"Remille"- speech

The rest of the week was a blur, but on Saturday Lelouch had managed to gain the trust of the Kozuki Resistance cell when he was able to rescue their founder Naoto from a military convoy that was transporting him to an abandoned stadium at the edge of the Tokyo Settlement. Apparently the Purists were going to execute him there and the stadium itself was avoided by most Britannian civilians since they though that the place was haunted. That being said, Lelouch had planned for it with minimal people helping him in mind and only Kallen, who was aware of him being Zero and sworn to secrecy, and the cell's previous leader Kaname Ohgi, who wasn't aware, had arrived to help him begin preparations for the rescue. He was aware that they wouldn't trust him, so he planned his introduction discreetly after learning that the Honorary Britannian arrested by the Purists had shifted the blame to Naoto Kozuki.

After the situation with the wine, Lelouch brought a change of his clothes down to the bathroom that Kallen was showering in and after he knocked, he was allowed to come inside and noticed that Kallen had drawn the curtain and covered herself. He then walked over to the counter and placed the clothes on it before he said, "Sorry, but these are mine. Shirley's spares are still being washed, Milly's spares are too large and Nina's spares are too small."

"It's alright. That was faster than I expected. Did you go to the boys' dorms?" Kallen said.

"No, and that's because I live here along with Nunnally. It would be difficult for her to move between the dorms and the main part of the campus and the Ashfords are old friends of my family, so they were kind enough to let us stay here. That being said, Q-1, I have important information for you."

A switch triggered inside Kallen's mind and she asked, "Are you Zero?"

"Yes. Anyways, the Purists announced earlier today that they had arrested an honorary Britannian that had injured Clovis, but once you're done showering we should find a TV and turn it to the local news. The Purists apparently made a new development in the investigation. I'm getting out of here now, so I'll wait for you outside until you're done."

Once Lelouch left the bathroom it took Kallen a good ten minutes to get the stink of alcohol off her body and the two students went to a meeting room where the other members were waiting and watching the news on a TV.

Interim-Viceroy Jeremiah Gottwald was on the screen as he said, "Today we have reached a new development in the investigation as to why Prince Clovis was injured. Our suspect Tohru Nanjo had apparently been ordered by captured terrorist Naoto Kozuki to kill Clovis and confessed to the crime. Obviously the assassin had failed, yet was able to kill the prince's advisors and get away. We only caught Nanjo when we pulled him in for grand theft auto. It has been decided that Naoto Kozuki shall be executed at 2300 hours on Saturday at the old football stadium and we hope that everyone, if they are unable to attend the event in person, will watch on television what we do with terrorists."

The broadcast then cut and Lelouch whispered to Kallen, "Today is Wednesday, so we have only a couple of days to prepare. Promise me that you won't reveal my identity to your comrades because I don't know how they'll react to a Britannian aiding them."

"My lips are sealed, but you'll eventually have to reveal your identity to them some day." Kallen whispered back.

Once Lelouch got back to his room, a green-haired girl who looked like she was seventeen years old and a blond young boy who looked like he was ten were waiting for him. The boy noticed that Lelouch had a dark look on his face and said, "Judging by the expression on your face right now, I assume that we have a situation on our hands."

"It's worse: the Purists plan to execute Naoto Kozuki on Saturday. I'll be planning with minimal personnel in mind to assist, but the only problem is getting those terrorists from earlier to help. I'll need a name that will be easy to remember because I've started up a plan and have a disguise already. I'll need to meet with the terrorists tomorrow, so any ideas on where to start things off?"

"The Emperor fears nothing, so how about Zero? All things come from zero and everything returns to zero after all, Lelouch."

"Interesting. Alright then, my alias shall be Zero. Now then, I should probably talk with Kallen tomorrow. V.V, just make sure to contact Rolo and tell him that the plan has been shifted forward to Phase Two. In the meantime, we really need to deal with that mind reader you abandoned, C.C. I do not want him to become an issue later on."

