Salutations! Here I present one of the many ideas that had been plaguing my brain for quite a while now and had been preventing me from actually working on my main story...

Hence I present to you, a story of Kamijou Touma and Othinus. A rather light hearted one that tries to keep the general feel and vibe of the original light novel. I would like to clarify that my knowledge of the Indexverse is far from perfect and so I can and will make mistakes so go easy on me.

The story will mostly be lighthearted and comedic

Disclaimer: I do not own To Aru Majustu no Index, both old and new testament, as well as the many wonderful characters it has.

==[Stranded Together]==

Kamijou Touma, known as the imagine breaker or 'that level 0', had been put into many strange and even dangerous situations before. Whether it was being gassed from his own room and pushed off a plane, having to fight in a war and crossing the snowy tundra of Russia, fighting enemies that could only be considered monstrosities, or the many unfortunate and accidental incidents that labelled him as a pervert, the existence called Kamijou Touma could confidently boast that there were very few things that could actually unnerve him too much at this point.

It wasn't arrogance of course. He was still fully aware of his limitations, still fully aware that he aside from the right hand he had that could dispel both the power of god and that of the devil, he was still an ordinary high school student. He simply felt that considering the stuff he had gone through he was at the very least confident that he could keep a calm enough mind in most if not all tense situations.

After all, if he was able to survive the incident with a certain scantily clad magic god that involved being plunged into an infinite hell that could easily destroy one's sanity and be made to experience death in almost every possible way imaginable, then it was a given that very few things in life could daunt you.

Of course that should've been the case. However something to note is that the universe and Kamijou Touma had never really seen eye to eye on certain things and hence the universe had gone out of its way to immediately prove him wrong.

"Hmm… is this what the mortals usually use to entertain themselves? This is rather entertaining"

The aforementioned scantily clad magic god commented as she busied herself with the PSP in her hands. She displayed an unusual amount of concentration. It had only been a short time since Kamijou had introduced her to modern forms of entertainment and to his surprise Othinus had been able to learn it fast without issue. Even the game she was playing right now was only briefly explained to her an hour or so ago and yet she was already able to grasp how it's played.

If he was being slightly more honest, he was hoping that the magic god was the kind of character that was hopeless with modern technology and would cutely puff her face out after failing to understand its workings but that was just him being presumptuous. He didn't really know where that thought was based on but it was certainly not from the girl who carried 103,000 grimoires in her head, no certainly not. He would never admit to it even if held on bite point.

"To think this mere welp would get in the way of my battle with the wyvern… how foolish! From here on I vow to destroy every single one of your kind that I lay my sights on!"

She shouted out passionately as she ignored the large monster she was supposed to hunt and promptly focused on the bull-like monster that had interrupted her battle. Kamijou was sure that Othinus was being completely serious with that vow.


He called out her name nervously. He was happy she was enjoying herself but if he didn't do anything about the current situation then he was sure he wouldn't survive the aftermath.

"What is it? I'm busy trying to kill this Bullfango monster. I had spent too much time gathering and exploring so I need to finish this and that wyvern off soon or I'll run out of time"

She replied with a hint of annoyance. Othinus was the type that poured a lot of effort when she got into doing something regardless of what it is so even playing games were serious business to her. He needed to thread carefully and word his next plead properly. Else he might incur the wrath of the only thing that was preserving his life at the moment.

"W-well… I'm glad you're enjoying yourself and all but… could you please get off me?"




He could feel the accusing stares of those around him. Birdway, Lessar and Index had remained silent through the whole situation, not offering even a single comment. Kamijou Touma's finely honed instincts told him that the only reason he wasn't being killed yet with bites, stabs and spells was because of the Magic God sitting in his lap playing video games.

For those that had somehow glossed over that particular detail, it shall be repeated in bold and italics. The magic god, One Eyed Othinus, the leader of Gremlin, the perceived enemy that was supposedly the final boss that they were planning to face was sitting on his lap playing games while wearing something that covered less skin that would most certainly qualify it as a fetishistic costume used by the most deprived perverts.

It was a death flag. He was painfully aware of that fact. He momentarily wondered what he could possibly do to placate the three goddesses of death that were leveling him with a glare that could kill lesser beings, though when he had taken a closer look at Lessar's face it was more like she was frozen in shock while staring at him. He was actually afraid of removing Othinus from his lap but every second she was on him was another second they would spend punishing him.

