Okay, this story popped into my head during the Christmas holiday. It takes place after "The Hole In the Heart" and is three chapters long.

A/N: Movie Quote: "I see dead people." – Cole Sear (Haley Joel Osment), 'The Sixth Sense'

I definitely don't own Bones.


Standing next to Hodgins, Booth looked at the three bodies scattered around the yard and said, "I see dead people."

Turning, Hodgins sniggered, "Dude, you did not say that."

Shrugging his shoulders, Booth tried to keep a straight face, "Well, I have a kind of sixth sense about these things."

Guffawing, Hodgins slapped Booth's shoulder, "Come on man quit trying to make me laugh. If Cam was here she'd have my balls in a sling. You know we have to maintain some decorum at crime scenes. . . . What's got into you lately? You never act like this at crime scenes. You're usually dead serious."

Staring at his partner, squatting next to a rather ripe body, Booth smiled, "I got an offer I can't refuse."

His gaze turning towards Brennan, Hodgins frowned, "I don't understand."

Sighing, Booth pulled his note cards out of his pocket and replied, "That's okay. I do." Moving closer to his partner Booth looked down at the body and frowned, "Cause of death?"

Staring intently at the victim, Brennan responded, "It would appear that the victim died of a single gunshot to the back of the head."

Making a note on a card, Booth glanced around the alley, "So execution style. Probably gang related. All of the victims appear to be wearing gang colors."

"I'd rather not assume, Booth." Glancing at Booth, Brennan smiled, "You know what happens when you assume something."

Amused, Booth feigned ignorance, "No I don't. What happens?"

Moving her gaze back towards the body, Brennan smirked, "It makes an ass out of you and me."

Guffawing, Booth pointed his pen at his partner, "Hey, good one, Bones. Pretty good."

Puzzled, Hodgins stared at Brennan and then at Booth, "What's going on?"

Pocketing his cards, Booth turned to look at the entomologist, "What do ya mean?"

Shaking his head, Hodgins replied, "You're both making jokes over a dead body. You two don't really do that."

"Sure we do, well once in a while." Glaring at Hodgins, Booth insisted, "Bones and I have a sense of humor."

Holding up his hands in an defensive manner, Hodgins shook his head, "Okay . . . I . . . okay." Squatting down, he collected several larvae and placed them in a container, "It just seems like you two have been . . . different the last few days." Concerned, Jack looked at Brennan, "Have you two been fighting?"

Exasperated, Brennan looked at her friend, "No, Booth and I have not been fighting. How can you assume we've been fighting after observing our friendly demeanor? You're not very good at reading body language or the nuances of speech if you think Booth and I have been fighting with each other."

Shaking his head, Hodgins continued to collect bugs from the victim, "It just seems like you two are . . . I don't know . . . never mind, my mistake."

Staring at Hodgins, Booth bit his lower lip. Glancing at Brennan he noticed her staring at him. Smiling, he winked at her and motioned for her to continue examining the body, "I thought you were funny Bones even if Bug Boy didn't."

Pleased, Brennan returned her attention to the victim.

Confused, Hodgins observed Booth and Brennan while they were at the crime scene. Certain that something was going on between the partners, Hodgins decided to talk to his wife as soon as he could. Maybe she knows what the hell is going on.


Sliding into the SUV, Brennan turned and placed her hand on his arm, "Booth, you aren't really seeing dead people are you?"

Confused Booth turned his body towards his partner and shook his head, "What?"

Concerned, Brennan asked, "You said you saw dead people a little while ago. It appeared to be a joke, but I wasn't sure since I didn't understand it. I just want to make sure it was a joke. Of course you were pointing at the victims and that may have been what you meant but then I started to think you really were seeing dead people like you have in the past when you saw Teddy Parker and . . . "

Shaking his head, Booth placed his hand on Brennan's hand, "Bones, stop . . . just . . . stop. I'm fine. It was a joke. I was referencing the movie "The Sixth Sense". We're going to have to rent that one so you can see it. I'm not really seeing dead people."

Feeling a little weak, Brennan leaned her head against his shoulder, "Thank God . . . I mean that rhetorically of course. I was afraid that . . ." Straightening up, Brennan kissed him, "I'm sorry. You know I don't always understand your jokes or even if you are joking and well, I just wanted to make sure. We've just . . ."

