Hey, there. Nukoko here, making a quick chapter drop off.

Was swamped with schoolwork and had been stressed enough that I had to turn to writing to calm myself so I just finished this chapter.

This was supposed to be uploaded back at the end of last month but the site had been down and I've been busy since then. Thankfully it's a sunday now here and I get some few precious moments of peace before diving back into the horrors of plates, undergrad thesis, and examinations.

Author's corner at the bottom as usual but that'll be pretty short due to lack of time. Will have a more expansive one since the next chapter will have the first battle scene of the fic (one I'm looking forward to write).


=== Stranded Together===

"It seems like our suspicions were true…"

Othinus commented while looking at the selection the store had to offer. They've spent most of the day doing independent investigations to ascertain their current situation and had agreed to meet up at the 362 Ice Cream store located in District 7 by the end of the day.

(It's been so long since I've even tried this stuff. Exactly what kind of obscure and exotic flavors are these?)

She possessed great knowledge about the world but it didn't mean she knew everything. There was also a distinction between knowing something and experiencing it so the weird flavors offered in the store they were looking at was particularly interesting for her.

There were a plethora of exotic flavors that would make any ice cream connoisseur weep tears of joy.

(Crocodile Egg Ice cream? I can understand wasabi flavored ice cream due to the culture of the country but I can only imagine what kind of outlandish story there is behind the creation of this type of ice cream…)

"Yeah… though most of the areas I'm familiar with were pretty much the same, other places were definitely different from what I remember. I'm even sure some infrastructures are missing and some are located in completely different districts. Though for some reason, I haven't met anyone I know."

Kamijou Touma was already enjoying a simple chocolate ice cream. Despite the fact that the store had offered strange and exotic flavors, the more familiar and standard flavors were also present. Though there was a certain charm to a store that specialized in the exotic there was still a need to draw in customers who weren't as willing to break out of their comfort zone.

"That should be the case. I used Imagine breaker to restore the world you came to know however…"

"Did you think something happened and interfered while you used Imagine Breaker?"

"That's a very likely possibility"

She answered, keeping a calm and casual façade despite the growing frustration she was feeling. Not knowing, not even having the slightest idea of what or who interfered with her was gnawing at her.

She had her pride as a magic god. For someone like her to be outmaneuvered means they were possibly dealing with an enemy that was beyond even her knowledge or comprehension.

(…and that bothers me to no end. What kind of existence could both escape my senses and my power? The only logical conclusion is another Magic God, however I'm certain that there was no other Magic God in this world aside from myself and possibly Ollerus)

She let out a sigh and took a quick and discreet glance at her partner and knew he was well aware of her frustrations despite her calm demeanor but was being considerate enough to not point it out.

(Hmph… honestly, would secrets even exists between the two of us when we can read each other so well? Now, I wonder what a battle with the both of us on the same side would play out?)

She huffed at the thought, able to dispel her irritation with the amusement she felt. She wasn't able to do anything when the combined forces of the major powers in the world were pursuing them, Kamijou was able to manage by himself, but what would happen if the same occurred while she had her power?

(With our combined force, is there really anything in this world that can outright stop us?)

"So we really are in another one of those worlds. Similar to the ones you made for me."

She was broken out of her fantasy of world conquest by her partner's words. It had been phrased lightly and the word 'torture' was missing in that sentence.

Normal people would be feeling a sense of guilt for what she did to him and she honestly felt like she should but she was unable to feel such a thing when that infinite hell and torture she put him through was the foundation of their bond and understanding.

She had never apologized for what she did to him nor had he demanded one from her in the first place. It may have been something beyond what normal people can understand but she was confident that as far as the two of them are concerned, what had happened was in the past and there were no hidden grudges.

(I'll protect him. He's the one existence I need to protect at all costs.)

She's lost her world before and had spent more than a millennia trying to get it back. Now that she's found it again, she won't allow anything to happen to it.

(I'll use every bit of power I have if I need to...)