"Wait, how did you find out about Mao!?" C.C. asked.

"It doesn't take much to get information from V.V. since we both signed a contract to never lie with each other." Lelouch replied as his mind reflected on when he found the two immortals.

The Shinjuku Intro

Lelouch could not believe what the hell was going on. Apparently the brown-haired boy known as Rolo was pursuing the terrorists that had stolen poison gas from Clovis because Rolo thought that his master, a person known as V.V, was in trouble. That was after Rolo had entered the truck and almost stabbed Lelouch, only for the prince to dodge the knife and explain that he would be useful to V.V. That response wasn't what the boy was expecting and remarked that Lelouch was not a terrorist before leaving the truck as its side doors opened and the encounter with Suzaku occurred until the two containers inside the truck began to open. One of the containers held a green-haired girl wearing a prisoner's straightjacket while the other held a young boy with long blond hair.

"Suzaku, just tell the truth to me. Poison gas? I'm more inclined to believe that Britannia has finally begun to stoop as low as kidnapping people! The boy looks like he's ten, for crying out loud!" Lelouch said to Suzaku Kururugi.

Before the Honorary Britannian could answer, several floodlights shined on them as a voice said, "Stinking monkey. Being an Honorary Britannian is no excuse!"

Suzaku turned toward the source of the voice and saw several members of Clovis la Britannia's Royal Guard and their commander, who then continued, "However, in light of your military performance so far, I will be lenient. Private Kururugi, take this and execute the terrorist!"

Before Suzaku had the time to respond or even react, the driver's cab of the truck exploded as two unidentified people in combat fatigues appeared and one of them grabbed the boy before running into a tunnel while Lelouch helped the other one carry the girl into the same tunnel as the ground above caved in.

A few minutes later down the tunnel, the unidentified person and Lelouch had set down the girl and were watching the royal guards shoot a crowd of civilians that were using the warehouse that the tunnel exited into as a hiding place from the slaughter going on outside. As they began to leave, Lelouch was grateful that he had lost his phone earlier. There was no doubt that it was destroyed since it fell out of his pocket while he was carrying the girl with the help of the unidentified person. While it did mean that he would have to get a new one later, it also prevented 'someone' from trying to call him at the worst possible time.

At Ashford Academy, that specific someone, Shirley Fenette, sighed in frustration as the call went to voice-mail for the thirteenth time. Unknown to her, the Royal Guard had decided to check the warehouse again and were completely massacred by the unidentified person who was with Lelouch, the other unidentified person, and Rolo before the guards could find Lelouch. All three of them had strange rifles that were able to penetrate walls. After killing the Royal Guards, the unidentified person with Rolo came into the warehouse with the blond-haired boy and set him down before introducing himself as Mortar. The unidentified person with Lelouch then introduced himself as Freeze. The blond boy then awoke and asked where he was and Lelouch simply said, "In the Shinjuku Ghetto. You'll need to keep a low profile as the military will no doubt be searching for you. The name's Lelouch Lamperouge."

"I am V.V. and before you ask, the girl is named C.C. Good luck, Lelouch Lamperouge." V.V. said before leaving with Rolo, Freeze, and Mortar.

At Tokyo Tower on Thursday, Kallen was busy talking with someone dressed in a business suit while Ohgi, Sugiyama, Inoue, and Tamaki were keeping an eye on her from a distance. It was a good six minutes until the PA system announced that an item belonging to Kallen had been turned in at the kiosk on the Observation Deck.

'It seems that the voice had decided to be careful. The belonging might be a clue as to where we will meet for real.' Ohgi thought to himself as his group followed Kallen to the kiosk. Unsurprisingly they gave her a phone and she then noticed a call incoming after heading onto the deck.

"Hello?" Kallen asked into the phone.

"I want you to board the outbound train on line four and bring your friends. Zero out." the voice on the other end answered before the call ended.

