotypes. OWLs and NEWTs were the two greatest examples for it.

"Is there anyone in the Wizengamot left?" Astoria asked.

"There are a few people who are left," Anastasia informed her daughter when she showed back up. She grabbed both of her children and pulled them into hugs. "But, Daphne, Kara, and Harry have the vast majority of the Ministry."

"Yes, and our friends are going to make that the transition we're going through go really smoothly," Kara said. She could hardly wait to see what was going to happen.

The woman of the hour turned up, the one and only Amelia Bones. The door swung open and Amelia popped up. She looked at the group. Andromeda followed behind her.

"First of all, can I tell you how much I don't like being the one that has to become Ministry?" Amelia asked. She looked at Harry. "You do realize that they could make you Minister, if you wanted it."

"First of all, I'm well aware of that," Harry said. Amelia blinked and nodded "And second of all, you are well respected from all sides. There will be people who will complain, but the people who can actually do anything about what you do have been neutered."

"Well, considering the International Magical Court, all sides have been neutered," Amelia said.

"And do you realize how much power I would give up if I had become Minister of Magic?" Harry asked.

"Fair enough," Amelia said. There was a plan to work more closely with their Muggle counterparts, which would stick in the craws of a lot of people. "And, I'm sure that you want to get away from it all for a while."

"I've got plans," Harry said. "But there's still a lot more to be done before I leave completely and head around the world."

It would be unwise for him to stay in one single corner of the world. His potential was far greater.

"So, it's time, isn't it?" Harry asked Daphne.

"Yes, it's time," Daphne said. She peaked inside the Wizengamot. It really looked like a ghost town.

A few members of the court got thrown into the International Magical Prison for high scale magical corruption. A few of them had gotten a nasty little tattoo a little bit ago, and that was something that they regretted.

Harry entered the court. He could hear the press stir and they got to their feet to get a good look at him.

'Thankfully this is closed off to the public,' Kara thought. She thought that he would be getting a reaction that was like a rock star showing up at the group of a hormone heavy teenage girls. She nearly snickered in amusement because of all of this. 'Because this would be far nastier.'

Harry smiled and he made his way forward towards the podium. It was funny that the Wizengamot now consisted of Harry, Daphne, and Kara, and about six old men and women who Harry was surprised even knew where they were.

He folded his arms and cleared his throat. "You know, I'm sure that you all want to get out of here before lunch."

There was a round of laughter. Harry had the entire world in the palm of his hand, well the Wizarding World anyway. It would be a start and Harry was going to be able to build on that from that point.

"As much as all of you want to talk to me, this isn't all about me," Harry said. He smiled when he swept his gaze over a lot of the stage. "Far from it."

There was a some whispers from the members of the press. Harry had that commanding presence that showed that he had the entire world in the palm of his hand.

"I'd like to say that I'm saddened about the sudden resignation of former Minister of Magic Fudge," Harry said.

'You'd like to say it, but you'd be lying if that was the case,' Kara thought.

'Yeah, Kara, don't explain the reference, please,' Harry thought. Kara shrugged her shoulders and grinned deeply.

"But, when one door closes, another window swings right back open in response," Harry said. He clasped his hands together and kept his pointed gaze over all of them. "I would like to introduce a woman that many of you know and respect. She's one of the few members of an old family that had been decimated by Voldemort."

Harry paused and allowed them a chance to shudder.

"But she's proven that she's a survivor and the type of woman who you want to run the Ministry of Magic through the past, present, and future," Harry said. He gave a smile and invited her over for a speech of her. "Ladies and gentlemen of the magical press, I present to you the new Minister of Magic, in a brand new Ministry, Amelia Bones."

There was a bit of applause. Amelia made her way towards the stage and she muttered in Harry's ear. "I don't know how that I'm going to have to even live up to the hype that you've given me."

"Just by being the best that you can be," Harry told. Amelia couldn't really say much more than that, but that was her goal.

She needed to be the best that she could be. The Ministry of Magic and the future of it was on the line.

Audrey looked outside in one of her towers. She had many towers, that was just the resources that the Evans family had. The Potters had a fair amount of influence as well. Their influence was only in one secluded corner of the world.

"So, did you get everything that you wanted out of this?"

Audrey turned around and spotted Harry standing behind her. She wondered how long he had been standing there. She was really glad to see him. She crossed the room with him and wrapped her arms around him.

She kissed him in a heated manner. The two of them exchanged an extremely passionate kiss with each other.

"I could get used to this," she answered, the succubus said. She ran her hands down around the chest of the young man before her. She invited him to sit on the extremely comfortable place. "Amelia is in place as the Minister of Magic?"

"As it should be," Harry said. "She wasn't too happy about being given that spot, but it's really a figurehead thing more than anything. The Ministry is going to slowly fold into an outpost of the government."