After working up her resolve to protect her one friend, she nodded once and proceeded to extend her hand towards Kamijou and gave him an expectant look.

The message she wanted to convey was plain and simple. She wanted him to pay for the ice cream.

Her partner took a moment to understand the look she was giving him and responded with an aggrieved look. It was a look that conveyed 'he was already running low and it'll get in the way of food budgets for the following days, so he's really unwilling to do it'.

She let out a sigh, shook her head slightly and gave her partner another look, one that said 'Stop worrying about such things, getting money will be easy so stop being stingy.'

Like a married couple, they silently argued back and forth, one trying to justify spending some money on weirdly priced ice cream while the other wanted to save money for future use like a responsible mother.

It took a couple of minutes but Kamijou ultimately relented due to the unstoppable will of magic god that wants to eat something sweet.

After successfully convincing her partner, she had obtained the money and smiled smugly and triumphantly while giving her order to the store clerk. The deep dejection in the reduction of their funds her partner was experiencing was only further accentuated by the store clerk who was clearly barely restraining her laughter from their little byplay.

(Hmmm…. Quite unique in texture. It seems like I've been missing out on some things. It'll be nice to try out the new experiences this world has to offer)

Having won the silent negotiations, she celebrated her victory by enjoying her exotic ice cream before continuing the conversation, noting the creamier and thicker texture of the ice cream in comparison to the others she's tasted.

"Yes, that should be the case right now. You've already personally confirmed that several details in this world is different from what you remember, furthermore there's the fact that the world we are in now doesn't even know of what I've done."

Despite Kamijou's current state they resumed the important discussion.

"Yeah… There weren't even any signs of Gremlin…"

It was one of the first things they were able to confirm. The world wasn't on high alert, there was no combined force trying to hunt down Othinus, and there wasn't even any news pertaining to any trouble in Tokyo despite the destruction that had occurred during the creation of Gugnir.

In fact whether it was Radiosonde Castle, the volcanic eruption in Hawaii, Baggage City, or the struggle for Fraulein Kreutune, no traces could be found that such large incidents had occurred in anyway.

As far as this world was concerned, no organization such as Gremlin or Magic God Othinus had ever even existed.

(The implications of that one detail alone is frightening)

"I'm at least certain that the members of Gremlin should exist. I've met some of them before I created Gremlin so I have means of contacting them if necessary. However right now we don't know what we're dealing with so we can't act rashly. At the very least our enemy, assuming he or she exists, is someone capable of escaping the senses of a magic god and actively interfering with their power."

She could see Kamijou grimaced at the thought of an enemy that even a magic god like her couldn't perceive. If there exists and enemy beyond even a Magic God then even she honestly had no idea what kind trouble they'll have to deal with.

"Well right now we need to be careful, at least until we understand enough that using my power as a magic god wouldn't create any negative and lasting effects on the world."

The problem of having far too much power was the fact that even the slightest mistake could lead to extreme consequences. Both of them were taking careful steps so they've yet to turn to the use of Othinus' power as magic god until they've gotten a good and proper grasp of their situation.

(Once we determine the cause I can work on restoring the world using imagine breaker. Though without Gugnir or even the fairy spell however, I wouldn't have perfect control…)

"Is it fine that we're talking about all this in the open?"

"There shouldn't be any problem. Any normal person unrelated to either of us would simply ignore it, anyone who actually takes interest is a suspect that we can draw information out of."

"Then I guess—"

Without warning the store clerk that had been serving them had dropped everything she was holding and evacuated the area. Everyone within the store seemed to follow.

"… a people clearing field?"

Her partner commented as he was finishing his chocolate ice cream. She responded while trying to finish her own.

"A rather strong one at that. Looks like we have our suspect."

A people clearing field was usually something that took effect over a length of time, diverting the flow of people away from a certain area and compelling people already in the area to feel discomfort and leave. Seeing as she hadn't detected some magical activity then the spell used to create the field was powerful enough to take an immediate effect, one similar to an orderly emergency evacuation of an area.

