So...Big Hero 6 broke me.

He sat with his back against the door, the robot's hand curled into a fist in the corner of the room. He tried not to look. He tried to forget how he'd thrown it there with all of his strength.

Everyone left him. Everyone always left.

She knocked again. A chorus of familiar voices followed, but he barely heard. They had been outside his room for so long that he'd grown accustomed to the sound.

They were there. He knew because they kept repeating it, but the words held no meaning.

Because that was what everyone said, wasn't it? Even after they left, they would always be here. But he hated made no sense. He understood it now because here they were, trying to comfort him from behind the only barrier he had the power to put up. But when their footsteps finally vanished, the last shred of proof would be gone along with them.

And he'd relive it again and again, until the memory of them was all he had. They couldn't always be here. No one had managed that. They had only lied and made him believe that what he'd had was forever.

Apparently, forever was a lot shorter than he'd imagined.

The whispers sounded like sneers to him, somehow sincere and deceitful at the same time. It was all too much.

He rose to his feet, the movement making his whole body ache. The floor creaked under him and he knew they'd heard as their voices instantly quieted. His shoulder hit the door handle; a sharp, jabbing pain that momentarily drew his attention. He let out a quiet yelp as his eyes began to fill.

The room was silent. He felt his breath knock against his rib cage, inaudible but terrifying, as if he'd never truly be able to slow it down.

He didn't know what he'd been expecting.

He clutched his shoulder, though it didn't sting anymore. It was more out of habit, out of hope. What he felt was a different kind of pain.

But it still hurt.

What was the point of starting anything when it all just came to an end? Every single good thing slipped away, out of his grasp, before he even knew he had it.

It shouldn't be like this. It was the cruellest punishment he could imagine - getting to experience the very best, getting to be happy, then losing everything in the blink of an eye.

After the fire, he thought he knew. He remembered that last moment of happiness and knew that he could never feel that way again. But he couldn't help it - he found another reason to smile. And every day, his eyes lit up a little more.

Until the day those very eyes saw it all happen again.

He wanted to erase everything from his memory, go back in time...something, anything. He just wanted it to stop. He couldn't keep reliving something that slowly chipped away at his heart, only to leave him unfixable.

Because not even he - the robot made for healing, for helping - could fix him. Didn't that mean that no one could?

His knees gave out underneath him, much like they had earlier that day. As he sunk lower, the clear view he'd had of the empty, perfectly made bed disappeared. When looking from a new angle, he couldn't see the hat he knew was still lying there.

If he stayed like this forever, he could pretend that it hadn't been there at all. That he hadn't been there at all.

They called out to him again, this time so softly that he was sure they were giving up. They, too, would leave him soon. But it was better for them to leave now. All at once. He couldn't let himself fall for it again, this limited happiness that lasted for a selfishly short time.

No, he couldn't let anyone in. He couldn't let anyone in because no matter how hard he tried, no matter how much he wanted them to stay, everyone always left.