I wonder if it's actually possible to die of embarrassment. I certainly feel like I might be dying, but then again, being held by arms like these tend to give one that feeling.

But wait.

Let's back up a little.

It started on Valentine's day. Well, no, that's probably giving you the wrong impression. It didn't start like that. It might end like that but that's definitely not how it started. Valentine's day also the start of the new term here at Glader High. Local public school and bullying extravaganza. Yeah, my school has a pretty bad rep. It's not wrong either. I'd testify to that. I'd be the first one. Maybe that's why they did it. To inspire some sensitivity into the neanderthals here. Because obviously if we can dance, we can also all hold each other's hands and sing Kumbaya.

So that's how it happened.

That's why at the start of term we were told, "hey you're all gonna become prima ballerinas".


So this is the story of how I learned to dance. No, this isn't going to be a love story. Okay well, maybe it will be. But not for a while. On the other end of it, I can sure say it could seem that way. But it's more the story of how I learned to be happy. How I learned to let go of my fears and make some friends. And yes, a little love along the way helped.

This is the story of how I learned to dance.