"I don't know who's targeting us but at least they have no intention of involving random bystanders"

"That or they're trying to conceal their actions. Either way, we'll need to take the opponent down and have them answer some questions."

Despite an impending attack from their enemy, they had remained calm though Kamijou seemed to be worrying about his misfortune kicking in soon enough.

They finished their food and moved out of the store, walking towards the nearest open space.

=== Stranded Together===

"The target and his companion are approaching the plaza. ETA is in 5 minutes"

She heard her assistant's, Mark Space, report through her phone. Though it was often useful to use magic as a means of communicating to prevent electronic interference and wiretapping, she found it too troublesome for the current situation and went with mundane methods.

"Good work. I've been raring to get that idiot for a while now. Who the heck does he think he is? Disappearing on me like that… not even bothering to call. Well It looks like I'll finally get some closure for what had happened. Keep tracking the target, I'll be preparing for an explosive opening attack… well, something like that won't be enough to hurt the idiot but he needs to understand that I won't be playing around."

She stood up from the bench and checked her armaments. The tarot deck that holds the cards of the major arcana, her flintlock pistol, and her symbolic weapon.

"Roger. Ah… it seems we have a few more people inside despite the field working in full power. What's our course of action?"

"Increase the output of the spell. If that doesn't work, let them be. Anyone capable of ignoring the effects at such a level are probably aware of the situation, it's highly unlikely that they'll interfere. In the case that they're not, then they'll simply suffer the punishment of being foolish enough to stay in a field of battle."

There were a good amount of people that could be targeting them during the confusion but anyone with a hint of competence wouldn't be stupid enough to make an enemy out of the boss of one of the most prominent magical cabals in the world or Imagine Breaker.

Kamijou Touma may not be aware of it but he had connections to nearly every major power in the world and a good amount of them were willing to take action if he was ever truly put in harm's way. She and her cabal happened to be a good example of that.

"Has there been any information about the companion he has?"

They had been trying hard to obtain any information on the blonde girl that had been seen with their target. It didn't take a genius to guess that the blonde girl wearing the insanely revealing outfit was a magician.

Fashion wasn't quite as important in the world of magic unless it was being used to invoke a concept or be used in someone's magic. In the blonde girl's case, it was likely that both were true.

"None. There are currently no records of her abilities or even her identity."

"So a complete unknown? I can understand information being well hidden and guarded, but information being completely absent is quite a feat."

She tapped her feet on the ground as she tried to understand the implications of such a thing. It was next to impossible to erase every single trace of information existing about someone in the modern world. One way or another, you'd leave behind a trail that can be followed, be it reports on sightings or receipts when buying something.

"Keep investigating. At least she won't be a dangerous existence if the idiot is calmly and casually spending his time with her… though she is a possible threat in a completely different matter…"

It was likely that the girl with Kamijou was simply another person he saved and had been the cause of his disappearance. Actually, it was the only conclusion that could be made about the girl.

"Target is nearing the plaza. ETA is 1 minute"

"Guess it's time. Give me their exact coordinates."

She walked to the center of the plaza and kept an eye on the direction they were expected to enter. She raised her hand and prepared for an attack.

"It's show time"

The next second, the whole area was covered with explosions.

=== Stranded Together===


She fell to the ground from the sudden explosion. She had been struggling to find Kamijou Touma, having found his dorm room empty and not a single one of his classmates knowing where he was.

She had been about to give up when she had spotted her target walking with a beautiful blonde foreigner wearing what could only be described as a witch in a fetishistic ribbon bikini.

She had to rub her eyes a few times to make sure she wasn't delusional but the blonde girl with Kamijou really was wearing such a revealing thing.

The fact that there was someone willing to wear such a thing in public worried her greatly. The fact that Kamijou seemed to be completely at ease despite his companion's state of dress worried her even more.

She found it odd that no one else seemed to think the blonde foreigner was out of place despite her attire but she had no time to consider the implications.

"Exactly what kind of company did does Kamijou-chan keep?! Is this it?! Is that girl the reason why Kamijou-chan has gone astray?!"