"Be quiet for a bit Touma, I'm still rather unused to the controls and am pressed for time so I need to concentrate on defeating the wyvern in order to achieve victory. I will not allow that bullfango monster, whom I've already slaughtered, to achieve its purpose of preventing me in completing the hunt"

Othinus calling him by his first name had made the situation severe. Index had let out a small growl, Birdway's glare turned ice cold while Lessar seemed to have started turning white and showing cracks. None of those girls were Japanese but all three of them were well versed in Japanese culture. Being called by the first name without any honorifics was a sign of closeness.

It was at that moment that Kamijou Touma understood that his fate was sealed. If he could see flags that he raised like a certain anime he saw once, then he would certainly have an ominous black flag popping up on his head. He sorely wished that his right hand was also capable of destroying those flags. It would've made his life so much easier.

"Ohh… you truly have went above and beyond my expectations Kamijou Touma. To think that despite the absurd amount of surveillance by different factions on you, you were still able to somehow, without being noticed, charm that one on your lap. Tell me, exactly how did you manage such an amazing feat?"

Birdway was absolutely frigid. Her voice was cold and emotionless, her face blank yet she kept a small polite smile. It was a sign that she was already beyond furious at the current situation and was trying to gather information in order to punish him appropriately without inducing damage on her side.

She was now full on magical cabal boss mode.

He was quite sure that Othinus noticed that sheer amount of animosity being directed towards her but her being the queen of ignoring the atmosphere meant she did not do anything as a response. To the magic god, anything that doesn't pose a threat didn't require even an iota of her attention especially when she was absorbed with doing something.

If Kamijou could find a convenient wish granting machine like a certain holy cup, he would wish for the magic god to become more considerate of him.

"A-Ah w-well…"

He tried to find the words to explain the situation but was failing badly. If he really were to speak the absolute truth then it was highly likely that even if they did believe him, it would be detrimental to their purpose.

He felt rather guilty that about not telling any of them. He knew that despite how Birdway was acting right now, she was still giving him the benefit of the doubt. She was giving him a chance to explain himself before arriving at a conclusion and taking action. Birdway had always been a logical person and hence she knew that there should be a good and logical explanation for the current situation but she is unable to determine exactly what it is.


Othinus' calm voice sounded serious as she called his name as if perfectly reading his thoughts, she shifted her position so that she was sitting sideways on his lap in order to give him a meaningful look. Kamijou was aware of what she wanted to convey and stopped himself from explaining their situation.

'Don't. It is best that you stop now and keep your distance.'

He briefly wondered exactly how much time the two of them had already spent in each other's company considering the fact that they could pretty much read each other's intention through body language, silent eye contact and through the inflection of their speech.

"So…? Where is the explanation we have so kindly and patiently been waiting for?"

Birdway continued her glare slowly reaching negative 273 Kelvin. Kamijou needed to say something, anything that could be used to placate the girl capable single-handedly destroying the whole of District 7 without even breaking a sweat.

'Think! Think Kamijou Touma! What can I say to avoid the worst possible outcome?! Surely there's something I can do! Hurry up brain, I can sense Index entering super beast moooode!'

Despite his desperation he drew a blank. No matter how he looked at it there was nothing he could do by himself in order to resolve the situation peacefully.

Hence he did something that the old Kamijou Touma was unable to do before.

He asked for help.

'Othi-chan! Othi-sama! Othi-aemon! Help me, please!'

He made eye contact and silently pleaded to the magic god. Their currently relationship was such that they needed no spell or other means to converse. They just knew each other that well.

'Really now, you require my help in resolving this situation?'

Othinus replied with a slight raise of her left eyebrow while flipping the switch on the side of the PSP to put it in sleep mode.

'Yes magic god-sama, please help this ordinary and helpless high school student resolve the current situation!'

Kamijou replied by widening his eyes. He didn't realize that the girls currently observing him were already shaking in fury.

'I understand'

Othinus replied by closing her eyes and nodding. For a brief moment, Kamijou Touma felt like everything was going to be okay, that District 7 and his body would be able to survive the current situation unscathed, that Othinus would actually do something to resolve the situation perfectly.

Of course he was wrong.

Othinus placed the PSP on the table and shifted her position so that she was straddling him, her face close to his own and her arms wrapped around his neck. The smug grin on her face and her mischievous eyes told Kamijou exactly what she was about to do.


Kamijou glared at Othinus.

'You told me to resolve it'

Othinus' grin became wider.

'Not in this way!'

Kamijou's glare turned pleading and desperate.

'Too late'

Othinus' became ecstatic after seeing his expression.

"Touma… you shouldn't bother with the peanut gallery. After all… you already have me don't you?"

She spoke sweetly and sensually while affectionately caressing his cheek. Drawing her body closer and resting her head on his chest as she tightly embraced him.


