If you're new to to me, read my COMPLETED story (Harry Potter), Temptation.

So, to all you Supernatural fans, here is a story about my favorite boys in the world.

P.S. I was scared to write this story because the Supernatural Fandom is FUCKING SCARY AS SHIT. Please, do not hate me so much if I get something wrong. I will legit cry or blow up on you. I'm trying my best. I accept criticism reviews but pure flame will be deleted.

Thank you and Enjoy The Ride! Sorry it's short but chapter's will not be long until about chapter six or so.

This takes in Season 8 by the way.

Chapter One

The Gift Giver

April 3rd, 2013 - Somewhere in the Woods, Maine

Dean watched anxiously as pain spread across Sam's face.

Damn it. These trials are killing him! The words repeated in his head like a mantra. He could see it clearly, with the coughing, bloody tissues, and fatigue wearing him down.

They had just rescued Bobby's soul from Hell and transferred it to Heaven where it rightfully belonged. Though he loved that Bobby was set free, he hated that Sam had to experience Purgatory, even if it was just for a couple of hours or more.

He had been there for a year and it still gave him the creeps here months later.

"Up we go, Sammy." He said quietly in Sam's ear as he lifted him of the ground, with some difficulty, after the trial's effects had spread through Sam. Dean grunted in effort but refused to let him go.

Together, they made their way to the Impala, which rested about less than a quarter of a mile away. Step after weary step, it began to grow very difficult to carry Sam to the Impala.

With a grunt, he laid his brother's body against a tree trunk.

"God, Sam. What have you been eating, bro? Rocks?" He joked lightly with Sam but grew concerned once Sam didn't answer him.

"Sam? Sammy?" He lifted his brother's head, which had been laying against his chest, and checked him over. He seemed to be in perfect condition but the blood coming out of his mouth slowly was a different story.

"SAMMY?" He shook his brother twice, hard. His brother just flopped like a fish, his limps seeming to have no bones.

Cas, you son of a bitch, Dean ranted in his head, You get here and you fix Sam. RIGHT NOW! I refuse to lose my brother to these damn trials. Closing the Gates of Hell or not, I need my brother more than anything!

Dean's little rant got him no where. Castiel was seen no where. He prayed to almost every angel he knew but no one showed. He tried just praying to all of the angels but apparently, everyone was done with them.

"No! You don't just get to use us like toys and then throw us out whenever you're done with us! We will not be used like that! One of you son's of bitches better come down here and fix Sam right now or I swear to God that I will kill everyone of you. Friend or foe, you will fall if Sam is not fixed!"

And it seemed like hours after that moment before a white enveloped both Sam and Dean.

"Wha?" Dean muttered stupidly. A woman dressed in a loose, sky-blue dress that went to the floor stood in front of him.

"Dean Winchester." The woman said, smiling down at him.

"That's my name." He muttered quietly. "Who're you, lady?"

The smile never slipped off of her face. If anything, it seemed to get bigger.

"I am Fate. Well, one of the sisters that make up Fate. I'm the nicer, and less strict sister." The woman said, her tone light and gentle. She continued.

"Some people call me the Donum Vivificantem. It's Latin for 'Gift Giver'. I grant people their deepest desires if your desire is reasonable. And you, Dean Winchester, your desire is for your brother to be safe and not to have gone through what he had to. And that, it one of the purest desires I have ever seen. So, here's my offer. I'll give you two, Sam included, one year in a world where people don't know who you are, you're not on the run. Yet, you will still have the same job. Sam will not be there with you. Sam will be in college. He won't know you exist at all. Are you ready to give up everything for your brother?"

Dean thought long and hard about what this could mean. People wouldn't know who he was and he won't be on the run anymore. Well, not at the moment. Sam will be normal. Sam will be safe. Sam will be safe. And that's all that mattered to him. Sam's well-being was the most important.

"Yes. I'm ready." He stated, with his head held in the air high.

"So be it, Dean Winchester. I will warn you, people only don't about you because you're dead in this world. You died at the age of 3, of a house fire, while your parent and little Sammy survived. The YED never went after Sam. Beware, if you meet your parents, you will have to face them and tell them the truth. About everything. Are you ready for that?"

Dean didn't even need to be asked.

"Yes. I'm ready. Just, take us to this other world so Sam can be safe." He said, whispering urgently.

"It's really unbelievable what you would do for you brother." Fate smiled at him sadly then stepped back. Her whole body lit up like a Christmas Tree and her eyes glowed a sky-blue. She whispered something and with that, his world went black and he didn't feel the ground underneath of him anymore.

So, first Supernatural fanfiction. How's it going by the way?

So, if you want, please leave a review about how the story is and what you want to happen. Like what kind of monsters that Dean has to fight solo, and what you want to happen if Dean and his parents meet.

Thanks for reading this chapter and I will see you guys on the flipside!