"Wahhhh, waaaahhhh!?"

Another explosion occurred. Anti-skill didn't seem to have taken action.

In fact, she suddenly felt like the area was strangely devoid of people.

She felt a strange need to leave the area earlier for some reason but had been able to ignore the thought due to her worry for her Kamijou-chan.

"W-Waiiiiiit! Kamijou-chan is in there!"

Without even hesitating, she had bravely charged into the heart of the scene.


=== Stranded Together===

The two of them were greeted with an explosive welcome and a scene of devastation.

(That technique… well if its Birdway then there's at least there's hope of resolving this without some kind of epic magical battle)

"You know, I'm feeling a bit inadequate here. I know full well that my 'Summoned Explosion' couldn't really do much against you but I was at least sure it would get you riled up…. Exactly when had you learned to stay calm in the face of an overwhelming attack? You're making me lose confidence here you know."

It was a warm and casual greeting.

The figure that stood in the center of the plaza was a young blonde girl, dressed in a chic white dress and black stockings. Her words, actions, and calm demeanor completely betrayed her young appearance.

Her name was Leivinia Birdway, the young boss of the magic cabal called the Dawn-colored Sunlight.

"You disappeared for a quite a bit you know? Do you have any idea how worried I was? Not a single trace of you could be found no matter how much we tried to search… exactly where had you been and what had you being doing since then?"

(Was she… always this open with me? No wait, she's being friendly but she's ready for a fight at any moment. I can dispel her explosions and magic but that flintlock pistol will be trouble…)

She continued her questions, never moving from her spot while he and Othinus approached. It was clear how badly worried she was and she didn't bother to hide it. Despite that however, she was poised to draw her pistol or transform her wand at any time.

The two of them stopped a few meters away from Birdway before he responded.

"Well a lot of things happened… any chance we can just talk this out?"

(She's reasonable, far more so than most people I know. She wouldn't just man an attack without any proper justification. I need to know what the reason for her action is first)

"That would've been the case normally. There's probably a legitimate reason why you disappeared and fell off everyone's radar. It probably involved saving someone and resolving some kind of conflict, that's the way you are after all…"

Birdway had an uncharacteristically happy and gentle smile as she described Kamijou's most endearing and yet most troublesome aspect. The look of relief she had upon seeing him up close actually disturbed him a bit.

(… No, there's something off here. There's definitely something out of place. We're friends yes, but she wasn't the type to smile like that at me)

He was completely on guard due to the lack of hostility being directed towards him. In fact he was slightly disturbed that Birdway was being so honest with him.

Birdway then sent a glare towards Othinus thought the magic god responded with a bored expression.

"Honestly, I was truly relieved when I heard you came back… but mind telling me who this one is?"

Birdway's voice went from warm to frigid as she addressed Othinus. She didn't bother to hide her hostility.

His brain went into overdrive thinking of their current situation.

(Alright, alright Kamijou Touma. We are clearly in a very delicate situation here. It doesn't look like she knows Othinus at all since she hasn't prepared anything to take her on… but why is she so openly hostile towards her? The wrong answer here might lead to the worst possible outcome so let's play it safe and just introduce her.)

He, despite what most people believed, was actually receptive to the moods of the females around him. He failed to understand the cause but he at least knew when something was clearly wrong and that his words could very well incite the worst case scenario.

"W-well this is Othinus…"

He nervously introduced the magic god, getting proper confirmation on the fact that even Birdway had no idea who Othinus was despite the fact that she was one of the few that had actually seen the magic god in person.

"… and this Othinus girl you have with you was someone you had saved recently?"

He didn't really like were the direction of the conversation was going. He was only grateful that Othinus was letting him do the talking instead of taking action.

Not knowing what to say in the current situation, he simply responded honestly.


"I see, I see… so why is this Othinus person still with you if had already resolved whatever trouble she had?"

Birdway had started tapping her foot on the ground. Othinus had her hands on her hips and was participating in an epic staring battle with her.

A battle with the two girls in question could easily level the whole city.