Moving his hand behind her neck, Booth leaned his head against her forehead, "Hey, it's okay. I'm not going to drop dead and leave you, okay. I'm not sick. I just couldn't help it, I had to crack some jokes. I'm so happy right now and I want to shout out to the world why. I've never been so happy. I love you, Bones and I want the world to know it."

Feeling a little tearful, Brennan swallowed, "You make me happy too, Booth. I just want this to be ours for a while. This is new to me and I don't want anyone to interfere in our business. Once everyone knows then the FBI may change our partnership status. I'd like to hold off for as long as possible. This is ours and I love the idea that no one knows but us."

Kissing her, Booth released his hand from her neck, "I know Bones. Right now there isn't any pressure. We can take our time and adjust to being a couple without anyone messing with us and I like that. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone until you're ready, but I have to warn you, I can't control how happy I am. Sometimes I think I'm going to bust holding in all this happiness."

Pecking his lips, Brennan leaned back and looked around. Not seeing anyone paying attention to them, Brennan smiled, "I'm happy too. . . . I'm glad you liked my joke."

Patting her knee, Booth winked at her, "It was very good, Bones. A really good joke."

Pleased, Brennan admitted, "I didn't make it up. I had a teacher tell me that joke when I was in the seventh grade."

Nodding his head, Booth started his truck, "Well, it doesn't matter who invented it. I liked it."


That evening, Hodgins was sitting on the couch, massaging his wife's swollen ankles and feet when he remarked, "Booth and Brennan are acting weird. I think they've been fighting and they're trying to make up."

Using the remote to turn down the sound on the TV, Angela asked, "What makes you think that?"

Kneading the soles of her feet, Hodgins confided in her, "Well, they were telling really lame jokes at the crime scene and you know they don't do that. Booth hates for people to laugh at crime scenes but he did it this afternoon and when Brennan told a really old joke, Booth laughed at it and complimented her. I know good and well he's heard it before but he acted like Brennan had made it up on the spot. It was weird."

Thinking about it, Angela shook her head, "Maybe. You know their relationship is . . ." Stopping, Angela pulled her lips between her teeth.

Suspicious, Hodgins stopped his hands, "What about their relationship? Has something happened between those two that I don't know about?" Watching Angela squirm a little, he leaned back, "Oh my God, they didn't . . . they did? . . . and you didn't tell me?"

Her eyes imploring her husband, Angela begged, "Jack, please don't tell anyone. This is important. I'm surprised that I even know but Bren was so happy and she just couldn't keep it a secret. I mean, it happened the night Vincent died. Don't get me wrong, she was sad that Vincent was dead but she was just so happy at the same time and she just couldn't hold it in. She told me and believe me I was just as shocked as you are now."

Avidly staring at her, Hodgins urged her, "Come on now, you have to tell me how it happened. I mean, wow."

Moving her feet from his lap, Angela sat up and clasped her hands together, "Well, you know how upset Brennan and Booth were when Vincent was killed? I mean he died right in front of them. It was just awful."

Nodding his head slowly, Hodgins licked his bottom lip, "God, how could I forget? We were all upset."

Exhaling slowly, Angela swallowed at the memory, "Booth was worried about Brennan's safety so he had her stay at his place. She was so upset because Vincent was her favorite intern and that night, I guess Booth consoled her and well they ended up in bed together consoling each other . . . you know, like we did."

Stunned, Hodgins' eyes grew large in wonder, "Oh my God! I can't believe those two finally got their act together."

Leaning over, Angela placed her hand on his knee, "You can't tell anyone, Jack. I shouldn't have told you. They need this time to get used to each other as a couple and I don't want anyone interfering. Do you understand? You can't tell anyone."

Laughing, Hodgins pulled her into his arms, "Oh please. This kind of a secret is just too good to tell anyone else. I love just us knowing about it. It's just really juicy though. This is going to be fun."

"Jack!" Shaking her head, Angela admonished him, "They can't know you know. They need to let us know when they're ready."

Snorting, Hodgins shook his head, "They won't know I know, believe me. This is just so damn good. They aren't really very good actors around each other so this is just so funny. I knew something was up I just didn't know what it was." Nodding his head, Hodgins patted Angela's leg, "Good for them."


Does this sound interesting? If you're interested in seeing more, let me know. Thank you.