"And all of the governments in the world are controlled by our society," Audrey said. "We secretly control pretty much everything from behind the scenes, as you know."

"So, we're the Illuminati?" Harry asked her. Audrey's lips popped into a grin and she leaned towards him, whispering in his ear.

"We control the Illuminati," she commented to him. She leaned back towards him, grabbing his arm, and shifting against him. "Oh, this is really the best, isn't it? And you've got many more women to add to your group. Including the younger Miss Greengrass in a few months."

"Yes, I almost feel bad about having to make her wait," Harry said.

"Some things are worth the wait, I think," Audrey said. She touched her hands to the side of his head. "I'm sure that if you really wanted to, you could bring her up to speed."

"Daphne's getting a perverse desire in making her sister wait for it, even if it's about three more months," Harry said. "Astoria is going to jump me the moment that she hits the maturity."

"Figured about as much," Audrey said with a grin. "So, what are you going to do after you induct her into your group?"

"I figure about that point, the Ministry will be an outpost of the Muggle government, and I can be less hands on with the Wizengamot," Harry said.

"Do you trust Amelia to handle everything?" Audrey asked. Harry raised his eyebrow at her in response. "Of course you trust her, that's a stupid question. You should really trust her."

"Yes, I trust her, otherwise I would have put someone else in charge of the Ministry," Harry said. She shifted herself onto his lap. Harry wrapped his arm around her and leaned forward. "Exactly who that would be, I have no idea."

"One of the mysteries in life," she agreed.

Audrey really wanted to turn around. Her thighs draped over his when she straddled the top of his lap. "All of the shit that I had to deal with, well I'm glad that you never had to deal with it. No one should deal with everything that I had to deal with."

"Yes, so you said," Harry said.

"Part of the problem that you didn't have to go to Hogwarts School of Gross Endangerment and Negligence," Audrey said. "There's something about that school that's cursed to be far more dangerous then any other normal school. Or Dumbledore's an idiot."

"I'm sure Dumbledore's not an idiot," Harry said. That caused Audrey to frown and she nodded. "Senile and out of touch with reality, I would have to agree with that point."

"Yes, I see," Audrey said. She brushed his hair out from underneath his face. "So, if you want to go anywhere after you're done, might I suggest starting with France?"

Harry raised his eyebrows. "What's so interesting about France?"

Audrey snorted in amusement. "Well it's funny that you should ask that."

The day of December 8th had arrived and Astoria Greengrass was looking at the watch. She didn't technically turn eleven for another few minutes, but wasn't this close enough to count?

"I won't be at that point until August," Ginny said, shrugging. "Is the wait really agonizing?"

"Well at least you don't have a sister to rub it in your face that you don't get Harry and she does," Astoria said. She frowned when she looked at Ginny. "I'm sure that Kara will let you have all of the time that you want, you've been a good pet after all."

"Ha, ha, very funny," Ginny said dryly. Astoria did have a point and that was that she had been had a good pet. She could not wait to get her reward. Ginny thought that she might rub her hands together in delight, but that would make her look like an evil mastermind.

"Oh come on, this bloody clock is charmed to go slower, I swear to Morgana's hairy…"

"Yes, thank you Astoria," Daphne said, walking into the room. Astoria looked up at her older sister. She was wearing a tight bathrobe that wrapped around her body. Astoria tried to take a sneak peak to see if she could see anything, but Daphne folded her arms and gave her sister the death glare to end all death glares. "You'll see it at the same time where everyone else sees it."

Astoria threw her head back and gave a loud tut sound. She shook her head in agitation. "Fine."

"You know, there's no need to throw a tantrum, it's almost time," Daphne said. Astoria got to her feet and frowned in response.

"Where's Harry?" Astoria asked. Ginny snickered at the girl's impatience, at least until Kara arrived and shooed her out.

"Ask you and you shall receive," Daphne said. She smiled when Harry arrived. He walked forward towards Astoria, with Ana following him.

"Are you ready Astoria?" Ana asked her daughter.

"Seriously?" Astoria asked.

"We can post pone it for a couple of weeks if you're not ready," Daphne said. She gave her sister an evil little glare.

"You know, I should just hex you right now," Astoria said to her. Harry placed his hand on her arm.

"Don't," Harry told her. It was amazing that she was able to fall into line. Daphne would have clapped for Harry and his ability to keep Astoria in line. The only problem was that she didn't want to get in trouble because of that and that Harry had the same unnatural abilities of keeping her in trouble. "If you hex your sister, you have to wait for another year."

Astoria nodded in a respectful manner. "Yes my lord."

Ana was glad that her daughters had someone that would teach them the value of patience. Those were lessons that they would need.

"To the bedroom then," Astoria said. She grabbed Harry's arm and squeezed it tightly when she lead him in. She looked over towards Daphne. "Not one word."