(Okay… looks like I'll need to be really careful here now. She's getting impatient but lying right now would be easily seen through so I just need to answer honestly and be vague)

"Well she didn't have anywhere to go afterwards and we're kind dealing with something as well…"

Birdway answered nodded quickly, having already predicted each of his responses. When she had shown a bright and kind smile right afterwards was when he had realized something.

(No, those were leading questions. She already knew every answer I had… that means the real questions is about to be brought up. Alright Birdway, ask away! This Kamijou Touma had already levelled up from a massive amount of grinding hell mode!)

He prepared himself, already trying to imagine the type of questions Birdway would ask, formulating possible answers in his head. He was determined to end this on a peaceful note and he was at least relatively confident that he would succeed.

"I understand…. Yes, that's completely reasonable. So… any reason why you hadn't bothered to ask for my help or at least inform me? As your fiancé, I think I at least have the right to be informed hmmm?"

"Eh… like I said, a lot happened and we didn't have enough ti- Eh….?"

At that moment, he felt like a nuclear bomb was dropped on him.

He had to take several deep breaths before he could even start thinking coherently again.

(Wait, Back up, rewind, reveeeeerse! There was a very weird word in that question! She misspoke… no… I probably just somehow misheard! Please let that be the case!)

Time seemed to frozen as silence prevailed in the area. It seemed it only takes 3 words to completely put the existence called Kamijou Touma in complete disarray.

There silence seemed to be going on for an eternity. He even felt like there were hundreds of eyes currently looking at him, silently judging, some indignant, while others were supportive, yet he felt like he had been dealt with a situation far beyond what his experience could help him adapt to easily.

"W-w-w-what was that? Did you just say…"

Kamijou stammered, hoping to whatever deity watching over him that he simply misheard. He wanted to properly clarify Birdway's words.

The genuine look of worry and confusion on Birdway's face as she witnessed his flustered response pretty much told him that hoping was utterly idiotic.

"Exactly why are you so flustered? Have you so conveniently forgotten our engagement? I can get you being too pre-occupied with your usual antics but forgetting your own fiancé is a bit much isn't it?"

Having heard Birdway talk about their apparent engagement had dashed any hope of mishearing. The fact that Othinus had broken off the staring contest with Birdway to give him a disgusted look wasn't helping at all.

(Engagement!? She's my fiancé?!)

He was barely holding himself together from the shocking plot twist that had just occurred but he held on to coherent thought. The words were barely even sinking into his brain.

It was the magic god's words that struck the figurative wooden stake right into his fragile heart.

"You understand that's a crime regardless of who you ask? I'm quite sure this girl is genuinely underage instead of only appearing like it."

"W-wait, I don't know anything about this! I don't get what's happening here eitheeeeer!"

He attempted to defend himself. He held up his hands, trying to clearly convey that he was in fact not engaged with a twelve year old girl. The maturity and power Birdway had weren't enough to justify or make up for the fact that he would be treated as a real life lolicon.

The fact that there were people who already viewed him as such from his usual company wasn't known to him.

Ignorance was certainly bliss.

(This doesn't even make seeeeense. What kind of world would even have events that would lead to this kind of relationship?!)

"… You… don't know anything about it? No… from how you phrase it, it seems that to you, the fact that we're engaged or the events that led up to it had never happened…"

Though most girls would justifiably be furious in the face of the fact that their fiancé had completely forgotten about their engagement, Birdway on the other had reacted differently. There was no angry shouting or throwing of random objects, there was imply silence.

Birdway closed her eyes and assumed a thinking pose, trying to consider every possibility.

When she opened her eyes, she looked at Kamijou with a piercing stare, like she was searching the very depths of his soul.

"I see… it's definite that you don't remember. If so you would've reacted differently. Your current actions, your body language while in my presence, is completely different from normal. In fact, it's largely similar to when we weren't intimate with each other…"

(I-I-intimate!? W-w-w-w-hat intimacy is that?! How did it happen?! Was a love letter involved? There was a love letter involved wasn't there?! I hope a bunny or nurse outfit didn't come into play or I'll definitely be treated as a criminal!)

