So, like I promised, here's the first chapter in Anon's story...from his creation to his re-rezzing. I hope you enjoy it!

Chapter 1

It Comes First

August 3, 1985

Tron watched the bridge from his favorite vantage spot. Flynn warned him that something might happen today that would harm a new Program that was rezzing in.

A Monitor.

"I wrote a new Program today, Tron," Flynn had said, "He'll be here soon…who knows, maybe he'll be here before me!"

Flynn had already arrived…the new Program however…

Tron was still waiting.

Suddenly, he saw a Recognizer and three lightcycles shoot past his hiding spot.

"Well…that can't be good," he murmured to himself, starting forwards.

He kept his circuits dimmed, so much that he looked nothing more than a fleeting shadow on the street…until he pulled out his Disk and activated it.

Tron hurled the Disk into the middle of the group of cyclists, watching as one blew up and flipped past him as he caught his Disk. He came up beside another.

[Stop/Desist] he pinged but the Program growled at him, shooting forwards.

"Alright," Tron thought darkly, "No more playing nice,"

He shot forwards, dodging blasts shot at him by the Recognizer. The lightcycle in front of him suddenly cut him off with its lightwall and Tron derezzed his lightcycle back into baton form, leaping upwards and running across one of the supports of the bridge as the Recognizer exploded behind him from its crash. As soon as he ran out of wall, Tron pushed off, breaking the baton and settling back onto his lightcycle with one smooth move.

He saw the clouds above him roiling while lightning flashed and flared inside them.

The new Program was coming! Oh Users…he hoped he wasn't too late!

He quickly derezzed his lightcycle and charged forwards, coming to a stop right as the rogues looked at him through their blank masks. Tron's Disk lit up in challenge and the rogues obliged, flinging their Disks at him. The Disks flashed through the air, blue, orange, red, white, carving heated gashes through the cool Grid air. Tron leaped over the abyss separating them all and flung his Disk once again, right as a beam of brilliant white light slammed into the ground, forming a tall, lean, skeleton that quickly started to rezz over with black and blue pixels.

He finished the last rogue guard right as the brilliant light died and the new Program stood upright.

"Greetings Program," he called, "Welcome to the Grid!"

The newly rezzed Program took out his Disk and Tron tensed, settling into a fighting stance. He dove out of the way as the new Program's Disk sailed towards him. He rolled to his feet, getting ready to fight…when he heard an explosion and the sound of voxels hitting the ground. He turned around just to see another rogue guard crumbling into cubes.

"You missed one," the newcomer shrugged, catching his Disk and putting it back on his back.

"I'll have to thank you for that," Tron nodded.

The new Monitor derezzed his helmet, revealing a face that looked somewhat identical to Flynn's and Clu's.

"Sorry for the rude welcome," Tron apologized as the newcomer looked around at his surroundings, "It's been…difficult here,"

"To ah…put it mildly," the new Monitor deadpanned, looking at the glittering remains of the rogues.

Tron gave a small half-smile, "I'm Tron and if Flynn's got you working with me…I need to know your name, Program,"

"Name?" the newly rezzed Monitor asked, cocking his head, "What's a name?"

"Your Designation," Tron corrected.

"Oh…um…" the Program stammered before giving a soft grunt of pain and pitching forwards.

Tron grabbed the young Monitor and gently lowered him to the ground. The new Monitor held his head and shook it weakly.

"Agh, Users, I wish the world would stop spinning," he groaned.

"Anon!" Flynn's voice yelled, making Tron and the new Program both look up, "You made it!"

He came to the new Monitor and put a hand on his shoulder, smiling with pride and slight concern.

"You ok, buddy?" he asked gently as he helped the new Monitor, Anon, to his feet, pouring energy into his system to keep him upright.

"The Disk…" Anon admitted, "Takes a lot out of me it seems,"

"You used Jordan's little surprise already?" Flynn asked, blinking, "Wow…it's a good thing I sent Tron to meet you,"

"I would have been derezzed if he hadn't," Anon admitted, bowing his head in reverence for his User, "And I believe it would be vice versa as well!"

"I can hear Jordan now," Flynn deadpanned, "It's going to be 'I told you sos' all night "

"What for?" Tron asked, "She seemed nice to me,"

"Oh, you didn't hear her when I wrote this poor guy," Flynn sighed, "'You're sending that little guy in there alone!? Without anything to help him! Give me that disk Kevin Flynn, or you're sleeping on the floor! I'm not going to let this one turn into little bits of code the moment he sets foot on the Grid!' I'm starting to think letting her come with me was a bad idea…"

"So…this is the new Monitor you've brought here?" a voice nearly identical to Flynn's asked, albeit with a more synthesized and staticky undertone.

