Epilogueish, last chapter sorta thing, brought to you by DarkDragon. Say, "thank you, DarkDragon." Good readers! Anyway, I guess this ending is sort of optional, 'cause I'm sorta partial towards leaving this fic as it was, but happy endings are always nice, ne? So do as you will. ^^

DISCLAIMER: One last time, everybody, let's hear it! SHADOWTIDE OWNS G GUNDAM…ONLY IN HER DREAMS.

Mobile Fighter G Gundam: Anonymous

Chapter XX: The End of the Beginning

Six moths passed relatively smoothly, all things considered. Chibodee went into mega-depression mode for the first few weeks after Gina's death. Eventually he had gotten over it enough to go on with his life, but his thoughts were always filled with a certain brown haired Neo-Mexican. After the fight, his girls and he had had to explain everything to the other Shuffles since the beginning, and it had been a rather long tale.

Rye had stayed with Chibodee and his girls for a while, but then decided to go see the world with his newfound fortune. He had placed sixth in the tournament. "I deserve it," Rye had proclaimed one day and left the next for Neo-France. And despite protests of "But you're too annoying to come," and "Why would I want my stupid kid brother with me?", Rye had let his brother come along. "There goes my fortune," Rye had said good-naturedly. "Spent on that never-ending stomach!"

Chico disappeared to who-knows-where, along with Tio. Shin Fi Ku had reclaimed his title from the closet Bo found him in, and now they were training together.

After that fateful day in the Gundam fight, Domon and Chibodee had become better friends…well, it's not fair to say that it was only Chibodee and Domon that got closer. Chibodee got closer with all of the Shuffles, really. He had opened up a little to them all…though getting anything out of Argo in response had been a challenge.

George had married Marie-Louise the third month after Gina's death. Chibodee had just come out of his depression, and he was very jovial at the wedding and party. It was odd though…it seemed as though someone had spiked the drinks… I won't go into details.

In the fifth month after Gina's death, Argo had done something unexpected. He had proposed to Nastasha. Unfortunately, that only took four words, and Chibodee's and Sai's new mission was to get something out of him longer than ten words. Hopefully the vows would be longer…

It had now entered the sixth month. In two weeks was the scheduled day for Argo's wedding. I guess I should start with tonight…or this morning as it would be…


"Chibodee…Wait for me, and I'll come to you…just wait a little longer, querido…"

Chibodee's eyes shot open, and then closed slowly as the fighter emitted a low groan. The same dream. The same exact dream of Gina. He had been having it for over a month now. He turned on his side, hoping to get some more sleep. Unfortunately, that was not to be as Shirley came in.

"Chibodee, you have to get up now. It's past noon!" she admonished as she opened the blinds. Sunlight streamed down on the fighter.

"Go 'way," he muttered half-heartedly. Chibodee was never one for early rises, especially not now. Usually his schedule consisted of drinking himself to sleep the night before, which meant he was up well past midnight and slept well past noon.

"Honestly, Chibodee," Shirley said. "You have to get out of this habit. It's unhealthy!"

"Can't help it," Chibodee mumbled, knowing she was talking about his drinking habits. "'S the only thing that'll get me to sleep these days."

"I know, but…" Shirley sighed and didn't go on. Everyone knew how hard Gina's death had been on him, and that was proved by the fact that he still couldn't get over her, six months later. Shirley shook her head and left the room. Chibodee watched her leave with a half-open eye. He knew he was worrying everyone, especially his crew. And on one level he knew this attachment to Gina was foolish, if not downright stupid. She's dead, nothing I can do about it now, he thought sadly. He yawned, stretched, and got up. Maybe this day would be different. Chibodee snorted. Yeah, right, and pigs'll fly. He refreshed himself and dressed in his usual garb. Sticking his hands in his pockets dejectedly, he trudged down the stairs for his usual brunch of a ham-and-eggs sandwich.

He was halfway through the sandwich when the doorbell rang. Mumbling something about rude visitors who came much too early—though any normal person would be up and about by now—he got the door. Opening the door, he peered out (and saw a pig fly…not). "Yeah?" he asked brusquely. He didn't want to be interrupted since he had an important event planned for the afternoon—shopping with the girls. His mind thinking ahead, he completely forgot about the young woman of eighteen or nineteen standing in front of him.

The girl though, she was staring at him as if she was ready to throw herself on him. "Chibodee?"

Chibodee looked at her again. "Yeah?" he repeated.

"It's been so long…" she whispered. Something about those eyes of hers reminded him of someone, but he couldn't quite remember who. "So long since then, and yet it's only been six months…"

Now Chibodee was really interested. He hadn't remembered meeting a woman six months ago that looked like her. She had short, wavy brown hair that had one hairpin in the right side. The other side was pushed behind an ear. She wore a hot pink tube top with black shorts. "So long…" she repeated for the umpteenth time. "Since you were my querido." Something inside of Chibodee clicked and he stared at the girl in astonishment and disbelief. He knew those eyes now. Those were Gina's eyes.

"Oh dear God," Chibodee whispered. "Gina…"

There was a long silence. Then Gina really did throw herself onto Chibodee, who held her tightly, afraid, almost, to let go. "Chibodee…I've missed you so much!"

"Gina…but how…?" Chibodee asked. Gina looked up at him with crystal clear blue eyes, and Chibodee couldn't think. All he knew was that he had her back. He had Gina.