Kamijou could swear he heard glass breaking.


A scream that would put every battle cry ever uttered in existence could be heard as Index entered super beast mode and attempted to lunge for a bite of his head. Many explosions soon followed.

==[Stranded Together]==

Half an hour later...

"Sometimes I wonder if you're a masochist. It would certainly explain how you were able to last and endure through the things I've put you through"

Othinus commented she looked at the view below. They were situated at the rooftop of one of the buildings in District 7 after having escaped the combined wrath of Index, Birdway and Lessar. Kamijou had never been felt so cornered before in his life, experiences in the infinite hell included.

"If that is the case, then do not worry yourself, I will neither judge nor abandon you"

Her words could've been considered touching if it weren't for the fact that Kamijou as fully aware he was being teased and played with.

"Do you enjoy my suffering?"

Kamijou asked completely deadpan, fully knowing the answer already but he at least wanted to hope.


Othinus replied instantly with a sweet and honest smile on her face to which he could only sigh. He sat down and rested his back on the wall, rubbing his head to ease the pain of the bite from Index.

He let out another sigh, this time being reminded of the guilt he felt about not explaining things to the three. Othinus took notice and approached him.

"Really now, we've done this countless times yet even now you still can't help but feel such things?"

She asked as she sat between Kamijou's legs and rested her back on his body. Kamijou himself didn't mind the position since it was rather normal for them at this point.

"I have told you before, they may be real in some way but those aren't the ones you've come to know. These are not the existences you had spent your time with nor is this the world you had lived in. Their appearance should've told you as much"

He flinched as he heard her tone. It wasn't the first time he had received this particular lecture and he could only be amazed at how Othinus wasn't tired of giving it to him by now. Though that could probably be attributed to the fact that she perfectly understood how he felt.

"Index had black hair…"

He muttered as he recalled the differences in the nun's appearance. Of course it wasn't the only difference that they were able to find. Things like the position of objects in his dorm room, speech pattern of some of the more eccentric people he knew and the underwear of choice for the sisters could also be observed.

No matter what happened, even if his memory was to once again be erased, he would be absolutely sure that Misaka imouto should not be wearing black and lacy adult-like underwear that could easily kill someone with blood loss via nosebleed. A certain Shirai Kuroko was proof of that.

"Haah… so this isn't world isn't the right one either"

Kamijou let out another sigh, he was a bit tired from hopping through the many layers of reality they went through.

The world should've been restored to its original state when he left the use of Imagine Breaker into Othinus' hands. However due to interference from beings unknown even to Othinus herself, instead of stripping off the many layers of reality that Othinus had created, it was instead turned into a large convoluted mess of realities where many different possibilities were combined like patchwork.

The differences from the 'original' world could range from something as minor as someone wearing an accessory they shouldn't be wearing or even a change of hair color to something major like Aogami Pierce had taken over the world and made every girl as part of his harem.

It took a lot of effort to believe that that last one was even within the realms of possibility.

He then recalled how Othinus had explained the situation to him.


"Think of it this way. When I had completed Gugnir I was able to change the world at will. If the original world could be a considered as a pure white canvas, I had used my powers as a magic god to create different worlds by covering the canvas with a layer of whatever color I desired."

Othinus brought out a blank canvas and some paint. They were currently in an art room in Kamijou's school. There was no one around to interfere with them due to the barrier Othinus had put up.

"If I had been able to use Imagine Breaker at the time properly and without interference, then I would have been able to completely return the canvas to its original unpainted state. Imagine Breaker is a reference point, an anchor of reality that could normalize fluctuations from the natural state and hence should have reversed the changes but…"

She took out a brush and opened the cans of paint. She then began painting an even layer of red on the whole canvas and waited a few seconds for it to dry. It was yet another innovation of Academy city, paint that dried almost instantly.

"It had instead lead us to the current situation. Imagine Breaker was unable to restore the world as a whole. You can think of it as only removing parts of the paint on the canvas instead of all of it. Now that itself wouldn't have cause the convoluted mess of realities we are currently going through but you must understand that in order for this world to function, logic and reason must be followed. For every effect, there must be a cause that exists that created it"

She began applying layer after layer of paint, making sure that only one even layer of color is applied every time.

"If a result was achieved then there should've have been something that had been done to achieve it. If your leg for example was injured then there should've been an event or situation that leads to it getting injured. Similarly a chair cannot exist if there wasn't someone who had gathered the materials and spent time to actually build it"

She then opened the drawer and obtained a palette knife.