After putting the phone away, Kallen noticed Ohgi and said to him that the mysterious voice was someone named Zero. A few minutes later on the train, Kallen noticed that it was empty before receiving another call from Zero. He said, "Look to the right after facing forward. Tell me what you see."

Kallen answered, "I see the Britannian city, a place built upon the backs of our oppressed people and nest of corruption."

"And on the left?"

"I see the Japanese city, a ruin of its former self after Britannia sucked it dry."

"Good answer, now make your way to the front of the train. We shall meet there." Zero said before ending the call. To their surprise, they noticed that a man wearing a cape and helmet-like mask was facing them and then he said, "So what do you all think? Do you fully realize the difference between the settlement and the ghetto?"

"Not too much, but we know enough about the difference to resist them. Honestly it doesn't even bother the Britannians, but we don't have the manpower to become an actual threat."

"You're absolutely right, Britannia will not fall to terrorism! We must know our enemy. It's not their people, but Britannia itself! It is the nobility, the aristocracy, and the Imperial Family itself that is our foe. Take up your swords and fight for great justice! As for my name, I am Zero."

"That's easy for you to say, now lose the mask and we might take up your offer, Zero!" Tamaki shouted.

"Very well, but instead of my face, how about I show you my power? On Saturday, the Purists will be transporting your cell's founder Naoto Kozuki to his execution. If I can save him, then I will earned your trust. If you want to help me, that's fine. If not, I'll improvise. Regardless, I will rescue Naoto." Zero stated.

It took only a few moments for Kallen and Ohgi to think about what Zero said and they answered, "We will help you, Zero." Tamaki had also agreed, which was something that nobody expected.

It was now around 22:15 on Saturday. The convoy was being led by Kewell Soresi and on its way to the stadium when it received a message that Clovis's transport was on its way. Noticing that it was a fake, Kewell stopped the convoy and shouted, "You dare desecrate his highness's transport!? Come out here at once!" The flag on the front burned away and revealed a figure in a mask and cape.

"People of Britannia, I am Zero!" the figure declared.

"Alright Zero, I've seen enough!" Kewell shouted as he fired his gun towards the sky and four Sutherlands dropped from above and surrounded the fake transport before Kewell demanded that Zero remove his mask. Zero raised a hand as if to comply, but then snapped his fingers and then a capsule similar to what C.C. was stored inside of was revealed.

"What in the. . .!" Kewell said in disbelief.

"Shit, he's taken every Britannian here hostage!" Jeremiah shouted from inside a fifth Sutherland that was protecting the Britannians.

"Correct, you assume that this is poison gas. I propose a deal, this container in exchange for Naoto Kozuki." Zero stated.

"Impossible! Naoto ordered the Prince's death!" Kewell shouted.

"No, the person who wounded Prince Clovis. . . WAS MYSELF!"

At that, Kewell lost his temper and shouted, "You'll pay for mocking the crown and desecrating the Third Prince's transport!"

As the four Sutherlands prepared to shoot, Zero stated, "Careful now, you don't want the public to learn of Project Orange, do you? If I die, it will all go public." At that, Jeremiah opened his Sutherland and looked outside, surprised to hear that Zero knew about Project Orange. He saw Zero's transport approach the platform that Naoto was being transported on before the masked man said, "If you don't want that to happen," Zero said before Lelouch's Geass activated, "You'll do everything within your power to let us leave with Naoto Kozuki." Kewell resisted for a small amount of time, but he ultimately faltered and released Naoto to Zero. It was then that Ohgi, who was piloting a civilian Knightmare, spoke, "Zero, it's time to go."

"Very well, until next time!" Zero shouted as he grabbed Naoto and went inside the fake transport and two minutes passed before a motorbike emerged from it, Naoto riding in tandem behind Zero as the masked man made his escape while Kallen got into Ohgi's Knightmare and the two of them went elsewhere.

A/N: You are probably wondering if this will get another chapter... the answer is not anytime soon. This story is on ice until further notice.