A/N: I know there have been quite a lot of fics floating around with some guy other than yuki and kyou that's interested in Tohru, but I just couldn't resist writing one! I just love making Yuki and Kyou jealous! And competition should be good for them. *grins evilly*

This is my first Furuba fic. Go easy on me ne?


He stared at her from his position at the back of the class. She was staring intently at the teacher, carefully taking down notes every now and then. Her chestnut hair held at the sides by a pair of dark blue ribbons. it distracted him to no end. Her slim fingers clutching her pen so delicately ensnared his vision. To Akamatsu Ryu, Honda Tohru was a delightful distraction. Being just slightly behind her, offering him an unimpeded view of her petite form was no help either. He didn't even attempt to listen to the teacher's ramblings, knowing how futile it was. 'She' just captured his attention. Holding his eyes glued to her against his will. Tohru-chan. he thought, slipping into daydream mode.




Somebody nudged him. But he was so engrossed with his thoughts that he didn't even notice it.

"AKAMATSU!!!!!" the teacher's irritated voice finally broke through his daydream. "Eh? Hai sensei?" He said calmly. His teacher's anger didn't faze him one bit. Any trouble that he encountered with the school, his father just smoothed over. After all, being extremely wealthy had its perks.

He stood up lazily, hands in his pockets. He gave his teacher a glance that clearly said 'Well? What is it?'. His teacher huffed a bit and then popped the question,

"What caused the downfall of the Tokugawa Era?"

*a pause* He gazed up at the ceiling, as if carefully considering the question, and then.

"Shiranai (I don't know)" He said calmly.

He could practically see smoke coming out of his teacher's ears. But after a few moments, he just sighed and waved a hand at Ryu, a motion for the student to sit down. This had happened a lot already. And the teacher knew that there was really nothing he could do about it. The kid's father seemed to have a hold on the principal, and sending him there in the hopes of getting the boy punished was just a waste of time and effort since there was little chances of that happening.

Ryu just smirked and sat down. He saw the varied reactions of his classmates. There were some who looked displeased. And there were some who looked awed. Most of the people who fit into the latter category were girls. Some were already giggling and whispering to their friends. He caught wisps of their conversations.

"He's so cool!"

"And cute too!" a giggle again.

He smiled at them briefly, loving the flustered looks they gave him. He glanced at to the right and saw the annoyed look the orange-haired boy gave him. Inwardly, he merely shrugged. Souma Kyou gave everybody that look. It wasn't merely directed at him. That guy was just too anti-social. He took a look at the guy's cousin, and saw no reaction at all from Souma Yuki. The gray haired student just looked straight ahead at the board, indifference clearly stamped on his features. Then he sneaked a peek at his angel. While the other girls in class were still whispering and giggling with admiration for him, Honda Tohru looked at him with a worried expression on her face. He was a bit startled. Usually, his 'rebel' attitude earned him blushing looks. This was the first time that he got a worried look directed at him. Guess she doesn't like rebellious guys, huh. Well, we'll see about that.

After a few sharp words from the teacher, the class settled back to their quiet mood and lessons resumed. Ryu was left to his thoughts. Tohru-chan, why did you give me that look? He stared at her back. He didn't notice the glares that he was receiving from Yuki and Kyou. Hmmm.. Maybe I should ask you that over lunch. he brightened at that idea. yes, I'll ask her to have lunch with me today. And with that he resumed his "staring".


The bell rang, and the students got on their feet. Tohru was just about to catch up with Yuki and Kyou who were waiting outside when she felt a tap on her shoulder. Turning around, she saw Ryu looking at her calmly.

"Akamatsu-san?" she asked, a questioning look on her face.

"Ah, Honda-san, I was just wondering if you want to have lunch with me today." He said, with one hand in his pocket, exuding calm and confidence.