"Now we get to the crux of the problem. What Imagine Breaker had done was to erase the changes only partially. Both the causes and effects existed but Imagine Breaker was only able to erase some of the causes or events and not the effects themselves. The reverse is also true, the effects were erased but the causes were not but right now it is impossible to determine which occurred or if both had happened."

She then put away the paint cans and the brushes. Kamijou, despite the seriousness of the situation, momentarily wished that she would show that level of consideration towards him. He shook his head shortly after and paid attention to what Othinus was saying.

"The former would mean that your leg is left injured but the events that caused it were erased. The latter would mean you were involved in an accident that had most certainly did something to you but the effects themselves were erased. The world cannot continue functioning if things were left in such a way and hence it had to draw upon other possibilities from the other realities I had created in order to rationalize and consolidate the causes and effects"

She then brought the canvas to the table he was leaning on and positioned it upright to show the thick layer of paint on the canvas. It was like looking at a rainbow when one looked at the side of the canvas.

"Going back to the paint and canvas analogy should help you understand. Every time I changed the world I would paint the whole canvas in one color. The first time I did it I painted all of it red, the second time I painted over it with blue, so on and so forth. I had changed the world so many times that a thick and uniform layer of paint is already on the canvas"

She then took the knife and began to chip away some parts of the layers. Kamijou figured that the palette knife symbolized his Imagine Breaker.

"Imagine Breaker removed some parts of it. It punched holes into the layers, some shallow, some deep, some only at the sides and some in other random places. However in order for the world to remain functioning, it needed to patch up the wholes and gaps in its layers. Since there was no other place to get material from, it took the paint of other layers to fill in the gaps. Now what was originally a layer of pure red paint is now a mix of several different other colors. The same is true for every other layer on the canvas"

She then took the pieces of the chipped off paint from the table and placed in the wholes and gaps she made, making sure that a different color was placed on a particular layer.

"This is also the reason for my current condition. The world we are currently in makes it so that the event that had lead into me getting hit by Ollerus' spell did not exist since the battle had yet to happen. Unlike you who cannot be affected due to being the wielder of Imagine Breaker, I on the other hand am. I am able to retain all my memories due to being the one to create the realities and use the power of Imagine Breaker but I am not exempt from the changes it makes"


"Haaahh… such misfortune... If only we could use your power to resolve all of this…"

He spoke his catchphrase with a bit of trepidation. Though there was that option, it wasn't something that they could rely on.

"Though I do still have power, the problem would be the fact that I am still in the state of encompassing every possibility and hence I have an equal amount of failure as I do in succeeding… so if we were to gamble then I could just as easily destroy this world as much as I have the chance of fixing it, even with the use of your Imagine Breaker"

Othinus spoke as she made herself comfortable in her position. The current reality they were in wasn't the first and they were sure that it was also not the last reality they have to traverse in order to reach the original world.

They were essentially stranded in the many layers of realities together. He had actually lost track of exactly how long they've been doing this but he was rather thankful there was someone there to help him out through all of it.

If he were to be optimistic about it, it was like going on a long and epic adventure with Othinus as his heroine like those RPG and adventure games they've played though considering the things they have gone through, that view was technically true.

"… If there are many layers of paint on the canvas it simply means we have to slowly chip away every single one until we are left with the original blank canvas…"

He recited the words Othinus had once said to him after finishing her explanation. Since they could not rely on Othinus' powers in fear of the failure and they had not been able to rely on something like Gugnir they had no choice but to take the slow path.

The only consolation was that fact that no matter what happened, no matter what world he would chance upon, no matter how different it was from the world he knew, there would always be one other person in every world that would always be able to understand and help him.

"Hey Othinus, wanna go and take a break for a bit?"

He asked. There wasn't really any point in rushing, if they went all out and kept going without rest then even they would break from the stress.

"Yes, let's try out that beach you've gone to. I always had wanted to try on those strange swimsuits provided by Academy City"

Othinus let out a small smile and both of them stood up and made continued on.

Neither knew how long it would take to return to Kamijou Touma's world but both of them were perfectly content with the peace they had right now.

==[Stranded Together]==

So what did you think of it?

I had done my utmost best in keeping the characterization of all the characters involved as close to cannon as possible but I'm not entirely confident. My knowledge of the Indexverse is essentially limited to memory and some info from the wiki. I also did my best to keep the premise of this story as believable as possible though that is also something I'm not confident about.

In the case that anyone actually like this story and would like to know whether it would be continued then the answer would be yes, I will update a this only when I get good enough ideas.

Truth be told I have no real idea on the specifics of how they managed to get into the situation and how they would actually get out. I never really planned on a set story for this one... so it would be better to treat it as a collection of short stories or omakes involving Touma and Othinus.