"I take it you're one of his Programs too?" Anon asked, looking at Clu.

"Right, right, I have to introduce you two," Flynn nodded, "Anon, this is my System Administrator and your brother, Clu. Clu, this is your brother and my System Monitor, Anon. Anon will be training with Tron while also learning to protect the system and you and me,"

"I don't need protection!" Clu protested.

"Oh…clearly," Tron growled, "So those energy hogs didn't almost derezz you because you wandered into their sector by mistake?"

"That was once…" Clu snapped.

"Clu," Flynn chastised, "If you're going to put a security detail on me…then I get to do the same for you. Clear?"

"…Crystal," Clu grumbled.

"Ah don't worry about it, brother," Anon said, "We've got Tron…and more than likely you won't need me to protect…"

Anon stopped, cocking his head to the side and listening to something that Clu and Flynn couldn't hear.

Tron gave a slight smile as he too listened.

"Welcome home, my Warrior,"a warm female voice whispered, "It is good that you are here,"

And then the voice fell silent.

"What. Was. That?" Anon asked.

"That was the Grid saying hello," Tron told him, "Something only you and I can hear. She'll warn us when something is wrong, let us know where the trouble is…even give us some inside stories,"

"So that explains the image of my brother getting chased by a few Gridbugs," Anon nodded, earning an indignant yell from Clu, "What else?"

"They're speaking Monitorese," Flynn deadpanned, "Clu…why don't we go and check out that one unstable sector while Tron takes Anon and trains him…show him around…"

"I'll be happy to," Tron nodded, "I finally get to train a Monitor, should be interesting,"

The older Monitor took out a baton and tossed it to Anon.

"Here," he said, "Break it and it'll form a lightcycle beneath you. Driving's pretty much instinctive, so follow me,"

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"This city is amazing," Anon said with a faint smile behind his helmet.

Tron had instructed him to put it on once they got into city limits, simply because a lot of Programs would assume that he was either Clu or Flynn. The elder Monitor reached over and gently nudged Anon's shoulder.

"Follow me," he ordered.

Anon obediently followed his mentor and the two zipped through the streets and into an alley where Anon derezzed his helmet.

"So what's Clu's problem?" Anon asked, derezzing his helmet as his bike turned back into a baton.

"Clu doesn't like the fact that Flynn made another Program in his image," Tron explained, "He takes pride that he's 'special' and doesn't like that there's more than three 'special' Basics on the Grid,"

"Three?" Anon asked.

"Me, my counterpart, and Clu," Tron clarified, "Clu was created by Flynn on the Grid via data transference, taking a piece of Flynn's…I think he referred to it as a 'soul', whatever that is…and putting it in himself, linking him and Flynn until the day they both die,"

"And you and your counterpart?"

"I'm the Grid's oldest Program, my counterpart and I were transferred here by Flynn," Tron explained, "But you…you're different than any Program here. You're more like a Child Basic or a Child ISO…She told you about the ISOs, right?"

Anon nodded.

"They're Her children," he stated, "And Child Programs have both a mother and a father Program,"

"Exactly," Tron nodded, "Anyway, you're like them in the way that you have two Users that worked on you. Flynn himself and his wife, Jordan. Jordan has been to the Grid a few times before, and she's had a hand in creating many of the cities here. She's stayed mostly in the User World mainly because of Flynn's son, Sam. You're a lot more like Sam than you know, Anon…because you, like Sam, share the same 'parents',"

"And that's a good thing?" Anon asked.

"In my viewpoint, yes," Tron said, "Because you have Jordan's patience and Flynn's persistence. You know how to get things done directly…I think Clu prefers to sneak around to get what he wants…something I think we need to watch,"

"I can agree on that," Anon growled softly, making Tron gave a wry grin.

"What, you don't like your brother?" he teased.

"I'll do what Flynn asks…but I don't trust Clu…at least not yet," Anon muttered.

"I think, young Monitor…that that is most wise," Tron murmured before clapping his apprentice on the shoulder, "Come on…there's a few Programs I want you to meet. There's a lot to see before I have to bring you back to Flynn so he can talk to you before he leaves,"

"Sounds like a plan," Anon nodded, "Let's go!"

Next, I'm thinking maybe having Anon meet Jordan for the first time. And then having him meet a certain ISO...

I hope you guys liked it, if you did send in the reviews! (Along with ideas because I will need them eventually!) :)

Qui vállë tóquetë, ván tecë (If no review comes from y'all; no story comes from me)

Máriessë ar mára tecië

Farewell and fair writing

Elhini Prime signing off.