"I wasn't saying a thing," Daphne told her sister. The two Greengrass sisters had some tension that was built up in each other.

The bedroom was Astoria's next destination and she was lead inside. Harry could tell that she was waiting for this for an extremely long time. This was the final of his contracted wives, although he would have many more to come in the future. He invited her to sit down on the bed and Astoria took the plunge. She sat down on the bed, her legs crossed.

"And now, we begin the ritual," Ana said. She was pleased that her daughter changed into baggy robes.

"I feel like I'm going to really be seventeen in physical years the longer we wait," Astoria said. She folded her arms when she waited.

The magical engulfed her body. Astoria could feel herself tingle all over. The pleasure was about ready to hit her body suddenly. It caused her to close her eyes. She felt herself grow a little bit. Her breasts became fuller, her body formed into a perfect hour glass shape, with a wider ass and long legs. She resembled a beautiful sixteen year old girl.

Astoria got to her feet and threw herself at Harry. Harry reached towards her and grabbed her around her waist. He pulled her close towards him and pushed his tongue deep down into her mouth.

Astoria could feel the overwhelming dose of his magic. She closed her eyes and felt him kiss her intensely.

"Remember, Astoria, just ease in it, you don't want to burn yourself out," Ana said. She watched her daughter's hands start fumbling with Harry's pants in an attempt to remove then. Astoria was eagerly and intensely removing them.

"I think that she's got this under control," Daphne said. She smiled when Astoria got to her knees. "And remember, breathe through your nose, because your mouth will be a bit full in a minute."

Harry's little encounter with the Greengrasses really was one that left all three of the girls smiling and as a result, that left Harry smiling as well. He returned to Castle Peverell. He had a couple of things that he had to do and it was time to travel the world. Kara was joining him, and Audrey and Gwen would be joining them some time later. There might be a couple more members of the society that would join them as well.

"So, you completed the Greengrass set?"

Harry turned around and saw Kara standing there. The blonde was wearing a nice grin on her face and not much else. She had some slinky looking lingerie on her. The seventeen year old beauty crossed the ground and she threw her arms around Harry. The two of them shared a moment and an intense hug with each other.

"Completed the set, you make it sound like I'm some kind of seedy collector," Harry said. He held his Alpha up against him.

"Well, you're a very particular collector," Kara said. She leaned against him. "And now, that everything's in order, we've got a lot to do."

"Yeah, I just feel like this is the end of something, the beginning of something else entirely," Harry informed her. Kara gave him a bright and bubbly smile. The perky blonde leaned back and that did wonderful things to her cleavage in showing it off to Harry.

"Well, I'm sure no matter what it is, you'll be amazing I doing it," Kara said. Her tone grew flirty when she spoke. "And when we travel the world, we'll pick up a lot more knowledge and a lot more women especially."

"Well, it looks like someone has their priorities straight," Harry said. Kara leaned on towards him and kissed him on the lips.

"Well, I know that your priorities are about on the same level," Kara said. She pulled herself completely away from Harry for a second. It was only until she could properly guide him to one of the bedrooms. "But, it's not time for us to leave just yet, is it?"

"Not yet, in fact, not for another couple of days," Harry said.

"Oh, that's perfect," Kara said. "And we can finish up that advanced course we were taking with Rowena. You know the one."

"Yes, I'm well aware," Harry said. He gave his Alpha a suggestive smile. "I'm not sure how some of those positions are possible though."

"Well, it'd be fun to find out, wouldn't it?" Kara asked. She hovered halfway across the ground in excitement. "And some of them practically defy gravity."

"That's the kicker," Harry said. "Are you up for some experimenting?"

"Babe, I'm always up for experimenting, and you just got your warm up with the Greengrasses, it's time for the main event," Kara said. "Maybe if anyone else swings by, they can get pulled into the fun and games."

"Maybe you got Nym tied up again?" Harry suggested that caused Kara to look really surprised by what he said. "Okay, you seriously got Nym tied up again, didn't you?"

"I'm not sure how you even guessed," Kara said. She threw her head back to laugh. "Oh, if she wants to be an Auror, then maybe she should work on getting out of ropes."

"Does she still want to be an Auror?" Harry asked.

"Well, it'd be whatever the non-magical equivalent is now, given that the Ministry is scaling back," Kara said.

Harry recalled this. The people in the Ministry were going to have to take a crash course on Muggle culture if they wanted to keep their jobs and they would have to pass a difficult exam.

"But, we've wasted enough time," Kara said. She held Harry's arm. "Don't you want to have some fun?"

"Yes, loads of fun," Harry agreed. "But be careful what you wish for, you just might get it."

"Hope so," Kara replied with a wink.

Things were going to get interested. Harry had put the first few building blocks of a greater magical empire down.

The End.