Tohru's eyes widened in surprise. Akamatsu-san wants to have lunch with me?! "Ah. anou. Akamatsu-san, gomen ne. But I already promised Yuki-kun and Kyou-kun that I'll have lunch with them today." She stammered nervously, looking at her shoes. She stole a peek at him, hoping that he wasn't angry at her.

"Ah. I see. Well, maybe some other time, ne Honda-san?" he said, smiling lazily at her. Tohru-chan looks so cute. He thought, still looking at the girl staring shyly at him.

"Hai." He was standing awfully close to her, Tohru noticed. So she stepped back a little.

"Honda-san?" a voice asked from the door. She glanced to her side and saw Yuki looking at her questioningly. Then Kyou's form appeared beside him, looking irritated, as usual. "Oi. What's keeping you?"

"Ahh! Gomen Kyou-kun, Yuki-kun. I'll be right there." She turned back towards Ryu and bowed apologetically. "Gomen Akamatsu-san, but I have to go now." And with that, she hurried towards the door, waving at him. And all he could do was wave back.


"What did Akamatsu want with you Tohru?" Kyou asked. Tohru gave him a startled glance, and then looked nervously at her feet. "Eto. well. he asked me to have lunch with him." she said shyly.

Since she was looking down, she didn't see the surprised faces of the two boys beside her.

"But since I already promised to have lunch with Kyou-kun and Yuki-kun today, I of course declined." She continued.

"Thank you. Honda-san is so nice to have thought of us. But are you sure that you didn't want to have lunch with Akamatsu-san instead?" Yuki said politely. But inside, he was surprised. so Akamatsu really is interested in Honda-san Yuki thought, reflecting on the stares that Akamatsu gave Tohru during class.

Kyou was thinking something along the same lines as well. Damn that Akamatsu! What was he thinking inviting Tohru to lunch! Who does he think he is, staring at her all day!

"Of course not! I'm always glad to be with Yuki-kun and Kyou-kun. I don't know Akamatsu-san all that well." Tohru assured them hurriedly. She didn't want to offend them. And of course, what she said was true. She didn't think Akamatsu-san was that bad, infact she thought him to be quite handsome, but she'd rather spend her time with her two friends.

Yuki smiled at her and Kyou nodded and then looked sideways. And with that, the trio proceeded to go and have their lunch.

To their side, they could hear the hisses that the Princess group was giving Tohru. But, as usual, they ignored it.


Somewhere inside the cafeteria, Ryu sat and ate quietly. She's always with those two. He pointedly ignored his companion of the moment. A sophomore girl with pretty blond hair, who was talking animatedly at him, not noticing his lack of response. He had barely sat down at the table when she joined him. This was of course nothing new, and so he just let her be. At any other time he would have flattered her and charmed her, but today, he was just too preoccupied with the incident in the classroom. and if it wasn't the Souma boys, she was with those weird friends of hers, the Freak and the Yankee He gripped his spoon tightly. The Prince of their school. True, Ryu had quite a lot of admirers, but then Souma Yuki had more. Almost half the school was in love with him. True also that Ryu was wealthy, but then, so were the Soumas. His grip on his spoon tightened even more. That stuck-up snob! he thought angrily about Yuki. And then there was Kyou. It wasn't enough that he had to deal with "Prince Yuki", but he had Orange- atama on his hands too! "Kyon-kyon" as his class had affectionately called the orange-head. Ryu was tough, with his 'bad boy' image. But so was Souma Kyou. That guy was practically the definition of the word 'Rebel'. Anti- social, moody, temper mental, tough. He had that glowering look that most girls loved. Finally the spoon snapped at his intense grip. And the girl in front of him stared at him, startled. "Ryu-kun? Are you okay?" She asked worriedly.

"Aa." He gave her a dazzling smile. And of course, the girl melted to mush.

I'm going to beat those two. he thought confidently. Tohru-chan, you're going to be mine.


A/N: Well, that's all for now minna-san! Hope you enjoyed it! Reviews please!!!