The last word in her statement made Kamijou flinch and Othinus' judging glare at him to intensify. He was already in full panic mode and was finding it difficult to calm down.

"Yes… it's likely that you don't remember anything that has happened between us. Which would explain your actions. However you have no physical injuries to speak off and your immunity to magic means no healing spell can ever really work. Any head trauma or injury capable of inducing memory loss to that extent should be serious enough to admit you to a hospital… but there are no known records here in academy city, the only place that can properly treat you."

The calm way she analyzed the possible causes of Kamijou's inability to remember their engagement spoke volumes of how much this version of Birdway knew him. She understood that he was neither the type that casually philandered nor was he the type to lie about such things.

"Though your right hand can dispel even the miracles of god, it isn't something that can grant complete and absolute immunity to magic. Yes, it isn't like you're completely immune to mental attacks of magical nature. So I understand what had happened now…."

Birdway drew her symbolic weapon, currently taking the form of a wand and pointed it towards Othinus.

(T-this is bad. This chain of events will definitely need to some kind of weird tragedy!)

"A magic that induces selective memory is likely in play here. That or something that tricks you into believing something as the truth, similar to the likes of the Document of Constantine."

The anger Birdway was concealing as she slowly came to her conclusion had become apparent. This version of Birdway was truly treating Kamijou as a precious and important existence that she could call her fiancé.

"The logical conclusion is that this stripper over here had done something to you or is at least related to what had happened. Step aside Touma, I need to have a good, long talk with that stripper friend of yours"

Birdway had no means of knowing the facts. She had no idea about Gremlin, Othinus, and the things that have taken place nor was she aware that she was in some kind of alternate world. She had reached a perfectly reasonable conclusion given the facts she could confirm and validate.

That's why Kamijou couldn't readily stop her.

"Utter a single spell and I will end you. Make no mistake here child, the only reason I haven't bothered taking you down is because he treats you as a comrade. That is the only reason. Don't try your luck. Such a thing has no meaning against a god."

Othinus on the other hand, had no such reservations. She didn't even hesitate to exert pressure through a display of her power as a magic god.

(Othi-chaaaan, magic god-samaaaa, please don't make this situation any woooooorse!)

Unfotuntately for him, it seemed that Othinus wasn't willing to simply let Birdway keep talking.

To Birdway's credit, she remained calm in spite of the absurd pressure her body was being subjected too.

"A god? That's quite the arrogance you have there. Tell me, if you truly were a god, what trouble would you encounter that would make my fiance's intervention?"

"Problems beyond your comprehension of course. A child like you wouldn't understand such complex things."

"Heh, you've been calling me a child but you aren't much better. At least I have the decency and common sense to actually wear proper clothing. I wonder, how much you charge for special services?"

"Oh I'm far older than you and I'll have you know my clothing holds meaning. Though my body is certainly youthful, I'm at least more developed. Are you sure the two of you really are engaged? That body of yours isn't exactly his type you know."

"What was that you damn stripper?!"

"You heard me brat, if you want to get beaten so badly then I'll oblige."

"W-wait, let's all just calm down here…"

The verbal spar was volatile on many levels. Kamijou was racking his brains for any way to stop the most dangerous cat fight the world could witness but his words were completely ignored.

An epic magical battle was pretty much unavoidable at this point.

He needed a distraction, something that could help divert everyone's attention long enough for him to dispel their hostility.

Without knowing it however, he was already making it even worse.

"Touma, know that I love you but… why the hell are you protectively covering for her?!"

For the first time in the conversation, Birdway seemed to have actually lost her calmness and had shouted out while pointing her wand at him.

There were three words in that statement that made his heart do complex acrobatic maneuvers inside his chest. No normal teenage boy would be able to not have their heart beat when a beautiful girl would express their love without hesitation.

In his defense, it wasn't that he was favoring Othinus over Birdway in particular. It's just that he had still not properly adjusted to the fact that Othinus wasn't depowered or dying anymore. It was only recently when he had had to defend the magic god and had found Birdway in the opposite side of the battlefield.

"… I appreciate that you're not even hesitating to defend me but do remember that I'm at full power so if anyone's going to be doing the protecting, it'll be me. Stand down, you've already fought too many of my battles."

The relief and gratitude in Othinus' voice coupled with his momentary hesitation in moving from the spot that let him shield the magic god, as well as the look of worry he shot towards Othinus seemed to have been the final straw for Birdway.

"Y-you… hehehehehe…. You disappear without warning, you completely forget about my existence, and now you're happily flirting with this foreign stripper! Exactly how far are you going to test my patience?!"

"Wait, Birdway, at least let me properly explain-"


The mass buildup of telesma made both him and Othinus take action. However, at the very same moment, it seemed the misfortune that had been building up since he had awoken had finally bore fruit.

Right at the entrance they had taken to the plaza was a familiar figure. One he met up with often when he spent his semi-normal days in Academy City.

"Kamijou-chan?! I've finally found you! Where have you been?!"

She was a small girl, only 135 centimeters in height, baring cute pink hair and eyes. She looked like a child and acted like one but was an actual full grown adult that worked as his homeroom teacher.

She was Tsukiyomi Komoe and she was about to get caught up in a massive amount of magical explosions.






=== Stranded Together===

Author's corner:

The answer to the question of the mystery girl shown trying to find Kamijou from the last chapter waaaaas Komoe-sensei! Anyone that guessed that in their mind gets a free imaginary Othinus figma! It comes in any pose and in any costume you want her to wear, you pervert you!

Well okay, now for a quick answer to reviews posted last chapter. Sorry, will give better ones next time.

Answer to reviews:

Mad Random Writer: Thank you, it's been a typhoon of schoolwork and documents. Will update again really soon.

Mr. Self-Deprication: Seria(l) Kumokawa is a character I'm fond of and I'll probably even give her her own arc. Also, that name gives me a lot of ideas.

SilverIceRing: Apologies for the massive delays, I'll try for at least a monthly upload. I'm glad that I'm able to emulate the feel of the novels, hopefully I can keep it up. Will update again soon.

Naruhinasakufan1: As shown in this chapter, they are currently stranded together in an alternate world that was not made by Othinus.

Punitor567: It's been ages since I went back to that site and though I really want to confirm what you mean by that, I'm afraid going there would kill any and all productivity I currently posses.

Bacon Powder: Will-chan is also another one I'm fond off. She will definitely get her own arc for this fic.

Chapter Discussion:

Well I'll keep this one short as well...

An Othinus viewpoint was shown here, something I want to use as a contrast to Touma's. I want to establish her gradual adjustment and her current stance on the world. Her perspective as a magic god functioning as a human being will be highlighted and changes within her mindset as well as the thoughts and emotions she has will be used to slowly build and establish my interpretation of canon Othinus.

I wonder if you were blindsided by the sudden fiance card being played? The best part of having a premise where alternate worlds are explored is that I can pull shit like this and get away with it without having the characters involved called out for being completely OOC.

As to why Birdway was chosen for this development... well Birdway is my second fav female character in Toaruverse, the first being Othinus. In fact I liked her so much that there's actually an old fanfic in my archives that was written way back wherein she served as the main heroine...

Well anyway, if you asked how far I'll be abusing this alternate world premise to bring out developments like this then allow me to answer that...

Ahahaha, believe me, there's a helluva a lot more of that shit to come.

So what did you think of this chapter? Was there anything you felt was off? Was there a particular detail you want to address? Did Komoe-sensei being the mysterious girl shown in the former chapter come to mind before reading this? Did you feel like the development shown in this chapter was too forced or stiff? Did you hate that cliffhanger back there? What costume did your imaginary Othinus figma wear?

If you have any comments, suggestions, or constructive criticism, please feel free to leave a review.

Ahh well time to get back to doing some take home plates so I'll be taking off for now.